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Chapter 6 Carries POV About a week later, I sensed my opportunity to do some private research when my parents had gone

e to bed, making a mental note to delete my internet history afterwards. You never know, parents can be sneaky! Plus, I didnt want my Mum to find out Id been discovering more about Dads supposed fight, even when she told me not to... I had been so frustrated the past week because I could never research anything in secret! My Mum had taken to walking in and out of my room without even knocking. (I was having serious privacy problems.) Then they always stayed up late so I couldnt do it during the night. My frustration was beginning to attract their attention so kept it cool for a week. I smoothly slid out of my bed and peeked round my door to check that they were asleep. The evidence was clear when I distinctly heard them snoring. Finally! I had been waiting for at least 2 hours. Even though it was past midnight I was wide awake in anticipation of what I could possibly find. I opened up Google and typed Bar fight 2010 Kilburn. It should be easy, I thought, there arent that many bar fights around here. That I know of anyway. An article came up:


At 8pm this evening, innocent driver, Mr Alex Stewarts, was shot outside his home in Kilburn after a local bar fight at The Hunger. Police believed the events were connected but are now sure that Mr Stewartss killer was involved. Witnesses at the bar say that a man entered the bar. He just pulled out a gun but he seemed a bit drunk because he slurred as he spoke according to an eye witness from the bar. A hooded figure jumped on him and tried to pin him down, they ended up throwing a few punches then the figure grabbed the gun and made a run for it. The other guy chased him out. As soon as they left, sirens came down the road. Nobody seems to know who the hooded man was and there were no sightings of either man after they ran out of the pub. Not until a woman telephoned the police saying that a hooded figure was running down Mayor Lane with a gun and had gotten into a car. Mr Stewartss son Will said he saw everything because it happened outside their house. Mr Stewarts was said to be returning home from work in his red Ford Fiesta and pulled up outside his house. The figure ran to him and at gunpoint, demanded Mr Stewarts to hand over his car. After a few seconds the killer shot Mr Stewarts then proceeded to steal his car and use it as a getaway car. After a full investigation, police have not identified Mr Stewartss killer. Mr Stewartss family say he was A loving husband and father and he will be missed. Saturday 24th September 2010

And that was all I read before falling asleep... on top of my laptop... *** This was beginning to get old. It was the same dream. AGAIN! Carrie, I need to tell you something. What? Its about my Dad... His killer... I know who it is... Yeah, so go on. Keep talking... Follow me. I can show you what really happened. Will led me away from the street corner and we began to walk quickly down the road. I could hear talking and singing. It didnt make much sense to me. But as we came around the bend a bar came into view The Horse and Groom. Will brought me inside. No one noticed us at all. We took some seats at the bar. I looked at Will inquisitively. Wait and watch, he said patiently. It seemed like forever had passed when a man opened the door, gun first, and started spouting nonsense in a slurred voice. I realised it was the man from the article I was reading. This was getting weirder and weirder. Surely it was just my imagination? But no, sure enough, the witnesss statement played out right before my eyes. People in the bar cowered in the darkness of its corners. But suddenly, out of nowhere, the hooded man attacked him.

He landed a few punches then grabbed the gun out of his hands. He darted through the door, out onto the street, swiftly followed by the drunk. Come on Carrie! Will grabbed my hand and we ran out after them. After a minute or so their footsteps faded and we were left panting in the middle of the road without a clue as to where they went. A shot rang out followed by a scream and a thump. Will took off in the direction from where it came and sure enough in an alleyway, the drunk lay there. His ragged breathing was magnified in the silence of the alley and blood had drenched his left shoulder. He must have gone this way. Will pointed to the end of the alley and we began to sprint. This is a dream, I thought, a dream! How can I get a stitch in a dream?! We came out onto a road sign posted Mayor Lane Where Wills Dad was shot. I was starting to feel sick. This was a nightmare! I heard the rev of an engine behind me. The headlamps blinded me and all of a sudden Will pulled me to the ground as the car zoomed by. Seconds later a crash echoed down the street.

Will was already on his feet. I followed him as he ran towards the two cars which had crashed. We crouched behind a nearby car and watched the scene unfold. The hooded man had been running, presumably trying to get away, and the car had probably swerved to avoid hitting him. I was getting frustrated; I still hadnt managed to see his face! The hooded man got up from the floor; he still had the gun in his hand. Behind Will and me, policemen and police cars were charging down the road at full speed. The man quickly limped over to the car that had swerved and smashed in the window with his gun. Holding the gun to the drivers head he yelled at him to hand over the keys, or he died. The driver refused trying to buy some time. But it didnt work. Without even listening to the driver, he shot him in the chest and dragged him out of the car. Dumping his body on the ground, he jumped in and zoomed away down the road. But just before he took off, the gun man glanced around and looked in his mirrors at the police who were only 200m away. And I saw his reflection. My blood ran cold. I looked away not wanting to believe it. But the evidence was pretty clear. It was my Dad.

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