A Defector? A Star Trek Raptor Chronicle

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A Defector?

A Star Trek Raptor Chronicle

A play by

Pamela Olson

You will use any means to put Raptor in your control until I arrive. Failing to get control of Raptor from Captain Kang means Raptor must be destroyed. I prefer capturing Kang to destroying Raptor.
The Star Trek Raptor Chronicles: Episode 9 A Defector
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Feed Your Head With A Play by Pamela Olson

Copyright 1985 - 2012 by Pamela Olson

All rights reserved. All wrongs revenged. Its a story. Semblance to anyone is not intended nor should be inferred. Savvy mate?
A graduate of College of Marin then Sonoma State University, in the middle of The American Wine Country, California USA, Planet Earth, Milky Way, Pamela Olson is A Marin County Volunteer of the Year, founding board member North Bay Multimedia Association, Home Designer, Blogger, Gardener, Time Traveler, Swimmer, Veteran, Mama, Friend, Real Estate Authority, Dancer, Wife, Color Junkie, Bon vivant, Professor, Author and, Honorary Doctorate aka opinionated.

May all your storms be weathered, and all that is good get better.

JAMES T. KIRK as played by Chris Pine SPOCK as played by Zachary Quinto

DR. LEONARD BONES MCCOY as played by Karl Urban

MONTGOMERY SCOTTY as played by Simon Pegg

NYOTA UHURA as played by Zoe Saldana

HIKARU SULU as played by John Cho

PAVEL CHEKOV as played by Anton Yelchin

DIRECTOR W. Allen Taylor

Costume Designer

Guest Stars / Cameo



Riverside, Iowa

Jerry Goldsmith - Klingon Battle @ http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=CXYjvrzJkl8&feature=related Star Trek Original Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWSp5ijOOfk Star Trek The Wrath of Khan James Horner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv8dl9jCn58 Star Trek First Contact Themes composed by Jerry Goldsmith performed by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Nic Raine http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=lihUgkYoxZo&feature=related Star Trek The Motion Picture - End Title composed by Jerry Goldsmith - performed by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Nic Raine http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FxXLKs6g3Pg&feature=related The Wrath of Khan James Horner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiVIq423dP4

Acts & Scenes IN PROGRESS

Act I Scene One Act I Scene Two -

Act I Scene One - . Start MUSIC Jerry Goldsmith - Klingon Battle @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXYjvrzJkl8&feature=related. CURTAIN opens to exterior Star Fleet Academy.

General Kolith had no doubts Raptor's commander was defecting. Six hours earlier General Kolith had taken precautionary measures and had ordered the mobilization of the Klingon Fleet. He was now standing alone at the window of the conference room from where he had ordered all his senior officers out with the Fleet. "What about the Organian Peace Treaty?" a voice asked from the back of the conference room. The voice rang hollowly in the now almost empty room. Kolith turned to face the voice. "Under its terms we cannot destroy any Federation ships . . . unfortunately, "General Kolith scowled as he answered his youngest son. "It does not however, prevent us from destroying one of our own Excellency," Kolith's youngest son growled meaningfully. Kolith looked in silence at his son, weighing the words his son had spoken, and that Kolith had been thinking for six hours now. Kolith decided to tell his son about Raptor's Navigator. "I shall endeavor to be less limited in my thinking," Kolith said with sarcasm. "I have a contingency already in place," Kolith then explained dryly. "Are you going to share it with me Excellency?" his son inquired silkily. "I provided a Primary Bridge officer with the appropriate knowledge and motivation." Kolith's son was quiet as he considered his father's words. "The High Council prefers Raptor back," his son pointed out. He was thinking about his own future, because he knew either way, Raptor destroyed or successfully recovered, his father's career was in serious jeopardy. "And so do I," Kolith roared. "Must you continue to point out the obvious to me? Come!" Kolith gestured angrily to his son to follow, and stepped out of the room. His son, a now openly cold and hostile figure, was soon right behind him as Kolith headed immediately to the flagship of the Klingon Empire. Out in Klingon space, another Klingon was angry. Commander Kamara, with four battle cruisers, three Birds of Prey, and ten scouts under his

command, read the order he had received five hours earlier one more time. The order had come directly from General Kolith, and commanded Kamara to immediately look for the Klingon ship named Raptor, commanded by Captain Kang, and Commander Kamara was to blow Raptor out of space if he was unable to remove Kang from command. The orders further instructed Kumara to place all his scouts in position around the human Solar System, and to position his cruisers and Birds of Prey in waiting about seven hours away, just this side of the Neutral Zone, Kumara thought sourly. Up until a moment ago, Kamara had thought Raptor's mission was to destroy Earth. Now General Kolith's orders said simply that Captain Kang had stolen Raptor. Commander Kamara was having a hard time with the orders from General Kolith. First, Kamara found it difficult to believe Captain Kang had stolen a ship he was already the Captain of. Second, it was because of the cursed luck of Jim Kirk that Kang, not Kamara, had accumulated enough power to achieve the command of Raptor. Third, Kamara knew it was madness to cross the Neutral Zone with one ship, let alone with a squadron. Assuming he could get his ships past the Neutral Zone without Federation detection, how was he suppose to then get his scouts as far as the Earther's Solar System, and wait seven hours away without being detected, Kamara wondered. It was all too inconceivable, even to a Klingon, Kamara thought. For a moment, Kamara wondered if General Korith was right. What a glorious thing to do, Commander Kamara thought, stealing the Empire's latest and greatest ship. The power it would bring that one man who could successfully pull it off would rival the High Council's Kamara thought greedily. For a moment Kamara felt approval for Kang, then he remembered that General Kolith's orders had mentioned Kamara's disgrace at Kirk's hands, and Kamara's future was nonexistent if Kamara failed again. Besides, Kamara thought, the glory and power that would be his if he personally returned Raptor would rival Koliths. If he failed, Kamara decided he could always throw in with Kang. Kamara had decided what his plan was. He now started the arrangements to get his squadron across the Neutral Zone undetected. "Captain Kang," Kirk said in the Briefing Room of the Enterprise, "I asked you why you set up this meeting with me specifically. I'm also curious how you knew about Veldt." Kirk was a lot more curious than his appearance showed. "I was a very young officer then," Kang explained. "The Federation had just released the two Klingons you had brought back with you. I was on the debriefing team." "You never mentioned it when we had that encounter together on XII-A," Kirk said. "I had other things on my mind then," Kang replied. "For one thing, most of the crew of my ship had just been murdered," Kang pointed out. "Of course Captain, I just find it coincidental we stand together once more Captain Kang," Kirk said. "Captain Kirk," Spock interrupted, "the Organians did indicate that someday humans and

Klingons will work together in friendship. You and Captain Kang demonstrated that when you laughed together to force the malevolent energy off the Enterprise many years ago." "You're right Mister Spock," Kirk said, then turned back to Kang. "Captain Kang, now that we've met again, please explain what can we do for you. Your message mentioned 'correcting a mistake.'" "Yes Kirk," Kang nodded, "I am ordered to take my ship in and destroy Earth." Kirk and Spock exchanged a silent glance. "Straight forward and to the point, McCoy said cynically. "An appropriate name then Captain Kang," Spock said gravely, "as raptorial is a plunderer who has adapted for seizing prey. On Earth, birds of prey such as vultures are raptorial." "Mister Spock, Raptor was designed to not only seize, but also to destroy, specifically to destroy the Enterprise and Earth, which he is fully capable of doing." Kang said to Spock with mixed feelings, then looked around the room to the other Starfleet officers and said, "I think that would be a mistake under the current circumstances." "Glad to hear that," McCoy said under his breath. Kang shifted his gaze from Spock to Kirk, ignoring the Doctor's remark, and continued speaking, "Captain Kirk, I request asylum for myself, my wife, and certain specific members of my crew. Others in my crew may very well wish it also, but I am not authorized to speak for them." Silence greeted his words. "Fascinating," Spock finally said gravely as he put his fingers together before his chest. Scotty just stared at Kang and wondered how soon he would get his hands on the big beasty's engines. Admiral James T. Kirk was too astonished to speak. Doctor McCoy looked at Kirk, nudged him in the ribs, and whispered, "Be gracious." "Granted," Kirk finally said, "What about your ship?" Kirk could clearly see the Enterprise in his mind; she was big, powerful, and reassuring. Kirk wondered if it was all pitifully deceptive indestructible permanence against Kang's ship. Kang's words interrupted Kirk's thoughts. "By now I'm sure the Klingon fleet has been mobilized to find him. Is there a place we can hide him?" There was another moment of silence. Spock was thinking about all the secrets Raptor would reveal to the Federation. Where were they going to hide the monster in the meantime, was Kirk's thought, assuming Kang was telling the truth and this encounter wasn't just a set-up, which Kirk still wasn't convinced it wasn't. "Captain Kirk," Spock then spoke, "A spaceyard within the human Solar System would provide the securest place." "Yeah," McCoy said sarcastically, "but what is Earth going to say with this monster warship

parked in its back yard?" "As usual Doctor, your emotionalism has clouded your thinking. The spaceyards at Jupiter are far enough in to deter any visitors, yet far away enough from Earth to alleviate Earth's fears." Kirk thought for a moment but before he could speak, McCoy scowled and snapped at him. "Jim, putting this weapon, which is what this ship is, closer to Earth puts Earth in just that much more danger!" Before Kirk could answer, McCoy then turned to Kang. "Captain Kang, what assurances can you give us this defection is not a trick?" Before Kang could answer, Scotty then spoke up. "Captain Kirk, if I could get into that beasty's engine room, I could probably disable all phaser and torpedo controls. At the same time I could check if there was any other weapon capability." "And what's to stop them from fixing it after you leave?" McCoy pointed out. "We'd have to post our own people in Raptor's Engine Room," Scotty replied, "I volunteer sir," he then quickly said to Kirk. "We may need Raptor's weaponry to defend ourselves," Spock said, "as it is logical to assume several Klingon ships will attempt to get Raptor back, or destroy it." "Then we definitely need our people controlling the engine room," Scotty said. Kang then spoke. "My motivation is to save my people. I prefer you provide political asylum for us and take possession of Raptor, without killing Klingons in the process." "Captain," Kirk said, "my first duty is to the safety of Federation citizens. I do not want the unnecessary death of anyone, whether they be a Federation citizen, or a Klingon. I will however, take all measures required to carry out my duty." Kirk eyes were intense as he emphasized his words to Kang. He shifted his gaze to Spock. "Mr. Spock, opinion?" "A defecting Klingon is not logical Captain. Yet, there is the prophecy of the Organians." "Doctor McCoy?" Kirk then asked. "I'm not totally convinced about this defection." "Mr. Scott?" "I'm for hoping for the best and planning for the worst." Kirk faintly grinned at Scott's comment, then sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. "It's tempting to try," Kirk finally said looking around the room. His gaze stopped on Commander Scott. "Scotty, I want you here on the Enterprise. I'll need you if we run into any of the Klingon fleet. Captain Kang, I assume you have some sort of a plan to share with us."

"Yes." "Very well." Kirk reached around the transporter console and keyed the Bridge. "Kirk to Bridge," he said. "Uhura here." "Uhura, have all senior officers report immediately to the Briefing Room. An hour later Kang beamed back over to Raptor, a few minutes later teams of Security Officers and Engineers from the Enterprise also beamed over and immediately dispersed to locations worked out in advance by Kang and Scotty. The Honor Guard that had beamed over with Kang from Raptor, now had an hour of ice cream and cake and more than a bit of alcohol in them. The four of them had just scattered about the Enterprise; each had two Enterprise Security Officers escorting them at all times. Kirk was a little more than uneasy at their presence on board the Enterprise. But the Klingon Captain had convinced him that he could only really vouch for a handful of his men as the rest of his crew he thought would be sympathetic to his cause, but for security reasons, Kang had limited his confidants. Kirk had to agree grudgingly, as he knew he would do the same thing. Kirk had also approved Kang's plan to tell Raptor's crew that Kang had killed him. It was almost twenty hours later. Raptor was now holding steady over the planet below. Although accompanied by the Enterprise, neither heavy cruiser was aware of the Klingon scout ship, with a complement of six men, which was orbiting the other side of the planet and had observed the cruiser enter the system, then park in orbit around the largest planet. The scout ship did not see the Enterprise as it was blocked from view by Raptor, just like the planet had shielded the little scout ship from the view of the massive warship. "It's Raptor Lieutenant!" the Weapon's Officer reported. "Confirm!" the Klingon Lieutenant ordered. "Confirmed," his Communication's Officer said. The Klingon Lieutenant immediately pounded his comm. "Lieutenant Korth to Commander Kumara," the Klingon Lieutenant said. "Kumara here, have you found Raptor?" Kumara demanded. "Yes Exalted One." "Wait Lieutenant," Kumara ordered. He turned to his Communication's Officer. "Tie in with General Kolith." A moment later, Kolith's voice spoke from Kumara's comm.

"Yes Commander." "Excellency, Raptor has been found." Kumara then said, "Lieutenant, continue with your report. General Kolith is in tie-in with us." "Exalted Ones, Raptor has just moved into orbit around...," the Lieutenant of the scout ship was saying when his Navigation Officer interrupted him as the Enterprise had just moved out of the shadow of Raptor. "Lieutenant, there is another ship," the Navigator reported, then looked up from his instruments in anger, "it's the Enterprise." "I heard that Lieutenant," General Kolith said, "I have been proven right! The Federation did not capture Raptor; he is with the Enterprise voluntarily. The traitor!" the General said angrily, "now we will have to destroy him!" The General then demanded, "Have they spotted you?" "No Excellency, the planet was shielding us as they came in." "Good work. Keep it so until Commander Kumara arrives," Kolith ordered the Klingon scout. He then addressed Kumara, "Commander, how soon before you arrive?" Kumara conferred briefly with the scout ship, then his Bridge crew. "Excellency," Kumara reported, "approximately four and a half hours at maximum speed." "Initiate Commander. Lieutenant, report any changes immediately to Commander Kumara," Kolith ordered. "Yes Excellency," the Lieutenant responded. "Commander," Kolith then said. "Yes Excellency?" Kumara replied. "You will use any means to put Raptor in your control until I arrive. Failing to get control of Raptor from Captain Kang means Raptor must be destroyed. I prefer capturing Kang to destroying Raptor," Kolith emphasized. "Do you understand me Commander?" "Yes Excellency, Kumara replied, but Kolith had already cut the comm off. "You heard General Kolith's orders Lieutenant?" Kumara demanded. "Yes Exalted One," but now it was the Lieutenant who found himself talking into empty space as Kumara had cut his comm line. The Lieutenant of the scout ship who had the glory of being the first to spot Raptor had mixed

feelings as he listened to Kolith's orders to Kumara. He thought it had been excellent planning on General Kolith's part to spread his ships in a pattern far around the Earther's solar system. The plan had worked since Raptor had been spotted. What this Klingon Lieutenant was worried about was one, the large number of Klingon ships now on the Federation side of the Neutral Zone, and two, the fact that Kolith had spread his ships so thin. This Klingon Lieutenant was not convinced there would be enough, Klingon ships to take or destroy Raptor. In addition, the Lieutenant thought sourly, rumors said that Kolith had bragged how even five of the Empire's best ships could not beat Raptor. The Lieutenant knew he had no chance against the Enterprise alone. If it had been any other ship then the cursed Enterprise, he would have felt more willing to put up a fight. On board the Enterprise, almost two hours had passed since they had put into orbit. Kirk had spent the time working out how they were going to get Raptor to the spacedock around Jupiter. Messages had been transmitted across subspace, but Starfleet Command had ultimately left the tactical decisions up to Kirk. Because of the General Recall, Starfleet was sending reinforcements only as far as Jupiter's spacedock, because the Federation Council was worried about the mobilization of the Klingon fleet, and so many Klingons ships this close to Earth, Organian Treaty or not. There was also a question about the Organian Peace Treaty. So it was between Jupiter and here where the battle would be fought, not here Kirk thought. A battle that would pit Klingon against Klingon Kirk suspected, because the Organian Peace Treaty did not say the Klingons couldn't destroy their own. It was up to Kirk to get Raptor to Jupiter, because Starfleet had no other ships close enough to help him do so. The Klingon ship began to move out and Kirk gave the order to follow. Almost immediately, Chekov spoke, "Sensors report ships Captain," he said. "Confirmed Captain," Spock said, "on the far reach of our sensors, heading is towards us from far beyond this Solar System, configuration is still unknown due to distance." Start MUSIC Star Trek Original Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWSp5ijOOfk. CURTAIN closes, The End

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