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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North DEVELOPMENTS IN KANATA NORTH

Im frequently asked about future developments in the community and the availability of different types of housing. In particular, there is a shortage of single family homes being built at this time. The only major development underway at this time is on the Broughton lands (Kanata Ave. near Terry Fox.) Some townhouse developments are underway in Brookside and on Shirleys Brook and the last units are being built in Kanata Estates. Draft plans of subdivision have been approved on the Richardson lands and Mintos development across from Scotiabank Place, but it will be some time before homes are available, due to considerable servicing that needs to be installed. Both of these developments include single family and townhouse developments. Minto also unveiled their plans for three sites in Morgans Grant and Briarbrook at my last Ward Council meeting. Information on these can be found on my website. Two are medium density stacked townhouse developments (next to Shoppers Drug site and running from March Road to Sandhill just north of St. Johns church and cemetery) and the other is for 16 single family homes off Flamborough (location of the older house and warehouse). It will be next year before homes on any of these are on the market, due to planning approvals and site work requirements. Once plans for these are formally submitted to the City I will be discussing them further with the community. In the meantime please send your comments to me so I can bring them to the attention of staff and the developer. The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) recently ruled that the City was in error in approvals of the Official Plan. The decision was based on a last minute change on the length of time that provision was being made for housing needs, compared to those approved for servicing and transportation. Council had provided land for housing for 15 years while other plans were for 20 years and Councils approved guidelines were for all to be 20 years. A second part of the OMB hearing will determine where the additions to the urban boundary will be located. The original staff recommendation included adding lands along March Road. The City will determine its recommendation on where the lands will be located next week for submission to the OMB. The development community will also make their submissions and a final decision is expected in the fall. Demand for housing in Kanata remains high, particularly with the upcoming move of National Defence to the Nortel Campus and the relocation of those companies,

who are presently at that campus, to the Kanata North Business Park. Any additional lands that may be added to the urban area will need extensive study to ensure that it will have adequate services, transportation and facilities before any homes are constructed.


A number of business people have been meeting to discuss the possibility of forming a Business Improvement Area (BIA) in the Kanata North Business Park. This is at a beginning stage, preliminary to finalizing a business case. I would appreciate hearing from owners, tenants and employees who are interested in having a group, working together for the benefit of all businesses in the area, so that as many views as possible can be considered.


As Canadians, we live in one of the best countries in the world, where we are free to speak our minds and enjoy freedoms that are not found elsewhere. Here in Kanata we also live in a safe community that provides for almost all of our needs from schools, to jobs, to services, to access to natural lands. Once a year we celebrate our good fortune of living in this country. So whether you go to Parliament Hill or enjoy the great events in Kanata, wear red and white with pride and celebrate our nations 144th birthday. I look forward to seeing many of you at Walter Baker Park for Kanatas festivities. Id like to thank the volunteers who make our Canada Day so special. It is incredible that such a huge show is put on without any paid staff. Please take the time to thank the volunteers on site and consider how you can help them to hold future Canada Days. Having been part of the group prior to being elected to Ottawa Council, I know how hard they work and how dedicated they are to bringing events for all ages to the park. They are all great citizens of Kanata and of Canada and I appreciate their enormous contribution to the community. For details go to UPCOMING DATES July 1, all day, Canada Day in Kanata, Walter Baker Park July 8, 4-10 pm, JAM AFTER EXAMS youth fun day, Beaverbrook Community Centre July 27, 4 pm to 8 pm, Kanata North Picnic, Sandwell Green Park

Contact me at 613-580-2474, email, or visit to keep up to date on community matters.

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