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SHELL & TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER AIM A. To determine the overall heat transfer co-efficient. B.

To determine the heat exchanger effectiveness THEORY A. The total heat transferred from steam to cold fluid Q=UAo (TLMTD)corr (1) (ATLMTD)CORR TLMTD = In Pitch Triangular pitch = TLMTD x Correction (F) factor T2 T1 ------------T2 ------------T2

Correction factor can be found from PHB (perry Hand Book). Ref. (a) There is a graph of R & S, depending on type of pass (1-2) or (2-4) A) R = T1-T2 -----t1-t2 T1-T2 S= -----t1-t2

(2) Heat Transfer is from outside to inside (tube side shell side) Area of heat transfer Ao = Baffle Spacing (B.S) x Clearance x do ---------------------------------------------Pitch Where, do = Shell inner diameter in m 0.15 L N = Length of tubes in m 1 = No. Of tubes = mc CPc (T4-T3)

B) Rate of heat transfer is calculated from Energy Balance Equation Q = mh Cph (T1-T2)

T3 T2 Mc = Mass flow rate cold water entering (kg/sec)

T4 Cold Fluid Steam T1

The rate of heat transfer is calculated from From continuity equation mc p Ao = = = pAo V Densiy of liquid entering in kg/m3 Area of annulas side Ao B.s x clearance x do -----------------------Pitch in m2

Velocity of liquid flowing in m/sec

For finding do ref (C) & (D) In the experiment volumetric flow rate can be measured directly i.e., Q. So mass flow rate of will be mc = Q x p in Kg/sec (c) The values of p, Cp, p, K can be determined from Perry Hand Book (PHB) at average temperature (Tavg) Pg.No.2-306 from 7th edition, 3-304 6th Edition. Ref(B) (D)U, i.e., overall heat transfer co-efficient can be found out by U = ----W/m2oK Ao = Area of annuals side in m2 (b.s x clearance x do)/Pitch (E) The effective of STHE is calculated from E Where E Cmin Do Q = ------------------Cmin (T1 T3) = = = Effective of STHE Lower values from the values of p, Cp, fi, K shell inner dia can be found PHB


The principal barrier to heat transfer from a condensing vapor to a cool solid surface if the film of liquid that form son the solid surface. This film ordinarily increases in thickness until the action of gravity or fluid skin friction induces it to flow along the surface. The equilibrium thickness of the film and hence its thermal resistance, depend on the rate of condensation, the forces acting on the film, its resistance to flow a along the surface, the nature of that flow (is whether it is laminar of turbulent) and the amount of surface upstream of the flow film. Thus in the design of condensers the most important step evaluating the heat transfer co-efficient on the vapor side is the determination of the character and average thickness of liquid film of condensate. Effects OF CONDENSER TUBE CONFIGURATION Condensers are ordinarily built so the vapor flows transversely into banks of horizontal tubes with a large inlet passage area for the flow of vapor. The velocity varies widely, from the outer to the inner portion of the tube bank, whereas the water flow through the tubes is maintained at uniform moderate velocity. This arrangement is advantageous in that the heat transfer co-efficient on the cooling water side is sensitive to water velocity and is normally much lower than that on the vapor side of condensers, thus it is likely to be the determining factor in establishing surface area requirements. The vapor side heat transfer co-efficient for horizontal tube arrangement depends upon the thickness of the liquid film covering the tube surfaces. This is turn depends on the vapor velocities across the tubes tending to sweep off the condensate, turbulent flow or dripping from one tube to another, the extra surface area provided by sub sub cooled droplets splashing downward from one tube to the next and related factors.


Since the principal barrier to heat transfer is the heat transfer co-efficient on the waterside, there is a strong incentive to increase the cooling water velocity through the tubes. For most installations a good compromise between heat transfer and pumping power requirements is obtained with a water velocity of 2 3 m/s. somewhat lower velocities are often used for installations in which erosion by sediment is a problem and for salt water erosion is likely to cause corrosion. OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER CO-EFFICIENT In banks of smooth horizontal round tubes in the configurations and with the high vapor velocities normally associated with stream condenser, the overall heat transfer coefficient is primarily a function of cooling water velocity for clean, bright new horizontal tubes with no contamination either on the steam side or on the water side. If the tubes are of a material other than admiralty metal or have a wall thickness otherness other 18 BWG correction factors indicated in Table 1 should be employed. Fig. 1a shows a curve for a temperature correction factor. Note that the heat transfer co-efficient changes substantially with temperature. EXPERIMENTAL SET UP The experimental set up is shows in figure. It has 16 tubes with 8.5 mm ID and 9.5 OD. Each tube has an effective length of 102 mm. There are two tube passes. The shell is made of steel and tubes are of electrolytic grade copper/M.S. The shell ID is 150mm. the flow rates of shell side fluid measured using rotameters R1 3 segmental baffles with 40% cut have been provided on the shell side. Four thermocouples are provided for measuring the inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluid. Provision has been made for measuring the pressure drop (Ht) across the tube side. Valves have been provided for variation of flow rates.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE a. Start the water circulating pump. b. Allow water from laboratory supply into boiler. c. Switch on the water heater and allow water temp, to rise to procedure steam d. Allow steam to flow through the heater exchanger, (shell side) e. The pump control flow through the tube side until a temperature difference of 3-4 deg.c obtained by operating the bypass valve so that excess water goes to the sump (Min condition) f. Allow the unit to attain steady state. g. Take the temperature measurements T1, T2, T3, T4 and the pressure drops Ht and the Rotameter readings RI.h. Repeat the experiment for different flow rates of tube side and shell fluid. REQUIRED FACILITY 220V, 10, 2 KW, 2 Nos supply of water boiler. 220V, 10 , supply for pump 5 amps rating. Sump below the unit. Connections from overhead water tank. One water tap. OBSERVATION TABLE : Run No Fluid Temp, in oC Tube side T1 T2 T3 Shell side T4 Pressure Drop in m H1 Qw Volumetric Flow Rate in m3/sec Qc


m = qw x 10 6 x 3600 x p w in kg / hr tw

m = qw = tw = pw = in

Mass flow rate of water in Kg/hr Quantity of water collected in cc Time of collecting water in sec Water density evaluated at the mean temperature (T1+T2)/2 Kg/m3 (ref.B)

2. HEAT TRANSFERRED TO WATER qw = m.Cpw(T1-T2) Water outlet temperature oC Water inlet temperature oC Water specific heat 1.0kcal oC

where T2 = T1 = Cpw =


ac x 10-6 x 3600 x pc x Lv, Kcal/kg oC tc

where qc = tc = pc =

Quantity of condensate collected in cc Time of collecting condensate in sec Water density at steam temperature (T3 oC)

Lv =

Latent heat of vaporization at T3 oC


T1 = (T2 T1 ) 0 C T2 = (T4 T3 ) 0 C TLMTD = (T1 T2 ) T In 1 T 2 = ( ATLMTD ) x F

(a ) (TLMTD )corr


d0 L n

Total number of tubes Outside dia of tubes in m Length of the tube in m


U exp = qw in Kcal / hr m 2 0 K A x (TLMTD ) corr

7. COOLING WATER VELOCITY THROUGH TUBES No. of passes (Np) Total number of tubes (N) Quantity of water flowing in m3/sec

q qw tw

= = =

qw x10 6 x 3600 m 3 / s tw

Amount of water collected (m1) Time of collection in sec


V = q m/s (d 2 / 4) Np


Q A Np

= = =

Volumetric flow rate in m3/sec Area of annuals side I m2 No. of passes (Np)

Where d Tube material Tube thickness = = = Inside dia of tubes in m Copper / M.S. s BMW 0.5 mm = T1 x 1.8 + 32 0F

Temperature of Inlet Water t1

Temperature correction factor form graph corresponding to t1 = F1 Correction factor for material and tube wall thickness from table 1 = F2 assumed fouling factor = 0.85 8. THEORETICAL OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER CO-EFFICIENT = Uth (from Fig corresponding to V)

Corrected overall heat transfer co-efficient Ucorr = Uth x F1 x F2 x 0.85 fouling factor 9. THE VALUE OF Ucorr AND Uexp ARE COMPARED

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