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Worship Service

July 1 , 2012

UPCOMING EVENTS Today, 2:30pm chapel service at the hospital Next weekend, July 6-8 EMC Annual Convention at Providence University College, Otterburne, MB. Harold and Laura will be attending.

WELCOME AND PRAYER Chairperson Wayne Reimer

(next week Lorne Friesen)

Next Sunday, July 8 Here at CFC, we will be watching a video presentation called Indescribable by pastor and conference speaker Louie Giglio. (Visit for more information about the speaker, his passion, and his mission.) August 18-19 CFC church camp at Wellman Lake. to follow. More details


(next week Dan Hiebert)

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK TO: Ang Thiessen July 4 Vi Plett July 6

KIDS KORNER Puppet Show SCRIPTURE READING Ephesians 4:7-16 Randy Plett
(next week Randy Nepinak)

LETTERS TO OUR CONGREGATION (posted on back bulletin board) From Kayli Reimer (John & Connie Reimers daughter, serving with YWAM Perth, Australia) From Dave & Judy Schmidt and Alto Refugio (they were our EMC Missionaries of the week last week)


Grace Gifts From God

Harold Thiessen


Urgent SBBC Needs and Prayer Requests

Steeprock Bay Bible Camp is still in need of a number of volunteers for the following positions: maintenance help (light cleaning and daily duties), particularly July 9-14, 23-28, August 6-11 kitchen help, particularly July 23-28 billet for a female cabin leader for each weekend, Saturday afternoon-Sunday afternoon billet for a female cabin leader for the first one or two weekends We are also still in great need of a lifeguard and cabin leaders. See or call Bethany at 281 3583 or the camp at 281 0450 for more info about any of the above opportunities.

Christian Fellowship Church

O Canada!
Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer, Hold our dominion in Thy loving care. Help us to find, O God, in Thee, A lasting, rich reward, As waiting for the better day, We ever stand on guard. God keep our land Glorious and free! O Canada! We stand on guard for thee. O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
~ Robert Stanley Weir, 1906

ASSOCIATE MISSIONS PARAGUAY Travis & Rosey Zacharias Please pray that Travis and Rosey will know how to effectively share the Gospel with the youth who come to Conexin, the drop-in centre, and that they will have the necessary energy to be with them on the weekends. Pray that as Travis and Rosey visit and encourage people in the faith, the people will grow spiritually and that they too will be encouraged as they see God changing lives. Pray that the church planting team in Minga Guaz will clearly hear God guiding them to where He is at work. Pray that their friendships will result in many opportunities to share about God.

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