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Adolf Hitler : Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in Austria.

Adolf Hitler was an evolutionary racist and socialist . Hitlers policies and beliefs resulted in the mass extermination of the Jews, Gypsies, and other peoples he considered inferior throughout central and eastern Europe and were directly responsible for the outbreak ofWorld War II. he was obsessed with ideas about race, Hitler and other Nazi leaders viewed the Jews not as a religious group, but as a poisonous "race," which "lived off" the other races and weakened them. After Hitler took power, Nazi teachers in school classrooms began to apply the "principles" of racial science. They measured skull size and nose length, and recorded the color of their pupils' hair and eyes to determine whether students belonged to the true "Aryan race." Jewish and Romani (Gypsy) students were humiliated who wher in number 30,000 in German. Also victimized were about 500 African-German children. HATE CRIMES A hate crime is a category used to described bias-motivated violence: "assault, injury, and murder on the basis of certain personal characteristics: different appearance, different color, different nationality, [2] different language, different religion." "Hate crime" generally refers to criminal acts that are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the types above, or of their derivatives. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults. A hate crime law is a law intended to prevent bias-motivated violence. Hate crime laws are distinct from laws against hate speech in that hate crime laws enhance the penalties associated with conduct that is already criminal under other laws, while hate speech laws criminalize a category of speech.

Hate crime victims

In the United States, racist anti-black bias is the most frequently reported hate crime motivation. Of the 8,208 hate crimes reported to the FBI in 2010, 48.2% were race related - with 70.0% of those having an [5] anti-black bias. Other frequently reported bias motivations were anti-white, anti-Jewish, anti-Islamic, anti-Hispanic, and against a person's sexual orientation. Hate crimes due to hatred of a sexual orientation can and have resulted in murder, as in the case of Sean W. Kennedy and Matthew Shepard. Kennedy was mentioned by Senator Gordon Smith in a speech on the floor of the US Senate advocating for hate crimes legislation. The Matthew Shepard and James E. Byrd Jr. Hate crime Prevention Act was signed into law on October 28, 2009 by President Obama. It included sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, the disabled and military personnel and their family members. This is the first all-inclusive bill ever passed in the United States, taking 45 years to complete.

racism in australia to Indians:


Australian qualification in 2009.

There were 120,913 Indian students enrolled to undertake an In the year 2007-2008, 1,447 Indians had been victims of crime

including assaults and robberies in the state of Victoria in Australia. However, the statistics reportedly show that Indians were not over represented in assaults. On 29 April 2008, in Melbourne an estimated five hundred Indian taxi drivers protested at Station with a sit-in protest following the death of a taxi driver.

A similar protest was held on 19 May 2008 in Adelaide,

where about fifty taxi drivers protested after an assault on an Indian taxi driver

May 2009 Indian student protests January 2010 murders and protests November 2010 stabbing
Indian community leaders in Australia said Indian media has blown the issue out of proportion, and that their coverage could overcast the real issues faced by students. On 8 Feb 2010, the weekly Indian newsmagazine Outlook published a 10-page cover story on the attacks called "Why the Aussies Hate Us"

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