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I read Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery in 1998 and I consider this as one of the best books Ive

ever readshort but it did speak of so many things. Philosophically, this book has taught me not to let go of the child in me and not to get so caught up with the world of the adults. This inner child will make me understand matters of consequencethings that are of outmost importance other than the figures which basically fascinate the grownups. At the beginning of the story, there was a little boy (who eventually became the pilot) who kept asking the grownups what his drawing was all about. To his disappointment, every grownup that he asked said hat only it was a boa constrictor eating an elephant. It was at that point when he decided to give up his dream of becoming a painter; so as years passed, upon the advice of the grownups, he became a pilot. His encounter with the little prince brought him back his childhood dream. He had a plane crash in the middle of the desert and there he met the little prince. It was he who finally understood some of his drawings and it was he who made him realize a lot of things. Let me enumerate some poignant lines from the Little Prince. 1. One loves the sunset when one is so sad.

The little prince can basically watch the sunset for 44 times in his planet. Thats how small his planet is. This line is a hope giver. The sunset only reminds us that a new tomorrow is coming right up. Whatever bothers us or tears us apart, we

2. Water is good for the heart.

should forever be hopeful that it will come to an end and that the rays of the sun will lighten up our lives again. Water speaks of tears. Its not being a coward to let out emotions once in a while to unload that heavy feeling from within. I think its more of an act of bravery. Dont be scared to show your emotions; its good for you heart. This is the most famous line. The eyes are often blinded by the goodness of what he sees; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.

3. But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart.

4. What makes the desert beautiful,' said the little prince 'is that somewhere it hides a well.

5. It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.

The desert is like a person, who in the point of view of a lot people, is not capable of being good. But I think, there is goodness in every person and no matter how much bad things that a person does, all he needs is a tiny spark to bring out the goodness in him.

6. BAOBABS: But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's

The little prince had a rose (a proud one), just one single rose in his planet and he thinks, its unique and special. But when he came to earth, he discovered that roses are bountiful in it. It was the fox who explained this line to him, which made him love his rose even more. Just like a person. There are millions of people on earth and what makes one person unique as compared to other millions of people out there? Every person has his own friends, and family to love and who will love him back in return. This makes each one us SPECIAL.

darkness, until someone among them is seized with the desire to awaken. ..... But when it is a bad plant, one must destroy it as soon as possible, the very first instant that one recognizes it.

I think every seed pertains to ones charactertheres a good one and a bad one. The baobabs seed is so difficult to get rid of once it has grown so big. And thats the bad character. So once a child shows manifestation of having possessed the baobabs, eradicate such character at once by teaching and showing the child the right path.

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