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Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.

1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes

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Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes

This document includes the following topics:

About IT Analytics What's new in IT Analytics 7.1 SP2 General installation and upgrade information System requirements Known issues Fixed issues Other things to know Documentation that is installed Other information

About IT Analytics
IT Analytics Solution software complements and expands upon the reporting that is offered in many Symantec solutions. It brings multi-dimensional analysis and robust graphical reporting features to Symantec Management Platform. This functionality allows users to explore data on their own, without advanced knowledge of databases or third-party reporting tools. It empowers users to ask and answer their own questions quickly and easily.

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes What's new in IT Analytics 7.1 SP2

This product is part of the following suites:

Altiris Client Management Suite from Symantec Altiris Server Management Suite from Symantec Altiris IT Management Suite from Symantec

What's new in IT Analytics 7.1 SP2

In the 7.1 SP2 release of IT Analytics, the following new features are introduced. Table 1-1 Feature
Display resource list

New features Description

This feature lets users right-click a cell that contains a valid measure cell and open the Resource List window. This window displays all of the resources that can be derived from this cell. In this window, users can select one or more resources and launch any Item Action that is valid to those resources. This feature lets users select cubes to exclude from external CMDBs cube processing to avoid duplication of data or for other purposes. For example, the user may have multiple client-facing Symantec Management Platform servers. In addition, the user may have a top tier Symantec Management Platform that serves as an Asset Management Server. The user can prevent data duplication by excluding the Asset Management Server from processing the Inventory cube, Patch Management cube, etc.

Cube exclusion

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes General installation and upgrade information

Table 1-1 Feature

New features (continued) Description

IT Analytics supports the following languages, which Symantec Management Platform console also supports:

Localization support

English French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese (Brazil) Russian Simplified Chinese Spanish Traditional Chinese

Improved prerequisite checking

This enhancement adds Installation Readiness checks to the installation process. The checks ensure that all of the components that are necessary to properly configure IT Analytics are installed on the Symantec Management Platform server. This enhancement automatically configures the Analysis and Reporting Services settings when SQL Analysis and Reporting Services are detected on the server during installation. In addition, any cubes and reports that can be installed are automatically installed.

Improved the automatic configuration and installation process

General installation and upgrade information

You install this product by using the Symantec Installation Manager. You can download the installation files directly to your server or you can create offline installation packages. For more information, see the Installing IT Management Suite chapter in the IT Management Suite 7.1 SP2 Planning and Implementation Guide at the following URL: See the product's documentation for information on how to configure and use it. To upgrade IT Analytics Solution and associated packs, you use Symantec Installation Manager.

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes General installation and upgrade information

Note: Upgrading from an existing IT Analytics installation uninstalls all of the existing cubes and reports. If you customized any cubes, it is recommended that you back up the IT Analytics Analysis Services and Symantec CMDB databases. Additionally, if you modified any out-of-the-box IT Analytics reports, it is recommended that you back up those reports. To back up those reports, save them from within SQL Reporting Services Report Manager console. Backing up the databases and reports lets you recover any cube customization and report modifications, if required. To perform an upgrade from version 7.1 or later, in the Symantec Installation Manager click Install New Products, and then choose to install this product. Do not use the Install Product Updates page to upgrade. Symantec recommends that you upgrade all of the installed products to the latest version. The easiest way to achieve this is to choose to install a suite. If you use hierarchy, you must disable hierarchy replication and upgrade all products to the latest version on each of the Notification Server computers. For additional information about upgrading, see the Upgrading to IT Management Suite 7.1 SP2 - Best Practices article at the following URL: After you upgrade the product, you must upgrade the Symantec Management Agent and the plug-ins that are installed on the managed computers. Symantec recommends that you do the following:

In the Symantec Management Console, click Actions > Agents/Plug-ins > Rollout Agents/Plug-ins. Then, in the left pane, under Symantec Management Agent, locate and turn on the upgrade policies for the Symantec Management Agent. In the Symantec Management Console, click Settings > All Settings. In the left pane, expand Notification Server > Site Server Settings, and then locate and turn on the upgrade policies for various site server plug-ins. In the Symantec Management Console, click Actions > Agents/Plug-ins > Rollout Agents/Plug-ins. Then, in the left pane, locate and turn on the upgrade policies for various plug-ins.

Symantec recommends that you configure a schedule for these policies; the default Run once ASAP option may not trigger the policy if this is not the first time you perform an upgrade. Also, to speed up the upgrade process, consider temporarily changing the Download new configuration every setting on the Targeted Agent Settings page to a lower value.

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes System requirements

For detailed instructions on migrating from 6.x and 7.0 to 7.1 SP2, see the following documentation resources:

IT Management Suite Migration Guide version 6.x to 7.1 SP2 at the following URL: IT Management Suite Migration Guide version 7.0 to 7.1 SP2 at the following URL:

System requirements
IT Analytics Solution requires the following:

Symantec Management Platform 7.1 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2, 2008 SP2, or 2008 R2 Analysis Services (for IT Analytics Cube database) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2, 2008 SP2, or 2008 R2 Reporting Services (for IT Analytics Reports) ADOMD.NET 9.0 Microsoft Office Web Components 11 (2003) Microsoft Report Viewer 2008 SP1

In addition, IT Analytics for Symantec Endpoint Protection requires the following:

The Symantec Endpoint Protection database (SEM5) must be a SQL Server database. The embedded database is not supported.

Known issues
The following are known issues for this release. If additional information about an issue is available, the issue has a corresponding Article link. For the most up-to-date information, latest workarounds, and other technical support information about this solution, see the Technical Support knowledge base.

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes Fixed issues

Table 1-2 Issue

After you upgrade to IT Analytics 7.1 SP2, you cannot access IT Analytics reports, but access to cubes works as expected

Known issues Description Article link

If Symantec Management Platform TECH175120 and SQL Analysis/Reporting Services are hosted on separate systems, take one of the following actions: Configure Kerberos. Kerberos lets a user's credentials be passed across multiple systems. Configure IT Analytics. Configure IT Analytics to use Stored Credentials when accessing IT Analytics reports.

Fixed issues
No fixed issues exist for this release at this time.

Other things to know

The following are things to know about this release. If additional information about an issue is available, the issue has a corresponding Article link. Table 1-3 Issue
Duplication of data in Client Server Management Pack cubes

Other things to know Description Article link

If you use IT Analytics to process data HOWTO60946 from a parent CMDB and child CMDB, you need to configure Cube Inclusions.

Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes Documentation that is installed

Documentation that is installed

Table 1-4 Document

Documentation that is included in the product installation Location


Information about how to use The Documentation Library, which is available in the Symantec this product. Management Console on the Help menu. Help is available at the Context-sensitive help is available for most screens in the Symantec solution level and at the suite Management Console. To open context-sensitive help, click inside the level. window, pane, dialog box, or other screen element about which you want more information, and then do one of the following: This information is available in HTML help format. Press the F1 key.

In the Symantec Management Console, click Help > Context.

In the Symantec Help Center window, type your search string to search within the installed documentation. To expand your search to the Symantec Knowledge Base, check Include online search. For more information on how to use the Symantec Help Center, click the Home symbol. User Guide Information about how to use The Documentation Library, which is available in the Symantec this product. Management Console on the Help menu. The Documentation Library provides a link to the PDF User Guide This information is available on the Symantec support Web site. in PDF format. The Supported Products A-Z page, which is available at the following URL: business/support/index?page=products Open your product's support page, and then under CommonTopics, click Documentation.

Other information
Table 1-5 Document
ITMS 7.1 SP2 Planning and Implementation Guide

Information resources that you can use to get more information Location


Information about capacity recommendations, design models, scenarios, test results, and optimization best practices to consider when planning or customizing ITMS.


Altiris IT Analytics Solution 7.1 SP2 from Symantec Release Notes Other information

Table 1-5

Information resources that you can use to get more information (continued) Location
Symantec Management Platform Documentation page Symantec Management Platform Documentation page

Symantec Management Platform User Guide Symantec Management Platform Release Notes

Information about using the Symantec Management Platform. Information about new features and important issues in the Symantec Management Platform. Information about using Symantec Installation Manager to install the Symantec Management Platform products. Articles, incidents, and issues about this product. An online magazine that contains best practices, tips, tricks, and articles for users of this product.

Symantec Management Platform Installation Guide

Knowledge base

SymWISE support page

Symantec Connect

Symantec Connect page

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