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Deloitte Interview questions What was your current project? Did you work on CDC?

Difference between inner join and left outer join. What if there are 10 rows in each table Ans: left outer join= 10 rows Inner join= 10 or less than 10. How do you keep track of all connections in SQL server? How do you copy data from production to test environment ? Ans: Backup and copy the DB to production then Restore it to the test server. Also remove secure information and update it to junk values. Sync up the AD accounts. Single user and usually done at night. Have you done migration on SQL server? Many to many relationships? How to you implement?

TCS july 20th interview questions 1) What are the jobs that you have done on daily basis? Elaborate on the DBA tasks. 2) SQL server profiler. What is the use and when do you use it? 3) Say you have a job which is running everyday with the same data load. But on a certain day it takes 4 hours to run instead of 2 hours. How do you resolve it? 4) What kind of clustering did u setup and how did you do that? 5) What are the different types of Keys? primary, foreign, unique, composite 6) Mirroring and log shipping? Which one is better and why? Can you mirror one database on multiple machines? 7) Different types of backups? (full, differential, partial, file and filegroup) 8) Front end or backend?

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