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bv study conducted the U of M and Mental Health Association Mental HealthIndependent to April2010: This studywasdonein regards the MentalHealthCarewithin

of MI. released on-linecurrently. It is 102 MichiganDepartment Corrections.Thereportis not available of pages recommendations whatthey of long in its entirety. We havepulledout the mostpertinent with you. If you wantthe reportin its entiretyplease foundneeds be fixed to share to e-mailme for it andI will sendit as soonaspossible.We wantto be certain recommendations that these areput in placeasquicklyaspossible.TAXPAYER COST FOR THIS STUDY: $400,000.00 REPORT TO THE LEGISLATURE Pursuantto P.A. ll4 of 2009,Section 302 Mental Health Independent Study
Recommendation 1: All state prisoners with a known history or current existenceof major behavioral disordersshould be housed in separatefacilities that do not include any other types of inmates. Recommendation2: Until and unless the statewas to undertakethe recommendationabove. behavioral health servicesshould be completely managedand operatedby one entity. Recommendation 3: Until and unless the state was to undertakeeither of the recommendationsabove, DOC and DCH should take stepsto fully integrate correctional mental health and substance abuseservices. Recommendation 4: All DOC and DCH documentsrelated to mental health should be cleanedup for dated referencesand changesin law; consistencyof definitions and timetables; elimination of contradictions. Recommendation 7: Individual facility operating proceduresmust be regularly checked by DOC for consistency with staterequirements;individual facility proceduresmust statehow the proceduresvary from statewide material. Recommendation 9: DOC should recruit, maintain and have written roles and responsibilities for a departmental position of Chief Psychiatrist, as well as a psychiatric advisory committee of the Chief Psychiatrist's choosing. Recommendation 12: DOC's medicationformulary documentshouldbe revisedso that it: -Assures accessto medications for attention deficit, post-faumatic stress,and substanceabuse/dependence; o'criteriaof choice" the elementsof Community Viability and Abuse Potential; -Includes among its -Corrects the misstatementthat "preferred" and "non-preferred" products will be "therapeutically equivalent"; -Allows someonewith a history of clinical benefit from a medication to remain on or resumeuse of that product. Recommendation 13: Better clarity is neededregarding proceduresfor a prescriber to requesta medication that requires some manner of administrative approval, and the appealprocessshould be simplified. Recommendation 14: DOC and DCH need to describe in operating procedurewhat the departmentswill do to enablepsychotropic medication continuity for personson such medication at the time they leave the prison system. Recommendation 15: All prisoners with mental illness who are not in DCH's Corrections Mental Health Program should have accessto psychiatric medication as clinically warranted. Recommendation 17: DOC and DCH policy directives and procedwes must be revised to comply with an October 2008 legislative directive against administrative and punitive segregationof prisoners with mental illness. Recommendation 19: "Temporary Segregation"should not be used with prisonersknown to have serious mental illness. If the practice is continued, the maximum amormt of time allowed in such segregationmust be shortened. Recommendation 20: DOC and DCH must dramatically expandpolicy directives and operating proceduresrelated to adolescentinmates, as current documentssay extremely little about considerationsfor this population. Recommendation 2l: It is critical that the legislative and executive branchesmaximize the prospects for initiation or reestablishmentof Medicaid coverageas quickly as possible for prisonersreturning to community life. Recommend ation 22: DOC must document how it will deal with selftnutilation: how and under what circumstances a referral involving such behavior would be made from DOC to the Corrections Mental Health Program.

23: Recommendation ThePsychological Services needs Unit expansion criticalareas in suchasbehavioral crisisintervention; treatment mental illness, of screening; substance abuse, response prisoner and to self-mutilation. procedure "Managing Recommendation DOC'soperating 25: on Disruptive Prisoners" needs incorporate to the 7 procedures protections noninpatient MentalHealthCodeChapter restraint and prisoners for with mentalillness. 262 Recommendation TheDirector theState of Officeof Recipient RightswithinDCH should assure investigation rightscomplaints by or prisoners theCorrections filed anddetermination all recipient of in MentalHealthProgram. "observation Recommend ation 27:Theuseof non-therapeutic rooms"for evaluating suicide should ended. risk be of Recommend ation 292Thedefinition "suicidal behavioC' correctional in mental health documents should be ideation, solely decision kill onesel{," yield suicide that suicidal not "a revised reflect to to can attempts. procedures protocols whenandunder 30: Recommendation Operating should establish for whatcircumstances a a in records uponentryto theDOC system diagnosis accompaniedprisoner his/her that maybe changed. procedure substance 3l: Recommendation Operating on abuse should revised morecontent treatment, be for on of Placement morespecificity inclusion thePatient and Criteria the American of Society Addiction of Medicine. 33: procedures reentry youthprisoners behavioral be operating Recommendation Thereshould parallel for of with problems existfor adultoffenders with substance and abuse as conditions offenders with mental illness. procedure 34: MPRI 4.6.180-A Recommendation DCH operating should revised require involvement be to the of professionals initialparole in decisions underthe"D47" designation MPRI mental mentalhealth for paroles. health procedure 37: Recommendation DCH operating MPRI 4.6.180-D should revised thata second (psychiatric) be so treatment recommendation a discharging for prisoner automatically certification an involuntary on is supplied 39: havea poticydirective training all staff(including not limitedto Recommendation DOC should on of but medical) behavioral problems issues. and in health custody, contractual non-behavioral and 40: have writtenpolicyor operating procedure Recommendation DOC andDCH should enhancing abilityof the personnel access prisoner medical to health records behavioral non-behavioral and from either domain warranted. as 41: Recommendation TheMichiganAuditorGeneral should asked reviewandcritique be to DOC'spractice of to theircompliance correctional with policies procedures. allowingits facilities self-audit and

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