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Name _____________________________________

Class ____________________________

Unit Test 7
Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.


1 Re-order the letters in the words below and complete the advert for an Internet shopping company. robseb / recash / pumerrakets / sith / kilcc / yerdivle / wedykor / ties / bistridution / laml Are you tired of the queues at your local (1)______________? Does a day at the shopping (2)________ feel like a day wasted? Save the time and money you spend on shopping with a visit to the newest (3)___________ in Internet shopping. (4)___________ through the online catalogue or type in your product choice using the high-speed (5)___________ facility. Just type in your (6)______________ or (7)___________ on the product on the screen and your order goes directly to our (8)_____________ centre. Within 24 hours the items arrive on your doorstep. And for one month only there are even no (9)_____________ charges on orders over $50. With thousands of (10)_________ per day, hundreds of other customers are discovering the stress-free shopping experience that is www dot


2 Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. 11 If we _________________(get) that designer, well have a brilliant website. 12 I think we ______________(have) a better product if we spent more time on planning. 13 The economy _____________(grow) when consumers have confidence. 14 If wed shown more concern, he ________________(stay) with the company. 15 Just tell us what you want and we _______________(get) it for you. 16 Should you wish to leave, please ______________(give) us four-weeks notice. 17 ____________ there ____________(be) a take-over, then we would have all been looking for a new job. 18 ____________ (give) time, Im sure we can resolve our differences. 19 If we ______________ (look) on the Internet, wed find it.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

20 If youd like to speak to one of our customer support representatives, then ___________(call) 020 8744 4637 21 You would have been successful, if you _______________ (show) leadership. 22 _________ you ____________ (be) happier to come, if youd thought you might win.

3 Collocate the verbs and nouns and complete phrases 23-30. VERBS: raise, highlight, look, give, draw, stress, ask, give NOUNS: overview, hands, example, chart, points, questions, attention, importance, 23 First of all, Ill _____________ you an ______________ of Smarterwork. 24 Lets ____________ at this ____________ , which shows the figures for this year. 25 Let me ______________ you an ______________ of what I mean. 26 I want to ______________ the ______________ of your role at this point. 27 Let me ______________ your ______________ to this table. 28 Id like to _______________ certain key _____________ at this stage. 29 If you have a question, can you just ____________ your _____________? 30 Feel free to ____________ any _____________ you like as we go along.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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