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1 Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering Department,

Ocean Engineering Research Center, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 4 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Profs. Shuto, Imamura, Synolakis, Okal, Pelinovsky, Zaytsev, Chernov, Kurkin, UNESCO IOC, ITIC, IAEA RFBR RUSSIA Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council TUBITAK ATSB, MMD, DID, UTM Malaysia European Union Projects TRANSFER and SEAHELLARC NSF USA Fethiye Municipality, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Mean Sea Level MSL Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Mean Sea Level MSL Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) L Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) T Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.

f= 1/ T


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.

k= 2 / L


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.

= 2 / L


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.

C= L / T

Cg = Group Velocity


Wave profile () Wave crest Wave trough Wave amplitude (a) Wave height (H) Wave length (L) Wave period (T) Wave frequency (f) Wave number (k) Angular wave frequency () Wave celerity (C): (C=L/T). and : horizontal and vertical water particle displacements respectively, and functions of time and depth.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Classification of Water depth Classification of Wave Height Classification of Height, Length and Depth

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Water Particle Trajectories

Water Particle Trajectories

Elliptical motion of particles Exponential decrease of vertical path with depth

Jamboree II, The JCOMM/IODE Combined Modeling and Data Management Training Workshop Held at Oostende, Belgium, 9 14 October 2006

Shoaling of Shallow-water Waves

As waves enter shallow water
Wavelength shortens Height increases


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

When the moon is new or full, the gravitational forces of the sun and moon are pulling at the same side of the earth extra large "spring" tides occur.

When the moon is at first or third quarter, the gravitational forces of the sun and moon are pulling at 90 degrees from each other little net tides called neap" tides occur.


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Difference Between Wind Waves and Swell Waves:

Wind waves" are produced by local winds and measurements
show they are composed of a chaotic mix of height and period. In general, the stronger the wind the greater the amount of energy transfer and thus larger the waves are produced.

"Swell Waves" are generated by winds and storms in another

area. As the waves travel from their point of origin they organize themselves into groups (Wave trains) of similar heights and periods. These groups of waves are able to travel thousands of miles unchanged in height and period. and have a longer wave length and longer period than sea waves. Because these waves are generated by winds in a different location, it is possible to experience high swell waves even when the local winds are calm.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Swell waves are uniform in appearance, have been sorted by period,

Seiches are periodic oscillations of
water level set in motion by external forcing over a basin. The disturbances that cause seiches include the rapid changes in atmospheric pressure with the passage of low or high pressure weather systems, rapidly-moving weather fronts, and major shifts in the directions of strong winds. Seiches exist on the confined water bodies, and on partially-enclosed basins. The intervals (or periods) between seiche peaks on the basins range from minutes to more than hours.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

From coastal engineering point of view, every closed basin also has
its own free oscillation period. Determination of these oscillation periods is considerable since incoming waves with this oscillation periods make effect within basin higher than expected. fluctuations occur within the basin which affects coastal infrastructure, navigation of marine vehicles, public safety etc. and they depend on 2 basic parameters: Boundary conditions and shape of the basin and incoming wave properties.

When a wave enters a closed basin (harbor, bay etc.), surface

Thus, magnitudes of these fluctuations are significantly important

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Freak, rogue, or giant waves correspond to large-amplitude
waves surprisingly appearing on the sea surface Such waves can be accompanied by deep troughs (holes), which occur before and/or after the largest crest. Its height should exceed the significant wave height in 22.2 times. In particular, twenty-two super-carriers were lost due to collisions with rogue waves for 19691994 in the Pacific and Atlantic causing 525 fatalities. At least, the twelve events of the ship collisions with freak waves were recorded after 1952 in the Indian Ocean, near the Agulhas Current, coast of South Africa. (Ref: Prof. Efim Pelinovsky)

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

22 supercarriers were lost for 1968-1994 (Deaths:525)

Norse Variant March 1973 Deaths: 29 Silvia Ossa October 1976 Deaths: 37 Skipper 1 April 1987 Deaths: 0 Mezada March 1991 Deaths: 24 Alborada July 1984 Deaths: 30 Arctic Career June 1985 Deaths: 28 Testarossa March 1973 Deaths: 30 Chandragupta January 1978 Deaths: 69 Rhodain Sailor December 1982 Deaths: 5 Derbyshire December 1980 Deaths: 44 Golden Pine January 1981 Deaths: 25 Dinav Dec 1980 Deaths: 35 Anita March 1973 Deaths: 32 Christinaki Feb 1994 Deaths: 28 Marina di Equa December 1981 Deaths: 20 Tito Campanella January 1984 Deaths: 27 Artemis Dec 1980 Deaths: 0 Sandalion Nov 1980 Deaths: 0 Antonis Demades February 1970 Deaths: 0 Antparos Jan 1981 Deaths: 31 Bolivar Maru January 1969 Deaths: 31 Onomichi Maru December 1980 Deaths: 0

1973 South Africa

World Gloria

Gulf Stream, off of Charleston

three waves, ~ 56 feet = 17 m

February of 1986

It was actually a nice day with light breezes and no significant sea. Only the very long swell, of about 15 feet high and probably 600 to 1000 feet long.

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012



A tsunami is a series of ocean waves of extremely long wave length and long period generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance that displaces the water.

Impulses are:

Submarine Earthquakes Undersea Landslides Volcanoes Impacts of objects from outer space (such as meteorites, asteroids, and comets)
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Tsunamis are shallow-water waves. C = (g d) In very deep water, a tsunami will travel at high
speeds and travel great transoceanic distances with limited energy loss. For example, when the ocean is 6100 m deep, unnoticed tsunami travel about 890 km/hr, the speed of a jet airplane.

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Tsunamis from generation to coast

I. Initiation II. Split III. Amplification IV. Run-up

Strike Slip



(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Dr. Wattana Kanbua Thailand

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Sample source on a sample domain

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Propagation of a Sample tsunami in a regular shaped basin

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Tsunami Propagation
Snapshots 2D plot

Snapshots 3D plot

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

The Distributions of Maximum Positive (left) and Maximum Negative (right) Wave Amplitudes

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


H, h
Flow depth Water elevation inundation


Parameters for wave motion Height Length Local water depth Duration/period Gravity H= L h T g

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Specific terms:
Run-up: Vertical height a wave reaches above a reference sea level as it washes ashore. Flow depth: Total water depth above ground Current velocity: Tspeed of water flow Wave amplitude: Vertical measurement of the wave before it reaches shore Inundation distance: Horizontal distance a tsunami reaches landward from shoreline.
Water elevation SWL Flow depth Inundation distance (IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012 current runup

Maximum positive amplitude Maximum current velocity drag.

important for several coastal regions. important for erosion, deposition, debris and

Hydrodynamic load an instantaneous value during inundation depending on water velocity and flow depth. Since current velocity and flow depth are changing independently, the maximum value of hydrodynamic load also varies with time. Maximum negative amplitude essential for the ships and boats at shallow region since water depth decreases. Flow depth another governing parameter for hydrodynamic load excess flow through the pipe

Dynamic pressure at the intake location

Tsunami modeling
Tsunami modeling covers; i) mathematical description of the problem and initial/ boundary conditions with proper approximations and assumptions, ii) solutions of the governing equations with different techniques, (numerical, analytical) iii) simulation, iv) visualization. Beyond these; v) analysis of the results, vi) interpretation of the results and tsunami parameters, vii) understanding of their effects in the inundation zone viii) developing the mitigation strategies viii) using them for educational and public awareness purposes.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


The TUNAMI code consists of; TUNAMI-N1 (Tohoku Universitys Numerical Analysis
Model for Investigation of Near-field Tsunamis, No.1) (linear theory with constant grids), TUNAMI-N2 (linear theory in deep sea, shallow-water theory in shallow sea and runup on land with constant grids), TUNAMI-N3 (linear theory with varying grids), TUNAMI-F1 (linear theory for propagation in the ocean in the spherical co-ordinates) and TUNAMI-F2 (linear theory for propagation in the ocean and coastal waters). Prof. Shuto Tohoku University UNESCO IDNDR 1990s
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

L d d

d = << 1 L


Boussinesqs Approximation

Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations

M N + + =0 t x y
M M 2 MN x + + + = 0 + gd t x d y d x x

N MN N 2 y + gd + + = 0 + t x d y d y y
Bottom friction
x fn 2 = 7 M M 2 + N2 D 3

y fn 2 = 7 N M2 + N2 D 3

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

L d d

d = << 1 L


Boussinesqs Approximation

L d d

d = << 1 L


Boussinesqs Approximation

C = g(d +) = g d

C = g(d +)

L d d

d = << 1 L


Boussinesqs Approximation

Nonlinear Dispersive Shallow Water Equations (Boussinesq Equations)

M N + + =0 t x y
M M 2 MN x + + + = + gd t x d y d x x

N MN N 2 y + gd + + = + t x d y d y y
Bottom friction Dispersion potential
x fn 2 = 7 M M 2 + N2 D 3 h2 2M 2M = xt + yt 3

y fn 2 = 7 N M2 + N2 D 3

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Nonlinear Dispersive Shallow Water Equations (Boussinesq Equations)

M N + + =0 t x y
M M 2 MN x + + + = + gd t x d y d x x

N MN N 2 y + gd + + = + t x d y d y y
Bottom friction Dispersion potential
x fn 2 = 7 M M 2 + N2 D 3 h2 2M 2M = xt + yt 3

y fn 2 = 7 N M2 + N2 D 3

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations

M N + + =0 t x y
M M 2 MN x + + + = + gd t x d y d x x

N MN N 2 y + gd + + = + t x d y d y y
Bottom friction Dispersion potential
x fn 2 = 7 M M 2 + N2 D 3 h2 2M 2M = xt + yt 3

y fn 2 = 7 N M2 + N2 D 3

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Linear Shallow Water Equations

M N + + =0 t x y
M M 2 MN x + + + = + gd t x d y d x x

N MN N 2 y + gd + + = + t x d y d y y
Bottom friction Dispersion potential
x fn 2 = 7 M M 2 + N2 D 3 h2 2M 2M = xt + yt 3

y fn 2 = 7 N M2 + N2 D 3

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


On the Nonlinearity, Dispersion and Friction in Tsunami Modeling

Necessary Terms in Simulation Using Nonlinear Long Wave Equations




depth to wave length Important Ratios amplitude to depth

This consideration provides the modeler to neglect some of the terms according to the relative order of magnitudes of these ratios

On the Nonlinearity, Dispersion and Friction in Tsunami Modeling

Linearity may be sufficient in deep water. Nonlinearity is essential in shallow zone. The friction term becomes important in the shallow zone and at land. The dispersion becomes important in long distance propagation and also when the wave amplifies in the shallow zones.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


On the Nonlinearity, Dispersion and Friction in Tsunami Modeling

The importance of dispersion is also related to the depth and wave length ratio. Dispersion needs longer simulation time. All these terms have different effects on the results of the simulations and cause discrepancy and the effects the accuracy at a certain level.

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


Recent studies on tsunami modeling revealed that
such tsunami models may not be satisfactory in predicting tsunamis caused by non-seismic sources (Kirby et al, 2009). For seismic tsunamis, the frequency dispersion effects in the long distance propagation of tsunami fronts may become significant. Many numerical simulations of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami made by tsunami researchers indicated the undular bores may evolve in shallow water. This phenomenon evidenced in observations during the tsunami surveys along the Malaysian coasts after 2004 event (Yalciner et al, 2005) .

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Differences of up to 20% in surface elevations, between Boussinesq and Non-Linear Shallow Water Equation simulations were found in deeper water by running numerical models using dispersive Boussinesq equations (Kirby et al., 1998). The eye witnesses in Langkhavi, Kedah and Penang (Malaysia) observed several big waves coming to shore during tsunami. It is different than the shape of the waves arriving Sumatra (Yalciner, 2005). There were two big waves arrived Sumatra, Thailand and Sri Lanka. But the waves divided into several waves while it is propagating to Malacca strait. Dispersion effect may be significant as the depth is quite shallow in this region. One of the reason why tsunami was divided into several waves is the reflections between west of Malaysia Peninsula and east of Sumatra but mainly Frequency Dispersion.

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

The Bay of Bengal is a good example showing the importance of dispersive effects on wave evolution. From Kirby et al (2009): Kulikov (2005) performed a wavelet frequency analysis based on satellite altimetry data recorded in the Bay of Bengal in deep water. He concluded that a long wave model including the dispersion mechanism should be used for this event.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Pasir Panjang beach where there was the border barrier behind the beach to prevent evacuation. The people could not escape from shore and 27 casualities at this location because of no evacuation route.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Miami Beach in Penang where there is highway to prevent access to evacuate. The people could not escape from the shore and 23 casualities at this location only because of no evacuation route.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Solitary Wave of Amplitude =3m


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012



90% 100% 400%

80% 90% 360%

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110% 100% 110%

120% 110% 110%

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012



Further comparison is not necessary Friction should be considered in computations at
shallow depths Friction can be neglected in computations at deep water region and save process time Friction may be neglected in modeling for operational purposes
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

FINAL REMARK nonlinearity

Further comparison is not necessary Nonlinearity should be considered in
computations at shallow depths Noninearity can be neglected in computations at deep water region and save process time Nonlinearity must be considered in modeling for operational purposes

FINAL REMARK dispersion

Still further comparison necessary Dispersion may be important for the long
shallow continental shelves and long distance transoceanic propagation

Dispersion may be neglected in modeling for

operational purposes

A valid and verified model must scientifically and operationally be applicable if it,
computes most accurate results, uses less memory size, processes in shorter time, requires less limitations for the user, has multiprocessor capability, has been presented/reviewed/ published and examined by other scientists in the international conferences, workshops and publications has input- output compatibility with other valid verified models
Training Course on Tsunami Hazard Assessment IAEA Vienna August 7-9, 2012


(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Benchmark problems
Benchmark problems can be considered
under three main titles as given in below: i ) Analytical benchmark problems ii) Experimental benchmark problems iii) Benchmark problems based on field data and observations

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

NSF funded (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis, 1991, 1995, 2004) International Workshops on Long-Wave Runup Models held in Catalina Island in United States in 1991, 1995 and 2004 provided 4 benchmark problems.

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Benchmark Problems
#1 - Tsunami runup onto a plane beach (Liu, Yeh,

#1a - Tsunami runup onto a plane beach (10% reduced

initial wave) (Kanoglu, 2007) (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis)

#2 - Tsunami runup onto a complex 3-dimensional beach #3 - Tsunami generation and runup due to a 2-dimensional
landslide (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis)

#4 - Tsunami generation and runup due to a 3-dimensional

landslide (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis)

#5 - Testing and verification of tsunami numerical models

by Determining the Resonance Periods of Regular Shaped Basins (Yalciner) tsunami in a simplified bathymetry (Yalciner)

#6 - Propagation, amplification and reflection of a sample

Benchmark Problems
#1 - Tsunami runup onto a plane beach (Liu, Yeh,

#1a - Tsunami runup onto a plane beach (10% reduced

initial wave) (Kanoglu, 2007) (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis)

#2 - Tsunami runup onto a complex 3-dimensional beach #3 - Tsunami generation and runup due to a 2-dimensional
landslide (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis)

#4 - Tsunami generation and runup due to a 3-dimensional

landslide (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis)

#5 - Testing and verification of tsunami numerical models

by Determining the Resonance Periods of Regular Shaped Basins (Yalciner) tsunami in a simplified bathymetry (Yalciner)

#6 - Propagation, amplification and reflection of a sample

#1 - Tsunami runup onto a plane beach (Liu, Yeh, Synolakis, 2004)

This is a simple setup for tsunami runup modeling
exercise: a uniformly sloping beach and no variation in the lateral direction, (a 2-D problem in the vertical plane). The initial-value-problem (IVP) technique introduced by Carrier, Wu and Yeh (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 475, 79-99, 2003) is used to produce the benchmark data. For the benchmark problem #1, the beach slope is fixed at 1/10 and the initial free surface elevation is given (see below). Your assignment is to compute and present the snapshots of the free surface and velocity profiles at t = 160 sec., 175 sec., and 220 sec. The detailed shoreline trajectory is the primary theme. Please describe the algorithm used to calculate the motion of the shoreline (the air-water-beach interface). Specifically, you are also required to present the temporal variations of the shoreline location and shoreline velocity from t = 100 sec. to 280 sec.

#1 - Tsunami runup onto a plane beach Runup of Solitary Waves

Synolakis (1987) proposed an empirical relationship between the normalized runup and the normalized wave height.
y z x




Runup law:
R H 4 2 = 2.831(cot ) ( ) d d
1 5


....... experimental (Synolakis,1987) _____ analytical (Synolakis,1987) _____ numerical (this study)
Figure A.2.17: The comparison of numerical results computed by NAMIDANCE (red dots) with non-linear theory and laboratory data in Synolakis (1986) according to the climb of a solitary wave with H/d= 0.019 (H1m) up a 1/20 beach for dimensionless times t=25, t=30, t=35, t=40 and t=45 (Ozer, 2012).


....... experimental (Synolakis,1987) _____ analytical (Synolakis,1987) _____ numerical (this study)
Figure A.2.18: The comparison of numerical results computed by NAMIDANCE (red dots) with non-linear theory and laboratory data in Synolakis (1986) according to the climb of a solitary wave with H/d= 0.019 (H1m) up a 1/20 beach for dimensionless times t=50, t=55, t=60, t=65 and t=70 (Ozer, 2012).

#2 - Tsunami runup onto a complex 3D beach

The 1993 Okushiri tsunami caused an extreme runup height of 32 m that was measured near the village of Monai in Okushiri Island. This benchmark problem is a 1/400 scale laboratory experiment of the Monai runup, using a large-scale tank (205 m long, 6 m deep, 3.4 m wide) at Central Research Institute for Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in Abiko, Japan. The primary theme of this benchmark problem is the temporal and spatial variations of the shoreline location, as well as at specified nearshore locations.

Figure A.2.2: The offshore profile of laboratory tank

Figure A.2.1: The bathymetry and topography of the study area in the laboratory tank

Figure A.2.2: The offshore profile of laboratory tank

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.3: The plot of bathymetry and the side view of cross-section A-A showing the locations of gauge points
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

#2 - Tsunami runup onto a complex 3D beach

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(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012


3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1




3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02

elevation (m)

0.06 0.05 0.04

elevation (m)

0.06 0.05 0.04

elevation (m)


0.03 0.02

experimental numerical

0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01

experimental numerical

numerical 0.01
0 -0.01

Channel 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


Channel 7
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


Channel 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

time (sec)

time (sec)

time (sec)

Figure A.2.4: The comparison of experimental and numerical results at the gauge points 5, 7 and 9 (IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

#3 - Tsunami generation and runup due to a 2-D landslide #4 - Tsunami generation and runup due to a 3-D landslide
These problems require the modeling of a sliding mass down a 1/2 plane beach slope and compare the predictions with laboratory data Based on Oregon Experiments by Synolakis, Kanoglu et. al.
(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

#5 - Testing and verification of tsunami numerical models by Determining the Resonance Periods of Regular Shaped Basins
Problem statement
Any tsunami numerical model can be verified by using it to compute the resonance periods of the regular shaped flat bottom basins, and compare with the theoretical values. One of the options is to apply the model to a flat bottom rectangular/square or cylindrical shaped basin. In the following there are two examples of regular shaped basin (rectangular and cylindrical). The bathymetric data is also given for each basin. A shortcut numerical method for computing the resonance periods of the basins are given. The method can be used by applying tsunami numerical model and numerical values of resonance periods are computed and compared with the theoretical values.

A simulation is done in the basin by agitating it with a single short period wave and the time histories of water surface fluctuations at some synthetic gauge locations inside basin are computed and stored. The frequency spectrum of each time history is obtained by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Technique. The peaks of spectrum curves occur at the periods (frequency) of free oscillation of the basin. The detailed information is available in (Yalciner and Pelinovsky, 2006))

#5 - Computation of Resonance Periods of Regular Shaped Basins

Method (Yalciner and Pelinovsky, 2006): The source is selected as a dome shaped elevation at the center. Simulation is performed. The time histories of water surface fluctuations are stored and analyzed by Fourier Transform Technique. The resonance frequencies of the basin can be obtained from the maximums of the spectrum curve. If the frequencies at the peaks of spectrum curve coincide with the theoretical values of the resonance periods, then the model can be regarded as valid with this benchmark problem.

#5 - Computation of Resonance Periods of Regular Shaped Basins

The initial impulse is a single sinusoidal wave with 1m.
amplitude, 10sec. period, generated by vertical movement of circular shaped water surface at the center of the basin. 3D plots of the propagation of the wave in the basin at 0, 10 and 20 seconds, respectively:

0 sec

10 sec.

20 sec.


Benchmarking using field data from the recent events

2004 Indian Ocean 2010 Chilean 2011 GEJE

Figure A.2.5: Source models for the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Left, the Fujii-Satake Source (Fujii et al, 2011); Right, the Tohoku University-Imamura Source (Imamura, 2011).

Figure A.2.6: The computed initial water surfaces for the Great East Japan Tsunami using the tsunami sources in Figure A.2.5.

Figure A.2.7: The wave record after the earthquake at 24 km off Kamaishi by PARI Japan

Figure A.2.8: The comparison of the measurued data and the computed data using both the Fujii-Satake and Imamura sources of Figures A.2.1 and A.2.2

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.9: Propagation modeling of Great East Japan Tsunami across the Pacific Ocean

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.10: The distributions of tsunami runup height (blue) and inundation height (red) as given by the Coastal Engineering Committe, Japan, 2011 and computed distributions of nearshore maximum amplitudes using Imamura source by NAMI DANCE (purple).

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.11: Satellite Image of Kamaishi Bay and City after Tsunami Event and damage (Yalciner et al. 2011)

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.12: The digitized bathymetry and topography of Kamaishi Bay and Kamaishi City (withhout breakwaters (left) and with breakwaters (right) (Yalciner et al. 2011)

Figure A.2.13: The Distribution of Maximum Flow Depths Computed for Kamaishi Area without breakwaters (left) and with breakwaters (right) (Yalciner et al. 2011)

Figure A.2.14: The Distribution of the square of the Froude number during as the tsunami floods inland in Kamaichi without (left) and with (right) breatwaters (Yalciner et al. 2011)

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.15: The Distrribution of Directions and Magnitude of the maximum Tsunami Current Velocities at Land and in the Sea in Kamaishi. Note that the maximum values do not occur at the same time, hence the counterintuitive nature of the depicted flow pattern (Yalciner et al. 2011)

(IEM3 International Experts Meeting (IEM3) 03-07, IAEA Vienna Sept, 03-07, 2012

Figure A.2.16: Comparison of the time histories of water level change at some locations in Kamaishi bay according to the simulations with and without the breakwaters included in the bathymetry.

Power Plants (Nuclear, Thermal ..) Oil Terminals and Pipelines Passenger Terminals Fishery terminals and Small Craft Harbors Commercial Ports Waterfront Megacities


Tsunami effect in the inundation zone is directly related to 1) maximum positive amplitude 2) maximum current velocity 3) hydrodynamic load 4) maximum negative amplitude 5) flow depth

Water Level Rise and Fall Water inundation and damage on vessels at marine facilities Strong Currents Damage on vessels at marine facilities Forces Damage on the structures Sea water withdraw and drawdown Can make the cooling water intake mouth be idle during withdrawal. Hence the cooling system can temporarily be disconnected from the sea.

Scouring Near the structures Debris and debris flow Eroded sand, mud and dispatched material are mixed with the water and cause higher density of the flowing water. Hence, the drag and impact force exerted by the tsunami becomes much stronger than expected.


Water Level Rise and Fall Water inundation and damage on vessels at marine facilities Strong Currents Damage on vessels at marine facilities Forces during tsunami Damage on the structures Sea water withdraw and drawdown Can make the cooling water intake mouth be idle during withdrawal. Hence the cooling system can temporarily be disconnected from the sea.

Morphological changes (Erosion and Deposition) Big shear forces at the sea floor cause deposition and erosion. Eroded material is carried out and deposited at the locations where the energy of flow becomes insufficient, such as near marine structures and/or at the location of intake mouth. The unexpected deposition may cause problem of operating the marine utilities, or stuck the intake mouth.


Dynamic water pressure Short time water level change and strong current can cause the additional dynamic pressure at the shallow region. Due to excess dynamic pressure, sea water can more easily penetrate through the intake pipe of NPPs and inundates the pumping station and also damages the electrical control units. The dynamic effect of the water pressure can damage the structure and its components connected to intake pipe. Resonant oscillations and seiches Even small tsunamis may trigger resonance and cause seiches inside the enclosed basins.


Source parameters (location, length, width, depth, displacement, and strike, dip, rake angles) Source segmentation (heterogeneous distribuiton of the rupture) Source types (seismic, landslide, volcanic, impact, large scale atmospheric difference)

Highest accuracy of the bathymetry, topography, morphology Inclusion of land use plans with plant components and layout Nearshore tsunami parameters Nearshore tsunami hydrodynamics (flow and impact) Erosion, deposition and scour Short and long term sea level rise (wave and wind setup, combination of the tsunami and storm setup)

Recent technologies Innovations Design techniques Close collaboration Safer Structures for better life standards for future of humanity and confidence

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All efforts behind this presentation are supported by IAEA JNES NISA NIIT TEPCO METU TAEK European Union Project TRANSFER (Tsunami Risk and Strategies for European Region) granted by the CEC, contract n. 037058, FP6-2005-Global-4 TUBITAK RFBR Turkey-Russia Joint Research Grant 108Y227 OYO Int. Co., Istanbul Metropolitan municipality and Fethiye Municipality

Middle East Tecnical University Ocean Engineering Research Center


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