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4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

Preliminary program (September 2012)

Local contact information Xavier Sauvage (

+33 (0)7 57 50 28 65

Groupe de Physique des Matriaux, UMR CNRS 6634 Universit de Rouen, BP 12 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray France

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

Time table
15 oct 9h 10h 10h30 Welcome Coffee Lect Lint
(E. Marquis)

16 oct Lect L3
(C. Pareige)

17 oct Lect L6
(E. Cadel)

18 oct Lect L9 (part 1.1)

(G. Da Costa)

19 oct Lect L10

(B. Deconihout)

Coffee break Lect L4

(D. Blavette)

Coffee break Lect L7

(G. Da Costa)

Coffee break Lect L9 (part 1.2)

(G. Da Costa)

Coffee break Dem SD3 P7 Dem SD3 P7 Lunch


Lect Lint
(E. Marquis)

Lect L5
(B. Gault)

Lect L8
(J. Houard)

Lect L9 (part 2)
(W. Lefebvre)

12h30-14h00 14h

Lunch Lect L1
(F. Vurpillot)

Lunch Lect SL2

(A. Vella)

Lunch Dem SD1 P4 Dem SD1 P4 Coffee break

Lunch Dem SD2 P5/P6 Dem SD2 P5/P6 Coffee break P5/P6

P2/P3 15h Lect L2

(F. Vurpillot)

Lect SL2
(A. Vella)

P2/P3 16h-16h30 16h30 Coffee break Lect SL1

(A. Chabli)

Coffee break Lect SL3

(A. Shariq)

P1 P2/P3 17h30 Lect SL1 (A. Chabli) P1 Lect SL3

(A. Shariq)

APT school diner

All lectures will be given in the Seminar room of GPM (2nd floor faculty of science, University of Rouen, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray) Details about the organization of demonstrations will be announced to the participants during the school.

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

General Lectures
N Lint L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Title APT for material science (2h) The theory of field ionization and of field evaporation (1h) FIM and 3D-FIM (1h) Time of flight spectrometry, mass spectrum, mass resolution (1h) Composition measurements and statistics (1h) 3D reconstruction basics and possible artefacts (1h) APT sample preparation by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) (1h) APT detectors (1h) Laser-mater interaction, theory of the laser assisted field evaporation (1h) Data processing (filtering, statistics, cluster identification, mapping) (2h) The future of APT (1h) Speaker(s) Emmanuelle Marquis Franois Vurpillot F. Danoix C. Pareige Didier Blavette Baptiste Gault Emmanuel Cadel Grald Da Costa Jonathan Houard Grald Da Costa and Williams Lefebvre B. Deconihout

N Title Hardware of the atom probe APT specimen preparation by electropolishing Field ion microscopy Atom probe analysis Laser assisted atom probe analysis Basic data processing Advanced data processing

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7

Speaker F. Cuvilly X. Sauvage F. Danoix X. Sauvage R. Lard X. Sauvage + B. Radiguet X. Sauvage + B. Radiguet

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

Semi-conductor session: Lectures



Title Challenges in the characterization of semiconductors (2h) Specificity of field evap of semiconductors and insulators (1h) Analysis of semiconductors by APT (1h)

Speaker A. Chabli Angela Vella A. Shariq

Semi-conductor: Demonstrations
N Title Dmo FIB Dmo APT laser Dmo data processing


Speaker E. Cadel S. Duguay E. Etienne

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

APT school location

1- APT school location 2- Student restaurant and cafeteria for lunches 3- Tramway station (connection to city centre approx. 20 min) 4- Supermarket and cafeteria for lunches 5- Hotel Ibis (2 stars) 6- Hotel Novotel (3 stars) 7- Connection to the highway A13 8- Connection to the city center by car (approx. 20 min) 9- Forest

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

Rouen City Center

Tourist information center Rouen

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

Public transportation
If you come to Rouen by train and/or if you stay in a hotel down town, you will need to use the tramway (called metrobus) to join the venue of the APT school. Please take care because there are two different directions (see map below). You should take a tramway going to Technopole, go out at the end station. Tickets are available at the desk in the main hall of the train station, they can also be delivered by machines located in each station (usually only coins and credit card are accepted). For more details, see:


4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

HOTELS in Rouen
Hotels close to the train station (down town) Hotel de Dieppe (3 stars) Hotel Astrid (2 stars)

Hotel close to the cathedral (down town) Hotel Notre Dame (2 stars)

Hotels close to the University Hotel Novotel Rouen Sud *** rue de la mare aux sangsues 76800 Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Tel : +33 2 32 91 76 76 - Fax : +33 2 32 91 76 86 5 min by walk from the workshop location Services: restaurant, bar, swimming pool, wifi.

Hotel Ibis Rouen Sud Zenith ** Avenue des Canadiens Le Madrillet 76800 Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Tel : +33 2 35 66 03 63 - Fax : +33 2 35 66 62 55 10min by walk from the workshop location Services: restaurant, bar, wifi.

4th School on Atom Probe Tomography Rouen, October 15-19, 2012

Connection from Charles de Gaulle Airport (Paris) to Rouen by train

Here is a description how to get from Charles de Gaulle airport to Rouen train station (the other option being to rent a car - about 2h drive to reach Rouen) -At the airport, follow signs "Paris by train". You will need to take a train called RER B (blue line, see also attached picture where airport is located on the up right). You will need to buy a ticket, you can use machines (only by coins or credit card) or go to the desk. You should select a ticket to go to Paris, it costs about 10 Euros, I recommend you to buy two tickets, the second one will be useful for the way back. -Once in the RER B, you should go out of the train at the station "Gare du Nord", this a train station but not the one where you could get trains to go to Rouen, you need to go to another train station called "Gare Saint Lazare". For this, you need to take another RER, RER E (pink line). It is quite easy to connect this line, when you go out from RER B, you must go upstairs and then look for signs (big pink E). When you take RER E, be careful, you should follow the direction "Haussman - Saint Lazare", this is only one stop away from "Gare du nord". Look carefully at TV screens to find the right tracks where your train to Saint Lazare goes. - Then, when you will be at "Haussman - saint lazare", you should go out following signs indicating "trains". You will have to go up stairs many times... - Then, once in the train station, find the trains. Long distance trains (like yours - called "trains grandes lignes" in French) are located on the right when you look at tracks, so go on the right. - Then, you should get your ticket. For this, you could use the machines (yellow machines, there are many, payment with credit cards), or go to the desk (payment by cash or credit card). The ticket cost about 20 Euros. Before entering the train, you should put your ticket in the small yellow boxes located close to trains to stamp it (look at other people and do the same). It takes about 1h15-1h30 to reach "Rouen rive droite" train station. There is about 1 train leaving every hour from St Lazare to Rouen. More details here:

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