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CPAC 2012: Extremely Controversial!

: The Other McCain

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The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." Arthur Koestler

CPAC 2012: Extremely Controversial!

Posted on | February 9, 2012 | 8 Comments and 16 Reactions

Grover Norquist (right) interviewed on WMAL radio by Brian Wilson and Mary Katharine Ham

WASHINGTON, D.C. It is inevitable: Every year, left-wingers nd something on the CPAC agenda that they can expose as controversial, so as to suggest that the entire conference is irredeemably tainted through this guiltby-association method: Following speeches from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rep. Michele Bachmann, CPAC is hosting the panel The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity with Peter Brimelow, the founder and head of

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CPAC 2012: Extremely Controversial! : The Other McCain

Shock! Horror! Because Brimelow and his Web site have been labeled a hate group by . . . the Southern Poverty Law Center! And if you know anything at all about SPLC, youre laughing at the designation, because they have deployed the hate designation so promiscuously in the past 15 years as to destroy their own credibility. Peter Brimelow is no more a hatemonger than I am, although weve both been smeared as such by SPLC, as have, inter alia, the Family Research Counci, the American Family Association, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. The list of the defamed is long. In 2003, the SPLC published a report in which they named such respectable organizations and individuals as the American Enterprise Institute and David Horowitz as part of a right-wing conspiracy to mainstream extremist views. Being denounced by the SPLC is like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for conservatives: Youre nobody in the movement until youve been labeled a dangerous extremist by those bozos. Here are a few photos of my radical, far-right friends at CPAC:

Notorious extremist John Hawkins of Right Wing News and extremely notorious Tifny Ruegner of

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CPAC 2012: Extremely Controversial! : The Other McCain

Extremely controversial Pete Dingledey and controversial extremist Joseph Farah of World Net Daily.

Radical right-winger Joel Mowbray of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and right-wing radical Elicia Huffaker of Cain Solutions. Obviously, these people are all very dangerous a hate crime waiting to happen. And they must be relentlessly exposed as known accomplices! Category: CPAC, Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy


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CPAC 2012: Extremely Controversial! : The Other McCain


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7 months ago

Stacy, have you even read some of the stuff VDare publishes? You're always one of the rst to use the anti-semetic (and usually by association, imaginary even) label to slander people who disagree with you on foreign policy, so I'm doubly surprised to see you laugh this off.



7 months ago


I've not seen Stacy do as you describe, but VDARE is hardly mainstream conservative, and I bet a very large majority of the attendees at CPAC would cover their faces to avoid being associated with it if they were familiar. Joe Farah isn't exactly far from the edge himself. SPLC is a scam to extract money from rich white liberals, and it has worked well for 40 years for Deese and his hangers-on. But just because he's denounced and slandered dozens of mainstream conservatives over the years doesn't make everyone he denounces mainstream. He started out against the KKK - granted, he milked his lawsuit against a single group to build his fraudulent empire, but that doesn't mean we should endorse and defend them.



7 months ago


"He started out against the KKK" That's a neat trick. I think you just discovered the Charles Johnson mystery tactic. Forty years from now, when he's a world-renowned, famous, person-of-renown, he'll look back and say "it all started with me exposing the Conservatives as the evil, hate-mongers they really are." That way, his footnote in history will include an extra 1/3 inch. Mostly though, it'll read: "ibid"



7 months ago

Come on, man. When do you get on with exposing all the raaaaacism at CPAC?

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