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Each day we are faced with decisions. Some are intellectual, analytical, and some are moral in nature.

How do we know what is right and wrong outside of the law. What I mean by that is how do we know, what is morally correct if it is not an issue of legalism or law. Is it wrong to ignore someones plea for help when he or she is in trouble? Should we go to the aid of someone that we do not know when that person is being attacked? Can we justify a particular action? These and similar questions deal with the topic of morality, namely the standard of right and wrong or acceptability.

What is the conscience? The Tyndale Bible Dictionary defines the conscience as follows. 1. 2. Self-awareness of an act being in harmony with ones moral standards Inner witness of spiritual and moral truth

Of importance to note here is that the conscience is not considered an absolute determinant of right and wrong , this is primarily because of the sin nature that corrupts all aspects of our being. The conscience should also not be considered to be the voice of God. In this regard I think I should bring up Thomas Aquinas thoughts on the conscience. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most influential Catholic philosophers and theologians from the 13th century. Thomas Aquinas is also the foremost proponent of natural theology, which is a theology where the knowledge of God is accessible to all humans without a need for special facilities. Thomas Aquinas taught that the conscience is our God given faculty to reason. The act of reasoning would lead us to the good decision. This reason comes from God however. We have an inner awareness of right and wrong, which comes from God.

The conscience may prompt different actions in different people for the same situation depending on their beliefs. This suggests that the operation of the conscience is learned or implanted by our culture. Therefore our beliefs have a significant effect on the operation of the conscience. The conscience is often depicted as an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. However, these really only represent the struggle that we face each day as we decide to d good or bad. However, these really only represent the struggle that goes on inside of us. The conscience is therefore within the person and we see another force compelling us to follow the conscience and another force compelling us not to violate our moral code. Human conscience is widely acknowledged to encourage one to do right. There is much discussion as to the origin and role of the conscience. On the other hand Morality deals with that which is considered or regarded as right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable. There are three contexts of morality. 1. 2. 3. Individual morality Systems of principles and judgments shared within a culture, religious, secular, humanist or philosophical community. Codes of behavior or conduct derived from the moral code

Our moral values are highly influenced by the culture that we belong to. We tend to conform to the general moral code of our communities.

Those who act outside of accepted moral activities are considered degenerate Those who act in accordance with accepted morals are considered to be morally sound in that community.

The capacity for morality in a human being is considered to be innate. That means that all humans have an intrinsic capability to hold a moral code. However, the actual moral code or moral values that we have are developed through teaching, community influence, parents, culture, and religious beliefs. Some even suggest that a community cannot survive if it does not have a single standard moral code. Moral values are enforced by peer pressure, conscience, disapproval, shunning, and sometimes by the law. Where does our moral code come from? Where do we get a sense of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable? We said previously that the moral code is developed by our community for the most part. Here we see the importance of several things. 1. Parents control of the childrens environment as much as possible. The parent has some control over the community that their children participate in. A parent can for example influence what type of people their children hang out with or where the children go for leisure. Some parents keep the children busy in specific environments so that they are not exposed to the environments that would be detrimental to good moral values. 2. Our control of our environment. An adult has more control of his or her environment. For example, an adult can decide not to go to certain types of clubs or participate in certain types of activities. An adult has more control over what people he or she communes with. If moral values are developed through our communities ,we could be part of several communities then it would stand to reason that controlling the influence of those communities or controlling access to certain communities and hindering access to others is very important in developing good moral values We could generally say that the conscience is that faculty that judges between right and wrong. It makes a distinction between a good act or a bad act and it depends on the moral values to make that distinction. Note that the conscience does not determine what is right or wrong. It makes us aware of the right or the wrong. The right and wrong is determined by our moral values, which is interconnected to conscience. The conscience alerts us as to whether an action is right or wrong. This is important because laws cannot do this since there will always be a situation that is not directly dealt with in law. Therefore, we need something else that would guide us to what is right or wrong in any given situation. This discerning agent is the conscience. However, as I said previously, the conscience doesnt define what is right and wrong. What we consider right and wrong is located in our moral values.

But my story has a morality Lifes Morality is but simple to enjoy it without living so fast I was always that of a poor boy To relish the good and accept the bad For my parents made me so and to grow old but fondly remember the past I have lived a life of existence That is fruitless, dry and hollow. Let me tell you a short story In a poem thats a little about me I have looked into my sad abyss I am not to be any wise man And saw a dark and lonely soul

I cry to god, but why, you should have taken me when I was out of control.

Youre young you will be depress But this is what life is all about It constantly puts you to the test

I have been to places I regret You must be bold and accept it I wish that no one to be there You have to see it as Life Where violence and hated breeds I admit I was with anger and with fear. But you must also respect it Or it will hurt you deep like a knife. I lived a life of the social wild Of booze, women and other pleasures So listen to this old fool again I was reckless, stupid and carefree Dont live a life such as I Now I see they were worthless treasures. You have the years still ahead So you dont have to ask god, Why. Now the years had slowly went by I am as old as I am grey For what I tell you is true A regretful past I had This is lifes morality The memory of it lives everyday Be honest to yourself and everyone Cause its important to know your boundary. So listen to me now young one Listen to this stupid old fool Yes this is lifes morality Never take a chance on your soul Understand it for what its worth Let no one use you as a tool Give life your best aim as long as you exist on earth. Life experiences can make you sad

Lifes morality

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