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Abstract This term paper focuses on the overall activities of Daffodil International Univ ersity.

The objectives of this study are - gaining practical knowledge, earning good grade and gathering experiences for future. Information is collected from p rimary and secondary sources. This term paper is not perfect for some of our lim itations like, time shortage, lack of information and some unavoidable condition s. Daffodil International University maintains a good organizing system. It trie d to make its organizing perfect by maintaining six element of organizing. It ap plies different job designing. It departmentalization follows several approaches . It maintains unity of control and scalar principle has a tall span of manageme nt, has a very good delegation process. Letter of Transmittal 25th October, 2011 Gouranga Chandra Debnath Lecturer Department of Business Administration Daffodil International University Subject: Submission of the report. Dear Sir, Here is our group assignment for international business Course on analysis of Por ters Diamond Model . We have incorporated the most complete and important informa tion available. We truly appreciate this assignment as it helps us to understand the different of business. We sincerely hope that you will appreciate our report. We will also be glad to c larify any discrepancy that may arise. Thank You Sincerely Name Id no. Md.Farhad Sarker Acknowledgement All praise to Almighty Allah. Firstly we would like to thank almighty Allah for help us all the way and after that we like to thank our parents for their love, care and support which was always our strength. We also like to thanks some more people who make our way easy for make this term paper. We are really thankful to our honorable teacher Gouranga Chandra Debnath who has given us the opportunity to do this term paper on organizing. Then we would like to thank all of our friends who helped us to complete our ter m paper. Lastly, we would like to thank Daffodil International University (DIU) for offer ing us such a course that assigns us such research paper; those enlighten us wit h the knowledge which will be very helpful for us in near future. Declaration This is informing that the research Porters Diamond Model has been prepared in partial fulfillment of the course International business. It has been prepared for academic purposes only. This is not copied from any book, journal, newspaper and websites. We have collected information by visiting Daffodil International University.


No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 09 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13.

Table of content Contents Page No Objectives of the report Methodology 06 Limitation 07 Scope of this Report 07 Introduction 08 Porters Diamond Model


Evaluation Porters theory for Daffodil International University 11 Factor endowment: 11 Demand endowment 12 Firm strategy, Structure and Rivalry 12 Threat of new entrants 14 Recommendation 14 Reference 14

Objective of the Report There are some objectives of this report: To gain practical knowledge To submit this term paper To know about organizing of Daffodil International University To get exemplary grade. To gather experiences for future. Methodology The term papers information has been collected from both primary sources and seco ndary sources. We take interviews of employees of Daffodil International University as our prim ary sources We collect our information from magazine, book, newspaper and websites as our se condary sources.

Limitation of the Study Despite of our effort to the highest level, we had some limitation in study of t he report. They areLack of information Limitation of time. Unavoidable condition. Scope of this Report This report will provide information about Daffodil International University. An d it will help to know about the threat of doing new business. This report will

also help to know about strength and weakness point of organization of Daffodil International University in details. And there has some suggestion about those w eak points which can recover these weaknesses. This report will also help to kno w about the opportunities and threats of organizing of Daffodil International Un iversity. At last it can says that, this report will provide full view of organi zing system of Daffodil International University

Introduction Daffodil International University (DIU) is recognized in independent government assessments as one of top graded universities in Bangladesh. The university has been founded by Daffodil Group with the approval of the Ministry of Education un der the Private University Act of 1992 and its amendment in 1998 and Daffodil In ternational University came into being on 24th January 2002, the University toda y combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and r esearch with its proud heritage of service and achievement. To be among the very best in Bangladesh which is the most challenging goal, has been set for the university. This has done so because it is only through working we can achieve the very highest level of standards in curriculum, teaching, fac ulties and other activities that can realize the full potential of the academic community that is Daffodil International University. The vision reflects the ser vice to the society. The mission is to pursue research, learning and teaching of international distinction for the benefit of the nation. Features of the setup vision and mission are striving for excellence, integrity and innovation in every aspect of activity; a strong collaborative approach; ope n and effective communications and an inclusive culture based on dignity, courte sy and respect. Daffodil International University s mission is defined by its IT-based tradition s of service and access. The University is serving the citizens of the country t hrough its instructions, research, and outreach programs and preparing Banglades h to respond successfully to the challenges of global economy. The University ha s proved that it provides students broad access to the institution s educational resources. (Possible suggestion: For educational programs in campus and beyond, the university is giving high priority on the use of new and outreach technolog ies available in the emerging information era.) The University has paid the highest priority to resource allocation to graduate and post graduate education and for future development of those areas that repre sent the traditional strengths, quality, reputation, and uniqueness of the insti tution which continue to effectively respond to the needs of students and other constituents. Consistent with this commitment, the university is emphasizing on high quality education including a comprehensive general education that imparts the broad knowledge, skills, and values which are essential to educate and make citizens responsible as well as to ensure specialized career preparation for stu dents. In establishing the primacy of education which is the institutional missi on, the University is assuring the escalating strength of its faculty with the r ealization that the quality of instruction is directly related to the quality of the University s faculty and the commitment of the faculty to ensure excellence in education.

Porters Diamond Model

A. The Diamond as a System The points on the diamond constitute a system and are self-reinforcing. Domestic rivalry for final goods stimulates the emergence of an industry that pr ovides specialized intermediate goods. Keen domestic competition leads to more s ophisticated consumers who come to expect upgrading and innovation. The diamond promotes clustering. Porter emphasizes the role of chance in the model. Random events can either bene fit or harm a firms competitive position. These can be anything like major techno logical breakthroughs or inventions, acts of war and destruction, or dramatic sh ifts in exchange rates. B. The Diamond - Four Determinants of National Competitive Advantage a. Factor endowment Factor endowment refers to inputs used as factors of production - such as labor, land, natural resources, capital and infrastructure. This sounds similar to sta ndard economic theory, but Porter argues that the "key" factors of production (o r specialized factors) are created, not inherited. Specialized factors of produc tion are skilled labor, capital and infrastructure. b. Demand endowment Porter argues that a sophisticated domestic market is an important element to pr oducing competitiveness. Institution that face a sophisticated domestic market a re likely to sell superior products or service because the market demands high q uality and a close proximity to such consumers enables the firm to better unders tand the needs and desires of the customers If the nations discriminating values spread to other countries, then the local in stitution will be competitive in the global market. c. Related and Supporting Industries Porter also argues that a set of strong related and supporting industries is imp ortant to the competitiveness of firms. This includes suppliers and related indu stries. This usually occurs at a regional level as opposed to a national level d. Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry 1. Strategy (a) Capital Markets Domestic capital markets affect the strategy of institutions. Some countries capi tal markets have a long-run outlook, while others have a short-run outlook. Indu stries vary in how long the long-run is. Countries with a short-run outlook will tend to be more competitive in industries where investment is short-term. Count ries with a long run outlook will tend to be more competitive in industries wher e investment is long term (b) Individuals Career Choices Individuals base their career decisions on opportunities and prestige. A country will be competitive in an institution whose key personnel hold positions that a re considered prestigious. 2. Structure Porter argues that the best management styles vary among industries. Some countr ies may be oriented toward a particular style of management. Those countries wil l tend to be more competitive in industries for which that style of management i s suited. 3. Rivalry Porter argues that intense competition spurs innovation. Competition is particul arly fierce in Japan, where many companies compete vigorously in most industries .

International competition is not as intense and motivating. With international c ompetition, there are enough differences between companies and their environment s to provide handy excuses to managers who were outperformed by their competitor s.

Evaluation Porters theory for Daffodil International Universit y Daffodil International University is one of the best universities in Bangladesh. It established in 2002.At the time of starting university faces some problems l ike quality full teacher, building, capital, but now this university lead with o ther university like East West, AIUB, Brac, and North South. Factor endowment: Basic factor endowment: Natural resources: For Daffodil International university natural resources are the domestic student s. Climate: In Bangladesh for daffodil International University has positive environment to continue their activities-make a quality full student. Geographic Location: The main campus of Daffodil International University Situated at Sukhrabad in Mi rpur Road. And there have easy to communicated with the other three campus. Advanced factor endowment Skilled Faculty Member: Daffodil International University captured highly qualified teacher and they are performing best than any other competitor of daffodil international university. Research: They are going as a market leader using innovative research by their researcher. So that they are researching at market for expanding or keeping market position . Technology: Daffodil is one of the leading Universities of the country. Daffodil is dedicated to advance technology and the pioneer in introducing innovative id eas. Education: To better improvement they recruit higher educated person whose are able to prov ide better performance in their organization.

Demand endowment: To emphasis on the quality of services leading to growth of the institution imbi bed with good governance practices.

Creates capabilities, Creates sophisticated and demanding consumers: The market leader position is showing that the demand of organizations service is more demandable than others do. Their service means teaching quality is creatin g loyal student day by day. Internationally Daffodil International University a lso very popular. For this reason some of foreign students also admitted their s elf in this university. Related and supporting industries: Daffodil International Information Technology (DIIT), Daffodil International Col lage (DIC), Daffodil International School (DIS) are the supporting institute of Daffodil International University but they are internally competing each other. Firm strategy, Structure and Rivalry: Strategy Daffodil International University emerged as one of the nation s preeminent IT-b ased universities in Bangladesh. The university will be widely recognized for th e quality of its undergraduate and postgraduate educational programs, the effect iveness of its research and outreach programs, and the broad access to the unive rsity provided through the innovative use of information technology. The univers ity will ensure the quality of its programs through careful utilization of its r esources in institutional strengths. One constant effort is to keep the Daffodi l Spirit intact. The mission of Daffodil International University is to prepare well educated, te chnologically proficient, and highly productive citizens to attain meaningful ca reers, to enjoy enriched lives, and to make contributions to the nation. DIU is achieving its mission by providing: An excellent student-centered learning environment Professionally accomplished faculty who are strongly committed to student learni ng High-quality integrated, interdependent programs that build upon the country s a ssets and offer a broad range of choices Exceptional student support services, resources, and facilities To stimulate the search for knowledge To encourage inquiry and conversation across the traditional academic discipline s To promote opportunity for students to develop as independent thinkers and leade rs To foster a campus community characterized by compassion, respect, ethical conce rn, and social responsibility. Structure Management Personnel ________________________________________ Position Person Chairman, Board of Trustees Mr. Md. Sabur Khan Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Lutfar Rahman Advisor, BoT Professor M. Shahjahan Mina Dean Faculty of Science & Information Technology Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub-Ul -Haque Majumder Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics Professor Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Professor Dr. Md. Golam Rahman Registrar Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain Director, Finance & Accounts Mr. Mominul Haque Majumder Board of Trustees ________________________________________

Person Position Mr. Md. Sabur Khan Mrs. Shahana Khan Md. Eunus Khan Member, Mrs. Fatema Begum Md. Zafar Iqbal Khan Mrs. Rowshan Ara Begum Mrs. Nasima Akther Md. Emran Hossain Md. Khorshed Alam Khan

Founder & Chairman Member, Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees

Rivalry Rivalry among the existing firms: As a developing country we ucing qualified student to system authority will take acher, taking good student have to improve our educational system and to be prod compete rest of the world. For improving educational different types of step like heir highly qualified te by admission examination.

Threat of new entrants Central Women s University ,City University, Bangladesh ,Viqarunnisa University Queens University , Royal University of Dhaka, World University of Bangladesh Threat of substitutes: A product or service can be substituted, especially made cheaper. Such as Dhaka University, Jagannath University, Jahaghirnagar University, Dhaka Collage, City Collage, Dhaka Commerce College etc.

Recommendation Daffodil International University is doing business in our own boundary as a mar ket leader but there are huge opportunities to do best than before. They have to keep their market position. Market is becoming competitive day by day so they h ave to keep market information than others.

Reference 1. 2. 3. Course materials Web site (

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