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Arithmatic Mean
Ungroup Data .x = x n .x = Fx F Group Data

Harmonic Mean
Ungroup Data H.M = n 1/x Group Data H.M = F F/x

Geometric Mean
Ungroup Data G.M = Antilog log x n Group Data G.M = Antilog Flogx F

Ungroup Data Med = n + 1 __ th. value 2 Group Data Med = l + h ( f / 2 C.F) f

Ungroup Data Most Repeated Value (Only One Value) Group Data Mod = l + h Fm F1 2Fm F1 F2

Empirical Relation between Mean, Median and Mode

Symmetrical Distribution Positive Skewed Negative Skewed (Mean = Median = Mode) (Mean > Median > Mode) (Mean < Median < Mode)

Relation between Mean, Median and Mode

Mean = 3 Median - 2 Mean

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Q1 = Ungroup Data n+1 ____ th value 4 ____ th value ___ th value Q1 = Group Data F + 1 ____ th value 4

Q2 = 2 n + 1 4 Q3 = 3 n + 1_ 4

Then Q1 = l + h F - C.f. F 4 Q2 = 2 Then Q2 = l + h 2 F - C.f. F 4 We calculate Q3 and Q4 as same pattern F + 1 4 ____ th value

Note: Arrange Data in ascending order (its limited value is 4)

Decile : Applied above formula but remember we put value 10 except of 4, and its limited value is 9. Percentile: Applied above formula but remember we put value 100 except of 4, and its limited value is 99.

Decile : Applied above formula but remember we put value 10 except of 4, and its limited value is 9. Percentile: Applied above formula but remember we put value 100 except of 4, and its limited value is 99.

Range = Largest Value - Smallest Value ( Xm - Xo) Quartile Deviation

Ungroup Data Q.D = Q3 Q1 2 Find Q3 and Q1 by the formula of Quartile formula, which gives you, above. Group Data Q.D = Q3 Q1 2 Find Q3 and Q1 by the formula of Quartile formula, which gives you, above.

Mean Deviation about Mean (Mean Deviation)

Ungroup Data M.d (x) = x x n Group Data M.d (x) = F x x F

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Mean Deviation about Median

Ungroup Data M.d (x) = x x n Group Data M.d (x) = F x x F

Ungroup Data = x x 2 n n
2 2

= Fx F

Group Data Fx 2 F

Standard Deviation
Ungroup Data = x2 n x n

Group Data = Fx2 F Fx F


Types of Relative Measures Dispersion

Coefficient of Range
C. of Range = max. value - min. value x 100 max. value + min. value Coefficient of Quartile Deviation C. of Q.D = Q3 - Q1 x 100 Q3 + Q1 xm - xo x 100 xm + xo

Coefficient of Mean Deviation

C. of M.D (x) = MD (x) .x x 100 OR C. of M.D (x) = MD (x) x x 100

Coefficient of Variation
C.of Variation = x 100 x

Important of Measure of Skewness

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1st Pearsons Coefficient of skewness = Mean - Mode 2nd Pearsons Coefficient of skewness = 3(Mean - Mode) Quartile Coefficient of skewness = Q3 + Q1 - 2Q2 Q3 - Q1

Regression Equation
Y = a + bX .b = n XY - ( X)( Y) and n X2 - ( X)2 X = c + dY .d = n XY - ( X)( Y) and n Y2 - ( Y)2 c = X - dY a = Y - bX

Coefficient of Correlation
.r = n XY - ( X)(Y) nX2 - (X)2 nY2 - (Y)2

Strength of Coefficient of Correlation

Coefficient of Correlation 0.8 to + 1 + 0.5 to + 0.8 + 0.2 to + 0.5 0 to + 0.2 Degree of Association Strong Moderate Weak Negligible

Probable Error:

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PREPARE BY: SIR MOMIN P.E = 0.6745 1 - r2 n Simple Price Relative Index Number = Price in the current year x 100 Price in the base year P on = Pn x 100 Po Weighted Aggregative Price Index Number Weighted Aggregative Method

Lespeyres Formula
L = Pon = pnqo x 100 poqo

Lespeyres Formula
Qon = poqn x 100 poqo

Paasches Formula
P = Pon = pnqn x 100 poqn

Paasches Formula
Qon = pnqn x 100 pnqo

F = Pon = pnqo x pnqo x 100 poqo poqn

Qon = poqn x pnqn x 100 poqo pnqo

Marshal-Edgworth Formula
Pon = pn (qo + qn) po (qo + qn) OR Pon = pnqo + pnqn Poqo + poqo x 100

Marshal-Edgworth Formula
Qon = qn (po + pn) qo (po + pn) x 100


Method of Least Square

Y = a + bx For a = Y .n and b = xy x2


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Simple Random Sampling


Without Replacement Cn = N! n! (N - n)!

With Replacement Nn

Properties of Sampling
Without Replacement Sample mean E(x) = Papulation Variance V(x) = 2 . N - n N N - 1 Without Replacement Sample mean E(x) = Papulation Variance V(x) = 2 N

Standard Error
Without Replacement S.E of (x) = . N - n n N -1 Without Replacement V(x) = n

Confidence Interval For Papulation Mean

Case 1 S.D is known (i.e. ) is know and n>30 X = + Z a/2 n Case 1 S.D of papulation (i.e. 1 and 2) is know and n1 and n2 >30 (X1 X2) = + Z a/2 12 + 22 n1 n2

Case 2 S.D is known (i.e. ) is unknow and n<30 X = + t a/2 s with (n 1) d.f. n

Case 2 S.D of papulation (i.e. 1 and 2) is unknow and n1 and n2 <30 (X1 X2) = + t a/2 Sp 1 + 1 n1 n2 Sp (Pooled Standard Deviation) Sp = (n1 - 1)s12 + (n2 - 1)s22 n1 + n2 - 2

Testing Of Hypothesis
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PREPARE BY: SIR MOMIN Case 1 Z = X - n Z = X - s n When is known Case 2 .t = = X - s / n When is unknown and n < 30

where X is the sample mean and When is unknown and n > 30 s = ( x - x)2 n - 1 OR S = . Case 2 nx2 - (x)2 n(n - 1)

Case 1 Z = (X1 - X2) do (when 1 and 2 are 12 + 22 known) n1 n2 Z = (X1 - X2) do (when 1 and 2 are s12 + s22 unknown and n1 and n1 n2 n2 < 30)

Z = (X1 - X2) do (when 1 and 2 Sp 1 + 1 areunknown and . n1 + n2 n1 and n2 < 30 Sp (Pooled Standard Deviation) Sp = (n1 - 1)s12 + (n2 - 1)s22 n1 + n2 - 2

Quadratic Equation
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X = - b + b2 - 4ac 2a

For Vertex
.x = b , 2a y = b2 - 4ac 4a

Equation of Straight Line

.y - y1 = y2 - y1 ( x - x1) x2 - x1

Equation of Straight Line Passing through points with slope

.y - y1 = m (x - x1)

General Form of Straight line

. y = mx + c

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