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Master of Business Administration Model Question Paper OM0018 Technology Management

Part A 1 mark questions

1. Management process deals with _______________, organising, staffing, directing, and controlling the activities in an organisation. a. Planning b. Financing c. Deciding d. Forecasting

2. Government of India introduced the new industrial policy in _______________, a. March 1991 b. July 1991 c. July 1987 d. March 1993

3. Instructional technology includes certain type of instructions that have to be carried out in a _______________ way. a. Planned b. Modulated c. Systematic d. Controlled

4. Technology acquisition is the activity of ______________and it is time consuming and complicated. a. Strategic planning b. Financial planning c. Deciding d. Forecasting

5. State whether the statement is true or false: Companies have to use advanced technologies to remain competitive in todays business environment, for long. a. True b. False

6. Technology choice model is an ______________ model that considers different criteria with uniform scale of evaluation. a. Control b. Separated c. Test d. Integrated

7. ___________ refers to the prediction of future on the basis of available information. a. Procurement b. Forecasting c. Allocation d. Manufacturing

8. Technology forecasting can be studied in ___________phases. a. Six b. Five c. Nine d. Three

9. Technology strategies help us to maintain the ______________ . a. Teaming agreement b. Customer service c. Competitive advantage d. Change requests

10. A __________ is a long term view that describes a high level framework. a. Strategy b. Vision statement c. Reliability d. Customer service

11. In the case of competitive markets, _______________ introduces the layer of complexity. a. Technology strategy b. Ownership c. Technology intensity d. Expenses and budget

12. Diffusion enlarges the set of available technologies and increases the _____________ of the country.

a. Local market b. Productivity c. Investment d. Infrastructure

13. The adoption perspective is most often used to describe the _____________ process. a. Comprehensive b. Absorption c. Diffusion d. Communication

14. Once a technology is imported from another country, it needs to be absorbed and updated in accordance with the_____________ requirements. a. Annual b. Users c. Global d. Local

15. The ______________ technology has the tendency to replace the flash drives. a. Memristor b. USB 3.0 c. OLED d. 4G

16. The legal support systems that instantaneously solve and offer solutions to the recurring organisational problems is _____________. a. Automation technology b. USB connector c. Ground-breaking circuit d. Automation decisions

17. The ___________ policy instruments have important effect on science and technology activities. a. Direct. b. Major. c. Indirect. d. Minor.

18. The growth pattern followed by most of the technologies is ______________. a. C-shaped b. S-shaped

c. Wave-shaped d. Linear

19. Identify one of the stages of translating R&D efforts into marketable products. a. Knowledge advance b. Idea/Concept c. Innovation d. Generation

20. R&D centre undertakes R&D as per the requirements of the companies in their larger interest, and sets up expertise of common nature which is usually expensive and it is termed as _________. a. Micro-level Strategy b. Macro-level Strategy c. In-house R&D d. Co-operative R&D

21. New technologies have initially high per unit product costs because of _________. a. Identify all the distinct technologies and sub-technologies in the value chain. b. It upgrades and improves current product models. c. Small volumes of initial production. d. Reinforce business unit technology strategy at the corporate level.

22. There are two ways of acquiring a new technology either develop it or ______________it. a. Transfer b. Purchase c. Process d. Plan

23. Technology Transfer may initiate as an answer to the ______________of others. a. Solution b. Success c. License d. Problems

24. Internal acquisition requires the existence of a _______________ in the organisation. a. Management facility b. Technological facility c. Business facility

d. Scientific facility

25. Innovation processes can be stretched to any extent through __________________ . a. Management b. Prevention c. Expansion d. Development

26. The











_________________________. a. Specific technology b. Scientific technology c. Significant technology d. Superior technology

27. Increasing global ____________ is compelling many manufacturing firms to look for methods to become more innovative. a. Knowledge b. Skills c. Competition d. Technology

28. Public policy is a key element for motivating the cooperative efforts of all relevant ______________________ in the innovation process. a. Account holder b. Stakeholder c. Shareholder d. Developer

29. For many organisations, _______________ is a continuing process with assistance from both inside and outside the organisation. a. Tool generation b. Product generation c. Idea generation d. Power generation

30. Despite the significance, the relationship between ____________________ change and competition is widely misinterpreted. a. Scientific b. Technological

c. Strategic d. Innovative

31. The design characteristics should be incorporated to an object by any _________________ or any means through which the features in the finished object are attractive. a. Marketing process b. Expansion process c. Industrial process d. Testing process

32. Experience-based _____________. a. Screening b. Semantics c. Heuristics d. Testing










33. The ability of ____________ ability, results of new cases that are used by the software to change the existing knowledge-base. a. Scientific-learning b. Machine-learning c. Strategic-learning d. Innovative-learning

34. When managers alter the structure they are engaged in what is called __________________. a. Tool design b. Product design c. Organisation design d. Structural design

35. Factors which include organisational structures, policies, financial practices, political and managerial leadership style fall under ________________. a. Psychological factors b. Internal organisational factors c. Work specialisation d. External organisation factors

36. A new product is produced by the joint efforts of several scientists, engineers, lot of raw materials, lot of funds comes under _________________. a. Maintain business environment

b. Development and training of workers c. Management and project planning d. Presence of resources

37. One of the issues in preparation of EIA, problem of how to aggregate all impacts arises after measuring the project impacts on different individual attributes is called _________________. a. Determine the environmental impact b. Properties of the base c. Aggregation issue d. Indirect impacts

38. Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources are indicated, this is one of the _________________ present in the EIA report. a. Issues b. Guidelines c. Impact analysis d. Elements

39. The most important of the social factors was the structure of _____________________. a. Management-union co-operations b. Aggregation issue c. Management-union relations d. Indirect impacts

40. A technological change, in which the technology only manages or controls the operations is __________________. a. Automatic b. Automation c. Automobile d. Automata

Part B 2 mark questions

41. Starting a technological innovation-based firm require idea of technological innovation, _______________ and _______________. a. Knowledge & tools b. Market potential & team work c. Management & skills d. Finance & skills

42. Information technology consists of both _______________and _______________. a. Coordination & implementation b. Cooperation & implementation c. Hardware & software d. Knowledge & skills

43. The factors that affect the choice of scale are the political factors, ______________ and ______________ a. Social & cultural b. Demographic & cultural c. Geographical & historical d. Social factors & economic factors

44. The economies of scale can be achieved by: 1. Specialisation of technology. 2. Technology management 3. Concentration on production. 4. Technology evolution a. 1,2 b. 2,3 c. 1,3 d. 3,4

45. Which of these are the principles of technology forecasting? 1. Use the longest time series available 2. The technology being forecast 3. Econometric forecasting models should be fairly simple a. 1,2 b. 1,2,3 c. 2,3 d. 1,3

46. Identify two different ways to achieve high reliability. 1. Inspecting the product. 2. Improving production processes. 3. Identification of the product technologies. 4. Identification of the production process technologies.

a. 1, 2

b. 1, 3 c. 1, 4 d. 2, 3

47. Two types of innovation tools are, controlling the innovation process.

___________________ , and __________________

a. Inbound logistics, human resource management b. Electronic suggestion scheme, management system c. Research and development funding, quarterly innovation d. Annual business planning process, innovation culture

48. Which of the following talks about technology adoption? 1. It is relatively easy in a new enterprise as compared to an on-going firm. 2. It requires gearing up of all the resources such as internal and external infrastructure, human resources, raw materials, and even marketing. 3. It helps in sustaining the growth of the company through technical strength. 4. Technically competent groups of scientists and engineers trained in technology absorption get matured and strengthened. a. 2, 3 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 4 d. 1,2

49. State whether the following statements are true or false: 1. Technology limit has been eliminated with the help of automation. 2. The vendors are buiding up and advertising sophisticated stand alone rule engines.

a. 1T, 2T b. 1F, 2F c. 1T, 2F d. 1F, 2T

50. The selection of new technology based on the _______________ price should be avoided which would otherwise result in ______________ capability. a. Highest, More b. Least, Less c. Highest, Less d. Least, More

51. State whether the following statements are true or false: 1. Policy instrument is defined as a comprehensive statement created by the highest policy making body. 2. A technology policy is defined as the relations between the expressed purpose and the results that are required in practice. a. 1T, 2F b. 1F, 2F c. 1T, 2T d. 1F, 2T

52. Which of the following are the of types of technology strategies and their need? a. Macro-level Strategy, Micro-level Strategy, Technology Strategy and Linking Business and Technology Strategy. b. In-house R&D, Co-operative R&D, Contract Research and Research Societies. c. Technology Strategy, R&D Collaboration, Pricing Strategy and Research Societies. d. Production costs and R&D, Corporate research and In-house R&D.

53. In semi-passive mode, the technology transfer activity is in the middle of the other two modes that is ______________and ______________. a. Passive, semi-active b. Active, passive c. Semi-active, semi-passive d. Semi-passive, active

54. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Revolutionary Innovation disturbs and provides established technical and production capability outdated, but yet it is useful to existing business and customers. 2. Creativity has little implications with the inspiration out of things. Creativity is not something where a person who has never worked in that area suddenly gets an excellent idea. a. 1T, 2T b. 1F, 2F c. 1F, 2T d. 1T, 2F

55. Which among the following options depict situations that are crucial to exhibit the skills of the followership even at the most senior levels in firms. a. The leaders can make good decisions only when they have the information they need as well as disguising material data. b. In industry, this often means that the project team members fail to give assurance, and are engaged in another job.

c. To accept a brief, even when you do not fully understand the whole framework and to take directed action in collaboration with others. d. A leader always acts through the help of others. This only works if the followers do what they are supposed to do.

56. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Process measures captures the activities that contribute to these business results, such as number of projects in the planning, time to market, or percent of sales from new products. 2. A conventional approach should be taken to any new data compilation efforts by recognising compromise between costs and potential benefits and considering resource and regulatory issues. a. 1T, 2T b. 1F, 2F c. 1F, 2T d. 1T, 2F

57. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Some companies launch the product in sequence, with different sections of the market getting the product on different times. This enables the company to speed up production in a more controlled way, and to adjust the marketing mix as the product is dispersed to new places. 2. Companies employ their research and development teams to build an initial design or prototype of the idea. Companies also start to build a marketing plan for the product. Once the design is ready, the company seeks customer input. a. 1T, 2T b. 1F, 2F c. 1F, 2T d. 1T, 2F

58. Which among the following options are based on the conceptualise concepts related to this technique? a. Strategic aspects can be used to evaluate the current performance of the organisation against high levels goals. How to complete this evaluation depends on the nature of the subject is to be evaluated. b. We must evaluate the performance, in reference to the original objectives of the results from the implemented improvement plans. This is very complicated, because the relation between actions and results is quite often fragile, especially when the time spent between implementation of the action, and occurrence of results is substantial. c. Inventory is one of the key factors for effective knowledge management and to get an image of the knowledge in the organisation. This leads to finding answers to the questions related to knowledge. d. Monitoring the performance of an organisation from a knowledge management point of view requires that the appropriate monitoring procedures are in position and operational.

59. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Technology is playing an important role in all the spheres of our lives. There is a close relation between us and the technology. It is us who apply knowledge to create goods, offer services, and improve our duties of precious and finite resources. 2. The environment has the capability to make or spoil the business. Public interests should be safeguarded to maintain business environment. a. 1T, 2T b. 1F, 2F c. 1F, 2T d. 1T, 2F

60. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Determining the environmental impact is the main concept in EIA. At the beginning, the environmental impact and the changes in the environmental attributes should be clearly distinguished. 2. The significance of the industrial relations context has been given by many well-known figures. A statement was made after a study was conducted in a steel industry, it states, the social factors are assessed which encourages or discourages technical change. a. 1T, 2T b. 1F, 2F c. 1F, 2T d. 1T, 2F

Part C 4 mark questions

61. Match the following sets of management dimensions & factors: First Set A. Objectives B. Time C. Activities D. Constraints

Second Set 1. Monitoring and control 2. International trade gain 3. Technological level (knowledge, science, skill, information). 4. Perspective range ( > 20 years)

a. A-2,B-4,C-1,D-3 b. A-3,B-2,C-1,D-4 c. A-2,B-3,C-4,D-1 d. A-1,B-3,C-4,D-2

62. Some of the disadvantages of large scale industries are ______________, ______________ and ______________. 1. Environmental problems 2. Market restriction 3. Unemployment 4. Political problems a. 1,2,3 b. 1,3,4 c. 2,3,4 d. 1,2,4

63. Assume that you are a manager of the technology forecasting department. Which method or technique would you use to forecast a technology requirement for the future when you have some historic data? a. Morphological analysis b. Normative Methods c. Tactical Planning d. Exploratory Methods

64. Match the following sets: First set: A. Primary activities B. Support activities C. Outbound logistics D. The value system

Second set: 1. It can be viewed as "overhead" but many of the organisations used them to develop the competitive advantage. 2. Its goal is to create the value that is more than the cost of providing the product or service and generates the profit margin. 3. It plays an important role in making the outsourcing decisions. 4. This includes giving the finished product to customer. a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 d. A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2

65. Assume that you are working in a company as a manager. You want to achieve higher productivity, quality and reduced costs. Identify the factors from the following, which you would select to fulfil that responsibility? 1. Optimum utilisation of capital equipment to bring about maximum production leading to better capital-output ratio. 2. Minimum economic scale of production, particularly in industries where scale factor is important in optimising the operations, especially if in larger quantity of critical production equipment is employed. 3. Licensing for the use of patents/ trade marks. 4. Targeting and achieving, international levels of performance and operating parameters.

a. 1, 2, 3 b. 2, 3, 4 c. 1, 2, 4 d. 1, 3, 4

66. State whether the statements are true or false: 1. The new system alone can find solutions to all the problems experience by the organisation. 2. A competitive edge will make the clients and customers more dependent. 3. The competitive edge enhances production that may be related to the total system performance and authorising employees. 4. It is important to be aggressive enough to implement the small changes to your chosen technology and to supervise their impact. a. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F b. 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F c. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F d. 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T

67. State whether the following statements are true or false: 1. The hardware intensive technology diffusion process consists of four phases. 2. Many ideas are gradually reduced to one commercial product for introduction into the market during introduction phase. 3. The applications of the new technology are very slow in the introduction phase. 4. Some stability are observed in the maturity phase. a. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F b. 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T c. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T

68. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Innovations and improvements in production processes create more efficient production procedures. 2. Effective planning identifies the present decisions required to create desirable and competitive corporate futures. 3. Distributed Energy Systems is developing hydrogen fuelling systems to meet the needs of an increasing number of fuel cell electric and convenient power applications. 4. According to Mark Dodgson, the basic role of technology strategy in any business planning is to pose three fundamental questions. a. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T b. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4F c. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4T

69. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. The transfer process embraces a rich variety of mechanisms and relationships between recipient and donor 2. The research and diffusion model is usually a very fast process. 3. Beherman and wallender introduced a process for national technology transfer which is more applicable to all corporations. 4. Dahlman and westphal introduced a process on the basis of their experience of work carried out in the republic of korea, speedily industrializing countries during 1980. a. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T b. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F c. 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F d. 1T, 2F, 3F, 4T

70. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. We can define innovation management as the process of managing processes in innovation. We can use it for creating and executing both product and organisational innovation. 2. We can say that creativity and innovation are the main components to the success of a business, especially during strategic planning, and when developing new products and services. 3. External acquisition can take the shape of licensing, buying equipment with embedded technology, investment in a collaboration which has a technology development function. 4. The development of technology usually takes more time than acquiring and implementing previously existing technology from external sources. a. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T b. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F c. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4T

71. State whether the following statements are true or False: 1. Technology comprises of the methods, processes, and systems used to convert resources into products, and innovation is the change in technology. 2. The challenge of management in business organisations is to develop and remain competitive in the market, which also enables the organisations to meet their objectives, which can be profit generation, growth, increased market share, compensation and job security. 3. MTI involves managing something which is extremely complicated and risky. In addition to the fundamental complications of many products, a key portion of complexity lies in the systemic nature of current industrial production activity. 4. Development of technology is the third phase in the process of technological innovation. We can define it as a human activity, in which, we transform our knowledge and concepts into hardware, software a. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T b. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F c. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4T

72. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. The vibrant nature of group members sharing ideas, where one idea often leads to another idea, can produce a wide range of possible products that can be further carried forward. 2. In concept Development and Testing, ideas created in stage 1 are critically measured by the organisation people to separate the most attractive options. Based upon the number of ideas, screening can be done in rounds. 3. Negative customer response indicates the need for changes to elements of the marketing mix. After the required changes are made, the company may again have the customer test the product. 4. The new product development process, the company has reduced a conceivably large number of ideas down to few options. In Business Analysis, the process is related to the market research as attempts are made to evaluate the feasibility of the product ideas. a. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4T b. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F c. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4T

73. Suppose that you are the project manager of a company and your company is about to implement some plans, what kind of methods, techniques and tools will be used for the support? a. The development of knowledge bases, often by interviewing and observing domain experts and extracting rules from their behaviour or statements. It includes rule initiation and other machinelearning models. b. The bottle neck analysis is essential because most bottlenecks are not easily identified, particularly not by those who are strictly involved in using knowledge assets.

c. Most of the times, we must reconsider the way of organising, and the way of functioning. Business Process Reengineering is an important technique in this area, but others can be found in the theory. d. Transform our knowledge and concepts into hardware, software, or services. Also includes demonstration of practicability of a concept, verification of concepts of designs, or creation and testing of a prototype.

74. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. The technology management is an interdisciplinary field that brings together science, engineering, and management knowledge and practice. 2. There are so many engineers who do not know the recent advances in computers, communications and numerically controlled machines. The Japan has established an award to signify the business quality called the Deming award. 3. A doctor or a professor or an engineer or a bus driver, all of us have some specialised knowledge, but even we tend to learn only as much about technology as we need, to do our jobs, and may be to maintain a reduced level of technical skill in our personal lives. 4. The psychological factors such as attitude, confidence level, and motivation influence participation, interaction with technology helps an individual to overcome the issues related to technology. a. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T b. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F c. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4T

75. State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Change is particularly disturbing, if it occurs rapidly, thus those affected must adjust soon, as it affects employment. In the workplace, change gives economic security, sense of self-worth, and a connection of social interactions. 2. We can define rationalisation as a technological change, in which the technology only manages or controls the operations. 3. There was opposition on the part of workers when rationalisation was implemented. Few safeguards were laid out for the workers by the labour ministry and the planning commission. Yet the workers complained that the employers in establishing the scheme did not stick on to these safeguards. 4. It is very important to be concerned with the environment. Technology helped the humankind to discover the nuclear power which both a boon and bane to us. The products and wastes while generating nuclear power are harmful for the environment. a. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4T b. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F c. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F d. 1F, 2F, 3F, 4T

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