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Q.1. name the muscles performing the various movements of shoulder joint. How stability of this joint is maintained? 3+2 Q.2. what are rotator cuff muscles? Describe their actions and nerve supply. 5 (2004 UHS) Q.3. Describe the boundaries and contents of cubital fossa. 5 (2004 UHS) Q.4. Give the origin, insertion, nerve supply and actions of pectoralis major and deltoid muscles. 3+3 Q.5. Draw and label a diagram showing arterial anastomosis around elbow joint. 5 (2006 UHS) Q.6. Draw and label the cutaneous nerve supply of upper limb. (2007 UHS) Q.7: Enlist the Structures passing superficial and deep to flexor retinaculum. What do you understand by Carpal tunnel syndrome? 3+2 Q.8: Name the muscles that produce supination and pronation of forearm with their origin, insertion and nerve supply.5
Q.9: Give a brief account of sternoclavicular joint. (2003 UHS) Q.10: explain the anatomical facts regarding the lymphatic drainage and spread of cancer of breast? (2008 UHS) Q.11: Which nerve is closely related to the surgical neck of humerus and passes through the quadrangular space? Mention its anatomy.

Q.12: what do you know about the following: a). Colles and Smiths fracture of radius. b).Compartment syndrome of the forearm. Q.13: explain the anatomy of complex uniaxial synovial joint of pivot variety of upper limb. Explain the movements of supination and pronation.
Q. 14: If you wake up and realize you have no feeling or a tingly feeling (pins and needles) in your pinky and the medial half of your ring finger, which nerve have you pinched? Which intrinsic muscles of hand are supplied by this nerve? Q.15: Name the arm vein most commonly used for venipuncture (for taking blood). Which structure deep to this vein offers some protection to the deep vessels and nerve in this region? What is the other clinical importance of the superficial veins of arm? Q.16: Name the only flexor muscle innervated by the radial nerve. Give its origin, insertion, nerve supply and actions.

Q.17: Which nerve is affected in carpal tunnel syndrome? Name the muscles of the flexor compartment of arm supplied by this nerve. Q.18: Which structures do you find in the quadrangular (quadrilateral) intermuscular space of arm? Name the branches of axillary artery. 2+3 Q.19:

Q.20: name the nerve which pierces the coracobrachialis muscle. Give its root value and branches. 1+1+3 Q.21: which parts of the brachial plexus are related to the axillary artery? Draw and label brachial plexus. 1+4 Q.22: name the synovial joint of saddle variety in the hand. What are the various movements of that joint and the muscles responsible for it? Q.23: Name the climbing muscles. Give their origin, insertion, nerve supply and actions. Q.24: Draw and label the dermatomes of upper limb. Q.25: Mention the lymphatic drainage of breast with diagram. Write down its clinical importance. Q.26: which nerve is present between the two heads of pronator teres? Describe the course and branches of radial artery in forearm. 1+2+2 Q.27: Which nerve is present on the lateral aspect of pisiform bone? Describe the formation and branches of deep arterial palmer arch. 1+2+2 Q.28: Inability to pronate the forearm indicates damage to which nerve of forearm? Describe the course and branches of ulnar artery in forearm. 1+2+2 Q.29: write short notes on Erbs paralysis and Klumpkes paralysis. 2.5+2.5 Q.30: compare and contrast the mid-palmar and thenar spaces of hand.

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