Candidate Profile - Nicholas Wah Yi Chuen

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SMU ECONOMICS SOCIETY (OIKOS) 10th EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTIONS ELECTIONS GUIDELINES Note: 1. This document is for electors viewing. 2. A softcopy must be sent to Name of candidate WAH YI CHUEN NICHOLAS Year of matriculation 2011 About myself (max 100 words) I am amiable and light hearted and I seek to meet new people every day. My outgoing personality allows me to forge good collaborations in both work and play. I can work well under pressure and past experiences serve as testimony to me being a good team player. If a leadership role is bestowed upon me, I believe I have the tenacity to fulfill the role. I believe that the economics community can be even more closely knit that what we have now. I aspire to be in the OIKOS EXCO because I want to forge tighter bonds within OIKOS during my stay in SMU. Let me be not just your voice, but also your hand. Expected year of graduation 2015

Agenda for 10th Executive Committee & Vision for the Society (max 100 words) 1. Re-define unity in the OIKOS family (freshmen, seniors and alumni), relook the values, act on new initiatives, strengthen the bonds. The informal vision for unity: To view the school of economics as a sea of friends instead of just a pool of familiar faces 2. To inculcate a sense of belonging and proud to be in OIKOS. 3. Organise more welfare and social cohesion programmes for the OIKOS Society. E.g. (i) OIKOS Summer Games, (ii) OIKOS Oktoberfest etc.


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Past contributions to the SMU Economics Society or the School of Economics (max 50 words) 1. Sub-Comm for OIKOS CNY Dinner 2012 2. Clan Head Faci for OIKOS FRESHMEN CAMP 2012

Any plans to be away for more than a month at a time during office term (max 50 words) No plans at the moment. Certainly no plans if elected.

Please indicate your current/future commitments and if you are intending to run for any other positions in any Executive Committees in school Caderas Latinas CCA. No intention to run for other positions in any EXCOs in school.

Top 3 Positions that you are running for Vice President Events Director Marketing Director


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