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The Bulletin

The first Edition | LEO Club OF SMK Damansara Jaya


BY : TEE KE HUI The stars aligned themselves, the waning moon hung on its invisible plane, casting its celestial glow unto the terrains below on that exclusive night when members of the Leo Club of Petaling Jaya Integrity (O), Leo Club of Taman Petaling, Leo Club of Damansara Jaya, and Leo Club of Assunta gather for the Earth Hour Event pioneered by our very own VP extraordinaire Sean Low prior to engender awareness among Leo members about the distressing climatic change of the world. Droplets of bright orange emerged from the pitch-black darkness as the Leos pledged their support for Earth Hour 2012 by participating in the event jointly organized by the sister clubs of PJU district; featuring a candlelight walk within the compound of SMK Assunta. At around 5.30 pm, throngs of fervent teenagers were seen lining up at the registration counterupon registration, exuberant Leos were each entitled to a goodie-bag, courtesy of Sunway university college and Taylors university college, as well as an event t-shirt. The participation boasted an excellent attendance of around 300. Continued on the third page Website: Http:// | LEO BLOG: Http://LEOSMKDJ.BLOGSPOT.COM

Inside: Blind Leading the Blind, The Peoples Voice, A Leap Forward, And More.
Layout and Editing by: Leo Natalie Oh


Hi everyone! First off, thank you for letting me contribute to Leos first edition of newsletter! I remember when I first joined Leo, I was this crazy Form 3 girl who brought my whole gang to join Leo because I knew this was a really fun and CRAZY club. But unexpectedly, among 10 people who went for the interview for membership director last year, (Why do so many people want this post, you may wonder? *whisper* because we thought this post didnt have as many tasks as compared to other posts). I was the chosen one. I was chosen, even when my resume wasnt as thick as the others and I wasnt ready at all, and not knowing what to say at all during the interview. Subsequently after getting installed, Michelle, my assistant and I found out that being a membership director was not as easy as it seemed. Blue cards, attendance, name lists, projects, dealing with hard parents who are not satisfied with their childs co-co marks and a whole lot more. I thank God I dont have to go through all that anymore BUT, I got the shock of my life, when one unsuspecting day Puan Ng informed me through Facebook chat, Congrats! Youre the president of Leo Club SMK Damansara Jaya for the fiscal year 2011/2012. I stared at my phone until the light faded. Of course I was surprised, and I rejected it at first because I knew there were other people who had more potential than me but Puan Ng insisted, NO, YOU ARE THE ONE. I struggled here and there, up and down, not knowing what to do because I knew as president, there are too many things to do and I was afraid that I could not handle it. After some time, when Puan Ng and Puan Wong talked to me, gave me counselling, and after getting my seniors opinion, I FINALLY accepted the post. So far, Ive no regrets for accepting this post. It was a great experience for me and there are always new jobs to attend to, socializing with other people and not just members, but with lions and other schools, conducting general meetings and BOD meetings, supervising our club so that nothing goes left but right. Anyway, I hope that this fiscal year, our club manages to get Top Club, 100% Administrative Club and all the Top Awards. I would like to thank everyone who had assisted me in my journey so far in LEO club; I would not have come this far without them. Lastly, thanks for reading this and hope you enjoy the rest of this newsletter! God bless! In Leonism, LEO JOY CHUA PRESIDENT 2011/2012 LEO CLUB OF SMK DAMANSARA JAYA


This is my first time ever writing for a newsletter, and I am not sure about what to write, but here goes nothing. Well, I'm going tell you about how being a member of Leo changed my life as a person. Honestly I have never joined a club that has been so welcoming, open, much like a place I can call my second family. Ever since I was a puny form 2 student, I have always admired the glittering badges on the vests of my seniors, and since then I have always wanted to be part of this wonderful experience. My first ever project in the Leo Club was organizing teachers day on 2010 during my form 3 year. I still remembered that I was supposed to find sponsors for drinks for the teachers, right before the event. I had no idea how I managed to pull it off but I did, thanks to my parents and Pn. Ng. As I was elected as vice president for the 2010/2011 fiscal year, I was utterly amazed and very pleased. Being vice president for a year has taught me a few things. I need to have better time management and stop procrastinating. It also drastically improved my ability to lead and speak in front of a crowd. Joining the Leo Club that year has also enabled me to spearhead a few major projects namely the 3rd RCC meeting and NKF Life Check in 2011. Organizing an event might seem easy but it is definitely not. Honestly, without the constant nagging from Pn Ng, Pn Wong & Leo Ashley Tan (President from the fiscal year 2010/2011) these projects would have gone down the drain. As my second term in office as vice president this fiscal year, I have been given the chance to organize something that I have been dreaming of since I was a little kid in Form 3; Earth Hour. Leading this project with Leo Desiree Tan from Assunta was the honestly the best experience I ever had in all my years as a student. To end this I would like to thank Leo Joy Chua for being there for me and constantly motivating me and pushing me when I seem to drift from my responsibilities from Leo. A vice president like me could truly not ask for a better partner in this. I would also like to thank Pn Ng & Pn Wong for being my greatest mentors for the past 3 years and for moulding me into the person I am today. I would also like to thank the ever amazing board of directors for being there to support me. Being a Leo in DJ is an experience I will surely miss when I graduate this year. In Leonism, LEO SEAN LOW 1st VICE PRESIDENT 2011/2012, LEO CLUB OF SMK DAMANSARA JAYA


Armed with explosive anticipation, their faces were plastered over with wide beams as they marched onto the expansive field of SMK Assunta. The hospitable ushers introduced the participants to the events agenda while the influx of Leos both Alpha and Omega continued. Admirable Lions and teacher advisors who trooped in from another registration site seemed delighted at Leo Desiree Charmaine Tans hard work in putting the event together effectively along with other committee members including our exclusive Leo Joy Chua and Leo Arlena Nadeeya. On the offset of the event, the pair of Leo emcees from SMK Assunta ignited the atmosphere with voluble exclamations spun around our avid support of Earth Hour. Subsequently, all Leos who possess communication gadgets at that present time were prompted to update their tweets incessantly to convey the progress of this event to the public. Following that, a splendid opening ceremony commenced with an amusing dance performance by the committee members as the opening act. Immediately after that, the organizing chairperson, Leo Desiree, Lion Ivan and the principal of SMK Assunta, Pn Rita perked up the ambience with their tastefully delivered opening speeches. As the canvas of the vast banner unfurled, flashing the bolded syllables Earth Hour 2012, the event was officiated with a blast! Committee member representatives from each school were invited to kindle gentle flames on candles enclosed in heedfully reused bottle bases, creatively arranged to form the Earth Hour Logo illuminating the venue hemmed in by the darkness of the night. In preparation for the highlight of the event, committee members conducted a brief warm up session featuring DJ Casper in the Cha-Cha Slide! As the hands of the clock posed to indicate the time of 8.30pm, the city lights dimmed and finally extinguished to the applause of Leos and Lions alike. The candlelight walk around the schools extensive compound commenced, under meticulous supervision of committee members. At the pinnacle of the event, cameramen took a multitude of photos from different angles and degrees beneath the overwhelming atmosphere as participants navigate through the caliginous path of the procession equipped with candles in an air of exhilaration to accommodate the darkness as they cherished each others company.

Following that, the dulcet voice of our very own Stephanie brought a swirling torrent of clamour and enthusiasm about the venue as she belted out Adeles Someone Like You and other sentimental hits right after participants settled down at the field in the velvet darkness of the night. The second act for the night was an intriguing sketch revolving around the theme of Mother Nature, presented by the home club. Then, two highly precocious dancers bedazzled the scene with their astounding dance moves and impeccable swag!

The countdown to the official Earth Hour reverberated The starry dynamo in the machinery of Night employed throughout the vicinity of the venue as all participants auspice unto twenty lucky participants who managed to of the event, who were Earth Hour supporters, echoed clinch magnificent prizes offered in the lucky draw session. almost synchronized counting. The prizes include massage mats, tantalizing Famous Amos hampers, bed comforters and two units of alluring Edifier merchandises. After that, all participants rocked to MJ hits and other songs in appreciation to Mother Nature. Later, souvenirs were given out to the Lions as well as the principal of S.M.K Assunta as tokens of appreciation for endorsing this fruitful event.Pn Rita, the principal of the home club delivered her closing speech with much contentment, conveying her appreciation for Leos huge efforts in making this event a success thus fulfilling its directive of ushering people to take concrete actions in saving the world we live in. The Earth Hour event officially ended with a photo-taking session as its antecedent.

On the 15th of December 2011, I have arrived to Osaka, Japan whereas on the 8th of January 2012, I left Japan and returned to my home country, Malaysia. I have truly enjoyed my stay in these few days. I am really grateful that I got this golden opportunity of seeing and learning the culture, history and beauty of Japan. I got the chance to meet Mr. Katagiri and his amazing family. I really admired Keiko, the second daughter of the family because she was a cheerful and fun girl even though she was crippled. On the 16th December, it was the welcoming party for the Youth Exchangees of District 335-C. I met Ms. Nakai, who briefed us about the program and other youth exchangees from Malaysia as well as Singapore and New Zealand. We were told that we had to make speeches during the party and with help from Ms. Nakai whom helped in translating our speeches, I was able to give my speech even though I was very nervous. In the first few days, I was brought to various places, including the Kyoto International Manga Museum, the Golden Pavilion with my host family. I also had the golden opportunity to attend an event hosted by the Kyoto Millennium Lions Club, which was Mr. Katagiris club. It was a bowling competition with the deaf and mute. I was really in awe of the Lions Club for hosting this event and contributing to the society. On the 19th of December, I was invited to a Christmas party held by the Kyoto Millennium Lions Club and Kyoto Kamo Lions Club. I exchanged gifts with the presidents of each club before making a short speech. On the next day, it was the trip to Universal Studios Japan with other youth exchangees from Disctrict 335-C. It was extremely fun as I was not only able to make more friends; I also got to ride on thrilling fun rides. On the 21st of December, I had the rare chance of witnessing Mr. Katagiri and his mother practicing the traditional tea ceremony in a Koucha Club. When it was Christmas Day, I said my farewells with Mr. Katagiri and his family after they dropped me off at the Youth Exchange Camp site. The 3 days of the camp were really really enjoyable. Even though it was a short period, I was able to meet and make friends with many people from various countries, as far as Peru and Croatia and learn more about the culture of Japan. On the last day of camp, I met with my second host family, which was Mr. Kawamoto and his family I got the opportunity to meet all of them in their family dinner on the 29th. On the next day, they were having mochitsuki, which means pounding mochi (Japanese rice cake). I was able to witness the steps on how to make mochi and tried it out as well as eat the delicious mochi.

Days in Japan

On the last day of 2011, Mr Kawamoto's son brought me to Nipponbashi, a place well-known for their anime and manga merchandise in Osaka with his sister and daughter whereas on the first day of 2012, many relatives dropped by and wished each other a Happy New Year while exchanging gifts. Then, during the night, a dinner party was held. On the 3rd of January, we went to a shrine with my host father's daughter's family for hatsumode (the first shrine visit of the year). Furthermore, Mr. Kawamoto and I went to the Nijo Castle on the 4th January whereas on the next day, I went to an art gallery with his wife before going to Shinkyogoku Sho and Teramachi to shop. On the day before I had to leave, Mr. Kawamoto held a farewell party for me in his house. All his family members came and we had a great time together. These few days were an eye opener for me and honestly amazing. I am greatly thankful to Mr. Katagiri and his family, Mr. Kawamoto and his family, to the Lions Club of Petaling Jaya and the Lions Club of District 335 for giving me this opportunity to be able to participate in this youth exchange program. It was definitely a lifetime experience and I truly hope that more LEO members from our school have the opportunity to experience it too.

By: Natalie Chong


What is SMK Damansara Jayas Leo Club to you? Or is it something you look forward to every alternate Thursday? Is it just a club? To some, It is a place where we have the opportunity to help those in need as well as slowly gaining leadership skills. -Chen Chui LiIt is a big family where you can trust and rely on each other as we go through every meeting and event. -Alison SeowLeo is something that inspires me to be a better person. -Rachel TeoThe Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya is the love of my life and the seed to my soul. -Xiao YanLeo is the desire to help people. -Cecilia OoiLeo Club of SMK DJ is the best money maker! -MichelleIt is a place where I can help people. -Ke xinThis club is my life. -Joy ChuaLeo is like a family to me. -Pei MingLeo is shared faith, shared power, shared life and togetherness. -Christopher WongAlthough to some it is just a club, to me it is a family I will never regret being a part of. -Yue Teng-

Through the eyes of a senior

Thinking back on those days when I was still a Leo in SMK DJ, I had endless tasks to finish and never failed to be on the stress out mode. To be honest, it was very tough to manage a club but if anyone asks me whether I regretted joining Leo, the answer is definitely a no! The experiences that I gained were remarkable, from organizing small projects, joint projects, and visits to forums. You will never realize the fact that being a Leo can actually bring huge impacts on your life. Not just that, nowadays I can really cope with university pressure really well thanks to Leo. In addition, you get to meet a lot of crazy and fun people through Leo projects. I really hope that people who join Leo will carry out their tasks seriously with full responsibility. No matter what, enjoy every moment of being a Leo during high school life. Create your own legacy. By Lum Pui Cheng, Senior and Ex-Leo Member

Being In Leo Club

When I first stepped into SMK Damansara Jaya this year, I was just a normal student. I didn't mind, in fact I was pretty satisfied with my situation. No responsibility and no stress. However, when it was my turn to pick a club, I decided to join a club which I have been telling myself to be a part of for a long time; LEO. I remember watching as my elder brother put on his Leo vest with fancy badges hanging on every inch of fabric of the smart outfit. He would smile and tell me I could have one when I reach his age and then head off to his Leo activity, whether it was charity based or an outstanding campaign held by the club. Hence, I signed up to be a member of the Leo club. At the first GM, I discovered that many of my friends were in the same club, and that made me feel welcome and at home instantly. Shortly after I passed the interview to be an official member, I decided to join my friends in decorating the Leo board. Spending several trips to Atria under the blazing sun, I felt good that I was able to contribute something and help out (and burn calories). I started spending more time with my Leo friends, making more trips to atria with Natalie to make souvenirs for LEO IU day, and eventually got myself interested in applying for a post in the board of directors. However I was torn between my decisions as I asked myself again if I would be able to take up the responsibilities and stress and spend my time on Leo. On the day of the interview I regretfully had not still prepared my resume. I still doubted if I was capable of holding a post. Finally, Nadya came along with Sean and encouraged me to go for the interview. I observed the atmosphere around me as Leo members carried out their tasks like professionals and above all, busy helping each other. Everyone had a place where they belonged. I knew then, that a post could whip me up to shape as a responsible and efficient person; with a really cool nametag. After the interview I had a wakeup call on my sloppy character. My resume was incomplete; Nadya and I had not prepared a proper proposal etc. But Nadya and I were determined. We thought of all kinds of event ideas, and shared with Puan Ng. Continued On Page 6

Compiled by: Leo Wong Yue


Our Leo Club has shown mileage since last year. As of July, we had conducted 10 projects successfully. We have also won a considerable amount number of awards at the annual Leo Club Forum compared to last year. Our accolades for the 2010/2011 fiscal year include 100% Administration Award, Outstanding Club, Outstanding Green Club, Top Creative Project for the Joint Eco Flash Mob (joint project with SMK USJ 4), and Top Community Service Project for kids Just Wanna Have Fun (joint project with SMK Assunta) for Club Awards. Individual awards saw our teacher advisor Pn. Ng Yoke Chan honoured with Outstanding Faculty Advisor, Outstanding President Leo Ashley Tan, Merit Vice President Leo Sean Low, Outstanding Secretary Leo Jamie Cham, Merit Director Leo Ng Sher Wu and Merit Member Leo Clarisse Leong. Thats a wonderful total of eleven awards! Besides that, the projects held this year include Chinese New Year cookie sales, where our members enthusiastically promoted cookies to students and teachers. We also decorated the school in tune with the Chinese New Year festive spirit by using ang pows, giving a very festive atmosphere to SMKDJ. Form 5 members also had the perennial odd jobs project, and they sacrificed a weekend to help raise funds for Leo Club. A number of projects were also held with the environment in mind. The Nokia Recycle a Phone project held in conjunction with our schools Go Green Run was a highly successful event where a lucky student walked away with a brand new phone. Nokia also placed a few phone recycling bins in the school compound. A SPCA recycling project is currently ongoing, and students are encourages to contribute pet care products. As part of Merdeka celebrations, a few members have taken on the task of creating the Jalur Gemilang with plastic mineral bottles. These green efforts will definitely heighten awareness regarding protecting and conserving our environment.Leo Club also extended its caring attitude to the teachers by giving them gifts on Teachers Day last May. A carolling team brought joy to them by entertaining with songs. A health talk and body check up was held in collaboration with the National Kidney Foundation for teachers and parents.Leo Club also had its annual International Understanding Day with a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory theme. Students and Leo members attended the event in candy-themed clothes. SMKDJs hall was turned into a land of sweets with giant lollipops and sweets. A chocolate fountain was also installed, garnering attention from attendees. Incoming Leo Members were welcomed to the club in 2011 Leo Installation. Themed Challenge the Leader in Me, it was a joyous event, especially for the Form 3 members. Form 5 Leos were also celebrated in this event. There will be many more upcoming projects and events due to the Board of Directors hard work. Leo Club 2011 was definitely bigger and better than previous years; with the dedication and spirit de corps of the members, Leo Club will continue to serve.

Being a Leo: CONTINUED

We were after the Public Relations post, and I knew there were other more experienced Leo members who would stand a higher chance than I to get a post, so when the new list of BODs were out; I was surprised that I had a post. It wasn't what I applied for, but hey, not bad for a first timer right? The first B.O.D meeting had resulted me getting my first job- in charge if F&B for the upcoming Leo installation day. I was excited, and started to Google for finger foods, right even in the middle of the meeting. For the next 5 weeks, I did things I never done before: calling up strange restaurants and cafes, conversing with managers and staff with a faked professional 'accent'(don't judge me) and visiting the teachers' office more than I ever had in my whole life. I was busy, and checking out endless food magazines, restaurant websites, and cafe flyers became an obsession. And with sports day in the middle of the 5 weeks, I was busier than ever. Though now thinking back, I'm glad I managed to juggle everything and keep it together. On Leo installation day, I woke up at 6 am to make 2 bowls of nacho dips. It was a big risk as it was the first time I made a dip, and 6am in the morning wasn't exactly a time for a 16year old to make nacho dips in her pyjamas... Anyway, I reached to school, and rearranged the canteen layout again, as someone shifted them, with the help of some awesome Leos and the cutleries etc. Around the lunch began and guests poured into the canteen with their taste buds clearly pricked with the aroma of spring rolls, Nasi lemak, fried rice etc. It was then I started feeling really in charge as I supervised the lunch, and inviting every soul I saw to finish the food OR ELSE. Anyway, long story short, I spent almost 10 hours with food and I didn't have any more appetite for dinner after the event. And while I changed into my brand new uniform, I looked into the mirror and smiled. My brother was in New Zealand having a new beginning as a medical student there, but I was sure if he could see me, he would give me the same smile he did, 6 years ago.

By Leo Liao Jia Yuin


Do something awesome for the environment. Get something awesome in return. Visit

Http:// r/iwiyw for more information!



The theme was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and it was an event that certainly measured up to its name. On the 16th of April, students and guests from other schools started to arrive, decked out in candy-customized outfits, and gathered in the school hall at 1.00pm, eager to witness the performances, games and surprises the Leo club had in store. During the grand opening, the V.I.Ps and Lions were ushered into the halls, under rows of huge candy canes, held up by two rows of students, accompanied by the bangs of rainbow streamers released from both sides. It was a kaleidoscope of colour, as they made their entrance into the brightly decorated hall. Everyone rose to sing the Negaraku, and Leo Members to recite the LEO Pledge. After everyone had been seated, a number of speeches had been made, and after they finished, supportive applause rang loudly in the hall. Everyone was taken by pleasant surprise when Mr . Wonka burst into the hall, played by Harris Zukki. Straight after the arrival of Mr Wonka, the performances commenced. A variety of entertainment had been provided, and it kicked off with Mickeymitez taking the stage, followed by bands such as Mock Cheque and Madeline Ballroom. After the band stepped down, the presentation of souvenirs commenced. After that, more bands by the name of Chameleon, Blueberry Cheesecake, Dash, The Motion and an all-girls dancing group named Dr3am. There was a small intermission, a short break for the guests, students and fellow Leos to grab some snacks, candies or a souvenir from the brightly decorated stalls that lay enchantingly outside the hall, beckoning students with their sweet and sugary fare and an interesting stall that sold unique badges depicting a persons character, based on the idea of a periodic table for humans. After the break ended, the performances resumed with 12.0, Effervescence, a solo performance by Carmen Ong, and Farouk. A lucky draw was held and Justin Bieber fans then had a chance to try their luck at winning a pair of tickets and one very lucky boy walked away with a pair, after winning the lucky draw that had been hosted. It ended with a blast with the last bands, Karat and Applesauce whose energetic performances had the entire crowd leaping up from their seats, and dancing and screaming at the stage for encores when they played their last songs. Everyone then began to slowly leave the hall, and to go home, with candy and souvenirs. It was certainly a day to remember.

Mission Leo Possible

As the top-notch trio of the organizing committee, comprising our very own Leo Ng Sherwu, PR Director extraordinaire of SMKDJ, Leo Alex Leong from the Leo Club of Taman Sea and Leo Jack Ng from the Leo Club of Petaling Jaya Integrity (O), cruised through the entrance of Lembah Kiara Park in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Mission Leo Possible commenced on an early Saturday morning at 9 March 2012!! Jointly organized by the Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya, SMK Taman Sea, SMK Taman Petaling, SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya Integrity (Omega) and the Lions Club of Petaling Jaya; Mission Leo Possible: Towards New Hope was launched to render essential household goods to Agathian Shelter Home for children. At the outset, a total of 18 teams comprising of 5 participants each must manage a series of task which encompasses solving a mind-boggling puzzle which can only be done by two rigorous members to decipher the subsequent venue at where the pinnacle of the event ensues, while the search for clues at inconspicuous sites of several locations at the park where residence and visitors alike carried out recreational activities on a sun-drenched morning, are carried out by three efficient runners, to unravel the complete set of ingredients for a particular type of sandwich. Using the information and items at hand, participants of this availing mission made ready to prepare and sell different types of sandwiches as assigned to their respective teams based on the first clue obtained. The delightful sandwiches were packed into boxes for aesthetic and hygienic purposes before the runners set out to promote their decent products. The profit made was used to buy household items for the orphanage in an Amazing Race-orientated treasure hunt. Sponsored by Acer, vivacious Leo runners from the participating schools propelled towards every corner of the vast terrain for their endeavor to locate a person based on a perplexing photograph which was the first task.Frenzied participants fervently looked for their clue while bemused joggers looked on. Streaming with sweat, the participants scanned faces like they were high-tech facial recognition systems. After locating their human clue, the teams had to look for other clues based on cryptic messages such as Have a break, Kit Kat and Sir Wool gave Jills partner a bag of wool around the park before they could redeem their sandwich ingredients from the organizers.Armed with eggs, butter, bread and plastic knives, the teams then started putting together chicken ham, egg and mayonnaise, and tuna sandwiches to sell to famished joggers and keen children within the perimeter of the first venue. In their relentless endeavors to augment their sales, Leo runners persuaded, pleaded and buttered up any potential customers along their way.

Report by Leo Pei Ming Tan and Leo Joan Teng Written By Leo Natalie Oh

Continued on Page 8


Indisputably, this mission successfully served to empower Leos with expedient entrepreneurship skills and the power of salubrious teamwork in accomplishing the mission ahead. Big smiles abound and exultance suffused each time the participants managed to seal the deal. To add a little flicker of suspense into the event, the teams went through a few rounds of a thrilling bidding game for more money where secret sums of cash were placed in angpows for the Leo members to bid on. Unfortunate there were participants who ended up with less profits as they fatefully bought angpows containing small amounts at high prices, deluded by their expectations. With the extra money, all 18 teams plunged off to supermarkets and sundry shops in the vicinity to purchase a list of household items including oil, instant noodles, eggs, washing detergent and the like. All teams arrived at the Agathian Shelter Home an hour later to handover the groceries before engaging the orphans in a cupcake decorating activity. The hale and hearty kids were clearly amused by the resplendent bags of colourful icing while the Leo members aided their exuberant decorating efforts. Three teams clinched the top three placing of Mission Leo Possible and their members won irresistible Dr.Dre merchandises while the grand prize of Samsung phones brought wide beams to the winning teams exhausted faces. All in all, Mission Leo Possible succeeded in its directive of bringing new hope to the orphanage and also to the Leo members that their efforts could indeed make a difference.

Blind Leading the Blind

Written by Quah Paik Suan Edited by Tee Ke Hui

On Blind Leading the Blind

On the 15th of April 2012, the Lions Club of Petaling Jaya organized the Blind Leading the Blind Walk. All participants were paired and each participant took turns to be blindfolded in order to experience walking without sight. The partner of the participant would then lead the blindfolded by directing them orally. It was a massive event that many took place in, and an eyeopener. Many are encouraged to take part and experience it for a day.

Pictures by Wai Yew


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