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QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE The main objective of this course is to make the students familiar with

the statistical and mathematical techniques and their applications in business decision making. UNIT I Functions, Linear, Quadratic, Logarithmic and exponential functions - Permutations and Combinations - Matrices - Solving system of equations with matrix methods - Differentiation and integration of simple functions and their applications UNIT II Measures of Central Tendency - measures of dispersion - simple correlation and regression analysis - concept and applications of multiple regression UNIT III Concept of Probability - Probability sales - Joint and Marginal probability - Baye's Theorem Probability distributions - Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential Probability distributions UNIT IV Sampling and Sampling distributions - Estimation - point and internal estimates of averages and proportions of small and large samples - concepts of testing hypothesis - one sample tests for testing mean and proportion of large and small samples. UNIT V Tests of two samples - tests of difference between mean and portions of small and large samples - Chi-square test of independence and goodness of fit - Analysis of variance SUGGESTED READINGS 1. Levin and Rubin, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall of India 2. Levin, Krehbiel and Berenson, Business Statistics : A first course, Pearson Education Asia. 3. K.V.Sivayya and K. Satya Rao, Business Mathematics 4. Zameeruddin, Khanna and Bhambri, "Business Mathematics", Vikas Publishing House 5. Shenoy, Sarma and Srivatsava, Quantitative techniques for Management, New Age (International) Pvt. Ltd. 6. Amir D. Aezel & Sounderpandian, Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002 7. N.D.Vohra, Quantitative techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001

MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with basic management concepts and behavioural process in the organisation UNIT - I Management Management Management Management UNIT - II Planning - Nature, Purpose, types and steps in Planning - Planning promises and forecasting - Management by Objectives - Process of decision making - Decision Tree Analysis UNIT - III Organising - Principles of Organisation - Departmentation - Span of Control - Delegation and Decentralisation - Line and Staff relations - elements of Staffing - Leadership theories and styles of Leadership - Motivation theories - Maslow, Hezber and Elton Mayo - Process and techniques of control UNIT - IV Organisational Behaviour - Meaning, Scope and significance - The Individual - learning perception - values and attitudes - Group Dynamics - Inter-Intra and organisational conflicts - Organisational culture - organisational change and development UNIT - V Case Study SUGGESTED READINGS : 1. Essentials of Management - Hoinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz by McGraw Hill International 2. Management, 7th Edition - Stephen Robbins and Mry Coulter by Prentice Hall of India 3. Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition (e-business updated edition) (with CD-ROM), Prentice Hall of India 4. Management, A Global Perspective - Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz by McGraw Hill International 5. Fundamentals of Management 3rd edition - Stephen P. Robbins and David A. Decenzo by Pearson Education 6. Management - David R. Hampton by Tata McGraw Hill Definition, Scope and Importance - Principles of Management - Functions of Evolution of Management Thought - Classical and Neo-Classical Theories of International Management Styles - American vs. Japanese Styles of Social Responsibility of Management

7. Management - James, A.F. Stoner, R.Edward Freeman and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr. by Prentice Hall of India 8. Management and Organisation - Louis, A. Allen by McGraw Hill International 9. Organisational Behaviour - Stephen P. Robbins, 9th edition by Pearson Education 10. Organisational Behaviour - Fred Luthans by McGraw Hill 11. Management of Organisational Behaviour, Leading Human resources, 8th edition - Paul Hesey, Kermeth H. Blanchard and Dewey. E. Johnson by Pearson Education 12. Human Behaviour at Work, Organisational Behaviour - Keith Davis

MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to acquaint the participants with concepts and techniques used in Micro-Economic theory and to enable them to apply this knowledge in decision making UNIT I Managerial Economics - Definition, Nature and Scope: Responsibilities of a Managerial Economist Theory of Demand - Elasticity of Demand - Types of Elasticity of Demand and their managerial uses : Demand Forecasting - Methods for existing and new product Criteria for Good Forecasting method UNIT II Profit - Measurement of Profit, Theory of a Firm - Profit Maximization vs. Wealth Maximisation; Economic Optimisation; Cost Concepts - cost output - Relationship - Short run and Long run - Cost function UNIT III Market Structures - price and output determination under Perfect Competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly - Pure and discriminating, duopoly and oligopoly; Methods of Pricing - Cost Driven pricing methods - Cost pli marginal cost; Differential Pricing UNIT IV Macro Economic Aggregates and concepts - National Income - GNP, GDP, Measurement Inflation; Money Supply, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy UNIT V Trade Cycles - Phases, Theories and corrective measures; Aggregative Demand and Aggregative Supply - Consumption Saving and Investment Functions, Multiplier Mechanism SUGGESTED READINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Managerial Economics, Joel Dean, Prentice Hall Managerial Economics, Mote & Paul, Tata McGraw Hill Managerial Economics, Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill Macro Economics, Theory & Applications, Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill Macro Economics, M.L. Seth Managerial Economics, 4th Ed., Peterson & Lewin, Prentice Hall of India

INDIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to familiarise the student with the Business environment conditions prevailing in the country and its impact on decision making. UNIT I Business Environment - Concept and Significance - Economic, Socio- Cultural, Political and Technological factors influencing Business Environment - Comparative Economic System Changing role of Government - Structure of Indian Economy UNIT II Industrial Policy of Govt. Policy Resolutions and Policy Statements - Reforms since 1991 in issues of Industrial Policy - Balanced Regional Development - Small Scale Industries Multinational Corporations - Foreign Collaborations UNIT III Public Enterprise - Role in the Past, Present and Future - Performance - Problems and Challenges - Privitisation - Disinvestment UNIT IV Environmental Management - Fundamentals, Sustainable development - Implications of Population Explosion - Limits to growth; Environment and Business schools UNIT V Social Responsibilities of Business - Business Ethics - Developing Ethical Business Habits Work Ethos in Indian Perspective - Indian Heritage - Relevance of values in Management SUGGESTED READINGS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Govt. of India, Latest Economic Survey K.V.Sivayya and V.B.M. Das - Indian Industrial Economy M.Adhikari - Economic Environment of Business A. Das Gupta & N.K. Sen Gupta - Government of Business D. Amarchand - Government and Business Pandey, G.N. Environmental Management - Vikas Publishing House Francis Cherunilam - Business Environment Uberoi, N.K. Environmental Management - Excel Book, New Delhi K. Aswathappa, Business Environment

10. David Stewart - Business Ethics, McGraw Hill International edition 11. Current Business Journals, Magazines & Dailies

MANAGERIAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT (EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION) OBJECTIVE : The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary techniques and skills of communication to inform others, inspire them the enlist their activity and willing cooperation in the performance of their jobs. UNIT I Role of communication in Business - Objectives of Communication - The process of Human Communication - Media of Communication, Written communication - Oral communication Face to Face communication - Visual Communication - Audio Visual Communication Silence. Developing Listening Skills - Improving non verbal communication skills Understanding cultural effects on communication UNIT II Managing organisation communication - Formal Communication - Informal Communication Intra and Inter personal communication - Models for Inter personal communication Exchange theory, Johar window and transactional analysis. UNIT III Managing motivation to influence interpersonal communication - Inter Personal perception Role of Emotion in Inter Personal communication - Communication styles - Barriers of Communication - Gateways to effective interpersonal communication UNIT IV Business writing skills : Business letters - memorandum and E-mails - Messages; Negative persuasive and special reporting; Informal reports - proposals and formal reports - oral presentations, meetings and Telephone communication - use of technology in business communication UNIT V Case Study SUGGESTED READINGS 1. Basic Management Skills for All. 5th ed., McGrath Prentice Hall of India 2. Effective Business Communication, Kaul, Prentice Hall of India 3. Jerry C. Wofford, Edwin. A. Gerloff and Robert C. Cummins, Organisational Communication - The Key Stone to Managerial Effectiveness 4. Lesikar, Pettit and Flatley : Lesikar's Business Communication Today, Pearson Education

5. Bovee, Thill and Schatzman : Business communication Today : Pearson Education 6. Patrica Hayes Andrews and Richard T. Herschel : Organisational Communication Empowerment in a technological society 7. Mary Ellen Guffey : Essentials of Business Communication 8. Thomas A. Haris : I'm O.K. - You're O.K. 9. Stephen R. Covey : The Seven Habits of highly effective people 10. Murphy, Herta A and Peck Charles E : Effective Business Communication 11. Anthony Robins 'Unlimited Power' 12. Rajendra Pal & J.S. Korlahalli : Essentials of Business Communication

ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE: The basic purpose of this course is to develop an insight of postulates, principles and techniques of accounting and utilization of financial and accounting information for planning, decision making and ControlPanel UNIT I Accounting for Management - Nature and Scope - Management Process and Accounting Financial Accounting vs. Accounting for Management - Role of Accountant in modern organisation - Line and Staff Relationships and the Position of Accountant UNIT II Financial Accounting System - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Accounting Standards governing the Preparation of Financial Statements - Contents of Balance Sheet Profit and Loss account - Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements - Ratio Analysis and Common size Statements UNIT III Elements of Cost - Material, Labour and Overhead Costs - Cost Sheet Preparation Absorption vs Marginal Costing - Cost - Volume - Profit Analysis - Cost Behaviour Behaviour of Fixed Cost and Variable Cost - Break Even Analysis - Contribution Approach Profit Planning UNIT IV Cost Concepts for Decision Making - Decision Making Process - Decision Situations - Sales Volume Decisions - Pricing and Special Order Pricing - Sell or Process Further Decisions Make/Buy Decisions - Product Decisions - Addition, Deletion and alteration of Mix- Plant Shutdown Decision UNIT V Budgeting - Types of Budgets - Financial vs Operation Budgets - Short Term vs Long Term Budgets - Preparation of Sales Budgets - Purchase Budgets - Expenditure Budgets for Material, Labour and Overheads - Construction of Cash Budget - Flexible Budget - Master Budget - Management Control and Budgeting - Performance Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting SUGGESTED READINGS 1. Introduction to Management Accounting, Horngren, Sundem & Straton, Prentice Hall of

India 2. The Essence of Management Accounting, Chadwick, Prentice Hall of India 3. American Accounting Association, A. Statement of Basic Accounting, Theory. The author, Sarasota, USA 4. Bhattacharya, S.K. and Dearden, J., Accounting for Management, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi 5. Horngren, C.T. Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 6. Khan and Jain, Management Accounting Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi 7. Banarjee, B. Financial Policy and Management Accounting, The World Press

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT OBJECTIVE : The Primary objective of this course is to acquaint the students to emerging global trends to business environment UNIT I International Business : Significance, Free Trade vs. Protection emerging trends, World trade and foreign investment patterns : WTO and Regional blocks. UNIT II Balance of Payment : Concept, disequilibrium in BOP, Structural, cyclic and monetary disequilibrium methods of correction, Trade barriers and Trade Strategy UNIT III World Financial Environment : Foreign exchange market mechanism : exchange rate determination, Euro currency, International Banks UNIT IV Globalisation: Country evaluation and selection, export management licensing, joint ventures; gloabal competition, export promotion zones, special economic zones UNIT V International liquidity : problems of liquidity; role of IMF and IBRD in managing international liquidity problems SUGGESTED READINGS 1. International Business Environment, The Text and Cases, Sundaram & Black, Prentice Hall of India 2. The Essence of International Business, Taggart and McDermott, Prentice Hall of India 3. International Business, J.V.Prabhakara Rao and A.V. Ranganadhachary 4. Alworth, Julian S. The Finance, Investment and Taxation Decision of Multinationals, London, Basil Blackwell, 1988 5. Bhall, V.K. and S. Shivaramu, International Business Environment and Business, New Delhi, Anmol, 1995 6. Bhall, V.K. International Economy, Liberalisation Process, New Delhi, Anmol, 1993 7. Daniel, John D and Rdebangh, Lee H. International Business, 5th ed., New York, Addision Wesley, 1989 8. Eiterman, D.K. and Stopnehill, Al. Multinational Business Finance, New York, Addision

Wesley, 1986 9. Jonston, R.B The Economics of the Euromarket : History, Theory and Practise, New York, Macmillan, 1983 10. Parks, Yoon and Zwick, Jack, International Banking in Theory and Practice, New York, Addision Wesley, 1985

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