Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

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Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

The main purpose of learning a language is the natural and fluent application of the language in daily life. So is the purpose of overseas youths of Chinese descent in studying the Chinese language. Based on its consistent policy and concept of serving overseas Chinese, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission (OCAC) has published several series of Chinese teaching materials to meet the needs of overseas Chinese in different regions. The present reader, Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words, follows the mass line. It may be used by people of different age groups from different walks of life. To pluralize the teaching materials, the OCAC has published Chinese-English, Chinese-Thai, Chinese-Portuguese, Chinese-Spanish, Chinese-French, and ChineseIndonesian editions, hoping to benefit more youths of Chinese descent. The main portion-Chinese portion-of this reader, is compiled by Professor Liu Chi-hua of National Chengchi University, an expert on teaching the Chinese language. With her years of experience, Professor Liu has made this reader more comprehensive and more lively. The OCAC wishes to extend to her its heartfelt thanks. This reader has 30 lessons and each lesson has four units: "Text", "Words and Phrases", "Review", and "Extended Practice". The Text Unit, is practice-oriented, and its materials are drawn from daily life. The materials range from self-introduction to family, school, communication, and daily dialogues. The key and frequently used words and phrases are fully elaborated in the Word and Phrase Units. This unit not only helps the students understand the stroke order of the listed words but also the phrases derived from these words as well. In the Review Unit, there are no phonetic symbols so as to enable the students to indentify the words without the help of phonetic symbols, and get a better understanding of the texts. Finally, in the Application Unit, it is hoped that the students can lively apply the glossary they have learned and use the Chinese language naturally and fluently in their daily lives. The contents of this reader are carefully compiled. To maximize its effect, the OCAC hopes that the teachers who choose to use this reader can arrange a natural and lively learning environment for the students to learn Chinese in a pleasant atmosphere. The OCAC hopes that through such an arrangement the students can lay a good foundation of Chinese dialogues in preparation for further studies of the Chinese language. The OCAC wishes to take this opportunity to invite comments and suggestions on this reader, in the hope of bringing it to a higher horizon.
Chang Fu Mei Minister of Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Good morning

1 7

How are you?

12 What is this? 19 Where are you going? 24 Who is the teacher? 30 How many students? 39 The school is really big 46 Almost alike 53 Introductions 60 How long have you studied? 66 How many times a week? 75 Sing Chinese songs 81 What date is the day after tomorrow? 90 As you please 98 Do you like painting?

Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

105 Where can we buy them? 112 How much is it? 120 Its too late 126 Sorry to keep you waiting 134 Please try 140 Make a telephone call 148 Waiting for him to call back 154 Why cant I get through? 162 There are six people in my family 170 Come to my house 178 Getting lost 185 How do I get there? 192 Buying clothes 202 Going to the seashore 212 How old are your children?

Vocabulary List 221 229

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 1

Good Morning

L ti


Mrs. Li: Good morning, Mr.Wang.

L ti tai tai Wng xin shng nn zo

Wng xin shng zo

nn zo

Mr. Wang: Good morning, Mrs. Li. Good morning to you.

Mrs. Li: How are you?



nn ho ma

Wng xin shng w hn ho

Mr. Wang: I'm fine. Thank you.

L ti tai Wng ti xi xie nn

Mrs. Li: How is Mrs. Wang?

Wng xin shng t hn ho tai ho ma

Mr. Wang: She's fine. Thank you.

xi xie

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


WngWang (surname)

LLi (surname)

xin shenghusband; Mr.

Wng xin shng

Mr. Wang

Mr. Li
L xin shng

ti taiwife; Mrs.

Wng ti

Mrs. Wang
L ti


Mrs. Li

nyou nnyou(honorific term for

you )

hogood, well, fine; all right; hello (used in greeting)


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

nn ho

Wng ti

Hello, Mrs. Wang.

L xin shng




Hello, Mr. Li.

nn ho

ma(a question marker attached to questions)

Are you all right?

ho ma

How are you?

n ho ma

Wng ti

Mrs. Wang, how are you?

L xin shng n




Mr. Li, how are you?

ho ma

wI, me

I am very well.
w hn ho

the, him tshe, her

How is he?
t ho ma

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Wng xin shng

How is Mr. Wang?



How is she?
t ho ma

How is Mrs. Li?

L ti tai t ho ma

zoearly, good morning

Good morning (to you).

nn zo

Good morning, Mr. Li.

L xin shng nn zo


very good, very well

hn ho

I'm very well.

w hn ho

She's very well.

t hn ho

xi xieThank you

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Thank you.


I'm fine. Thank you.

w ti tai w hn ho xi xie n

My wife is fine. Thank you.

w xin shng hn ho hn ho xi xie

My husband is very well. Thank you.
xi xie


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Wng xin shng

Mr. Wang: Good morning, Mrs. Li.
L ti tai zo L ti tai nn zo

Mrs. Li: Good morning, Mr. Wang.
Wng xin shng nn ho ma Wng xin shng nn zo

Mr. Wang: How are you?
L ti tai

Mrs. Li: I'm very well. Thank you.

Wng xin shng L w hn ho xi xie

Mr. Wang: How is Mr. Li?
L ti tai t xin shng ho ma

Mrs. Li: He's fine. Thank you.

hn ho xi xie nn

Shi -ping: Mei- hua, good morning.
sh png mi hu n zo

mi hu

Mei-hua: Good morning, Shi-ping.


sh png


Shi-ping: How are you?

sh png n ho ma

mi hu

Mei-hua: I'm very well. Thank you.

w hn ho

xi xie

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 2

How Are You?


Wng xin shng

Mr. Wang: How are you, Mr. Li.
L sian sheng Wng sian sheng L shng xin nn ho

Mr. Li: Hello, Mr. Wang.

Wng xin shng nn ti n ho

Mr. Wang: How is your wife?
L xin shng t hn ho tai ho ma

Mr. Li: She's fine. Thank you.

Wng xin shng nn mng ma xi xie n

Mr. Wang: Are you busy?
L xin shng

Mr. Li: I'm very busy. How about you?

w hn mng nn ne

Mr. Wang: I'm not busy.
L xin shng nn ti w b mng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Wng xin shng

Mr. Li: Is your wife busy?

Wng xin shng t y tai mng b mng

Mr. Wang: She's not busy. Neither of us are very busy.
b mng w men du b ti mng



w hn mng

I'm very busy.

Are you busy?

n mng ma

Is Mr. Li busy?
L xin shng mng ma

ne(a question marker occurring with A-not-A questions, question-word

questions, and truncated questions consisting of only one noun)

I am very busy. How about you?

w hn mng n ne

I'm very well. And you?

w hn ho n ne

You are very busy. How about Mr. Li?

n hn mng L xin shng ne

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

bno, not

not busy
b b mng

not too busy

w b ti mng

I'm not very busy.

ti mng

He's not too busy.

t b ti mng

ytoo; also; either

He's busy, and I'm busy too.

t mng w y mng

Wng xin shng b

Mr. Wang is not busy, and his wife is not busy either.





men(a marker attached to nouns or pronouns to form plurals).

n men

w men

t men

t men

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

duall; both

We are all well.

n w men du ho

Are you all well?

men du ho ma



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Wng ti tai

Mrs. Wang: Hello, Mr. Li. Are you busy?

L xin shng w b ti mng n ne L xin shng n ho n mng b mng

Mr. Li: I'm not very busy. How about you?

Wng ti

Mrs. Wang: I am very busy.
tai w hn mng

Mr. Li: Is Mr. Wang busy too?
Wng ti tai t L xin shng Wng xin shng y hn mng ma

Ms. Wang: He's also very busy. We are all very busy.
y hn mng w men du hn mng

Shi-ping: Are you busy?
mi hu w b sh png n mng b mng

Mei-hua: I'm not very busy. How about you?

ti mng n ne

Shi-ping: I'm not very busy either.

sh png w y b ti mng

mi hu

Mei-hua: We are all very well. None of us are busy.

w men du hn ho

w men du b mng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 3

What Is This?


What is this?
zh sh y zh sh sh me

This is a writing instrument.

zh b

What kind of writing instrument is this?

zh sh y zh sh me b

This is a writing brush.

n sh bn sh zh sh y zh mo b

What kind of book is that?

me sh

That is a Chinese book.
n sh bn zhng wn sh


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


zhthis, these

shbe (is)

This is a book.
zh sh sh

This is a pen.
zh sh b

nthat, those

That is a book.
n sh sh

That is a pen.
n sh b

sh me shn mewhat

What is this?
n sh zh sh sh me

What is that?
zh sh sh me

What kind of writing instrument is this?

sh me b


What kind of book is that?
n sh sh me sh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

yone rtwo snthree sfour wfive lusix qseven beight junine shten zha classifier used to measure objects like pens and pencils,
occurring after a number

a pen
y zh b

sn zh

three pens
b zh

eight pens

bwriting instrument

This is a pen.
n sh zh sh y zh b

Those are five pens.

w zh b


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


mo b

writing brush

qin b


gang b


yun zh b

ball-point pen

zh sh

What kind of writing instrument is this?


sh me

This is a writing brush.

n zh zh sh y zh mo b

What kind of writing instrument is that?

sh sh me b

That is a pencil.
n zh sh qin b

bna classifier used to measure objects like books

a book
y bn sh

This is a book.
n zh sh y bn sh

Those are six books.
sh lu bn sh

Those four books are Chinese books.
n s bn sh zhng wn sh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Those eight books are English books.

n b bn sh yng wn sh


What book is this?

zh sh zh sh bn sh me sh

This is a Chinese book.

n bn zhng wn sh

What book is that?

n bn sh sh me sh

That is an English book.

bn sh yng wn sh

zhng wnChinese

zhng wn


yng wn



f wn


d wn

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

That is an English book.

zh sh n sh bn yng wn sh

This is a Chinese book.

n bn sh r bn zhng wn sh

That is a Japanese book.

zh bn sh f wn sh

This is a French book.

n sn bn sh wn sh

Those three books are German books.

d wn sh



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What kind of writing instrument is this?

zh sh zh sh me b

This is a writing brush.

zh sh zh mo b

What kind of writing instrument is that?

n sh zh sh me b

That is a pencil.
n sh zh qin b

What are these two books?

zh ling bn sh sh me sh

These two books are Chinese books.
zh ling bn sh zhng wn sh

What are those three books?

n n sn bn sh sh me sh

Those three books are English books.

sn bn sh yng wn sh


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 4

Where AreYou Going ?


Where are you going?

n do n l q

I'm going to school.

n q zu sh w do xu xio q

Why are you going there?


I'm going there to learn Chinese.
w q xu zhng wn

Does Mr. Li also go there to learn Chinese?
L xin shng y q xu zhng wn ma

No, he goes there to teach Chinese.
b t q jio zhng wn

Then, he is a teacher, and we are students.
n me t sh lo sh w men sh xu shng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


doqgo to

Where are you going?

n do n l q

w do xu xio q

I am going to school.

n l n lwhere


Where are you going?

n do n l q

I want to go there.

do n

xulearn; study

I learn Chinese.
t xu r

xu zhng wn

He learns Japanese.

xu xioschool

I go to school.
w do xu xio q


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I go to school to learn Chinese.

w do xu xio xu zhng wn


zu sh me

Do what?
n q

What will you do there?

zu sh me


He teaches Chinese.
t jio zhng wn

He teaches us Chinese.
t jio w men zhng wn

lo shiteacher

He is a teacher.
t sh lo sh

Mr. Li is a teacher.
L L xin shng sh lo sh

Mr. Li is a Chinese teacher.
xin shng sh zhng wn lo sh

xu shngstudent, pupil

w xu zhng wn w sh xu shng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I am learning Chinese. I am a student.

t xu yng wn t y

He is learning English. He is also a student.

sh xu shng

We are all students.

w men du sh xu shng

n methen

You all study Chinese, so you are all students.
t men du jio zhng wn n me t n men du xu zhng wn n me n mn du sh xu shng

They all teach Chinese, so they are all teachers.

men du sh lo sh



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Where are you going?

n do n l q

I'm going to school.

w do xu xio q

Why are you going to school?

n do xu xio q zu sh me

w do xu xio q xu zhng wn n do n l q

Where are you going?

I am also going to school.

w y do xu xio q

Why are you going to school?

n do xu xio q zu sh me

I am going to school to teach Chinese.
w do xu xio q jio zhng wn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 5

Who Is The Teacher?


Do you come here to learn Chinese?

sh de w li xu zhng wn n do zh l li xu zhng wn ma

Yes, I come here to learn Chinese.
n me w men sh tng xu

Then we are classmates.
shi sh w men de

Who is our teacher?

L xin shng sh lo sh

Mr. Li is our teacher.
t sh hu rn w men de lo sh

Is he Chinese?
t sh ma

hu rn t hi shu zhng wn

Yes, he is Chinese. He can speak Chinese and write Chinese words.
y hi xi zhng wn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

do zh


zh lhere
l li

Come here.
do zh l

Come here to learn Chinese.

zh l sh li xu zhng wn

Here is our school.

w men de xu xio


do zh

come here


do syu sio li

come to school
w li

I come to learn Chinese.
xu zhng wn

dea particle used to connect two portions of speech (esp. nouns) so that the
former often becomes a possessive, or an adjective or an adverb or a nominalized adjectival or adverbial clause


Yes, I come to learn Chinese.

t sh w men de lo sh


li xu zhng wn

He is our teacher.
w men sh t


We are his students.


xu shng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

tng xuclassmates, schoolmates

We all come to learn Chinese. We are classmates.

w men du sh li xu zhng wn w men sh tng xu

All my classmates can speak Chinese.

w de tng xu du hi shu zhng wn

shiwho hu rnChinese

shi sh

Who is the teacher?

lo sh

shi sh

Who is Chinese?

hu rn

shi sh

Who is our teacher?

w men de lo sh

w men de

lo sh

Who is our teacher?

sh shi

zhng hu mn gu ti wnTaiwan, Republic of China


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Where are you from?

n sh n gu rn

I am Chinese from Taiwan.
w sh zhng hu mn gu ti wn rn

shi sh

Who is Japanese?
t sh r


bn rn

He is Japanese.
bn rn

hican, will

He can speak Chinese.

w hi xi zhng wn t hi shu zhng wn

I can write Chinese characters.

Can you speak Chinese?

n hi b

hui b hui shuo jhong wn

He can't speak Chinese.

hi shu zhng wn

shu huspeak, say

What did he say?

t shu sh me


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

He said he was very busy.

t shu t hn mng

What language can he speak?

t hi shu n gu hu

He can speak Chinese.

t hi shu zhng wn

xi zwrite(words/ characters)

Can you write Chinese characters?

n hi xi zhng wn ma

I can write Chinese characters.
w hi xi zhng wn

Can you write with a writing brush?

n hi xi mo b z ma

I can write with a writing brush.

w hi xi mo b z



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


shi sh w men de

Who is our teacher?

lo sh

Mr. Li is our teacher.
t L xin shng sh w men de lo sh

What does he teach us?

t jio w jio w men sh me

He teaches us to speak Chinese.
t y men shu zhng wn

He also teaches us to write with a writing brush.

jio w men xi mo b z

Do you come to learn Chinese?
n y li xu zhng wn ma


Yes, we are all Mr. Li s students.

n me w men sh tng xu


w men du sh

lo sh


xu shng

Then we are classmates.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 6

How Many Students?


How many students do you have?

n yu j ge xu shng

I have twenty-five students.

t men du sh d rn w yu r sh w ge xu shng

Are they all adults?

b y dng yu ba

Not all of them. Some are adults and some are children.
d rn y yu xio hi

yu ny shng ma

Are there any female students?

yu y bn sh ny shng y bn sh nn shng

Yes, half are girls and half are boys.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


yuhave, there is / are

Do you have a pen?

n yu b ma

Do you have a book?

n yu sh ma

What kind of pen do you have?

n yu sh me b

What kind of book do you have?

n yu sh me sh

jhow many, a few

How many books are there?

j bn sh

How many pens are there?

j zh b

How many books do you have?

n yu j bn shu

How many pens do you have?

n yu j zh b

g gea classifier used after a demonstrative or

a quantifier and before a noun




ling ge

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


a few
g ge

each one

How many students do you have?

n yu j ge xu shng

I have twelve students.

g w yu sh r ge xu shng

Each one of the students works hard.
ge xu shng du yng gng




sh sh y


sh sn

sh s

sh w


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

sh lu

sh q

sh b

sh ji

r sh

r sh y

r sh ji

sn sh



lu w sh

b sh

sh sn


ji sh q

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

dbig, large xiosmall






d xu

zhng xu

middle school

xio xu

elementary school

big school
d xu xio

xio xu xio

small school

d rn

xio hi



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

hichild; children

xio hi


hi zi


nn hi


ny hi


nn hi zi


ny hi zi


nnmale student nyfemale student

nn rn


ny rn


nn hi zi


ny hi zi



nn xu shng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

male student

nn shng

ny xu shng

female student

ny shng

nn lo sh

male teacher

ny lo sh

female teacher

basentence final particle used to solicit agreement

y dngdefinitely, necessarily b y dngnot necessarily

y dng

you must be very busy.

n y dng hn mng

He is definitely the teacher.

t y dng sh lo sh

He definitely can speak Chinese.
t y dng hi shu zhng wn

ho xu shng y dng sh nn

Are good students necessarily boys?

b y dng yu nn de



Not necessarily. Some are boys, and some are girls.

yu ny de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


w y bn

Half of my students are male, half are female.
t de xu shng y bn sh d rn de xu shng y bn sh nn de y bn sh ny de

Half of his students are adults, half are children.
w de sh y bn sh zhng wn de y y bn sh xio hi

Half of my books are Chinese, and half are English.
zh xi b y bn sh t de y bn bn sh yng wn de

Half of the pens are his, and half are mine.

sh w de



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


How many pens do you have?

n yu j zh b

I have six pens.

du sh mo b w yu lu zh b

Are they all writing brushes?

b du sh ling zh sh mo b s zh sh yun z b ma

Not all of them. Two of them are writing brushes, and four are ball point pens.
j bn sh

How many books do you have?

n yu

w yu r sh bn sh y bn sh zhng wn de

I have twenty books. Half are Chinese, and half are English.
y bn sh yng wn de

Mrs. Li, do you have any children?
yu ling ge y ge nn de L ti tai n yu hi zi ba

Yes, I have two children. One is a boy, and the other is a girl.
y ge ny de

Are teachers always very busy?
lo sh du hn mng ba

Not necessarily. Some are busy, and some are not busy.
b y dng yu de mng yu de b mng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 7

The School Is Really Big


How many students are there in this school?

zh su xu xio yu du sho xu shng

yu ling qin w

There are about 2,500 students.

szh su xu xio zhn b xio

bi du


xu shng

This school is quite big.

sh a zh sh su

Yes, this is a big school.

d xu xio

xu xio l

Are there any foreign students in the school?

wi gu xu shng hn du

yu mi yu wi gu xu shng

There are many foreign students.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


sua classifier used after a demonstrative or quantifier and before a noun

a school
y su xu xio

a house
y jin fng zi

This house is very good.

n su xu xio hn d zh jin fng zi hn ho

That school is very big.

dumuch, few many sholittle, few du shohow many, more or less

My books are very few in number.

w de sh hn sho

His books are very many in number.

t de sh hn du

How many books do you have?

n de sh yu du sho

Wng xin shng yu

How many books does Mr. Wang have?





Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

bi100 qin1,000 wn10,000 lng0


bi lng lu

w bi lu sh

bi lu sh lu

y qin

ling qin y



sn qin ling bi w sh


lu qin sn bi b sh ji

lu qin lng s sh r

ling wn ling qin ling bi




Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

sn q wn b qin

s bi w sn bi w sh

qin b s qin b bi

q wn lu q wn lu qin

zhnreal, really

This school is really big.

zh su xu xio zhn d

His books are very many in number.

t de sh zhn du

Wng xio ji zhn mng

Miss Wang is really busy.

This book is really good.

zh bn sh zhn ho

This pen is really good for writing.

zh zh b zhn ho xi

asentence final particle, used to reduce the forcefulness of the message

Good morning.
nn zo a


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

How are you?

nn ho

Are you busy?

w men q n mng b mng

Let's go study Chinese, OK?
xu zhng wn ho b ho



syu sio hn

This school is very big, isn't it?

shh b shh



mino, not

Do you have a pen?

w mi yu b n yu mi yu b

No, I do not have a pen.

Do you have a book?

n yu mi yu sh

w mi yu sh

No, I don't have a book.

The teacher did not teach this word.

zh ge z lo sh mi jio


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zh bn sh

This book isn't found in the school.

xu xio mi yu

wiout, foreign

wi gu rn


wi gu hu

foreign language

wi gu xu shng hn du

many foreign students



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


How many books do you have?

n yu du sho bn sh

I have over ten thousand books.

w yu y wn du bn

You have a lot of books.

n de sh zhn du

Yes, I have quite many books.

zh l yu j sh a w de sh b sho

How many Chinese schools are there around here?
su zhng wn xu xio

Not even one.

n y su y mi yu

Do you have children?

yu ling ge yu mi yu hi zi

Yes, I have two. Both are boys.

t men yu mi yu ling ge du sh nn hi

Have they learned to speak Chinese?

xu zhng wn

No, they have not.

t men mi xu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 8

Almost Alike


xu xio yu hn du wi gu xu shng

There are many foreign students at the school, arent there?

sh a yu hn du



Yes, there are a lot.


More than local students?
b b bn gu xu shng hi du ma

No, less than local students.
nn shng gn ny shng y bn gu xu shng sho

Are there as many boys as girls?
ch b du y yng du yng du ma

No, they are about the same.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Are boys as intelligent as girls?
b y dng nn shng gn ny shng y yng cng mng ma

Not necessarily, some are smart, and some are stupid.

yu de cng mng yu de bn

nn shng yng gng hi

Do boys or girls work harder?

t men du hn yng gng


ny shng yng gng

They all work very hard.


bto compare with (this comparison morpheme frequently implies superiority)

The teacher is busier than the students.

lo sh b xu shng mng

You are smarter than I am.

n b w cng mng

He works harder than I do.

t b w yng gng

nn shng b

There are more boys than girls.

ny shng du

ny shng b

There are fewer girls than boys.

nn shng sho

histill even, yet, also


He has even more books than I do.

t de sh b w de hi du

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xio hi

The children work even harder than adults.


hi yng gng

hi shor
Are your books greater in number, or are mine?
n de sh du hi sh w de sh du

nn shng cng mng

Are boys wiser, or are girls?

n q hi sh w q



ny shng cng mng

Are you going, or am I ?

It would be better if you go.

hi sh n q ba

gnwith, and hn hand, together

You and I are students.

t n gn w du sh xu shng

He and I are both very busy.

hn w du hn mng

yngoutlook, appearance

yng zi



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

y yngas ... as, similar, like

His pen is like mine.

d rn gn xio hi t de b gn w de y yng

There are as many adults as children.

y yng du

ny shng gn

Girls work as hard as boys.

nn shng y yng yng gng

ch chinferior, worse

My Chinese is inferior to yours.
w de zhng wn b n ch

My Chinese writing is inferior to his.


de zhng wn b


ch b dualmost; alike

The two books are almost alike.
zh ling bn sh ch b du

zh ling bn sh ch

The two books are almost alike.

t men ling rn ch b du

b du

y yng

They are almost the same age.

zh ling zh b ch b du y yng d

These two pens are almost the same length.
y yng chng

cng mngwise, smart


That child is really smart.

Wng xin shng hn n ge xio hi zi zhn cng mng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Mr. Wang is very wise.
cng mng


He is very stupid.
t zh ge rn ti bn

He is really stupid.
t zhn bn

cng mng rn

Smart people can do stupid things.



bn sh

ynguse, by means of

What kind of pen do you write with?

n yng sh me b xi z

I write with a pencil.

w yng qin b xi z

yng gngwork hard


My students work very hard.

t hn cng mng


xu shng hn yng gng

He is very smart and hard-working, too.

y hn yng gng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


This school is bigger than ours, isnt it?
zh su xu xio b w men xu xio d ba


Theyre almost the same size.

b du

y yng d

xu shng ne

What about the students?

w men du

xu shng b

The students are greater in number than ours.

lo sh ne

What about the teachers?

They have fewer teachers than we do.

lo sh b w men sho

Then, our school is better.

sh a n me hi sh w men xu xio ho

w men xu xio n de xu shng hn cng mng b sh

Yes, our students are very smart and hard-working. Do you agree?
b sh b sh w sh y ge bn xu shng

hn yng gng

shu sh

No! No! I am a stupid student.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 9



qng wn gi xng

May I ask your name?

w xng Wng jio sh png

My last name is Wang. My first name is Shi-ping.

I am called Lin Da-jung.Who is that lady?

t sh L yu nin de ti tai li w jio Ln d zhng n wi ny sh sh shi

w gi n men ji sho ji sho

She is Li You-nian's wife. Come and let me introduce you to each other. Mrs. Li, this is Mr. Lin.
L ti tai zh wi sh Ln xin shng

My name is Lin Da-jung. I'm You-nian s classmate.

w jio Ln d zhng sh yu nin de tng xu

hn go xng rn


Pleased to meet you.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



qng zu

please sit down

qng h ch

please have some tea

qng shu

please say

cng wn

May I ask, please?


qng wn

May I ask, please?

qng wn

May I ask if you have a pen?

yu mi yu

cng wn shi shh Wng sio ji

May I ask who Miss Wang is?

qng wn zh bn sh

May I ask how many words this book contains?

yu du sho z

giexpensive, honorable

your (honorable) country

gi gu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

your (honorable) school

gi xio

qng wn

May I ask how many universities there are in your country?

gi gu

yu du

sho su


qng wn

May I ask how many students in your school?

gi xio

yu du

sho xu shng

xnglast name, surname

qng wn gi xng

May I ask your last name (surname)?

w xng Wng

My last name is Wang.

What is the lady s last name?
t xng L L xio ji n wi ny sh xng sh me

Her last name is Li. She is Miss Li.

jiocall, name

I am called Wang Shi-ping.

w jio Wng sh png

His last name is Lin. He is called Lin Da-jung.

t xng Ln jio Ln d zhng

The teacher wants you.

lo sh jio n q


What does he want me for?

t jio n q xi z t jio w q zu sh me

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

He wants you to write.

wia classifier (used to show respect)

xu xio

How many teachers are there in our school?


wi lo sh

xu xio

We have fifteen teachers.

n wi lo sh

yu sh




Which one teaches Chinese?

L lo sh t sh y jio zhng wnn

Mr. Li is a very good teacher.

wi hn ho de lo sh

ny shlady

Who is that lady?

n wi ny sh n wi ny sh sh shi

That lady is Mrs. Li.

zh wi ny sh sh L ti tai

This lady is Miss Wang.

sh Wng xio ji

gigive, for

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

He gave me a book.
w gi t y t gi w y bn sh

I gave him a pen.

n jio w gi zh b

What do you want me to give you?

n sh me

ji shointroduce

Who is that lady? Please introduce us to each other.

n wi xio ji sh shi qng n gi w ji sho ji sho

gotall, high

Wng xin shng hn go

Mr. Wang is very tall.

L sian sheng b

Mr. Li is not tall.

go xngglad, happy, pleased

I m very glad.
w gn n

hn go xng

I am as glad as you are.

t b ti go xng y yng go xng

He is not very happy.

Is she happy or not?

t go xng b go sing

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

rn shknow, recognize

Do you know her?

w b rn sh n rn sh t ma

I don't know her.

w ji sho n t

Let me introduce you to each other.

men rn sh

I'm very pleased to meet you.

rn sh n zhn go xng

Do you know Mr. Wang?
n rn sh b rn sh Wng lo sh

I don't know him.

w b rn sh

How about you?

w y b n rn b rn sh ne

I don't know him either.

rn sh



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


qng wn

May I ask what your name is?

w jio Ln d zhng w sh xn li de xu shng

nn gi xng

I'm called Lin Da-zhong. I am a new student.

li w gi n ji sho j

wi tng xu sh

zh wi sh Wng mi hu n wi sh Go d mng zh wi L yu nin

Come and let me introduce you to a few students. This is Wang Me-hua. This is Li You- nian. That is Gau Da-ming.

V Very pleased to meet you.

hn go xng rn sh n

I am very happy to meet you.

rn sh n men w zhn go xng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 10

How Long Have You Studied?


How long have you studied Chinese?
n xu zhng wn du ji le

Only for two months. How long have you been studying?
w y jng xu le sn nin le


xu le ling ge yu



du ji


I have studied it for three years.

I havent begun yet.

w hi mi xu ne

mi gun x

Thats no problem. You may come to our school and learn it.

do zh

li xu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


lesentence final particle, often expressing the perfective aspect

Have you learned Chinese?
n xu zhng wn le ma

w xu

I have.


Are you able to write this character?

zh ge z n hi xi le ma

I am.

hi xi



How long have you studied Chinese?
n xu zhng wn du ji le

How long has he been at school?

t do xu xio du ji le

How long have you known each other?

n men rn sh du ji le

cionly, just

I have just studied for two months.

w ci xu le ling ge yu


They have just taught three lessons.

t men ci jio le sn k

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

They have just known each other for five months.

t men ci rn sh w ge yu

y jngalready (an adverb used to express perfective

aspect, often omitted)

I have already studied for a year.

t y jng li le w w y jng xu le y nin le

He has already been here for five months.

ge yu le

We have already met each other.

w men y jng rn sh le

He has already gone to a university.

t y jng shng d xu le

hi minenot yet ( ne is a sentence final particle used

as a response to some expectation)

I have not written it yet.

w hi mi xi ne

Mr. Li has not arrived yet.
L xin shng hi mi li ne


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zh y k hi mi jio ne

This lesson has not been taught yet.

gun xrelationship, related, does (not) matter

Our relationship is very good.

w men de gun x hn ho

This matter is not related to him.

w b zh jin sh gn t mi gun x

I won't go. Will it matter?

q yu mi yu gun x

mi gun x

It won't matter.

shnga bound morpheme often meaning

shng k

on, go on, up, to

to attend classes

shng xu

to go to school

shng bn

to go to work

shng lu

to go upstairs


How many lessons have we learned?
w men shng le j k le

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

We have learned nine lessons.
w men shng le ji k le


one year
y nin

ling nin

two years

nin nin

every year


y yu

r yu

one month
ling ge y ge yu

two months
y yu

There are twelve months in a year.
nin yu sh r ge yu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



How long have you studied Chinese?
n xu zhng wn du ji le

Only two months.

n y jng xu w ci shng le ling ge yu de k

You have studied it for a long time. You know many words, right?
le hn ji rn sh hn du z ba

I only know a few words.

w hi mi xu xi z w rn sh de z b du

I havent learned to write yet.


Neither have I!
mi gun x w y hi mi xu


That's OK. Mr. Li can teach us.

L xin shng k y

jio w men

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 11

How Many Times A Week?


How many times do you have classes a week?

n y xng q shng j c k

Twice a week.
mi c y xng q ling c

How long is each class?

c ling ge zhng tu du ji


Two hours each time.

sh me sh

What time do you have classes?
hu shng k


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xng q sn xi w cng ling din shng do din sh fn shng k s din

xng q

From 2:00 to 4:00 on Wednesday afternoons. From 8:10 to l0:l0 on Saturday mornings.
lu hi shng k li b li lu shng w b sh din sh fn xi k

xng q

Is it tiring to have classes on Saturday?

y din du b li

Not at all. Studying Chinese is very interesting.
xu zhng wn hn yu y si


xng qWeek

xng q

xng q


xng q r l bi r

xng q s sn l bi sn

l bi s


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xng q

xng q


xng q lu l bi lu

r l bi r

xng q



bi tin

ca time

Repeat one more time.

zi shu y c

qng n

Please repeat one more time.

zi shu y

du shu j

Say it a few times.

du xi

Write it a few times.

mievery; each

mi c

How long each time?




Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Everyone is very glad.

mi ge

ge rn du hn go xng

Every school has foreign students.
xu xio du yu wi gu xu shng

zhng tuhour

He learns Chinese for three hours every day.

t mi tin xu sn ge zhng tu zhng wn

sh hutime; when

When did you come here?

n men sh sh n sh sh me sh hu li de

When did you meet each other?

n me sh hu rn sh de

When are you going to England?

sh me sh hu do yng gu q


shng w



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zhng w


xi w

dinpoint fnminute


w shng w

I arrive at school at eight o'clock in the morning.

din do xu xio

The class begins at ten minutes past eight.
b din sh fn shng k


The class ends at twenty minutes past nine.

din r

sh fn

xi k


Each class lasts sixty minutes.

t mi fn zhng k y

c shng k



fn zhng

He can write fifty Chinese characters a minute.
xi w sh ge zhng wn

cng dofrom ... to

cng w ji do xu xio b yun

It is not far from my house to school.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

w cng ti wn do zh

I came from Taiwan.



He is busy from morning till night.

cng zo do wn du hn mng


xi xi tou

after class

xi w

after work
xi b

get off (the bus)

xi ch

next time
xi y xi y c

next one

xi xng q

next week




Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

next month
xi ge yu

litired, weary

Are you tired?

y n li b li

Not at all.
din du b li

y simean, meaning, meaningful, interesting

What does this sentence mean?

zh j hu de y si sh zh j hu sh sh me y si

This sentence means "Hello! "
jio zhng wn hn yu y si n ho

It is interesting to teach Chinese.

That book is very interesting.

n bn sh hn yu y si

This book is not interesting at all.

zh bn sh y din y si y mi yu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Are you studying Chinese?
sh de w zi n zi xu zhng wn ma

Yes, Im studying Chinese at school.
y ge l bi shng j c k xu xio xu zhng wn

How many times a week is the class offered?

Once a week.
mi c j y ge l bi y c

How many hours each time?
y c sn ge zhng tu ge zhng tu

Three hours each time.
sn ge zhng tu

Three hours? Is it tiring?
b li b li li b li

y hi si er xu shu hu y hi er

xu xi

Not at all. We practice speaking for a while, and then we practice writing. It's very interesting. It's not tiring at all.

hn yu

y din du b



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 12

Sing Chinese Songs


I want to learn Chinese painting. Can you teach me ?
w hu de b ho zh nng jio n w xing xu hu gu hu n k y jio w ma

I can't paint very well. I can only teach you a little.

y din jin dn de

Can you also sing Chinese songs?
n y hi chng hu y g ma

A few.
n hi chng j shu

Then, can you also teach me to sing Chinese songs?
ho a w jio n chng y shu mi hu me n y jio w chng hu y g ba

All right. I will teach you "Plum Blossoms".

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


xingthink, miss, want

w xing n shu de

I think what you said is right.

hn di

hupaint, draw, painting

Can you paint?

w hi hu n hi hu hu ma

Yes, I can.

What kind of painting can you do?

hi hu sh me hu

Chinese painting.
w hi hu gu hu

de a suffix attached to verbs/get, win/must, have to

d di

He speaks Chinese very well.
t de zhng wn shu de hn ho

He got the first.

t d do t d do d y mng

He got a book.
y bn sh


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xu shu hu

While learning to speak, you should speak a lot.

di du shu


It's late. I must go to school.

hu b



w di shng xu q



I only have one book.

w zh xu le w w zh yu y bn sh

I have only studied for five months.

ge yu

He only teaches writing.

t zh jio xi z

nngcan ylanguage

Can you teach Chinese?
w shu de b ho n nng b nng jio zhng wn

I don't speak it very well. I can only teach a few simple sentences.
zh nng jio j j jin dn de

Can you teach Chinese songs?
w b hi chng g w n nng b nng jio hu y g

I can't sing, so I can't teach.
b nng jio


jin dnsimple; easy

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I can say a few simple Chinese sentences.

w zh hi shu j j jin dn de zhng wn

xu zhng wn hn

Chinese is easy to learn.

xu ho zhng wn b



It is not easy to learn Chinese well.
jin dn

chngsing gsong

w xing xu chng g

I want to learn to sing songs.

What songs do you want to learn?

n xing xu sh me g

w xing xu

I want to learn Chinese songs.

hu y

How do you sing Chinese songs?
hu y g zn me chng

Mr. Li sings very well.

qng t L xin shng chng de hn ho

Let's ask him to teach us.

jio w men chng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

shua numerary particle for a poem, songs, etc.

This song is beautiful.

zh shu g hn ho tng

That poem is very popular.

n shu sh hn yu mng

mi huplum blossoms

Plum blossoms are beautiful.

mi hu hn ho kn

The plum blossom is the national flower of Republic of China.

mi hu sh zhng hu mn gu de gu hu

"Plum Blossoms" is a very popular song.

mi hu sh y shu hn yu mng de g



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


"Plum Blossoms" is a popular song, isn't it?

mi hu sh y shu hn yu mng de g sh ma

n sh a

Can you sing it?
hi chng ma

Yes, I can.

Can you teach me to sing it?
k y sh k y k n k y jio w chng ma

Yes, I can, but you have to learn to write these two words first.
sh n di xin hi xi zh ling ge z

I've already learned them.

zh zhn mi xing do w y jng hi xi zh ling ge z le

What a surprise.
sh a w

hi hn yng gng de n gng ho xi y c li w

Yes, I'll try my best. Maybe next time I will sing better than you.
hi chng de b

That's OK. Pupils often prove to be better than their teachers.
mi gun x ho lo sh ci yu ho xu shng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 13

What Date Is the Day After Tomorrow


qin tin jio

Can you sing the song I taught you the day before yesterday?
zu tin chng le y tin y jng hi le





I practiced it all day yesterday. I can sing it very well.

zhn sh

You are a diligent student.

shn me sh hu jio w hu zhng gu hu

ho xu shng

When will you teach me Chinese painting?
w bi tin hn mng

I am busy during the day. I can teach you in the evening.
wn shng ci yu sh jin

How about tonight?

jn tin wn shng k y ma


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I am not available tonight or tomorrow night, but I am free the day after tomorrow.
jn tin mng tin wn shng w du yu sh hu tin w yu kng

The day after tomorrow is Thursday, May l0. I am free, too.

hu tin sh w yu sh ho xng q s w y yu kng


qinbefore; front

y qin

cng qin


qin tou


qin min


qin bin


I didn't know him before.

cng qin w b qin w b rn sh t

I couldn't speak Chinese before.

hi shu zhng wn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

qin tin

the day before yesterday

xng q

mi tin



I write everyday.

mi tin xi

tin tin

every day, day after day

She paints everyday.

t tin tin hu hu

zuyesterday, past

zu tin




jnpresent, now

jn jn tin



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

mngnext, light, clear

mng tin


mng bi

clear, understand

I don't understand what he means.

w b mng bi t de y si

Do you understand the meaning of this sentence?

zh j hu de y si n mng bi le ma

biwhite, clear, understand

This pen is white.

zh zh b sh bi de

bi tin

I am busy during the day.

w bi tin hn mng

I understand what he means.

t de y si w mng bi le

hubehind, after, later, back

the day after tomorrow

hu tin


hu tou

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


hu min


hu bin



hu li


He used to paint everyday, but he doesn't paint anymore.
cng qin tin tin hu hu hu li b hu le

wnnight, late


It's late. Let's go home.


hu hn wn le

w men hi



Do you have time in the evening?
wn shng yu kng ma





zhng jin

middle, center


Do you have time in the afternoon?

n xi w yu sh jin ma

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Do you have time to learn Chinese?
n yu sh jin xu zhng wn ma

I am in between those two people.

w zi t men ling ge rn zhng jin

kngfree, space

mng tin w

I have no free time tomorrow.

mi yu kng

hu tin w yu kng

I am free the day after tomorrow.

shmatter, business, job

mng tin n

Are you busy tomorrow?

mng tin w mi sh




I am not busy tomorrow.

hu tin n yu

What will you do the day after tomorrow?

sh me sh

hu tin w yo shng k

I have to attend classes.

n zu sh le ma

Do you have a job?


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What is the date today?

jn tin sh s jn tin sh j yu j ho

Today is April 16.

yu sh lu ho

Our school is at No. 56, Zhong-shan Road.
w men xu xio zi zhng shn l w sh lu ho



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

nin Year


qin nin sh r lng lng r nin

The year before last was 2002.

Last year was 2003.

q nin sh r lng lng sn nin

This year is 2004.

jn nin sh r lng lng s nin

mng nin sh

Next year will be 2005.

lng lng


hu nin sh

The year after next will be 2006.

lng lng lu nin

yu Month

shng ge yu sh s yu

Last month was April.

This month is May.

xi ge yu sh zh ge yu sh w yu

Next month will be June.

lu yu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xng q

shng xng q

shng l bi

last week this week next week

l bi

zh xng q

zh l bi

xi xng q

xi l bi

qin tin sh w yu sh

The day before yesterday was May 19.



Yesterday was May 20.

jn tin sh w yu zu tin sh w yu r sh ho

Today is May 21.

mng tin sh r sh y ho

Tomorrow will be May 22.

hu tin sh w yu r w yu r sh r ho

The day after tomorrow will be May 23.

sh sn ho


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 14

As You Please


Yesterday, we talked about when to have class.
sh a hi mi shng ling shng k de zu tin shng ling le shng k de sh jin

Yes, but we haven't talked about where to meet.
d fng

Where do you think would be best?

mi gun x n l du k n ju de zi n l shng k ho ne

It doesn't matter to me.

n sh lo sh y

You are the teacher. It should be at your convenience.

y dng di si n de fng bin

Let's have class at my place then. Is that convenient for you?

do w ji li shng k n fng bin ma


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Yes, very much.

n hn fng bin hn fng bin

Then, come to my place at seven tomorrow night.
me mng tin wn shng q din zhng n do w ji li

All right. Good-bye.

ho de zi jin


shng lingtalk about, discuss

I want to talk about something with you.

n xing gn w shng ling sh me

xing gn

n shng ling

jin sh

What do you want to talk about?

w xing shng ling shng k de

I want to talk about the time for class.

sh jin

d fngplace

At what place (where) do you teach?

n zi sh me d fng jio sh

Where do you have classes?

n zi sh me d fng shng k


Where do you live?

zh ge n ji zi sh me d fng

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

This place is big.

d fng hn d

ziat; a marker showing the progressive tense

What are you doing?

n zi zu sh me

I am learning to write.
w zi xu xi z

Is Mr. Li at home?
t b zi ji L xin shng zi ji ma

He is not home. He is at school.
t zi xu xio

xu xio zi

Where is the school?

xu xio zi

The school is behind my house.


hu tou

jihome, house, family

Where is your house?

n ji zi n l

My house is at No.5 Zhong-shan North Road.
w ji zi zhng shn bi l w ho


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

How many people are there in your family?

n ji yu j ge rn

There are seven people in my family.

w ji yu q ge rn

Is your house big?

w men ji b n ji d b d

Our house is not very big.

hn d

xu defeel, think

I think that learning Chinese is interesting.
w ju de yo hu ho gu hu w ju de xu zhng wn hn yu y si

I think that it is not easy to do Chinese painting.
zhn b jin dn

I think plum blossoms are beautiful.

w ju de mi hu hn ho kn

I think this is a beautiful song.

w ju de



zh shu g

hn ho tng

I think they are all very intelligent.

t men du hn cng mng



Do as you wish.




Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


As you please.

de fng bin

binfitting; convenient

When do we have classes?
si bin n w men sh me sh hu shng k

As you please. It's all the same to me.

w du fng bin

Where will we have classes?

n l du k y si w men zi n l shng k

Anywhere you like will do.

shng k sh b nng ti n bin

You must not be too casual in class.
si bin

ziagain, more, then

Repeat once again.

zi shu y c

Write it one more time.

zi xi y c

Paint one more piece.

zi hu y zhng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xin xu xi

First learn to write, and then learn to paint.

zi xu hu hu


good-bye, see you later

zi jin

mng tin jin

see you tomorrow

kn jin


jin do


Have you seen Mr. Li?

jn tin kn jin L xin shng mi yu

Yes, I have seen him.

w kn jin le

Where did you see him?

n zi n l jin do t de

I saw him at school.

w zi xu xio jin do t de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Is it convenient if I come to your place?

w do n ji q fng bin ma

What would be inconvenient about it?

yu sh me b fng bin

Will your wife be unhappy about it?

b hi de t n ti tai hi b hi b go xng

Not at all. She paints every night.
n n men ling ge du sh mi tin wn shng y hu hu

Then both of you are painters.

b nng shu sh hu ji hu ji

Not exactly. We don't paint that well.
n men si bin y hu du b w men du hu de b ho

Any one of your paintings is better than mine.

w ju y de n hn cng mng w hu de ho

yu kng du hu y hu

I think you are very clever, If you practice a lot when availabe , you will paint very well in the future.
hu y dng hi hu de hn ho

Thank you for saying so.

n k y qng n ti xi xie n zh me shu

You can invite your wife to come.

zh di gn tai y q li

I will have to talk to her.
t shng ling shng ling


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 15

Do You Like to Paint?


Honey, do you want to learn to paint?

ti tai n yo b yo xu hu hu

I don't want to.

n b w b yo xu

Don't you like to paint?

b sh b x hun x hun hu hu ma

It s not that I don t like it. I just feel that I have no talent for it.
zh yo yu xng q tin ci sh k y lin x ch zh sh ju de w mi yu n ge tin ci

If you have an interest, you can develop your ability.

li de

But I am very busy everyday.

k sh w mi tin du hn mng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

bi y tin do wn mng ji sh yu kng yng gi

Don't just busy yourself with housekeeping. Sometimes you ought to relax.
ch q zu zu

All right. I will learn to paint with you.

ho ba w ju gn n y q q xu ba



I want to go to Miss Wang's home.
w yo q Wng xio ji ji

do Wng xio ji

How long does it take to get there?






About ten minutes.


yo sh fn zhng

bido not; other

Don't be too busy.

bi ti mng

Don't get too tired.

bi ti li

Don't be too careless.

bi ti si bin


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

x hunlike

I like to paint very much.

w hn x hun hu hu

Do you like to sing?

n x b x hun chng g

tin citalent; genius

He is very intelligent. He is a genius.
t hn yu hu hu de tin ci t hn cng mng sh ge tin ci

He has a talent for painting.

qinterest, fun

xu zhng wn hn

It's fun to learn Chinese.

zh jin sh hn yu q


This is interesting.

xng qto be interested in

I am interested in learning Chinese.

w di xu zhng wn hn yu xng q

I am interested in this.
hu hu hn yu q w di zh jin sh hn yu xng q

Painting is fun. Are you interested in learning it?

n yu mi yu xng q xu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

lin xpractice

xu shu hu

You should practice more when learning speaking.

yo du lin

du lin

If you practice a lot, you will be able to speak well.

ji nng shu de



I am practicing writing.
zh zhng lin x w zi lin x xi z

This kind of practice is useful.

hn yu yng

yng gishould, ought to, must

xu shng du yng gi yng gng

Every student ought to study hard.

You should come earlier.

n yng gi zo din li

You should not get too tired.

n b yng gi ti li

zugo, walk

Zhng xin shng

Mr. Jhang has left.




When did he leave?

t w din t sh me sh hu zu de

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

At half past five.

bn zu de

ch qwalk around and relax, (go) out

ch q

go out

ch li

come out

get in
jn jn q

come in

juthen, on the point of

I am going home now.

t y xu ju hi w xin zi ju yo hi ji

He can do it once he learns.

I can understand it once I take a look.
w y kn ju mng bi le

qget up, rise


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

What time do you get up every morning?

w mi tin lu din zhng ju q li n mi tin zo shng sh me sh hu q li

I get up at six o'clock every morning.



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


I like to paint, but I have no talent.

zh yo x hun n w hn x hun hu hu k sh mi yu tin ci

If you like it, then you ought to learn it.

ju yng gi q xu

Then, I should practice a lot.

sh a lin x ji le n me w yng gi du lin x

Yes, the more you practice, the more interest you will have.
ju yu xng q

Let's go and learn together.

zu w men y q q xu ba


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 16

Where Can We Buy Them?


We should prepare some painting equipment.

w men yng gi zhn bi y xi hu j

We have paper, an ink-stick, and an ink-slab.

zh m yn du y jng yu le

yng gi zi

We should buy some writing brushes.

do n l mi ne


zh mo b

Where can we buy them?


At stationer or department stores. Some bookstores sell brushes too.

jn tin xi w w men y q shng ji q mi


bi hu gng s

du yu mi

yu de sh din y


Let's go shopping this afternoon.

ho de

OK. I would like to buy some other things.
w xing shn bin y mi y xi bi de dng xi

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


zhn biprepare; get ready; intend

When are you planning to go to Taipei?

n zhn bi shng ji mi xi sh me n zhn bi sh me sh hu q ti bi

What do you intend to buy when going downtown?

What do you plan to teach tomorrow?

n mng tin zhn bi jio sh me

shng k

We have to preview the lessons before classes.


y dng yo zhn bi gng k

xia classifier signaling plurality; a small quantity or number

These things are mine.

n xi dng xi zh xi dng xi sh w de

To whom do those things belong?

sh shi de

Those people are singing.

n xi rn zi chng g


These students study very hard.

xi xu shng hn yng gng

jimplement, equipment

wn j

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


gng j

instruments; equipment; tools


painting equipment


I have a large sheet of paper.

zh zhng zh k y w yu y zhng hn d de zh

This sheet of paper can be painted on.
hu hu


m zh

m shi

ynink-slab, ink-stone





Paper, writing brushes, ink, and the ink-slab are the four treasures of the study.

yn sh wn fng s



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What do you want to buy?

n yo mi sh me

I want to buy pens.

w yo mi b


What do you sell?

n men mi sh me

We sell writing materials and books.

w men mi wn j hn sh

dinstore, shop

shng din


sh din


wn j

fn din



bi hu gng sdepartment store


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

gng s

company, corporation

Where are you working?

n zi n l zu sh

I'm working at a department store.

w zi bi hu gng s zu sh

Where is your company?

t men de gng s n men de gng s zi n l

Their company is on Zhong-shan North Road.

zi zhng shn bi l


shng ji

go out on the street, go downtown

on the street, downtown

ji shng

Are you going downtown?
n yo shng ji ma


Yes, I'm going around downtown.


w shng ji zu zu

Why are you going downtown?

n shng ji zu sh me

I want to buy something.
w shng ji mi y din dng xi


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

dngeast xwest nnsouth binorth

Westerners like Eastern things.
zi zhng gu bi fng b x fng rn x hun dng fng de dng xi

In China, the northern area is colder than the southern area.

nn fng lng

I like Taiwan-made things.

ti wn de dng xi w x hun ti wn de dng xi

Taiwan-made things are very good.

hn ho



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What do you plan to buy when you go downtown?
n zhn bi shng ji mi xi sh me dng xi

I plan to buy some stationery.

w zhn bi mi xi wn j

Where are you going to buy it ?

n do n l q mi ne

I'm going to a department store to buy it.

w do bi hu gng s q mi

Do department stores sell pens?

bi hu gng s bi hu gng s y mi b ma

Yes, department stores sell everything.

sh me du mi

Do bookstores sell pens?

sh din y mi b ma

Some do. Some don't.

n hi mi bi yu de mi yu de b mi

Are you going to buy anything else?

de dng xi ma

No, I'm not going to buy anything else.

w b mi bi de dng xi le


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 17

How Much is it?


qng wn

Excuse me. How much is a writing brush?

zh zhng b y zh w bi kui

mo b

zh du sho qin

This kind is $500 each.
w bi kui ti gi

Five hundred dollars? That's too expensive.


We have some cheaper ones.

pin y de ho xi ma w men y yu pin y de

Do the cheap ones write well?

Cheap ones write well too, but they are not as attractive.
pin y de y ho xi zh sh b ho kn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Not attractive! That doesn't matter. How much is one?
b ho kn mi gun x du sho qin y zh

A hundred and fifty dollars.

n me w mi ling zh y bi w sh kui y zh

Then, I'll buy two of them.

ling zh

Two will be three hundred dollars.

zh sh w bi kui

y gng sn bi kui qin

This is a five-hundred-dollar bill.

Have you got any smaller change?

n yu mi yu lng qin

I'm sorry, I don't have any.

mi gun x w k di b q w mi yu

That's all right. I can give you change. Here's two hundred dollars. Thank you.
y hun ki ho le zho n ling bi kui xi xie



He has a lot of money.

t hn yu qin

mo b

How much does a writing brush cost?


du sho qin


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


How much does an ink-slab cost?


ge du sho qin

kuidollar yun

modime jio


sn kui

three dollars
w mo


five dimes
q fn qin

seven cents
s kui b qin

four dollars and eight dimes

mo qin

ling mo w

two dimes and five cents

w qin sn bi s



five thousand three hundred and forty dollars

sh kui qin


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zhnga kind, type

What kind of pen do you want?
n yo mi n zhng b

What kind of painting does he want to learn?
t yo xu n zhng hu

zh zhng zh

Is this kind of paper very expensive?




zh bn sh gi

Is this book expensive?

zh bn sh hn gi

b gi

This book is very expensive.

pin ycheap

zh bn sh

This book is too expensive. Can you give me a discount?





y din ho ma

ho de

All right. I will discount it one dollar.

zi pin y

y kui qin

gngcommon; same

y gng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zh xi sh

How much are these books altogether?

y gng du sho qin

knlook at, see

mi hu hn ho kn

Plum blossoms are very beautiful.

zh zhng hu hn ho kn

This painting is very beautiful.

Have you seen Mr. Li?

w mi yu kn jin n kn jin L xin shng le ma

I haven't seen him.

lng qinsmall change; petty cash

Have you got any change?

n yu mi yu lng qin

duiright, correct

w shu de di

Is what I said correct?

di n shu de


Yes, what you said is right.

hn di


I'm sorry. Excuse me.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

hunchange kaiopen

I'll go and get some change.

zh sh y bi kui qin

q hun y din lng qin

This is a one-hundred-dollar bill. Can you change it?

n nng hun ki ma


I'm sorry. I don't have enough change. I can't change it.

de lng qin b gu

w hun b ki

zhofind, look for

n zho

What are you looking for?

sh me

w zho

I'm looking for my pen. I can't find my pen.


b zho b do


Who is he looking for?

t zho shi

He's looking for Miss Li.

t zho L xio ji

This is a one-hundred dollar bill. Please give me change.

zh sh y bi kui qng n zho qin


Yes, of course. Here's fifteen dollars.


zho n


w kui


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What did you buy?

w mi le y n mi le xi sh me

I bought some stationery.

n zi n l mi de xi wn j

Where did you buy it?

w zi

I bought it at a department store.

bi hu gng s de dng xi bi hu gng s mi de

Are things at the department store very expensive?

gi b gi

Not necessarily. Some are expensive, and some are cheap.

b y dng yu de gi yu de pin y

How much did you spend altogether?
n y gng yng le du sho qin

I spent $320 in all.
y gng yng le sn bi r sh kui

Did you have the correct change ready?

n zhn bi lng qin le ma

No, I gave them a five-hundred dollar bill, and they gave me change.
mi yu w gi t men w bi kui t men zho w qin

How much change did they give?

t men zho le du sho

Can you guess?

n shu ne


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 18

Its Too Late


xin zi

What time is it?


din le

It's already six-thirty.

n w men li b jng kui lu din bn le

Then we can't get there for dinner in time.

j ch wn fn le

Zhng xin shng ji

Mr. Zhang's place is not far away from here.

k sh y b jn zu l

w men



It's not that near either. It takes thirty minutes to walk there.
yo sn sh fn zhng

It takes only ten minutes by car.

yo sh ki ch q ki ch q zh yo sh fn zhng

If we take the car, we can leave at ten to seven.

sh a su y b b j lu din w sh zu y li de j

That's right. So we don't need to rush. We can take our time.

mn mn li ba


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


xin zinow

xin zi

What time is it now?



xin zi w men zu sh me

What can we do at present?

kuifast, almost, soon

kui b din

It's almost eight o'clock.



Hurry to get up.

bi ch de



Don't eat too fast.

bi zu de ti ti kui

Don't walk too fast.


mnslow, slowly

He works slowly.
t zu sh hn mn

qng n shu mn y din

Please speak a little more slowly.

Does your watch keep good time or not?
n de bio mn b mn

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Yes, my watch keeps very good time.


bio b mn

de bio hn zhn

li b jtoo late to make it

It's almost eight. It's too late for me to have breakfast.

zh ge zhng kui le r sh fn zhng n y jng kui b din le w li b j ch zo fn le

This clock is twenty minutes fast. You can eat slowly. You will make it.
mn mn ch y dng li de j

cheat, have

zhng w

What do you want to eat for lunch?

xing ch



w xing ch zhng gu

I would like to eat Chinese food. How about you?



I would only like to have some fruit.

zh xing ch

y din shi gu

fnfood, meal, cooked rice

zo fn


zhng fn


wn fn



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Have you eaten your meal?

n ch gu fn le ma

I have eaten (my meal).

ch gu fn


lleave, away from yunfar jnnear

Is your house far away from the school?

n ji l xu xio yun b yun

My house is very far away from the school.

w ji l xu xio hn yun

wn j din

Is the stationer far from the school?


yun ma

wn j din

The stationer is quite near here.

n l kai jia duo jiu le




How long have you been away from home?

I have been away from home for almost six years.

w l ki ji kui lu nin le



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zu lto walk (on the road)

I like to walk.

x hun zu l

w mi tin zu l shng xu

I walk to school everyday.

n zh zi sh me l

What street do you live on?

w zh

I live on Zhong-shan Road.

zi zhng shn l

chcar ki chdrive car

Can you drive?

w ki de n hi ki ch ma

I drive very well.

l shng ch zi hn ho

There are a lot of cars on the road. Please be careful.

hn du qin wn yo xio xn


All right. I will drive slowly.


w mn mn ki



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Is Li Zhong's house far from our house?
b yun zu l yo r L zhng ji l w men ji yun b yun

Not far. It takes twenty minutes on foot and less than ten minutes by car.
sh fn zhng ki ch b do sh fn zhng

It's too late. We can't make it in time if we walk . Let's drive our car.

All right. We can make it on time by car.

ho de ki ch y dng li de j

Don't drive too fast.

ho de bi ki de ti kui

OK. I'll drive slowly.

w mn mn ki


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 19

Sorry to Keep You Waiting


Excuse me, is Mr. Zhang at home?
zi zi qng wn n men sh qng wn Zhng xin shng zi ji ma

Yes, he is. Are you ....

w jio Ln d zhng

I am Lin Ta-jung. This is my wife.

sh Ln xin shng Ln ti tai zh wi sh w ti tai

Come in please Mr. & Mrs. Lin.
hun yng hun yng

Sorry to bother you.

n t l qng jn li m fn n men le

n men zu y hi r

No bother at all. Come in and sit down for a minute. He'll be back soon.
m shng ji hi li


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Sorry to keep you waiting.

n l di b q rng n men ji dng le

Not at all. We just arrived.
w men gng do

OK. Let's paint together.

n me w men ki sh hu hu ba


hun yngWelcome

You are most welcome to come to our home when you have time.
yu kng de sh hu hun yng n do w ji li wn

Mr. Li is welcome everywhere he goes.

L xin shng do ch du hn shu hun yng

m fnbother, troublesome

zh jin sh hn m fn

This is very troublesome.

w xing m fn

May I bother you with something?

zu sh qng b nng p m fn

jin sh

We must not fear troubles in our work.

jnenter, come in

zh sh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

This is my house. Please come in for a while.


qng jn

li zu zu

I can't come in today. When I'm not busy, I'll stop by.
jn tin b jn q le yu kng zi li ba

Which university do you plan to enter?

n zhn bi jn n su d xu

zusit, take

qng zu

Please sit down

What kind of transportation did you take to get here?

n zu sh me ch li de

rchild; a particle used after nouns, verbs, and adjectives, especially by Peking

ny r zi


a little while
y hi r

qng dng y

Please wait a while.

w ch q y


I'll go out for a while.

hi r


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

a little
y din r

zh jin sh

This matter is a little tough.

yu din r





road, horse trail

There are a lot of cars on the road.

l shng ch


hn du

gu m

Be careful when you cross the street.

yo xio xn

m shng

at once, right away

I am going out. I'll be back right away.



m shng hi


higo back, return

It s too late. I want to go home.

sh jin b zo le ti wn le w yo hi ji le

It's late. I want to go back.

w yo hi q le


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


rng w

Let me come in.



rng w

Let me do this.
bi rng t

li zu zh jin sh

Don't make him wait too long.

dng de ti ji


dng y dng

wait a moment

dng y

wait a while


dng y

wait a minute; in a moment


Who are you waiting for?

n zi dng shi

I'm waiting for Miss Wang.

Wng xio ji ch q

zi dng Wng xio ji

Miss Wang is out. She will be back in a moment.

le t dng y hi r ji hi li


OK. I can wait a while.


zi dng y



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


gng ci

just a moment ago

gng gng

just now
gng ho

happen to, at the right moment

Wng xio ji

Miss Wang just got to America.

zh bn sh sh gng mi li

gng do




I just bought this book.

gng ci n do n de

Where did you go just now?
w men gng ci l q le

We just went to buy some books.

q mi sh

Did you just get back?
w men gng gng hi n men gng hi li ma

We just got back.

xin zi gng ho lu din

It happens to be six o'clock now.

Miss Li left for just two minutes.

L xio ji gng zu le ling fn zhng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


I've heard that you own many paintings. May I take a look?
tng shu n yu hn du hu w xing q kn kn

Of course. You are welcome to come over any time.
ho a si sh hun yng n do w ji li

mng tin xi w

Will you be free tomorrow afternoon?

yu kng n ling din bn li ho ma

yu kng ma

Yes, you can come over at half past two.

Will I be bothering you?

y din r du hi b hi hn m fn n

Not at all.
ho n b m fn

Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.

me mng tin xi w jin

I'm sorry to be late and keep you waiting.

xin zi ci gng gng ling din bn di b q w li wn le rng n ji dng le

It is exactly two-thirty. You come at the right moment.
y hi er dng y xi zi kn hu ba n li de gng ho

xin zu

Please sit down for a minute. We'll watch the paintings later.
b yng zu le w men ji y q kn hu ba

I don't need a rest. Let's watch the paintings.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 20

Please Try


What do you want to learn?
n men xing xu sh me

We would like to learn landscape painting.
w men xing xu shn shi hu

w xin hu y f n men kn kn

sh zi qin tou tou

shn zi hu tou shi l hu j kui sh nn

tin shng zi hu ling zh nio ho le b ba

Let me show you how to do it. Watch carefully. The trees are in front. The mountain is behind them. Paint some rocks in the water and then paint two birds in the sky. Well, it's finished. That's not difficult, is it?

It looks easy, but it s not easy to paint.

kn q li b nn hu q li ji b rng y le

Come on. Give it a try.

li n men sh sh kn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



a mountain
y zu shn

zh zu shn hn go

This mountain is very high.


boiling water
ki shi

shi ki

The water is boiling.


There's a lot of water in the river.

h l tou shi hn d

I like Chinese landscape painting.

w x hun shn shi hu

fa piece of (used as adjunct for pictures, scrolls etc.)


Who painted this picture?

zh f hu

hu sh shi hu de

This painting was done by Zhang Da-qian.

sh Zhng d qin hu de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


shn shng yu hn

There are many trees on the mountain.



zh k sng sh hn go

This pine tree is very tall.

There is a big tree behind my house.


hu min yu


There are many trees by the river.
h png bin yu hn du sh

shrock, stone


rock, stone


niobird zha classifier for describing nouns like birds, dogs, etc.

a bird
y zh nio

sh shng yu

There are many birds in the tree.


zh nio

nndifficult, hard


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

nn knugly, not pleasant to look at nn gusorry, sad

xu zhng wn nn

Is it hard to learn Chinese?

xu zhng wn b nn


It's not hard to learn Chinese.

zh yo du lin x

If you practice a lot, it's not difficult.


b nn xu ho

My painting is very unattractive.

hu de

hu hn nn kn

I am sorry to hear that.

n zh me shu w hn nn gu

rng yeasy, easily

jin dn de

Simple songs are easy to sing.

shu hu rng y zu sh

rng y chng

It's easy to say, but difficult to do.
hu y hn rng y xu nn

It's easy to speak Chinese, but it's not easy to write Chinese characters.
k sh zhng wn b rng y xi



ko sh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

test, examination


Taste it. Is it good?

sh sh



ho b

ho ch

Try this pen to see how it works.

kn zh zh b zn me yng

xu shng zi

Students are afraid of examinations.





Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Who painted this picture?

zh sh w hu de zh f hu sh shi hu de

I did. It's not very good.

n l n hu de hu de b ho

hn ho y yun shn rn jn sh du hu de ji gng yu y hn ho le

That's not true. You did well. The mountain in the distance and the trees in the foreground are all well done. If you paint a man under the tree, it will be even better.
yo sh sh xi zi hu ge n si

I find it hard to paint human figures.

w ju de rn hn nn hu

You can do it in the simple way.

n hu y ge rn gi n k y hu jin dn y din er a

Will you show me how to do it?

w y hu de b ho w kn kn ho ma

I am not very good at it either, but I'll give it a try.

b gu k y sh sh kn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 21

Make A Telephone Call


Miss Li: Is Mr. Wang in?
Wng ti tai zi xio ji qng wn Wng xin shng zi ma

qng n dng y xi sh png n de din hu

Mrs. Wang: Yes. Wait a moment please. Shi-ping, it's for you.
Wng xin shng

shi d li de

Mr. Wang: Who is it?

Wng ti tai b

zh do sh wi xio ji ne

Mrs. Wang: I don't know. It's a lady.

Wng xin shng wi

w sh Wng sh png

Mr. Wang: Hello. This is Wang Shi-ping speaking.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

L xio ji Wng xin shng nn ho w sh L y mi

w mng tin yu sh lo bn n

b nng q shng bn t xing d ge din hu gi

Miss Li: How are you, Mr. Wang. This is Li Yu-mei. I can't go to work tomorrow. I would like to call the boss. Do you know his telephone number?
Wng xin shng zh do de din hu ho m ma

qng dng y de xi w ch y ch lu ho ch do r le

Mr. Wang: Wait a moment. Let me check. Yes, here it is. His phone number is 3 6 4 8 9 21.
t din hu ho m sh san sh ba jiu y

Miss Li: 364-8921. Thanks a lot.

Wng xin shng n l L xio ji san lu sh ba jiu r y xi xie n

Mr. Wang: Don't mention it. Bye-bye.
zi jin

Miss Li: Good-bye.

Wng xin shng L xio ji zi jin

Mr. Wang (to Mrs. Wang): She's my colleague. Not my girlfriend. Don't worry.
di ti tai sh w de tng sh fng xn b sh ny png yu


dbeat, hit, do, make play

d din hu

make a telephone call


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

to type
d z

play with a ball

d qu

to hit a person
d rn

dinelectricity, electric

din hu


din dng

electric light

din sh


din yng


din no



Li Yu-mei
L y mi


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

bna class, a company

shng bn

go to work

1eave work
xi bn

We are in the same class at school.

zi xu xio w men tng bn

lo bnboss


ho m

din hu ho m

telephone number

at least
q m

a secret code
m m

chcheck, look into, find


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

yo sh yu

If you run into words you don t know, check them in the dictionary.

rn sh



z din

yo sh wng le din hu ho m

If you happen to forget telephone numbers, you can look in the telephone book.

ch din hu b

yo sh yng din no ch dng xi

It's more efficient to look for information by computer.

ji kui du le

png yufriend

He is my good friend.
t t sh w de ho png yu

He and Mr. Zhang are good friends.

gn Zhng xin shng sh ho png yu

xio L yu ny png yu le

Li has a girl friend.

Wng xio ji

Miss Wang has a boy friend.

yu nn png yu le

fnglet, release, put

fng xu

to return home from school

fng ji

to have a holiday


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

fng xn

to be free from anxiety

Where is your stationery?

w fng zi zhu zi shng n de wn j fng zi n l

It's on my desk.

xnmind, heart


After hearing what he said, I am very happy.

zh me shu

w xn

hn go xng

xio xn

be careful

c xn

gun xn

care about

fng xn

free from anxiety

I drive very carefully. Don't worry.

w ki ch hn xio xn n fng xn ba


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Who are you calling?

w t yo gi lo bn n yo gi shi d din hu

d din hu n zh do

I'm calling my boss. Do you know his telephone number?

n dng y xi w bng n ch y ch de din hu ho m ma

Wait a moment. Let me check for you.

b yng ch le w xing q li

Don't bother. I remember it.

n d din hu gi t le

Why are you calling him?

yu jin sh yo gn yu sh ma

There's one thing I have to discuss with him.
xi le bn hi shng ling gng sh fng bin ma t shng ling y xi

Is it convenient to discuss business after work?

fng xn

Don't worry. They are simple matters.

sh jin jin dn de



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 22

Waiting for Him to Call Back


Ln xin shng

wi w sh Ln d zhng qng wn Wng xin shng zi ma

Mr. Lin: Hello, this is Lin Da-zhong. Is Mr. Wang in?

Wng ti tai di b q t b zi w

sh t ti tai

Mrs. Wang: I'm sorry, he s not in. I am his wife. May I ask what you are calling about?

qng wn yu

sh me sh ma

Ln xin shng Wng ti tai n ho sh zh yng de bi li

yn wi yu wi tng xu cng ti su y w qng le j

wi png yu

mng tin wn shng

lu din zhng b zh zi mi hu fn din ch fn

Mr. Lin: How are you Mrs. Wang? The fact is that an old classmate came all the way from Taipei, so I am inviting some friends to a dinner at the Plum Restaurant tomorrow evening at six. I wonder if Mr. Wang could join us?
do Wng xin shng nng b nng li


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Wng ti tai

yng gi mi yu wn qng n lu t b gu hi sh di wn wn t

Mrs. Wang: There shouldn't be any problem, but I should still ask him about it when he gets back. Could you please leave your telephone number?
ge din hu ho m ho ma

Ln xin shng

Mr. Lin: My number is 721-4385.

Wng ti tai ho de

w de din hu





dng t n hi li w hi go s t

Mrs. Wang: OK, I'll tell him to call you back when he returns.
qng t hi de din hu

Ln xin shng

Mr. Lin: Thanks a lot. I'll wait for him to call back.

xi xi

w dng t

hi hu


niin, inside

ni rn

my wife

ni rng


The content of this book is good.

ni bn sh mi zh bn sh de ni rng hn ho

That book doesn't have much content.

sh me ni rng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

()tiplatform, terrace

jing ti

lecture platform

ti bi ti wn



yun yn


yn wi


yn wi

because (so)


yn wi w hn mng

Because I am very busy, I am tired.

yn wi t hn cng mng su


w hn li

Because he is intelligent, he learns very fast.

yn wi ti wn le su y y xu de hn kui

Because it is late, I want to go home.

w yo hi ji le


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

What did he ask you?

t wn n sh me

He asked me about the telephone number of my boss.

t wn w lo bn de din hu ho m

qng wn sh din zi n

May I ask where the bookstore is?


wn tquestion, problem


This question is not easy to answer.

ge wn

b rng y


lustay, leave, take care

qng n

Please leave your telephone number.


ge din hu ho m

qng n

Please leave your address.




qng n

Please take care of this matter.


zh jin sh

gupast, over

xin zi

It's now five past nine.



ji din gu w fn

I haven't read this book yet.

mi kn gu zh bn sh


w mi

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I have never been to Taipei.

q gu

ti bi

I can speak Chinese.

hi shu zhng wn



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Have you read this book?

n kn gu zh bn sh ma

Yes, I have.
w kn gu

zh bn sh yu ni rng ma

Is the content interesting?


zh bn sh hn yu

It's very interesting. You will like it.


dng hi

x hun

b gu w de zhng wn b ho

But my Chinese is not good, so I may have a lot of questions.

n yu wn t k y si sh


k nng hi yu hn du wn t

mi gun x

That's all right. If you have questions, you can call me any time.
n de din hu ho m sh j ho

d din hu gi w

What's your telephone number?

lu san s r y ju w

b gu xng q tin bi gi w

d din hu

634-2195. But don't call me on Sunday, because I want to go to see my girl friend.

yn wi

w yo q zho w

de ny png yu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 23

Why Can't I Get Through?


Wng xin shng

zn me d b tng ne

Mr. Wang: Why can't I get through?


Wng ti tai

Mrs. Wang: Is it because someone's on the line?
zi jing hu zhng ma

Wng xin shng

Mr. Wang: No.
tai b sh

Wng ti

Mrs. Wang: Maybe the telephone isn't working.

sh din hu hui le ma

Wng xin shng

y b sh sh mi rn ji

Mr. Wang: No, no one is at home. Could it be that you've got the wrong number?
hi b hi sh din hu ho m cu le

Wng ti tai

Mrs. Wang: It shouldn't.

yng gi

b hi


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Wng xin shng

Mr. Wang: I'll try one more time.

n me w zi sh sh kn

Ln xian sheng

Mr. Lin: Hello!

Wng xin shng


sh d zhng ma w sh sh png a

Mr. Wang: Is this Da-zhong? This is Shi-ping. Why didn't anybody answer the phone just now?
zn me gng ci mi rn ji din hu

Ln xin shng gng ci w zi x shu jin y tng jin din hu lng shng y jing gu dun le

Mr. Lin: I was in the bathroom. I hurried to answer the phone when it rang, but you hung up.
Wng xin shng jiu gn kui chu li k sh n

di b q di b q w sh yo go s n

Mr. Wang: I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I'll be there on time tomorrow.
w mng tin zhn sh do


tngthrough, reach, lead

din hu tng le

Does the phone work? Can you get through?


din hu hi mi tng

The telephone doesn't work.

Where does this road lead to ?

zh tio l tng do n l


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

tng gu

pass through

tng zh


tng chng


jingtalk, speak, say

What did he say to you?

shng k de sh hu t gn n jing le sh me

Don't talk in class.

lo sh bi jing hu

The teacher is lecturing on the platform.
zi jing ti shng jing k

huibad, rotten

He always does bad things. Therefore, he is a bad man.
n ge rn chng zu hui sh su y sh ge hui rn


Don't eat rotten food.

ch hui de dng xi

din hu hui le

The telephone is out of order.

jitake, receive, continue


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

mi rn

Nobody answered the phone.

ji din hu

As soon as Mr. Li finished talking, Mr. Zhang continued to speak.

L xin shng gng shu wn Zhng xin shng yu ji zhe shu


Is this word written wrongly?

zh ge z xi cu le ma

zh jin sh zu cu

Is this wrong?



zh bn sh xi de

This book is not bad.

b cu


wash hands
x shu

wash face
x lin

wash a car
x ch

wash clothes
x y f


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Everyone has two hands.

t de shu l yu y

ge rn yu ling zh shu

There is a pen in his hand.

zh b

bathroom, restroom
x shu jin

He likes to sing in the bathroom.
qng wn x shu jin zi n t x hun zi x shu jin chng g

Where is the restroom?

tnglisten, hear

Have you heard anything?

n tng jin lng shng le

yu mi yu tng jin sh me sh

Have you heard the bell?

n ma

What songs do you like to listen to?

x hun tng sh me g

zh shu g hn ho tng

This song sounds pleasant.


din lng

electric bell


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

mn lng

door bell


shng yn


What sound is this?
sh sh me shng yn

zh sh mn lng de shng yn

This is the sound of a door bell.

gnpursue, catch up

gn kui



I didn't catch the train.
w mi gn shng n bn ch


Hang the painting up.

b hu gu q li

duncut, break

bi gu dun din hu

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Don't hang up the phone.

My pencil is broken.
w de qin b dun le

go stell

qng n

Please tell Mr. Li about this matter.

n yng gi go s t n de

go s

L xin shng zh jin sh

You should have told him what you meant.

y si



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


qng wn Ln xin shng zi ma

Is Mr. Lin in?

w ji sh

This is Mr. Lin speaking. You are ...

qng wn n sh

This is Wang Shi-ping.

sh png n ho ma

sh Wng sh png

Shi-ping. How are you?

gi n d din hu zhn b rng y le j c zu tin mi rn ji

jn tin d

It's so hard to get through to you. Nobody was home yesterday, and today the line was always busy.
b q zh j tin w hn mng yu sh me sh ma yu du zi jing hu zhng

zhn di

I'm sorry. I ve been quite busy for the past two days. What is it?
xio L de din hu sh j ho

w xing qng wn n

I would like to know Mr. Li's telephone number.

n bi gu dun w q ch y ch

Don't hang up. I'll look it up and tell you immediately.
m shng go s n


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 24

There Are Six People in My Family


Do you live with your family?

sh de w hn q b ba n hn n de ji rn zh zi y q ma

m ma g ge ji jie


Yes, I live with my father, mother, brother and sister. How about you?



My home is far away from here, so I rented a house.

w ji hn yun su y w y ge rn zi zh l z fng zi zh

fng z

Is the rent very high?

b gi b gu fng jin hn xio

hn gi


fng z

No, it's not, but the room is small.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

How many people are there in your family?

n ji l hi yu xi sh me rn

I have my father and mother, a brother and two sisters.

w ji l hi yu f m qn y ge d di ling ge mi mei

You have a big family.

sh de w ji n ji de rn b sho

Yes, there are six people in my family.

n xing nin t men ma yu lu ku rn

Do you miss them?

w hn xing nin

Yes, I miss them very much.
t men



Who do you live with?

n gn shi zh

Where do you live?

n zh zi n l

b badaddy

f qnfather


f qn

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

m qn

qn rn

close relatives, folks



intimate, close to
qn jn


Children like to be close to him.


du hn x hun qn


m mamom

m qnmother

I live with my father and mother.

w b ba zi y w gn w f m qn zh zi y q

My dad works for a company.

w m ma zi y ji gng s shng bn

My mom teaches at a school.

su xu xio jio sh

g geelder brother

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

ji jieelder sister d diyounger brother mi meiyounger sister

I don't have any elder brothers or sisters.

w mi yu g ge ji jie

I have a younger brother and two younger sisters.

w yu y ge d di ling ge mi mei

My younger brother and sister study at a middle school.

w d di gn d mi shng zhng xu le

w xio mi ci shng xio xu

My little sister is just in the elementary school.


to rent a house
z fng zi

to rent a car
z ch zi


fng zi



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

fng jin


I want to rent a house.

w yo z fng zi

zh jin fng zi

This house is for rent.

fng z gi b gi

ch z

Is the rent high?

fng z y

The rent is $ 8000 a month.

ti gi le w z b ge yu b qin kui

That's too expensive. I can't afford it.


You can just rent a room.

n k y zh z y ge fng jin

xisome, a few

I bought some new books.

zh xi w mi le y xi xn sh

These new books are very interesting.

xn sh du hn yu q

I have a few relatives in Taiwan.

n yu n xi qn rn zi w zi ti wn yu xi qn rn

Which relatives are in Taiwan?

ti wn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

kumouth, person

zhng gu

China has a large population.






How many people are there in your family?

n ji yu j ku rn

What do you have in your mouth?

n ku zhng yu sh me dng xi

xing ku

the entrance to a lane

the intersection of a road

l ku

mn ku

the gate, the opening of a door

hn du m qn do xu xio mn ku ji

Many mothers take their children home at the entrance of the school.





There is a big tree at the door of my house.

w ji mn ku yu y k d sh

There is a stationer at the road intersection.

zh ge l ku yu y ji wn j din

ninthink of, remember

j nin

xing nin



July 4th is America's Independence Day.

q yu s ho sh mi gu d l j nin r

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I miss my family very much.

hn xing nin w






Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


How many people are there in your family?

n men ji yu j ku rn

There are six people in my family.

w men ji yu lu ku rn

Do you live together?

sh de n men du zh zi y q ma

Yes, but some of our relatives are living abroad.

sh me qn rn b gu yu xi qn rn zi gu wi

yu xi

Which relatives?
w z f m

zh zi y ji n d wi z f m zh zi

yng gu

My grandparents live in Canada, my mother's parents live in England and my aunt lives in Japan.
n q kn gu t men ma

zh zi


Have you ever visited them?

I've been to Canada and England.

wi sh me b q r bn ne ji n d gn yng gu w du q gu le

Why haven't you been to Japan?

yn wi w y hi

zi shng xu q le su y t

Because my aunt is still a student, and she lives in a small rented room, it would be inconvenient if I visited her.

de fng jin hn xio

ti fng bin


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 25 Come to My House


It must be very inconvenient to live by yourself.

sh de w hn xing ji su y n y ge rn zh zi wi min y dng hn b fng bin

Yes, I miss my family, so I often go home on weekends.
zh ge zhu m n do w ji li wn ling tin ba w zhu m chng hi q

Can you come to my house this weekend?

hi b hi ti m fn n men

Would it be much trouble for you?

It's not. My parents welcome my friends.

b hi de n b yo k q w f m qn hn gun yng k rn


Is it convenient to stay in your house?


ji fng bin ma


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

fei chng fang bin k ting w jia yu ho sio j jian w fng

fn ting y b yo shh tian c ho de hu

hi k

Very convenient. We have many bedrooms. The living room and the dining room are big too. If the weather is nice, we can also play ball in the yard.
ti ho le w hn s huan d ciu

zi yun zh


Good. I like to play ball.

n me jhou m w li

Then, I will pick you up this weekend.

jie n

No, you don't need to. If you give me your address, I m sure I can find it.
b yng le gi w n jia de d jhh w y dng jho de do


zhu mweekend

zhu m li

Come over to my house this weekend, OK?

ji wn ho ma

Don't you go out on the weekend?

n zhu m b ch q ma

No, I usually stay at home.

w zhu m du bn zi ji

chngoften, frequently


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

hun yng

You are welcome to come over to my place often.

chng chng do




w chng mi sh

I often buy books.

w png chng wn shng b ch mn

I don't usually go out at night.


Do you like to play balls ?

n x hun wn qu ma

I like to play with the computer.

w x hun wn din no


k k rn


living room
k tng

qair, atmosphere, angry


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

k q

tin q


He's too polite.

jn t ti k q le

The weather is very nice today.

tin tin q hn ho

Why did he get angry?

t wi sh me shng q le

fi chngvery

He is very smart.
jn tin tin q t fi chng cng mng

Today's weather is very nice.

fi chng ho


w fng



tngparlour, hall

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

living room
k tng

fn tng

dining room

yun ziyard, court

qin yun

front yard

hu yun

back yard

y yun

yn ji yun

research institute


z qu




wng qu



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

pi qu


zhu qu y mo qu

table tennis
n png png qu

Do you like to play ball games?

x hun wn qu ma

I like to play tennis.

w x hun d wng qu


d zh

zh zh


qng go s

Please tell me your address.

n zh



Do you know where the Plum Restaurant is?

do mi hu fn din de d zh ma


This place is not easy to find.



ho zho


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What do you usually do at home?
w n png chng zi ji l zu sh me

Whenever I have time, I play with the computer.

y yu kng ji wn din no

bi y tin do wn zi w zi l tin q ho de sh hu

yng gi ch li wn wn

You shouldn't stay inside all day. When the weather is nice, you should go outside and play.


Good! Let's go play tennis together this weekend. Okay ?

k sh do n l q d ne

zh ge zhu m w men

d wng qu




Okay! Where will we play?

k y do

We can go to our school and play.
n men xu xio zi n l w men xu xio d

Where is your school?

w men xu xio b yun

Our school isn't far. I'll give you the address. I'm sure you can find it.



y dng zho de



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 26

Getting Lost


hun yng

Welcome! Welcome! You are very punctual.

n ji hn ho zho w

hun yng


de hn zhn sh

Your house is easy to find. I found it without any problems.

y zho ji zho do le


Last time little Wang had a lot of trouble finding it.

w b t cng mng sh b sh

xio Wng li

zho le

bn tin

mi zho do

zh me shu

Then I'm smarter, right?

c m l de


You seem to have forgotten your last experience.


ho xing wng j



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Last time I got lost because you were talking to me all the time, and I forgot to turn.
b sh ba sh zi gi zu zhun de sh hu n yu zhun le

sh yn wi

zh gn w shu hu

su y

w wng le zhun wn

No, I think you turned the wrong way.
zhn de ma w zn me b j

Really? Funny, I don't remember that.

q ba w f de le

kui jn

Come on. My parents are waiting to meet you.

m qn du dng zhe kn n



xinglike, seem

You seem to be very tired.
n ho xing hn li

He seems to like singing.
zh ling ge d t ho xing hn x hun chng g

These two places are very much alike.

fng hn xing

zh zhng hu

This painting is very much like that one.

hn xing n


He is much like his mother.

t hn xing t de m qn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zhstraight, directly

He kept on talking in class.

t shng k sh y zh shu hu

zh tio l

The road is very straight.

hn zh

yu sh me sh

If you have anything to say to him, you can say it directly to him.




t shu

wncurvy, bend

zh tio l

The road is curvy.

w de b wn

hn wn

My pen is bent.


zhun wn

turn in another direction

zuleft yuright

zu zhun

turn to the left


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

yu zhun

turn to the right

zu shu

left hand

yu shu

right hand


wng le


wng j



I forgot where it was.

n jin sh ge dng xi fng zi n er w wng le

I forgot to tell him about it.

w wng j le w wng j zhun go t

I forgot about this matter.

zh jin sh

jremember, take down

yng b

Please take it down.




Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Please write it down in the notebook.

j zi bn zi shng

Do you remember what I told you?

go s






I remember.
n j de



Do you remember that man?

n ge rn ma

I remember him.


bi wng j

Don't forget to call me.


w d din hu

mspellbound, enchanted, charmed, become lost

He is spellbound by the computer.

t rng din no m zh le

He is infatuated with the computer.

t hn m din no

The girl is charming.

n ge ny hi hn m rn

zi shn shng hn rng y

It's easy to get lost in the mountains.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


zn me

Why did you come so late? Did you get lost?

l b ho zho



me wn




This place is hard to find.

n k y d din hu gi w w q ji n

You could have called me. I could have come for you.

But I forgot your telephone number.

k sh w wng le n de din hu ho m

You seem to have been here once before.

n ho xing li gu y c

Yes, that's why I found it at last, but I got here too late.
mi gun x do jn xi c yo j zh sh a su y w hi sh zho do le b gu li de ti wn le

cng w men xu xio mn ku y ji do w ji le zh zu

That s all right. Next time remember to walk straight from the school gate and turn right at Today's Department Store. Then you can find my house.
r bi hu gng s yu zhun


I won't forget next time.

b hi wng j



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 27

How Do I Get There?


xin shng

Sir, can you tell me how I can get to the First National Bank?
do sh z l ku zu zhun rn hu zi

qng wn do d

yn hng zn me zu

n xin xing yu zu y zh zu

Turn to the right first. Turn left at the first intersection. Then walk two blocks, and you'll be at Zhong-shan North Road.
d y yn hng zi zhng shn bi l ma gu ling ge hng ly dng ji do zhng shn bi l le

Is the First National Bank on Zhong-shan North Road?


Yes, it's right in front of a department store.

w zh do le n ji




bi hu gng s

di min

I know. That department store is very big.

b gu gu m l yo xio xn bi hu gng s hn d

But be careful when you cross the street. There are a lot of cars.
n tio l shng ch zi hn du



OK, I'll take the underground passage. Thank you.


w zu

xi do

xi xie

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


drank, order

d d y


d sn

zh sh

How many times have you been to England?

q yng gu

ynsilver sng hngcompany, conduct, line

zh zhng xng wi

Such conduct is wrong.

zh zhng zh shng yu




There are three lines of words on this paper.

sn hng z

Why did you go to the bank?

n do yn hng q zu sh me

xingdirection, turn to

fng xing



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xing qin kn

look ahead

xing zu zhun

turn to the left

rnbut, same as

z rn

dng rn

of course

rn hu


du lin

If you practice more, then you will be able to do it.





xu shng dng rn yng

Students should have to study hard.

w men xin mi dng xi rn

gi yng gng

We'll buy something first, and then have some food.
hu ch fn


hng de


This pen is red.

zh zh b sh hng de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words





This tree is green.

k sh sh ly de


din dng

electric light

hng dng

red light

green light
ly dng

hung dng

yellow light





shng xu

We go to school to seek knowledge.







zh do



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Zhng xin shng cng

Do you know that Mr. Zhang comes from Taipei?

n zh do n jin fng zi








Do you know the rent for that house?

z du sho qin ma

I don't know.

zh do


do l

road, street

do l shng ch zi

There are many cars on the street.

hn du

zh tio do l

The street is very wide.



reason, right

What you said is quite right.

n zh do zh f n shu de hu hn yu do l

Do you know who did this painting?

hu sh shi hu de ma

tioa classifier for some thing narrow and long

This road is straight.

zh tio l hn zh


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

That road is curvy.

n n tio l sh wn de

Do you know where this road leads to?

w zu tin mi le y tio k zi zh do zh tio l tng do n l ma

Yesterday I bought a pair of trousers.

w mi de n tio k zi sh

The trousers I bought are green.

ly de



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


qng wn yun dng bi

Please tell me where the Far Eastern Department Store is.

zi zhng hu l

hu gng


yun dng bi hu gng s

It's on Zhong-hua Road.

n zh

Do you know how I can get there?

do zn me zu ma

n cng zh z l l xing qin de y zh zu do d r ge


Go straight ahead to the second intersection, cross the street, and you will see it.
hu gng s ji zi sh z l ku ma


sh hu gu m l

ji do


yun dng bi

Is the Far Eastern Department Store at the intersection?

de ji zi sh z l ku n l ch

sh zi hn du

gu m

Yes, right at the intersection. There are many cars there. Be careful when you cross the street.
hi lu y hng ly dng de xi xie n

yo xio xn

I'll heed the red light. Thank you.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 28 Buying Clothes


I want to go shopping.
w xing shng ji q mi dng xi

What do you want to buy?

n xing mi sh me

w xing mi y shung xi zi ling shung w zi

tng sh xing mi y

I would like to buy a pair of shoes, two pairs of socks, and some sportswear.
y xing mi y tio yn dng k

to yn dng y

zhng ho w

I'm going to buy a pair of sport pants too.

n yo mi sh me pi zi de

What brand would you buy?

sh me pi zi du k y

Any brand will do.


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Then let's go to the department stores.

n me w men do bi hu gng s kn kn

Yes, many are giving discounts.

mng pi y f y bi hu gng s zhng zi d zh

Are discounts also being given on name-brands?

d zh ma

20% discounts are being offered on name-brands.

mng pi y f d b zh

That's not too bad.

n y pin y b sho


shungpair, couple, two

shung qn


shung shu

both hands

shung shu wn

With two hands, one can work miracles.


shung shung di

Pairs and couples, twos by twos.



a pair of shoes
y shung xi zi

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

a pair of socks
y shung w zi


p xi zi

leather shoe

canvas shoe
b xi


tennis shoe


yn dng xi

sports shoe


a pair of socks
m ma gi y shung w zi

My mother bought a pair of red socks for me.

w mi le y shung hng w zi

Whose pair of green socks are those?
n shung ly w zi sh shi de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


Yesterday I bought a pair of wool socks.




y shung mo w

toset, suit

a suit
y y to y f

a set of books
to sh

a set of cups
n zh to y to bi zi

Your suit is very attractive.

zh sh y to y f hn ho kn

What kind of books are in this set?

sh me sh

ynmove, transport

yn dng xi

to transport goods

zh xi dng xi

From where were these goods transported?

sh cng






Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

shng k de

Don't fidget in class.

xio hi zi

sh hu bi dng li dng q

Children run around all the time, and they never get tired.
y tin do wn dng li dng q y b li

Do you like to exercise?

n n x hun yn dng ma

What kind of sports do you like?

x hun sh me yn dng

We are going to hold an athletic meet tomorrow.

men xu xio mng tin

xng yn dng hi

yn dng chng shng yu hn

There are many people on the playground.



y fclothes

yn dng y


yn dng f

shng y

upper garment; top

western suit
x f

w mi

I bought a sweatsuit.


to yn dng f


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

zh jin shng

This top looks pretty.

n to x f

hn ho


That suit must be very expensive.

w mi tin zo shng x y y dng hn gi ba

I wash clothes every morning.
t x hun hng s de y f

She likes red clothes.


kpants, trousers

trousers, pants
k zi

chng k

trousers, long pants

dun k

shorts, short pants

yn dng k


w xing q

I want to buy a pair of long trousers.

mi y

tio chng k

pibrand, plate

What brand is your outfit?

n de y f sh sh me pi zi de


zh zh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

What brand is this pen?

n ji mn pi j


sh me pi



What number is on your door plate?


What is your car license number?

n de ch pi sh j ho

mngname, famous

My last name is Li. My personal name is Da-nian.

w xng L mng z jio d nin

What is his name?

t de mng z t jio sh me mng z

His name is Chian Nian-zu.

jio Qin nin z

He is very famous.
t hn yu mng

He is a famous teacher.
zh zhng pi zi t sh y wi hn yu mng de lo sh

This brand is very famous.
hn yu mng

zhngjust, right, (now) ,

He is writing right now.

t xin zi zhng zi xi z


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

w zhng zi jio sh

I am teaching right now.

w men zhng zi

We are learning Chinese right now.

xu zhng wn

xin zi zhng ho sh din

It's ten o'clock sharp. Let's dismiss the class.

t do w ji li de sh hu

w men gi

xi k


When he came to my house, I was just going out.

w zhng ho ch q le

zhbreak, discount, bend, fold

zh jin

These clothes were folded well.

zh zhng zh sh shi zh de

zh de

hn ho

Who folded this paper?

bi hu gng s zhng zi d

The department stores are offering discounts.


What discount is being given on clothing?

y f d j zh

yu de

Some are giving a 20% discount, some 40% .

yu sh hu bi hu gng s hi d






Sometimes department stores give a 50% discount.

di zh

Don'st buy trash just because of a discount.

b yo yn wi d zh ji mi hn du mi yu yng de dng xi


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


What brand is this pair of shoes?
n zh shung yn dng xi sh sh me pi zi de


It's Da-tong.
ge pi

d tng pi de


This brand is very well- known.



hn yu mng




Many people like things with famous brands.

de dng xi zu de ho



x hun yng mng pi


dng xi

mng pi

Goods with famous brands are often made of good quality.

k sh ti gi le

But they are very expensive.

Well, they are expensive, but they endure longer, and also have better shapes.
gi sh gi k sh b rng y hui tng sh y ho kn xi

Your shoes look great.
xi c d zh n n zh shung xi zi sh b cu

Next time there is a discount, you should buy a pair for yourself.
y q mi y shung ba


All right.



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 29 Going to the Seashore


Let's go to the movies, OK?

jn tin sh xng q tin w men q kn din yng ho ma

Today is Sunday. It might be difficult to get a ticket.

din yng pio b ho mi

Then, let's go to the seaside.

di hi bin b n me do hi bin q wn

Yes, at the seaside we can enjoy pleasant scenery and swimming, too.
men zn me q dn fng jng ho r qi hi k y yu yng

How do we get there?

w men zu gng gng q ch q

Let's take a bus.

ch pio

How much is a bus ticket?
y zhng du sho qin


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Fifteen NT dollars a piece.
y zhng sh w kui qin

That's quite cheap.

n b sun gi

Let's go now.
bi wng le w men xin zi ji zu ba

Don't forget your swimming suit.

di yu yng y



yng zi


din yng


yng xing


I don't go to the movies often.

b chng kn din yng

zh jin sh yng xing hn

This matter has great impact.


din yng pio

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

movie ticket

ch pio

bus ticket

chun pio

boat ticket

airplane ticket
fi j pio

mn pio

entrance ticket

cho pio


xu shng pio

student ticket

children's ticket
r tng pio

qun pio

full-price ticket

half-price ticket
bn pio


hung hi

Yellow sea


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

nn hi

South sea

der Strand seashore

sea water
hi shui

binside, edge

png bin


zu bin

left side

yu bin

right side

river side
h bin

hi bin

There is a river next to my house.

w ji png bin yu y tio h

There is a tree by the river.

h bin yu y k sh

We often sang and danced under the trees when we were little children.
w men xio de sh hu chng zi sh xi y bin chng g y bin tio w


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


The wind at the seaside is strong.

hi bin fng hn d

The sea wind is cool.
hi fng hn ling kui

bi fng hn lng

The north wind is cold.

dng nn fng hn nun huo

The southeast wind is warm.


The scenery at the seaside is pretty.

hi bin de fng jng hn ho

shn shng de fng jng

The scenery on the mountain is also pretty.

hn ho

w hn

I like Taiwan's scenery very much.

x hun ti wn de fng jng

yu yngswim

yu yng y

swimming suit

yu yng k

swim trunks


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

yu yng ch

swimming pool

Can you swim?
w yu n hi yu yng ma

I swim very well.

w de hn ho

I go swimming in the pool every morning.
mi tin zo shng do yu yng ch yu yng

How far do you swim each time?

n mi c yu du yun

I swim 2000 meters each time.


yu ling qin gng ch


dn sh


not only... but also

w men yu yng b dn r qi

I can swim, but not very well.

t hn cng mng dn sh dn sh yu de b ho

He is very smart, but not very diligent.

t b dn hi hu hu r b yng gng

He not only paints but also sings.
qi hi chng g


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

r qibut also

not only... but also

b dn r qi

bng qi

but also

He speaks not only Chinese, but also Japanese.

din yng pio b dn nn mi r t b dn hi shu zhng wn bng qi hi shu r bn hu

Movie tickets are not only hard to get but also very expensive.
qi hn gi

zusit, take

I have been sitting for too long.

zu de





Sitting too long makes one tired.



hn li

zhn zhe b

Standing is more tiring than sitting.

zu zhe gng li

w men zu sh me ch q

Which transportation do we take to get there?

Have you taken an airplane?

n zu gu fi j ma


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

qsteam, gas

q yu

q ch

gng gng q

public bus


zu gng gng q

It's not only cheap but also convenient to get there by public bus.


dn pin


fng bin

suncount, regard

qng n sun y

Please add it up and see how much it costs all together.

sun y gng du sho

fng z

The rent is $2000 a month, but the electricity and water bills are not included.

ge yu ling qin kui

sh shi din fi b sun

$2000 a month is not (regarded as) cheap.

y ge yu ling qin kui b sun pin y


This problem is not difficult.

t shu hu b sun kui

ge wn

b sun nn

He does not talk fast.

dibring , take

Have you brought money?

n di qin le mi yu

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Have you brought the book?

bi di xio hi zi q n bn sh di li le mi yu

Don't take children to the movies.

do hi bin q yng gi di xi kn din yng

What should we take to the seaside?

do hi bin j de sh me

Remember to bring your swimming suit.

di yu yng y

shng k

Don't forget to bring your pen to class.







Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


hi bin de fng jng zhn ho

The scenery at the seaside is very pretty.

w men zi q yu yng

xi xng q

Let's go swimming again next week.

xi xng q

Next week I would like to see a movie.

n b din yng hn chng

w xing q kn din yng

tng shu

I heard that it takes a long time to see the movie.

y bin ch dng xi y bin kn b sh y hn yu y si ma

We can bring something to eat while we watch the movie. Won't that be fun?

But sitting so long will be tiring.

b hi de k sh zu de ti ji hi hn li de

tng shu n b din yng b dn ho kn n hi ju de sh jin gu de r qi g

y ho tng

Not really, I heard that the movie not only has a good story, but good songs too. You will find that the time will pass very quickly.
n me w men zo din q mi pio

hn kui

Well, let's get there a little earlier to buy our tickets.

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Lesson 30

How Old Are Your Children?


Is Mr. Li married?
zo ji hn le L xin shng ji hn le mi yu

He married a long time ago. His children are taller than he is.
hi zi du zhng de b t go le

How old are his children?

r zi sh sn si le t de hi zi du d le

His son is 13 years old, and his daughter is only five.

ny r b jio xio ci w si

What is his daughter like?

zhng de hn xing t ti t de ny r zhng de zn me yng

She looks like his wife, with big eyes and long hair.
tai yn jng d d de tu f chng chng de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

She must be very pretty.

y dng hn pio ling

Yes, very pretty. But when she laughs, one tooth is missing.
fi chng pio ling ji sh xio q li sho le y k d mn y

That makes her even cuter.

n ci gng k i ne


jitie, knot, bear fruit

bear fruit
ji gu

bear fruit
ji sh

zhng gu

Chinese knot


ji hnmarry

Is he married?
t t ji hn le mi yu

Who is he married to?

t ji hn du ji gn shi ji hn le

How long has he been married?



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

chng zhnglong, grown up


This road is long.

zh ge j

tio l hn chng

This sentence is long.

zh jin y f b zi hn chng

This dress is longer than that one.

t de hi zi du zhng d n jin chng

His children are all grown up.
r zi zhng de hn xing b le

The son looks like the father.

ny r zhng de hn ba

The daughter is beautiful.
ho kn

gotall, high

zh k

This tree is tall.

g ge go

sh hn go

The brother is tall, and the sister is short.

mi mei i

The son is taller than the father.

r zi zhng de b b ba go le

His nose is high.

t de b zi hn go


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

b jiocompare

zh ling jin shh hn nn

It s hard to compare the two.


The older brother is smarter.

g ge b jio cng mng

mi mei

The younger sister is prettier.

jio pio ling

I prefer to see movies.

t b


x hun kn din yng

He prefers to go swimming.
jio x hun yu yng

yngappearance, look, style, kind

zh jin

The dress looks attractive.


de yng zi

hn ho kn

She looks like her mother.

n de xi zi gn w de yng zi xing m ma

Your shoes are like mine.

n de zhng wn xu de y yng

How is your Chinese?

n xin zi de zn me yng le

How are you? Are you busy?

zn me yng mng b mng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

yn jngeye

His eyes are big.

t t de yn jng hn d

His eyes are bright.

t de de yn jng hn ling

His eyes look like his mother's.
t de yn jng hn ho yn jng zhng de xing m ma

His eyes are very good. He doesn't need glasses.

t b yng yn jng

tu fhair

His hair is long.

w de tu t de tu f chng

My hair is short.
f dun

Go xin shng de

Mr. Gau's hair is black.

L xin shng de tu


hn hi

Mr. Li's hair has turned white.

f bi le


His eyes are bright.

zh jin w zi t de yn jng hn ling

The room is bright.

hn ling


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


The light is bright.

ge dng hn ling

pio lingpretty

chng tu

Long hair is pretty.

zh jin y f


pio ling

This dress is pretty, but cheap.
yu pio ling yu pin y

xiolaugh, smile

yu de xio hi

Some children like to laugh. Some like to cry.


i xio

yu de xio hi


When he smiles, he looks charming.

t xio q li hn k i

What are you laughing at?

xio sh


w xio t

I'm laughing because he has one tooth missing.

sho le

k mn y

bi xio

Don't laugh at him. He won't like it.


b go xng de

mndoor, gate

The door of my house is red.


de mn sh hng de


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

xu xio mn ku yu ling k

There are two big trees at the school gate.



mi ge

Everyone should have thirty-two teeth.

chng chng shu y y ch

rn yng gi yu sn sh

If you brush your teeth often, your teeth will be healthy.
ci hi ho


When children are five or six years old, they start to grow their permanent teeth.


lu si



hu ji ki

sh hun y


His front teeth are attractive.

t de mn y zhng de hn ho kn

ilove, like

Children who love to smile are cute.

i xio de hi zi k i

Children who love to cry are not cute.

i k de hi zi b k i

xio hi

Children like to eat sugar.


ch tng

What do you love to eat?

n i ch sh me

I love Chinese food.

ch zhng gu ci


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

I love my country, my family and my friends.

w i w de gu ji i w de ji rn y i w de png yu



Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


sio Wng yu ny png yu

Little Wang has a girl friend.

zn me yng


zhng de

What is she like?

zhng de hn pio ling

She's quite pretty. She has big eyes and long hair.
b go

yn jng d



f chng chng de


Is she tall?
b ti

Not very tall, but she's not short either.

go b gu y b sun i

She must be very lovely.

y dng hn k i


Yes, little Wang loves her very much.

t men kui yo ji hn le ma

xio Wng hn

Are they getting married soon?

hi mi yu t hi b do

Not yet, she's not twenty yet. They don't want to get married so soon.
r sh si b xing zh me zo ji hn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

Vocabulary List

wng wng

l l

sian xin

sheng shng

ti ti

n n

nn nn

ho ho

m ma

w w

ta t

ta t

zo zo

hn hn

si xi

mng mng

ne ne

b b

y y

men men

dou du

jh zh

shh sh

n n

sh sh

me me

jhih zh

b b

mo mo

bn bn

shu sh

jhong zhng

wn wn


do do

cy q

l l

l l

syu xu

sio xio

zu zu

jiao jio

lo lo

shih sh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

li li

de de

tng tng

shi shi

hu hu

rn rn

mn mn

gu gu

ti ti

wan wn

hui hi

shuo shu

hu hu

si xi

zh z

yu yu

j j

ge ge

shh sh

d d

sio xio

hi hi

nn nn

ny n

b ba

dng dng

bn bn

su su

duo du

sho sho

bi bi

cian cin

wn wn

lng lng

jhen jhn

mi mi

wi wi

b b

hi hi

gen gn

hn hn

yng yng

cha ch

cong cng

mng mng

bn bn

yng yng

gong gng


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

cng qng

wn wn

gui gi

sng xng

jio jio

wi wi

shh sh

gi gi

ji ji

sho sho

gao go

sng xng

rn rn

shh sh

le le

jiu ji

ci ci

y y

jing jng

guan gun

s x

shng shng

nin nin

yu yu

sing xng

c q

ch c

mi mi

jhong zhng

shh sh

hu hu

w w

din din

fen fn

cng cng

si xi

li li

y y

sh si

sing xing

hu hu

de de

jhh zh

nng nng

y y

jin jin

chng chng

ge g

shu shu

mi mi

hua hu


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

cin qin

tian tin

zu zu

jin jn

bi bi

hu hu

wn wn

jian jin

kng kng

shh sh

ho ho

shang shng

ling ling

d d

fang fng

zi zi

jia ji

jyu ju

sui si

bin bin

zi zi

jin jin

yo yo

bi bi

s x

huan hun

cy q

lin lin

s x

ying yng

gai gi

zu zu

chu ch

jiu ju

c q

Jhn zhn

bi bi

sie xi

jy j

jhh zh

m m

yn yn

mi mi

mi mi

din din

hu hu

gong gng

sih s

jie ji

dong dng

si x


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

nn nn

bi bi

cin qin

kui kui

yun yun

jio jio

jhng zhng

y y

gng gng

kn kn

dui di

hun hun

kai ki

jho zho

sin xin

kui kui

mn mn

j j

chih ch

fn fn

l l

yun yun

jn jn

l l

che ch

yng yng

m m

fn fn

jn jn

zu zu

r r

m m

hui hi

rng rng

dng dng

gang gng

shan shn

shui shi

f f

sh sh

shh sh

nio nio

jhih zh

nn nn


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

rng rng

y y

shh sh

d d

din din

y y

ban bn

bn bn

m m

ch ch

png png

yu yu

fng fng

sin sn

ni ni

ti ti

ti ti

yin yn

wn wn

t t

liu lu

gu gu

tong tng

jing jing

hui hui

jie ji

cu cu

s x

shu shu

ting tng

lng lng

sheng shng

gn gn

gu gu

dun dun

go go

s s


b b

f f

cin qn

ma m

m m

ge g

ji ji

d d

mi mi

zu z

fng fng

ku ku

nin nin


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

jhou zhu

m m

chng chng

wn wn

k k

c q

fei fi

w w

ting tng

yun yun

ciu qu

jhh zh

sing xing

jhh zh

wan wn

jhun zhun

zu zu

yu yu

wng wng

j j

m m

d d

yn yn

sng xng

sing xing

rn rn

hng hng

ly ly

deng dng

jhih zh

do do

tio tio

shuang shung

si xi

w w

to to

yn yn

dng dng

yi y

f f


k k

pi pi

mng mng

jhng zhng

jh zh

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

yng yng

pio pio

hi hi

bian bin

feng fng

jng jng

yu yu

yng yng

dn dn

r r

ci qi

zu zu

c q

sun sun

di di

ji ji

hun hn

chng chng

gao go

jio jio

f f

ling ling

pio pio

sio xio

mn mn

y y

i i


Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words


b p m f d t n l g k h j(i) c(i) s(i) jh ch sh r z c s - ih an en ang eng er yi,-i wu,-u yu

b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s -i an en ang eng er yi,-i wu,-u yu,-,-u

a o e ai ei ao ou ya, - ia yo ye, -ie yai yao, -iao you, -iou yan, -ian yin, -in yang, -iang ying, -ing wa, -ua wo, -uo wai, -uai wei, -uei wan, -uan wun, -un wang, -uang wong,-ong yue yuan yun yong

a o e ai ei ao ou ya, - ia ye, -ie yao, -iao you, -iu yan, -ian yin, -in yang, -iang ying, -ing wa, -ua wo, -uo wai, -uai wei, -ui wan, -uan wen,-un wang, -uang weng,-ong yue,-e yuan,-an yun,-n yong,-iong

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words

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