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Student Notes: The Civil War

Quiz Wednesday, :

Key Union Figures of the Civil War:

PresidentAbraham Lincoln: Lincoln was the most ______________________ public
figure of the Civil War. He was elected president ___________________, in
___________ and ___________. He was a lawyer, a state legislator in
_________________ and a _________________in Congress for the state of Illinois.
Lincoln did not want ______________ to spread to new states and territories. In his first
inaugural speech, given in March 1861, Lincoln stated that no state could ________________
withdraw from the Union. In _____________ of 1861 ________________ was the first state to
_____________from the Union.
On ____________________________, just 5 days after the Confederates had surrendered at
________________________________________________________, Lincoln was shot by actor
___________________________________________ who agreed with the Confederates. Lincoln died
from his wounds early the next morning.

General Ulysses S Grant: By ___________________ the Union had lost two big
battles. ____________________ decided to make Grant
__________________________ of the Union Army in the final months of the war.
With Grants help, the Union split the Confederate Army in two by gaining control of
the _______________________________________________.
Grant planned to end the South by __________________________ everything
needed to survive. He appointed General _____________________ to destroy all the
________________ and ________________________ in Virginia. He ordered General Shermans
_____________ to the _____________. There was little left in the ______________ for people or
troops to use for _______________________. Finally, General Lee surrendered to Grant in
at ________________________________ Court House
Grant was elected our ___________ ___________________. He served two terms from 1869 to

General William T. Sherman: General Sherman was a Union general who was
ordered by ___________________________ to wear down the Confederate Army. He
was responsible for the burning of ________________ and the March to the

Clara Barton: Clara Barton was a ________________ for the Union Army. She was pivotal in
organizing treatment for wounded soldiers in the hospitals and on the battlefields. She went on to
become the founder of the _________________ ___________________.
Harriet Tubman: Harriet Tubman escaped her life of _______________ in Maryland. After her
escape to _________________________. At the age of 28, she became the main _______________ of
the __________________ __________________. She returned to the _________________.many
times to help bring other slaves to _____________________.
Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist, former ________________ who escaped as a young man. He
founded a popular abolitionist______________________ called The ___________________________.

Key Confederate Figures of the Civil War:


Jefferson Davis: Jefferson Davis was a ___________________ and a senator from

______________________. He became the first and only president of the
________________________ _______________of America. The attack of
_____________________________ which started the Civil War, happened under his
In spite of his former status as the _____________________of the Confederacy,
Jefferson Davis began to encourage _________________________by the late 1880s,
telling Southerners to be ______________ to the _____________.

Robert E. Lee: Robert E. Lee was in the _________________________. Which later

became the Union Army. He resigned and became the ____________________ of the
____________________ ___________ of Northern Virginia in 1860. (the year of
Lincolns election) In 1865 he became commander-in chief of the _______________
He won many battles in which he and his troops were ___________________.
However, he didnt have enough ___________ or __________________ to keep
fighting General Grants large army. He ______________________ to Grant at Appomattox
Courthouse in April, 1865.
Thomas Stonewall Jackson: Jackson was General______________ most gifted
general. He helped Lee win key battles, often leading his _____________ many, many
miles in one day. His ideas about how to fight the __________________ led to victories
at Bull Run, __________________, and Fredericksburg. He earned his nickname at the
Battle of Bull Run. The soldiers said that he remained as solid and
__________________ as a _____________________. At the battle of
_______________________________ in 1863, he was ____________ accidentally by his own men .
He ________ of pneumonia as a result of his injuries.


Student Notes: Events Of The Civil War

Quiz Wednesday__________________________

Major Battles ,Campaigns, and Events:

April , 1861: Fort Sumter, Charleston,South Carolina:
This Battle was the first official event of the Civil War.
_______________________ fired upon ___________________ troops stationed at
Fort Sumter in Charleston, _____________________. The Union
_______________________and left the fort. The victory over the Union at Fort
Sumter led many Confederates to believe that they would win the
_________________________ easily and quickly.

January 1, 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation

(emancipate: to set free) (proclamation: a statement)
An ___________________ order issued by ________________________________. This order
declared slaves in the __________________________states ___________________. It did not declare an end
to _______________________ in the __________________ states or states loyal to the ___________because
Lincoln still needed their __________________ to end the war. Once the Emancipation Proclamation was
made known, many African Americans volunteered to fight in the _______________ Army.

July, 1863: Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:

This battle was the ___________________ battle of the entire war.
General ______________ Confederate Army met Union General George
__________________ outside of Gettysburg , Pennsylvania. The armies fought
for several days. Approximately _______________________ men died or were
wounded. The _________________ won the battle, ending Lees last attempt to
invade the North.
Four months later, President Lincoln stood on the battlefield and gave a speech known as the
___________________________ ____________________. In his speech, Lincoln __________________ the
men who had died there, and expressed his __________________ that the war would soon ___________.

September 1864: Union forces led by General Sherman capture Atlanta:

General Sherman wanted to reach __________________.
because of its importance as a ________________________hub.
Without the ability to ship _________________ and
____________, the South would not be able to support the
Confederate Army. Sherman successfully
_____________________ Atlanta.
Sherman used a method of fighting called
________________________. His aim was not just to destroy the
opposing army, but to also destroy the ____________________
will to fight. All citizens were ordered to leave Atlanta.
Shermans men then __________________________ almost the
entire city. After the fall of Atlanta many ____________________ believed that the _____________
could win the war and _______________________ Lincoln.

November-December 1864: Shermans March to the Sea
After setting ________________to _________________, Sherman
set out for a march of ________________________ across Georgia
Sherman marched his troops from ______________________ to
_____________________..Along their 300 mile path, Shermans soldiers
_____________ anything of value to the Confederates. They burned
houses, barns, fields and destroyed railroads.
__________________fell without a fight in December of 1864.
April 9,1865 Lee Surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse, Appomattox, Virginia
By the spring of 1865, General Lees army of __________________ was tired and starving. General
Grants army of ______________________ outnumbered and trapped Lees troops. General Lee told his
troops: There is nothing left for me to do but go and see
___________________________________________, and I would rather die a thousand deaths.
Union General _________________ and Confederate General _____________ met in a farmhouse in
__________________________ ______________________, Virginia on April 9, 1865 to discuss the terms of

Terms of Surrender:
*Grant allowed Lees soldiers to go _______
*The soldiers could keep their ________________ and _______________
*Grant offered Lees men _________________ from the Union supplies
As Lee returned to his men, _______________ soldiers started cheering. ________________ silenced
them, saying: The ____________ is over; the _______________ are our countrymen again.

Label important Civil War Sites: Ft. Sumter SC, Gettysburg, PA, Atlanta,GA, Shermans March to the
Sea, Atlanta to Savannah , GA, Appomattox Courthouse, VA


In this map of Shermans March

to the Sea , notice how close
Union troops came to Macon
GA. One of the closest
skirmishes (small fights)
occurred near Griswoldville
(near Gray, GA.)

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