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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North BUS ROUTE CHANGES AT WARD COUNCIL Monday, March

28, 7-9 pm, Program Room, Kanata Seniors Centre

On Wednesday, staff will be tabling their recommendations on major changes to the Citys bus system. Council has already approved a reduction, to achieve an annual saving of $22 million, with $19.5m to be from bus service changes. At the time of writing, I do not have a list of the changes but I am aware that they will involve a major change to the 165 route, the possible elimination of the 65 express, changes to the 160 route, and changes to routes serving the Kanata North Business Park. New areas in Brookside, Morgans Grant and Kanata Estates are not likely to get much in the way of improvements. The recommendations can be changed as long as the total dollars saved are achieved. I strongly recommend that you look at the recommendations that affect your travel patterns and come to one of the public meetings. I will be discussing the changes in Kanata North at Mondays Ward Council and you can make suggestions there. To speak with OC Transpo staff directly, plan to go to one of the public open houses. The one in Kanata is at the Kanata Recreation Centre on Wed. March 30th from 7-9 pm, with a presentation at 8 pm. For other open house locations, go to the OC Transpo website.


The environmental assessment for a major expansion of the Carp Landfill is underway by Waste Management. The next group of open houses is next week, with the one in Kanata on March 30th from 4 to 8 pm at the Lions Den, 170 Castlefrank Road. You can respond by email by going to and clicking on the workbook, filling in your views and submitting your response to Waste Management. Community groups, and I, are concerned about the short time between meetings for the public to discuss their issues with the plan which will add a second Carp mountain to the site. As a result, community members have organized their own workshop on Monday, March 28th from 7:30 -10:30 pm at the Goulbourn Recreation Centre. Ill be attending after Ward Council that night.

The By-Law Department has been developing classifications, for parks in Kanata North, which would designate areas where dogs have to be on leash or where they would be permitted to run free. These will be discussed at the Beaverbrook Community Association Meeting on Wed. April 6th. The meeting starts at 7:30 in the Beaverbrook Community Centre (in the mall, at the west end, at 2 Beaverbrook Road). Any resident of Kanata North is welcome to attend this meeting. Staff will then finalize their recommendation and implement it by providing signage in parks. This meeting is your final opportunity to provide your views on this issue.


This Saturday, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, everyone is asked to turn off all lights and electric appliances, computers etc. and live for one hour without using electric power. Earth Hour occurred in 128 countries last year to increase awareness about climate change and a sustainable future. This year, the Canada Science and Technology Museum is hosting a FREE Earth Hour 2011 Star Party, where you can view the night sky through Canadas largest refracting telescope in the museum. Dress warmly. Inside the Museum there will be stories of constellations in the inflatable planetarium, free coffee and hot chocolate and special prizes.

Mar 28: 7 - 9 pm - Ward Council meeting on bus route changes Mar 28: 7:30 10:30 pm - Community meeting on Carp Landfill, Goulbourn CC Mar 30: 4 - 8 pm - Waste Mgt Open House on Carp Landfill, 170 Castlefrank Mar 30: 7 - 9 pm - bus route changes, Kanata Rec. Centre Apr 6: 7:30 pm - Dogs in Parks, Beaverbrook Community Centre Apr 13: 7:30 pm CFUW/Kanatas Kraft Dinner Domino event, Stonehaven Manor

Serving the residents and businesses in Kanata North

To receive the Kanata North Newsletter, to deal with a concern or make a suggestion contact me at 613-580-2474, email or through

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