Control of Underground Corrosion

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U. S.

Department of Agr i cul t ur e

Soi l Conservat i on Ser vi ce
Engi neeri ng Di vi si on
Design Branch
February 1, 1971
Subj ect : Cont rol of Underground Corrosi on
Buried met al pi pes and ot her mderground met al obj e c t s a r e s ubj ect t o
very r api d cor r os i on under c e ~ t a i n condi t i ons , condi t i ons which occur
commonly enough t o demand car ef ul a t t e nt i on. A consi der abl e number of
s t e e l i r r i g a t i o n pi pes and gal vani zed s t e e l pi pe spi l l way condui t s
i n s t a l l e d wi t h SCS as s i s t ance have f a i l e d by cor r os i on a f t e r onl y a
few year s ' s er vi ce.
The purpose of t h i s desi gn not e i s t o provi de i nt er i m gui dance i n
car r yi ng out t he requi rement s of Engi neeri ng St andard 432-F and
Engi neeri ng Memorandum-27 per t ai ni ng t o cor r os i on cont r ol . A t echni cal
r el eas e on t h e gener al t opi c of underground cor r os i on w i l l be i ssued
l a t e r i f i t proves t o be needed.
Engi neeri ng Standard 432-F appl i es t o s t e e l i r r i g a t i o n pi pel i nes .
Engi neeri ng Memorandum-27 covers t h e use of gal vani zed s t e e l and welded
s t e e l pi pe i n e a r t h dams. The di s cus s i on t h a t fol l ows i s di r ect ed
toward t hes e ki nds of pi pe i n s t a l l a t i o n s . However, most of i t i s
equal l y appl i cabl e t o any underground o r p a r t i y underground s t e e l
s t r uc t ur e .
Aluminum al l oy pi pes and s t r uc t ur e s a r e not s p e c i f i c a l l y i ncl uded.
They a r e s ubj ect t o s i mi l a r cor r os i on pr ocesses, and t he same pr i nc i pl e s
apply t o t h e i r pr ot ect i on, but t he pr oper t i es of aluminum d i f f e r from
t hose of s t e e l i n s ever al i mport ant ways:
(1) A na t ur a l oxi de forms i nmedi at el y upon exposure of
my alt~rnin~im s ur f ace t o t he atmosphere, which pr ovi des
s ubs t a nt i a l pr ot ect i on agai ns t cor r os i on i n most
environments .
(2) The excl usi on of oxygen from por t i ons of t h e s ur f ace, as
by chunks of s t i f f cl ay i n t he b a c k f i l l around a pi pe,
f o r example, promotes r api d cor r osi on a t poi nt s where t he
oxi de f i l m i s broken by pr event i ng re-format i on of t he na t ur a l
oxi de.
( 3) Al kal i ne s o i l s and wat ers a r e es peci al l y cor r os i ve t o
aluminum, whi l e t hey t end t o i n h i b i t cor r os i on of s t e e l .
;?By A. S. Payne, As s i s t ant Chi ef, Design Branch

U. S. Department of Agriculture
Soil Conservation Service
Engineering Division
Design Branch
Subject: Control of Underground Corrosion
February 1, 1971

Buried metal pipes and other 1:nderground metal objects are subject to
very rapid corrosion under ceLtain conditions, conditions which occur
commonly enough to demand careful attention, A considerable number of
steel irrigation pipes and galvanized steel pipe spillway conduits
installed with SCS assistance have failed by corrosion after only a
few years' service.
The purpose of this design note is to provide interim guidance in
carrying out the requirements of Engineering Standard 432-F and
Engineering Memorandum-27 pertaining to corrosion control. A technical
release on the general topic of underground corrosion will be issued
later if it proves to be needed.
Engineering Standard 432-F applies to steel irrigation pipelines.
Engineering Memorandum-27 covers the use of galvanized steel and welded
steel pipe in earth dams. The discussion that follows is directed
toward these kinds of pipe installations. However, most of it is
equally applicable to any underground or partly underground steel
Aluminum alloy pipes and structures are not specifically included,
They are subject to similar corrosion processes, and the same principles
apply to their protection, but the properties of aluminum differ from
those of steel in several important ways:
(1) A natural oxide forms immediately upon exposure of
a'ly aluminum surface to the atmosphere, which provides
substantial protection against corrosion in most
(2) The exclusion of oxygen from portions of the surface, as
by chunks of stiff clay in the backfill around a pipe,
for example, promotes rapid corrosion at points where the
oxide film is broken by preventing re-formation of the natural
(3) Alkaline soils and water3 are especially corrosive to
aluminum, while they tend to inhibit corrosion of steel.
*By A. S. Payne, Assistant Chief, Design Branch
( 4 )
The na t ur a l pot e nt i a l of aluminum i s s o c l os e t o t h a t
of zi nc t h a t zi nc anodes cannot be r e l i e d upon f o r cat hodi c
pr ot ect i on. Magnesium anodes can be used, however.
The cor r os i on of aluminum i s hast ened r a t h e r t han i nhi bi t ed
by cat hodi c pr ot ect i on i f t oo much cur r ent i s appl i ed.
Underground cor r os i on i s an el ect r ochemi cal pr ocess s i mi l a r t o t h e
a c t i on i n a dr y c e l l bat t er y. It can t a ke pl ace onl y when f our
e s s e n t i a l el ement s a r e pr esent : (1) an anode, (2) a cat hode, ( 3)
an e l e c t r ol yt e , and ( 4 ) an e l e c t r i c a l conduct or connect i ng t h e
cat hode t o t h e anode. An e l e c t r o l y t e can be any l i qui d, pas t e, o r
gas which can conduct e l e c t r i c i t y by t h e mi gr at i on of i ons . I n t h e
cas e of underground cor r osi on, t h e e l e c t r oyt e i s t h e s o i l . Moi st ure
and di ssol ved s a l t s have t o be pr es ent i n t h e s o i l t o pr ovi de t h e i ons .
These f our el ement s pr ovi de a complete e l e c t r i c a l c i r c u i t . An
el ect r omot i ve f or ce (emf) a l s o i s necessary. It may be t h e r e s u l t of
gal vari i c a c t i on wi t hi n t h e c e l l o r of s t r a y e l e c t r i c cur r ent from some
ext er nal source. Current fiows t hrough t h e e l e c t r o l y t e from t h e anode
t o t he- cat hode, and t hrough t he conduct or from t h e cat hode t o t h e
In a common dr y c e l l , che zi nc cas e i s t h e anode, t h e carbon rod i s
t h e cat hcde, and t h e pa s t e wi t h which t h e ba t t e r y i s f i l l e d i s t h e
e l e c t r ol yt e . Current fl ows, and cor r os i on of t h e zi nc cas e t akes
pl ace, when a conduct or i s connected from t h e cat hode t o t h e anode.
I n underground cor r osi on, of n pi pe f o r example, t h e s o i l i s t h e
e l e c t r o l y t e and t h e pi pc i t s e l f us ual l y i s t h e conduct or. One p a r t
of t he p i p e s s s ur f ace may be t he anode and a not he r p a r t t h e c a h a d e .
Ir: conductor
Cathodic rCC- t. Anodic
Z~e c t r o k y t e
D r y Cei l Bat t er y Corroding Pi pe
Fi g. 1 - Corrogion Cel l s
he di r e c t i on of cur r ent flow, as used t hroughout t h i s di s cus s i on, i s
t h e convent i onal di r e c t i on, oppos i t e t o t h e d i r e c t i o n of e l e c t r on flow.
(4) The natural potential of aluminum is so close to that
of zinc that zinc anodes cannot be relied upon for cathodic
protection. Magnesium anodes can be used, however.
(5) The corrosion of aluminum is hastened rather than inhibited
by cathodic protection if too mUlh current is applied.
Underground corrosion is an electrochemical process similar to the
action in a dry cell battery. It can take place only when four
essential elements are present: (1) an anode, (2) a cathode, (3)
an electrolyte, and (4) an electrical conductor connecting the
cathode to the anode. An electrolyte can be any liquid, paste, or
gas vmich can conduct electricity by the migration of ions. In the
case of underground corrosion, the electroyte is the soil. Moisture
and dissolved salts have to be present in the soil to provide the ions.

These four elements provide a complete electrical circuit. An

electromotive force (emf) also is necessary. It may be the result of
galvanic action within the cell or of stray electric current from some
external source. Current flows through the electrolyte from the anode
to the cathode, and through the conductor from the cathode to the
In a common dry cell, the zinc caSe is the anode, the carbon rod is
the cathcde, and the paste with which the battery is filled is the
electrolyte. Current flows, and corrosion of the zinc case takes
place, when a conductor is connected from the cathode to the anode.
In underground corrosion, of ;l pipe for example, the soil is the
electrolyte and the pipe itself usually is the conductor. One part
of the pipe's surface may be the anode and another_part .the cathode.

in soil
in pipe
in conductor
conducto.r }K ) ~
;'I------ti. j I
I. I' I
! ! - 1 1 ~
N i III Current
i.1 I! r -i
11_1 i--l! .... n
Electrolyte hi! Ii electrolyte
I ! ~ I ! II
!i U II.
Zinc II ,
'II Ii
anode ,
Dry Cell Battery Corroding Pipe
Fig. 1 - Corrosion Cells
lihe direction of current flow, as used throughout this discussion, is
the conventional direction, opposite to the direction of electron flow.

The complete system (anode, cathode, el ect r ol yt e, and conductor) i s

cal l ed an e l e c t r ol yt i c o r gal vani c c e l l o r corrosi on c e l l . The
anode and cathode may includc major areas of t he pi pe, o r t hey may
be minute, as a t pi nhol es i n a pr ot ect i ve coat i ng. Rusting of i r on
under a drop of water i l l u s t r a t e s t he act i on of a complete corrosi on
c e l l wi t hi n t he drop. By def i ni t i on, i n any e l e c t r ol yt i c c e l l ,
cur r ent flows from t he anode t o t he e l e c t r ol yt e and t o t he cathode
from t he el ect r ol yt e. Corrosion t akes pl ace where cur r ent l eaves t he
metal and ent er s t he el ect r ol yt e, hence a t t he anode.
When t he f our es s ent i al s of a corrosi on c e l l (anode, cathode,
el ect r ol yt e, and conductor) a r e pr esent , as they usual l y a r e when a
metal obj ect i s buri ed i n t he ground, t he r a t e a t which corrosi on
t akes pl ace i n each c e l l depends upon t he amount of e l e c t r i c cur r ent
flowing, which i n t ur n depends upon t he emf and t he e l e c t r i c a l
r esi st ance:
emf ( vol t s)
Current (amps) =
Resi st ance (ohms)
Thus, rapi d corrosi on i s promoted by a high emf and low c e l l
r esi st ance. Since t he el ect r ol yt e, which i s t he s o i l , i s pa r t of
t he c e l l c i r c ui t , s o i l wi t h a high r esi st ance r et ar ds corrosi on.
Likewise, pi pe coat i ngs having high e l e c t r i c a l r esi st ance i nhi bi t
current flow from t he metal t o t he s o i l and so r e s i s t corrosi on.
The condi t i ons t hat can generat e t he emf necessary t o make a corrosi on
c e l l oper at e a r e so numerous t hat some of them a r e near l y always
present . Following i s a p a r t i a l l i st .
Pr oper t i es of t he rcetal obj ect i t s c l f
Di ssi mi l ar met al s connected t oget her
Flaws and i ncl usi ons i n t he metal
Forming s t r a i ns , and var i at i ons i n i nt er nal s t r e s s
New metal connected t o ol d metal
Scrat ches, abrasi ons, pi pe t hreads, et c. , exposing cl ean metal
M i l l scal e
Propert i es of t he s o i l or ot her environment
Vari at i ons i n s o i l moi st ure
Vari at i ons i n aer at i on of t he s o i l
Varfat i ons i n kind of s o i l
Vari at i ons i n aci di t y or ot her chemical pr oper t i es
Par t of t he metal submerged and par t exposed t o atmosphere
Par t of t he metal encased i n concret e and pa r t i n s o i l or water

The complete system (anode, cathode, electrolyte, and conductor) is
called an electrolytic or galvanic cell or corrosion cell. The
anode and cathode may include major areas of the pipe, or they may
be minute, as at pinholes in a protective coating. Rusting of iron
under a drop of water illustrates the action of a complete corrosion
cell within the drop. By definition, in any electrolytic cell,
current flows from the anode to the electrolyte and to the cathode
from the electrolyte. Corrosion takes place where current leaves the
metal and enters the electrolyte. hence at the anode.
When the four essentials of a corrosion cell (anode, cathode,
electrolyte, and conductor) are present, as they usually are when a
metal object is buried in the ground, the rate at which corrosion
takes place in each cell depends upon the amount of electric current
flowing, which in turn depends upon the emf and the
Current (ampS)
emf (volts)
Resistance (ohms)

Thus, rapid corrosion is promoted by a high emf and low cell

resistance. Since the electrolyte, which is the soil, is part of
the cell circuit, soil with a high resistance retards corrosion.
Likewise, pipe coatings having high electrical resistance inhibit
current flow from the metal to the soil and so resist corrosion.
The conditions that can generate the emf necessary to make a corrosion
cell operate are so numerous that Some of them are nearly always
present. Following is a partial list.
Properties of the metal object itSElf
Dissimilar metals connected together
Flaws and inclusions in the metal
Forming strains, and variations in internal stress
New metal connected to old metal
Scratches, abrasions, pipe threads, etc., exposing clean metal
Mill scale
Properties of the soil or other environment
Variations in soil moisture
Variations in aeration of the soil
Variations in kind of soil
Variations in acidity or other chemical
Part of the metal submerged and part exposed to atmosphere
Part of the metal encased in concrete and part in soil or water
Ext ernal i nfl uences
Induced cur r ent from nearby e l e c t r i c a l equipment
St ray cur r ent s i n t he s o i l from grounded e l e c t r i c a l equipment
Probably t he most general l y recognized of t hese i s t he combination of
di ssi mi l ar met al s. For example, it i s wel l known t ha t s t e e l wi l l
corrode very r api dl y when coupled t o br ass o r copper i n a cor r osi ve
environment, i . e. , i n an el ect r ol yt e.
When a metal i s immersed i n an e l e c t r ol yt e i t developes an e l e c t r i c a l
pot ent i al (emf) wi t h respect t o t he el ect r ol yt e. The magnitude of
t h i s pot ent i al i s di f f er ent f or di f f er ent metals. The "el ect romot i ve
f or ce ser i es" i s an arrangement of met al s and t h e i r char act er i s t i c
pot ent i al s arranged i n or der of i ncreasi ng ( posi t i vel y) pot ent i al .
The pot ent i al s usual l y shown a r e as measured wi t h reference t o a
st andard hydrogen reference el ect r ode, i n an e l e c t r ol yt e consi st i ng
of a sol ut i on of t he met al ' s own s a l t s . I n ot her el ect r ol yt es t he
pot ent i al s a r e di f f er ent , but t he r e l a t i ve posi t i ons of t he met al s
i n t he s e r i e s usual l y a r e t he same. Table I l i st s cer t ai n common
met al s and t h e i r pot ent i al s i n t he el ect romot i ve f or ce s e r i e s . Table
I1 i s a " pr act i cal gal vani c ser i es" of met al s and t h e i r t ypi cal
pot ent i al s i n neut r al s o i l s and water when measured wi t h respect t o
a st andard copper-copper s ul f a t e r ef er ence el ect r ode.
Table I Table I1
Electromotive Force ser i es1 Gz.lvanic Ser i es f or Metals i n s oi l 3
Metal Emf - vol t s2 Metal
Emf - vol t s4
Magnesium -2.37 Commercially pure magnesium -1.75
Aluminum -1.66
Zinc -0.76
Magnesium al l oy (6% Al ,
3% Zn, 0.15% Mn) -1.6
Zinc -1.1
I r on
Ti n -0.14
Aluminum al l oy (5% zi nc) -1.05
Lead -0.13
Commercially pure aluminum -0.8
Hydrogen 0.00
Mild Steel (cl ean and shi ny) -0.5 t o -0.8
Si l ver
Mild s t e e l (rust ed)
Mild s t e e l i n concret e
Platinum +l. 20
Copper, br ass, bronze -0.2
Gold +1.50 t o +1.68 M i l l s cal e on s t e e l -0.2
Carbon, gr aphi t e, coke +O. 3
'From "Handbook of Chemistry ~ r o m Peabody, "Control of Pi pel i ne
and Physics" corrosi on "
a PatentiaT of metal i n sol ut i on 4 ~ y p i c a l pot ent i al i n neut r al s o i l s
of i t s ow. s a l t s , measured wi t h and wat er, measured wi t h respect
respect t o hydrogen reference
t o copper-copper s ul f a t e reference
el ect rode. el ect r ode.
External influences
Induced current from nearby electrical equipment
Stray currents in the soil from grounded electrical equipment

Probably the most generally recognized of these is the combination of

dissimilar metals. For example, it is well known that steel will
corrode very rapidly when coupled to brass or copper in a corrosive
environment, i.e., in an electrolyte.
When a metal is immersed in an electrolyte it developes an electrical
potential (emf) with respect to the electrolyte. .The magnitude of
this potential is different for different metals. The "electromotive
force series" is an arrangement of metals and their characteristic
potentials arranged in order of increasing (positively) potential.
The potentials usually shown are as measured with reference to a
standard hydrogen reference electrode, in an electrolyte consisting
of a solution of the metal's own salts. In other electrolytes the
potentials are different, but the relative positions of the metals
in the series usually are the same. Table I lists certain common
metals and their potentials in the electromotive force series. Table
II is a "practical galvanic series" of metals and their typical
potentials in neutral soils and water when measured with respect to
a standard copper-copper sulfate reference electrode.
Mild steel (clean and shiny) -0.5 to -0.8
Mild steel (rusted) -0.2 to -0.5
Table II
Gl.lvanic Series for Metals in Soi1
Metal Emf - Volts

-1. 75
-1. 6
Aluminum alloy (5% zinc)
Copper, brass, bronze
Commercially pure aluminum
Commercially pure magnesium
Magnesium alloy (6% AI,
3% Zn, 0.15% Mn)
Mill scale on steel
Mild steel in concrete
Carbon, graphite, coke
3 From Peabody, "Control of Pipeline
Corrosion II
4Typical potential in neutral soils
and water, measured with respect
to copper-copper sulfate reference
Metal Emf - Volts;'
Magnesium -2.37
Aluminum -1. 66
Zinc -0.76
Iron -0.44
Tin -0.14
Lead -0.13
Hydrogen 0.00
Copper +0.34 to +0.52
Silver +0.80
Platinum +1.20
+1. 50 to +1. 68
Table I
Electromotive Force Series
1 From" Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics"
2Potential of metal in solution
of its own salts, measured with
respect to hydrogen reference
I n gener al , when any two met al s a r e buri ed i n t h e ground, o r i me r s e d
i n any ot he r e l e c t r ol yt e , and a r e connected e l e c t r i c a l l y (by an
e l e c t r i c a l conduct or), a gal vani c c e l l i s es t abl i s hed i n which t he
met al hi gher i n t h e s e r i e s i s t h e anode and t h e met al lower i n t h e
s e r i e s i s t h e cat hode.
Coat i ngs
Coat i ngs which w i l l not conduct e l e c t r i c i t y o r t r ansmi t moi st ur e a r e
e f f e c t i v e i n l i mi t i ng underground cor r osi on. However, p r a c t i c a l l y a l l
coat i ngs have some minor fl aws ("holidays") through which moi st ur e and
e l e c t r i c cur r ent can pass. Corrosi on t ends t o concent r at e a t t he fl aws
because t hey a r e t he onl y poi nt s a t which cur r ent can fl ow from t h e
met al . A coat ed pi pe t hus may be per f or at ed by cor r os i on i n l e s s
t i me t han an uncoated pi pe i n t h e same environment.
El e c t r i c a l I ns ul at i on
Corrosi on caused by di s s i mi l a r met al s can be prevent ed by e l e c t r i c a l l y
i ns ul a t i ng one met al from t he ot her ; f o r example, by usi ng i ns ul at i ng
coupl i ngs t o connect copper pi pe and f i t t i n g s t o s t e e l pi pe. I ns ul at i on
a l s o may be appl i cabl e i n cont r ol l i ng s t r a y cur r ent cor r osi on.
Cathodic Pr ot ect i on
Cathodic pr ot ect i on of a buri ed pi pe c ons i s t s of l oweri ng t h e e l e c t r i c a l
pot e nt i a l of t he pi pe, r e l a t i v e t o t he adj acent s o i l , t o t he ext ent
char cur r ent can fl ow onl y from t he s o i l to t he pi pe. The whole pi pe
becomes a cat hode and does not corrode. A cat hodi c pr ot ect i on i n s t a l -
l a t l o n i s a cor r osi on c e l l i n which t he pi pe i s t h e cat hode and a
s epar at e, " s acr af i ci al " anode i s provided. The anode us ual l y c ons i s t s
of a bar , r od, o r wi r e of met al o r carbon whose onl y f unct i on i s t o
be an anode. it i s expected t o corrode and, i f l e f t i n s e r vi c e l ong
enough, t o be e s s e n t i a l l y consumed.
Cathodic pr ot ect i on i s provided e i t h e r by gal vani c act i on o r by impressed
cur r ent . I n a gal vani c c e l l , di s s i mi l a r met al s a r e used f o r t he anode
ar,d cat hode. When a s t e e l pi pe i s t o be pr ot ect ed, t he anode us ual l y
i s zi nc o r magnesium. I n an impressed cur r ent c e l l , t h e emf i s suppl i ed
irom an out s i de source of d. c. power o r , more of t e n, c ome r c i a l a. c.
power passed through a r e c t i f i e r . The anode can be any e l e c t r i c a l
conduct or and us ual l y i s of a dur abl e met al , such as a cor r osi on
r e s i s t a n t c a s t i r on, o r of carbon.

In general, when any two metals are buried in the ground, or immersed
in any other electrolyte, and are connected electrically (by an
electrical conductor), a galvanic cell is established in which the
metal higher in the series is the anode and the metal lower in the
series is the cathode.
Coatings which will not conduct electricity or transmit moisture are
effective in limiting underground corrosion. However, practically all
coatings have some minor flaws ("holidays") through which moisture and
electric current can pass. Corrosion tends to concentrate at the flaws
because they are the only points at which current can flow from the
metal. A coated pipe thus may be perforated by corrosion in less
time than an uncoated pipe in the same environment.
Electrical Insulation
Corrosion caused by dissimilar metals can be prevented by electrically
insulating one metal from the other; for example, by using insulating
couplings to connect copper pipe and fittings to steel pipe. Insulation
also may be applicable in controlling stray current corrosion.
Cathodic Protection
Cathodic protection of a buried pipe consists of lowering the electrical
potential of the pipe, relative to the adjacent soil, to the extent
that current can flow only from the soil to the pipe. The whole pipe
becomes a cathode and does not corrode. A cathodic protection instal-
lation is a corrosion cell in which the pipe is the cathode and a
separate, "s.:icraficial" anode is provided. The anode usually consists
of a bar, rod, or wire of metal or carbon whose only function is to
be an anode. It is expected to corrode and, if lett in service long
enough, to be essentially consumed.
Cathodic protection is provided either by galvanic action or by impressed
current. In a galvanic cell, dissimilar metals are used for the anode
and cathode. \ ~ e n a steel pipe is to be protected, the anode usually
is zinc or magnesium. In an impressed current cell, the emf is supplied
from an outside source of d.c. power or, more often, commercial a.c.
power passea through a rectifier. The anode can be any electrical
conductor and usually is of a durable metal, such as a corrosion
resistant cast iron, or of carbon.
Current in
-tL connecting wire
zinc in soil
D. C. power source
Current in
Steel pi
1 Current
d cast ire? - in soil
anode anode
(1) Galvanic (2) Impressed Current
Fig. 2 - Cathodic Protection
Soil Resistivity
One of the most influential factors affecting the rate of corrosion
and the design of cathodic protection is the resistivity of the soil.
Resistivity is a unit measure of the electrical resistance of the
soil. It is defined as the resistance of a unit cube, usually a one
centimeter cube, to the passage of electric current and is expressed
in resistance-length units, usually ohm-centimeter~ (ohm-cm). The
resistance (R) of a given block of soil is equal to the resistivity (r)
inultiplied by the length (1) in the direction of current flow,
divided by the cross section area (a) perpendicular to the direction
of current flow.
Soil resistivity has a major effect on the rate at which current
passes from a metal surface into the soil, or from the soil into the
metal, under a given emf and on the current a given anode can supply
in a cathodic protection installation.
In general, resistivity decreases with increasing moisture in the
soil and with increasing total salts. For practical purposes it is
nearly constant for moisture contents from field capacity to
saturation. The conductivity of a saturation extract of soil is used
in Soil Survey measurements of total salts. This measure does not
correlate well with resistivity, but does give some indication of the
corrosivity of the soil. It has the advantage that it is available
for many soils already tested.
D. C. power source
Current in
connecting wire
~ --'
in soil
"--. ---'
Cast irO"1
Current in
y connecting wire
Steel pipe
in soil

(1) Galvanic (2) Impressed Current

Fig. 2 - Cathodic Protection
Soil Resistivity
One of the most influential factors affecting the rate of corrosion
and the design of cathodic protection is the resistivity of the soil.
Resistivity is a unit measure of the electrical resistance of the
soil. It is defined as the resistance of a unit cube, usually a one
centimeter cube, to the passage of electric current and is expressed
in resistance-length units, usually ohm-centimeters (ohm-em). The
resistance (R) of a given block of soil is equal to the resistivity (r)
multiplied by the length (t) in the direction of current flow,
divided by the cross section area (a) perpendicular to the direction
of current flow.

R (ohms)
L (ohm-em) x t(cm)
a (cm
Soil resistivity has a major effect on the rate at which current
passes from a metal surface into the soil, or from the soil into the
metal, under a given emf and on the current a given anode can supply
in a cathodic protection installation.
In general, resistivity decreases with increasing moisture in the
soil and with increasing total salts. For practical purposes it is
nearly constant for moisture contents from field capacity to
saturation. The conductivity of a saturation extract of soil is used
in Soil Survey measurements of total salts. This measure does not
correlate well with resistivity, but does give some indication of the
corrosivity of the soil. It has the advantage that it is available
for many soils already tested.

p i t , can be measured wi t h any of var i ous models of si ngl e- pr obe

i nst rument s. These measure t he r e s i s t a nc e between 2 el ect r odes i n a
probe rod which i s i ns er t ed i n t o t he s o i l t o be t es t ed. The equipment
i s por t abl e and t e s t s can be made qui ckl y. The s o i l may not be a t
t h e moi st ur e cont ent it w i l l have a f t e r t h e pi pe i s i n s t a l l e d , however,
i n which cas e t h e r eadi ngs w i l l not i ndi c a t e t h e r e s i s t i v i t y t o be
expected when t h e pi pe i s i n s er vi ce. A near l y- s at ur at ed condi t i on
f o r t he t e s t can be achi eved by bori ng a hol e t o t h e dept h a t which
t he measurement i s t o be made, pouri ng wat er i n t o i t , and al l owi ng
t he wat er t o soak i n t o t h e s o i l bef or e making t h e t e s t .
Soi l r e s i s t i v i t y should be measured bef or e a met al pi pe i s i n s t a l l e d
and in' many cases a f t e r i t i s i ns t a l l e d, al s o, es peci al l y i f t h e s o i l
moi st ur e i s d i f f e r e n t a f t e r t he pi pe i s i ns t a l l e d.
Laborat ory Test s. The Soi l Mechanics Laborat ory i n Li ncol n, t h e
Engi neeri ng Mat er i al s Labor at or i es i n Por t l and and For t Worth, and t h e
Soi l Survey Labor at or i es i n Li ncol n and Ri ver si de a l l a r e equipped t o
make r e s i s t i v i t y measurements. They us e t h e Bureau of Soi l s r e s i s t i v i t y
cup o r s i mi l a r devi ces, Two o r t hr e e pounds of s o i l should be s ent t o
t h e l abor at or y f o r each t e s t . A devi ce s i mi l a r i n pr i nc i pl e t o t he
r e s i s t i v i t y cup but l a r g e r i s t h e " s o i l box." Its volume i s about
35 cubi c i nches, whi l e t h a t of B of S cup i s 50 ml .
Si nce t he r e s i s t i v i t y of most s o i l s decr eases wi t h i ncr eas i ng moi st ur e
cont ent , r e s i s t i v i t y t e s t s should be made wi t h t h e samples at a
moi st ur e cont ent r epr es ent i ne t h e wet t es t condi t i on l i k e l y t o pr e va i l
f o r any s i gni f i c a nt t i me i n t h e v i c i n i t y of t he pi pe a f t e r i t i s
i n s t a l l e d . For met al pi pes i n e a r t h dams, t he s o i l should be t e s t e d
i n a s at ur at ed condi t i on. The r e s i s t i v i t y a l s o i a af f ect ed by s a l t s
i n t he ground wat er. Thi s should be consi dered i n t e s t i n g s o i l s which
may become s at ur at ed wi t h wat er having a hi gher sal t cont ent t han t h e
na t ur a l ground wat er.
Fi el d Test s: Si ngl e Probe. The r e s i s t i v i t y of smal l volumes of Soi l
i n pl ace a t o r near t h e s ur f ace, o r i n a pi pe t r ench o r expl or at i on
I n SCS experi ence t o dat e, si ngl e- pr obe r e s i s t i v i t y i nst rument s have
not gi ven cons i s t ent r e s u l t s . Thi s probabl y i s because of t h e f r
s e n s i t i v i t y t o l o c a l va r i a t i ons i n t h e s o i l . It i s l i k e l y t h a t t he
l ocal r e s i s t i v i t y i s a l t e r e d somewhat by compression o f t h e s o i l when
t he probe i s i ns er t ed.
F: i c ! 'Tests: Wcnner 4-Pi n Method. The average r e s i s t i v i t y of a
- - - - -- -
I n r ~ c . voiiL;..le of s o i l i n pl ace can b e measured qui ckl y and e a s i l y, i t
t hc equipment i s avai l abl e, by t h e 4-pi n method. Four el ect r odes
arcb st uck i n t o t he ground equal l y spaced i n a s t r a i g h t l i n e . El e c t r i c
: ~: r i c. ~t i ; 'ippl i e d t o t h e end el ect r odes and t h e r e s ul t i ng change i n
v o , t n ~ t i ~ ~ t wc e n the rwo i n r e me d i a t e el ect r odes i s measured. From
;:~e mea;;,rcd current and vol t age, t he r e s i s t i v i t y can be cal cul at ed.
The measurement i s consi dered t o r epr es ent t he s o i l i n t h e v i c i n i t y of
clic pi ns t o a dept h equal t o t he p i n spaci ng. Changes i n r e s i s t i v i t y
wi t h dept h can be det ect ed by making a s e r i e s of measurements wi t h t he
pi ns a t d i f f e r e n t spaci ngs, e. g. , 5, 10, 15, and 20 f e e t .

Soil resistivity should be measured before a metal pipe is installed
and in'many cases after it is installed, also, especially if the soil
moisture is different after the pipe is installed.
Laboratory Tests. The Soil Mechanics Laboratory in Lincoln, the
Engineering Materials Laboratories in Portland and Fort Worth, and the
Soil Survey Laboratories in Lincoln and Riverside all are equipped to
make resistivity measurements. They use the Bureau of Soils resistivity
cup or similar devices. Two or three pounds of soil should be sent to
the laboratory for each test. A device similar in principle to the
resistivity cup but larger is the " soil box." Its volume is about
35 cubic inches, while that of B of S cup is 50 mI.
Since the resistivity of most soils decreases with increasing moisture
content, resistivity tests should be made with the samples at a
moisture content representine the wettest condition likely to prevail
for any significant time in the vicinity of the pipe after it is
installed. For metal pipes in earth dams, the soil should be tested
in a saturated condition. The resistivity also is affected by salts
in the ground water. This should be considered in testing soils which
may become saturated with water having a higher salt content than the
natural ground water.
Field Tests: Single Probe. The resistivity of small volumes of soil
in place at or near the surface, or in a pipe trench or exploration
pit, can be measured with any of various models of single-probe
instruments. These measure the resistance between 2 electrodes in a
probe rod which is inserted into the soil to be tested. The equipment
is portable and tests can be made quickly. The s01l may not be at
the moisture content it will have after the pipe is installed, however,
in which case the readings will not indicate the resistivity to be
expected when the pipe is in service. A nearly-saturated condition
for the test can be achieved by boring a hole to the depth at which
the measurement is to be made, pouring water into it, and allowing
the water to soak into the soil before making the test.
In SCS experience to date, single-probe resistivity instruments have
not given consistent results. This probably is because of thetr
sensitivity to local variations in the soil. It is likely that the
local resistivity is altered somewhat by compression of the soil when
the probe is inserted.
Wenner 4-Pin Method. The average resistivity of a
1 vo Tume of soil in place can be measured quickly and easily, if
the equipment is available, by the 4-pin method. Four electrodes
are 3tuck into the ground equally spaced in a straight line. Electric
CLltTcnth applied to the end electrodes and the resulting change in
voltage hetween the two intermediate electrodes is measured. From
.:he measured current and voltage, the resistivity can be calculated.
The measurement is considered to represent the soil in the vicinity of
the pins to a depth equal to the pin spacing. Changes in resistivity
with depth can be detected by making a series of measurements with the
pins at different spacings, e.g., 5, 10, 15, and 20 feet.
When r e s i s t i v i t y i s measured by t h i s method i n t he vi c i ni t y of a
pi pel i ne al ready i n pl ace, t he el ect r odes a r e placed i n a l i n e
t r ansver se t o t he pi pel i ne. Otherwise, t he pi pe would car r y pa r t
of t he e l e c t r i c cur r ent and t he reading would not be cor r ect .
The 4-pi n method i s commonly used i n r e s i s t i v i t y surveys f or pi pel i nes.
It i s especi al l y adapted t o qui ckl y surveying a l a r ge ar ea and
determining i n general what corrosi on pr ot ect i on w i l l be needed. The
r e s ul t s a r e l i mi t ed, of course, t o r e s i s t i v i t y a t t he moi st ure cont ent
pr evai l i ng a t t he t i m e of t he survey.
Soi l pH
Acid s o i l s and wat ers gener al l y hast en t he corrosi on of steel, and
al kal i ne s o i l s and wat ers tend t o i nhi bi t corrosi on of s t e e l . Al kal i ne
condi t i ons i ncr eaae t he r a t e of corrosi on of aluminum al l oys. The pH
of t he s o i l and wat er t o which a metal pi pe w i l l be exposed should be
t es t ed before t he pi pe i s i ns t al l ed.
Laboratory Test s. The Soi l Mechanics Laboratory, Engineering Mat er i al s
Laborat ori es, and Soi l Survey Laborat ori es a l l can t e s t s o i l pH.
Samples f or pH t e s t s should be hel d a t t h e i r nat ur al moi st ure cont ent
duri ng handling and shi ppi ng t o t he l abor at or y because i r r e ve r s i bl e
chemical changes t ha t a f f e c t t he pH t ake pl ace i n some s o i l s i f t hey
a r e allowed t o dry.
Fi el d Test s. Por t abl e "pH meters" a r e avai l abl e by which s o i l pH can
be measured e l e c t r i c a l l y. Some SCS s o i l survey personnel a r e equipped
wi t h such i nst rument s.
Pi pe-t o-Soi l Pot ent i al
The t q p i p e - t o - ~o i l pot ent i al f 1 i s t he pot ent i al di f f er ence between t he pi pe and a
st andard reference el ect r ode i n el echr i cal cont act wi t h t he s oi l . A
copper-copper s ul f a t e el ect r ode i s usual l y used as t he r ef er ence
el ect r ode. The el ect r ode i s placed i n t he s o i l near t o t he pi pe,
of t en di r e c t l y over it, t o read t he pot ent i al r e l a t i ve t o "cl oset ' eart h.
The pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al speci f i ed i n Engineering Standard 432-F should be
measured wi t h t he el ect r ode near t o t he pi pe. Some t e s t s r equi r e
pot ent i al s t o a "remoten el ect r ode 100 f e e t o r more-away from t he pi pe.
Pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al s a r e read i n var i ous ways, wl t h and wi t hout
appl i ed cur r ent from an out si de source, t o determine where pi pes a r e
corrodi ng, t o est i mat e t he r a t e of corrosi on, t o est i mat e t he amount
of cur r ent requi red f or cat hodi c pr ot ect i on, t o t e s t cat hodi c pr ot ect i on
a f t e r i t is i ~s t a l l e d, to determine pi pe- t o- soi l r esi st ance, and f or
var i ous ot her purposes.
When resistivity is measured by this method in the vicinity of a
pipeline already in place, the electrodes are placed in a line
transverse to the pipeline. Otherwise, the pipe would carry part
of the electric current and the reading would not be correct.
The 4-pin method is commonly used in resistivity surveys for pipelines.
It is especially adapted to quickly surveying a large area and
determining in general what corrosion protection will be needed. The
results are limited, of course, to resistivity at the moisture content
prevailing at the time of the survey.
Soil pH
Acid soils and waters generally hasten the corrosion of steel, and
alkaline soils and waters tend to inhibit corrosion of steel. Alkaline
conditions increase the rate of corrosion of aluminum alloys. The pH
of the soil and water to which a metal pipe will be exposed should be
tested before the pipe is installed.
Laboratory Tests. The Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Engineering Materials
Laboratories, and Soil Survey Laboratories all can test soil pH.
Samples for pH tests should be held at theiT natural moisture content
during handling and shipping to the laboratory because irreversible
chemical changes that affect the pH take place in some soils if they
are allowed to dry.
Field Tests. Portable "pH meters" are available by which soil pH can
be measured electrically. Some SCS soil survey personnel are equipped
with such instruments.
Pipe-to-Soil Potential
The "pipe-to-soil potential" is the potential difference between the pipe and a
standard reference electrode in electrical contact with the soil. A
copper-copper sulfate electrode is usually used as the reference
electrode. The electrode is placed in the soil near to the pipe,
often directly over it, to read the potential relative to "close" earth.
The pipe-to-soil potential specified in Engineering Standard 432-F should be
measured with the electrode near to the pipe. Some tests require
potentials to a "remote" electrode 100 feet or more. away from the pipe.
Pipe-to-soil potentials are read in various ways, with and without
applied current from an outside source, to determine where pipes are
corroding, to estimate the rate of corrosion, to estimate the amount
of current required for cathodic protection, to test cathodic protection
.t..o detennine pipe-to-soil resistance, and for
various other purposes.

A copper-copper s ul f a t e el ect r ode and a hi gh- r esi st ance vol t met er a r e

necessary f or t he measurement of pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al s . Some of
t he t e s t s al s o r equi r e equipment f or applying an al t er nat i ng o r
i nt er r upt ed di r e c t cur r ent t o t he pi pe and f or measuring t he current .
Performance and cor r ect i nt er pr et at i on of t hese tests r equi r e some
t r ai ni ng and experience. A number of consul t i ng fi rms s peci al i ze i n
corrosi on cont r ol survey and desi gn work. It may be advi sabl e t o
cont r act f or t he i r ser vi ces i f SCS personnel wi t h t he necessary
t r ai ni ng a r e not avai l abl e.
Zinc o r magnesium anodes gener al l y may be used f or pr ot ect i on of s t e e l
Zinc anodes usual l y a r e des i r abl e i n s o i l of es peci al l y low
r e s i s t i v i t y because of t h e i r l onger l i f e . However, zi nc anodes should
not be used i n al kal i ne s oi l . Magnesium anodes should be used f or
galvanized pipe.
Required Pi pe-t o-Soi l Pot ent i al
The open- ci r cui t pot ent i al of mild s t e e l i n neut r al s oi l , r ef er r ed t o a
copper-copper s ul f a t e el ect r ode, i s -0.2 t o -0.8 vol t ( see page 4). That
of zi nc ( or a new galvanized pi pe) i s -1.1 vol t s . For complete cat hodi c
pr ot ect i on of a pi pe, t he cur r ent from t he anodes must be s uf f i c i e nt t o
i ncr ease t he di f f er ence i n pot ent i al between t he pi pe and t he adj acent
s o i l t o more than t he maximum open-ci rcui t di f f er ence.
The c r i t e r i on i n Engineering Standard 432-F f o r cat hodi c pr ot ect i on of
s t e c i i r r i ga t i on pi pe i s t ha t t he pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al , wi t h pr ot ect i on
i ns t al l ed, must be not l e s s t han 0.85 vol t (negat i ve), r ef er r ed t o a
copper-cop9er s ul f a t e el ect r ode. To pr ot ect t he zi nc coat i ng on a galvanized
p i p e i n neutral. o r near l y neut r al s o i l , a pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al of a t
l e a s t 1.15 (negat i ve) should be maintained.
Th e requi red c a t h o ~ i c pr ot ect i on cur r ent can be measured by applying t e s t
current 3 and measuring t he pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al s o r can be est i mat ed as
descri bed i n Engineering Standard 432-F. The val ues of C i n t he formula
f or required cur r ent given i n Engineering Standard 432-F ( C = 32 f or
Class A coat i ngs and C = 60 f or Class B coat i ngs) a r e conservat i ve f or
di e l e c t r i c coat i ngs i n good condi t i on. However, coat i ngs which a r e not
durabl e may l os e t he i r i ns ul at i ng qual i t y, and consi derabl y hi gher cur r ent
may be reqai red than t hese val ues would i ndi cat e. The C val ue f or bar e
pi pe would be something l i k e 1000. Fort unat el y, i n neut r al s o i l s t he
cur r ent requirement tends t o decrease wi t h time, a f act or t endi ng t o
count erbal ance t he ef f ect of a moderate amount of det er i or at i on of t he coat i ng.
Zinc coat i ng does not provi de e l e c t r i c a l i ns ul at i on. Hence, t he C val ue
f or a galvanized pi pe without an addi t i onal , di e l e c t r i c coat i ng i s
equi val ent t o t ha t f or bare pi pe. For bituminous coated galvanized CMP,
SCS engi neers i n Nebraska use a C of 120.

A copper-copper sulfate electrode and a high-resistance voltmeter are
for the measurement of pipe-to-soil potentials. Some of
the tests also require equipment for applying an alternating or
interrupted direct curren.t to the pipe and for measuring the current.
Performance and correct interpretation of these tests require some
training and experience. A number of consulting firms specialize in
corrosion control survey and design work. It may be advisable to
contract for their services if SCS personnel with the necessary
training are not available.
Zinc or magnesium anodes generally may be used tor protection of steel
pipe. Zinc anodes usually are desirable in soil of especially low
resistivity because of their longer life. However, zinc anodes should
not be used in alkaline soil. Magnesium anodes should be used for
galvanized pipe.
Required Potential
The open-circuit potential of mild steel in neutral soil, referred to a
copper-copper sulfate electrode, is -0.2 to -0.8 volt (see page 4). That
of zinc (or a new galvanized pipe) is -1.1 volts. For complete cathodic
protection of a pipe, the current from the anodes must be sufficient to
increase the difference in potential between the pipe and the adjacent
soil to more than the maximum open-circuit difference
The criterion in Engineering Standard 432-F for cathodic protection of
steel irrigation pipe is that the pipe-to-soil potential, with protection
installed, must be not less than 0.85 volt (negative), referred to a
copper-copper sulfate electrode. To protect the zinc coating on a galvanized
pipe in neutral or nearly neutral soil, a pipe-to-soil potential of at
lecst 1.15 (negative) should be maintained.
Required Current
The required cathodic protection current can be measured by applying test
currents and measuring the pipe-to-soil potentials or can be estimated as
described in Engineering Standard 432-F. The values of C in the formula
for required current given in Standard 432-F (C = 32 for
Class A coatings and C = 60 for Class B coatings) are conservative for
dielectric coatings in good condition. However, coatings which are not
durable may lose their insulating quality, and considerably higher current
may be reqaired than these values would indicate. The C value for bare
pipe would be something like 1000. Fortunately, in neutral soils the
current requirement tends to decrease with time, a factor tending to
counterbalance the effect of a moderate amount of deterioration of the coating.
Zinc coating does not provide electrical insulation. Hence, the C value
for a galvanized pipe without an additional, dielectric coating is
equivalent to that for bare pipe. For bituminous coated galvanized CMF,
SCS engineers in Nebraska use a C of 120
Anode Current
The number and s i z e of anodes needed t o generat e t he requi red
cur r ent depend upon sever al t hi ngs, i ncl udi ng t he pi pe- t o- soi l pot ent i al
with t he anodes i ns t al l ed, t he r esi st ance of t he pi pe coat i ng, t he
r e s i s t i v i t y of t he s oi l , t he r e s i s t i v i t y of t he ba c kf i l l around
t he anode, and t he r esi st ance of t he wi re connecting t he anode t o
t he pi pe.
The formula f or anode cur r ent out put , L, = k/R, i n Engineering
Standard 432-F may be used wi t h t he val ues of k i n Table I, below,
f or est i mat i ng anode requirements. However, t he cur r ent an anode
w i l l supply i n a given i ns t a l l a t i on depends upon a l l of t he
var i abl es noted i n t he preceding paragraph. Becaase t he val ues
of many of t he var i abl es a r e not known pr eci sel y, t he val ues of k
and I, a r e necessar i l y imprecise, and t he act ual anode cur r ent and
pi pe- t o- soi l potentLa1 must be measured a f t e r t he anddes a r e
i ns t a l l e d t o be sur e t hey a r e doing t he job.
The val ues of k i n "able I have been computed wi t h assumed t ypi cal
o r "averagef1 val ues of t he var i abl es as noted i n t he t abl e. They
should be good f or prel i mi nary est i mat es i n most cases. More
refi ned cal cul at i ons of anode cur r ent can be made i n any s peci f i c
i nst ance by computing t he net dr i vi ng pot ent i al and t he t o t a l
r esi st ance i n t he pipe-anode c i r c ui t . (See Peabody, "Control of
Pi pel i ne Corrosion," Chapter 8 and Chapter 10.)
Table I
Values of k for Zinc and Magnesium Anodes1
Commercial Si zes and Shapes, Packaged
Zinc Anodes
St eel Pk. pe
Si ze
Magnesium Anodes*
St eel Pipe Galvanized Pipe
Si ze
k Si ze k
I = - where I i s anode cur r ent i n
mi l l i wrps and R i s s o i l r e s i s t i vi t y
i n ohm-cm i n t he vi c i ni t y of t he anode
*I Standard" magnesium al l oy (6% aluminum, 3% zi nc)
' see not e, next page.
Anode Current
The number and size of anodes needed to generate the required
current depend upon several things, including the pipe-to-soil potential
with the anodes installed, the resistance of the pipe coating, the
resistivity of the soil, the resistivity of the backfill around
the anode, and the resistance of the wire connecting the anode to
the pipe.
The formula for anode current output, 1m = k/R, in Engineering
Standard 432-F may be used with the values of k in Table I, below,
for estimating anode requirements. However, the current an anode
will supply in a given installation depends upon all of the
variables noted in the preceding paragraph. BeeS1ISe the values
of many of the variables are not known precisely, the values of k
and ~ are necessarily imprecise, and the actual anode current and
pipe-to-soil potential must be measured after the anddes are
installed to be sure they are doing the job.

The values of k in ~ . ' a b l e I have been computed with assumed typical

or "average" values of the variables as noted in the table. They
should be good for preliminary estimates in most cases. More
refined calculations of anode current can be marle in any specific
instance by computing the net driving potential and the total
resistance in the pipe-anode circuit. (See Peabody, "Control of
Pipeline Corrosion," Chapter 8 and Chapter 10.)
Zinc Anodes
Steel Pipe
Table I
Values of k for Zinc and Magnesium Anodes!
Commercial Sizes and Shapes, Packaged
Magnesium Anodes*
Steel Pipe Galvanized Pipe

Size k Size k Size k

5# 16,000 51ft 37,000 5# 18,000
301ft 33,000 121ft 49,000 121ft 24,000
50# 33,000 171ft 56,000 171ft 28,000
601ft 33,000 32# 60,000 321ft 30,000
150# 33,000 601ft 80,000 601ft 40,000
where I is anode current in
milliamps and R is soil resistivity
in ohm-em in the vicinity of the anode
*', Standard" magnesium alloy (6% aluminum, 3% zinc)
ISee note, next page.

Above k val ues a r e based on t h e fol l owi ng assumptions:
1. St eel pi pe: -0.85 v o l t pi pe- t o- s oi l pot ent i al .
2. Galvanized pi pe : -1.15 v o l t pi pe- t o- s oi l pot ent i al .
3. Cl ass B pi pe coat i ng, C = 60 (Eng. Standard 432-F).
4. Surface ar ea of pi pe exposed t o s o i l - 1258. s q. f t .
5. Anodes a r e "packaged" o r bedded i n chemical b a c k f i l l ;
e. g. , gypsum and bent oni t e.
Higher k val ues a r e appl i cabl e when t he pi pe t o be pr ot ect ed i s
poorl y i ns ul at ed from t h e s o i l . For example, i f C i s 120 i ns t ead of
60, ot he r condi t i ons bei ng t he same, t he correspondi ng k i s 20 t o 40
per cent hi gher tha:i gi ven i n t h e t abl e. For bar e pi pe, anode k
val ues a r e roughly t wi ce t hos e i n t he t abl e.
Anode Li f e
Magnesium anodes a r e consumed a t t h e r a t e of about 17 pounds per
year per ampere del i ver ed, ard zi nc anodes a t t he r a t e of about
26 pounds per year per ampere. Si nce anodes can be expect ed t o s t op
f unct i oni ng bef or e t hey a r e compl et el y consumed, a " u t i l i z a t i o n
f s ct or " of 0.75 t o 0.85 usual l y i s appl i ed i n cal cul at i ng anode l i f e .
The formulas f o r anode l i f e i n Engi neeri ng Standard 432-F i ncl ude
a u t i l i z a t i o n f a c t o r of 0.88.
Typical s i n g l e and n u l t i p l c anode i n s t a l l a t i o n s a r e i l l u s t r a t e d i n
Fi gure 3 ; arid addi t i onal d e t a i l s of anode i n s t a l l a t i o n a r e gi ven
i n t h e Appendix, which i s a copy of Montana job s heet ENG 301
e n t i t l e d " I n s t a l l a t i o n of Gal vani c Anodes f o r Corrosi on Pr ot ect i on
of Buried St eel Pi pel i nes. "

Note: Above k values are based on the following assumptions:
1. Steel pipe: -0.85 volt pipe-to-soil potential.
2. Galvanized pipe: -1.15 vol t pipe-to-soil potential.
3. Class B pipe coating, C = 60 (Eng. Standard 432-F).
4. Surface area of pipe exposed to soil - sq. ft.
5. Anodes are "packaged" or bedded in chemical backfill;
e.g., gypsum and bentonite.
Higher k values are applh:able when the pipe to be protected is
poorly insulated from the soil. For example, if C is 120 instead of
60, other conditions being the same, the corresponding k is 20 to 40
percent higher than given in the table. For bare pipe, anode k
values are roughly twice those in the table.
Anode Life
Magnesium anodes are consumed at the rate of about 17 pounds per
year per ampere delivered, ard zinc anodes at the rate of about
26 pounds per year per Since anodes can be expected to stop
functioning before they are completely consumed, a "utilization
factor" of 0.75 to 0.85 'Usually is applied in calculating anode life.
The formulas for anode life in Engineering Standard 432-F include
a utilization factor of 0.80.
1\110<1(', Install/ition
Typical single and multiple anode installations are illustrated in
Figure 3; and additional details of anode installation are given
in the Appendix, which is a copy of Montana job sheet ENG 301
entitled "Installation of Galvanic Anodes for Corrosion Protection
of Buried Steel Pipelines."
Test station
Insulated wire
Single Anode Installation
Test station
Insulated connect ions
Pi pe
for magnesium 10' mi n.
Fig. 3 - Typical Anode InstalPations
5' min.
for magnesium
Test station
Insulated wire

Single Anode Installation

Pipe -U
::; W om"
J ......:..
for magnesium
Test station
Insulated connections
Insulated wire
10' min.
Multiple Anode Installation
3 - Typical Anode Installations

The cur r ent t ha t can fl ow from an anode depends l a r ge l y upon t h e

r e s i s t i v i t y of t he mat er i al around i t . Therefore, i t i s i mport ant
t h a t anodes be i n s t a l l e d where t he s o i l i s moi st and be backf i l l ed
wi t h t he l owest r e s i s t t v i t y mat er i al obt ai nabl e. General l y,
"packaged" anodes should be used, i n which t h e magnesium o r zi nc
bar s a r e prepackaged i n a uniform chemical b a c k f i l l of low
r e s i s t i v i t y . Ear t h b a c k f i l l should be f i r ml y compacted around t h e
packaged anode. I f packaged anodes a r e not avai l abl e, bar e modes
can be i n s t a l l e d i n d r i l l e d hol es about 8 i nches i n di amet er and
backf i l l ed wi t h a mi xt ur e& gypsum and bent oni t e i n about equal
pr opor t i ons.
Anodes can be i n s t a l l e d v e r t i c a l l y o r hor i zont al l y. Thi s may be
governed by s o i l s t r a t a , moi st ure condi t i ons o r ot he r f act or s .
' hen two o r more anodes a r e used, t hey shoul d be spaced a t l e a s t
10 f e e t apar t . Two o r more anodes connected t o a pi pe at one
l ocat i on can be s t r ung out i n a l i n e per pendi cul ar o r p a r a l l e l t o
t h e pi pe c e nt e r l i ne and connected t o a s i n g l e header wi re. The
i dea i s t o obt ai n uniform di s t r i but i on al ong t h e pi pe of t h e cur r ent
passi ng through t h e s o i l from t he anodes. The c l os e s t anodes should
be not l e s s t han about 5 f e e t from t h e pi pe. Thi s i s more c r i t i c a l
f o r ~a gne s i um t han f o r zi nc anodes.
Connection between t h e pi pe and t h e anodes should be made wi t h
i ns ul at ed copper wi re, #8 AWG o r l ar ger . Copper wi r e can be
f ast ened t o s t e e l o r gal vani zed pi pe by br azi ng o r by t h e powder-
weld ( t her mi t ) pr ocess. Pi pe coat i ng damaged i n t h e pr ocess should
be r epai r ed, and exposed wi r e and weld met al shoul d be coat ed,
Local cor r osi on of t h e pi pe adj acent t o t he copper wi r e may t ake
pl ace i f t he whole connect i on i s not t horoughl y coat ed t o excl ude
moi st ure. Wire s p l i c e s can be made wi t h s p l i t - b o l t connect ors o r
by powder-welding o r brazi ng, and must be t aped o r ot her wi se
i ns ul at ed.
Unless t h e pi pe j oi nt s a r e e l e c t r i c a l l y cont i nuora, such a s welded
j oi nt s , t he pi pe s ect i ons and coupl i ngs i f any must be e l e c t r i c a l l y
bonded t oget her t o permi t cur r ent t o fl ow from t h e anodes t o a l l
p a r t s t o be pr ot ect ed. I f met al ant i - s eep c o l l a r s a r e used, t hey
a l s o should be bonded t o t he pi pe. Bonding may be' accomplished wi t h
V6 AWG i ns ul at ed copper wi r e brazed o r powder-welded t o t h e pi pe,
Stranded wi r e may be pr ef er abl e t o s o l i d wi r e i f f l e x i b i l i t y i s needed.
The i ns ul a t i on should have a t l e a s t a 600-vol t r a t i ng, and must be
tough and wat erproof. PVC and pol yet hyl ene i ns ul a t i on desi gned f o r
d i r e c t b u r i a l a r e s a t i s f a c t or y. As wi t h ot he r connect i ons t o t h e pi pe,

The current that can flow from an anode depends largely upon the
resistivity of the material around it. Therefore, it is important
that anodes be installed where the soil is moist and be backfilled
with the lowest resistivity material obtainable. Generally,
"packaged" anodes should be used, in which the magnesium or zinc
bars are prepackaged in a uniform chemical backfill of low
resistivity. Earth backfill should be Hrmly compacted around the
packaged anode. If packaged anodes are not available, bare anodes
can be installed in drilled holes about 8 inches in diameter and
backfilled with a mixture of gypsum and bentonite in about equal
Anodes can be installed vertically or horizontally. This may be
governed by soil strata, moisture conditions or other factors.
~ e n two or more anodes are used, they should be spaced at least
10 feet apart. Two or more anodes connected to a pipe at one
location can be strung out in a line perpendicular or parallel to
the pipe centerline and connected to a single header wire. The
idea is to obtain uniform distribution along the pipe of the current
passing through the soil from the anodes. The closest anodes should
be not less than about 5 feet from the pipe. This is more critical
for magnesium than for zinc anodes.
Connection between the pipe and the anodes should be made with
insulated copper wire, #8 AWG or larger. Copper wire can be
fastened to steel or galvanized pipe by brazing or by the powder-
weld (thermit) process. Pipe coating damaged in the process should
be repaired, and exposed wire and weld metal should be coated.
Local corrosion of the pipe adjacent to the copper wire may take
place if the whole connection is not thoroughly coated to exclude
moisture. Wire splices can be made with split-bolt connectors or
by powder-welding or brazing, and must be taped or otherwise
Unless the pipe joints are electrically continuo\;.B, such as welded
joints, the pipe sections and couplings if any must be electrically
bonded together to permit current to flow from the anodes to all
parts to be protected. If metal anti-seep collars are used, they
also should be bonded to the pipe. Bonding may be' accomplished with
#6 AWG insulated copper wire brazed or powder-welded to the pipe.
Stranded wire may be preferable to solid wire if flexibility is needed.
The insulation should have at least a 600-volt rating, and must be
tough and waterproof. PVC and polyethylene insulation designed for
direct burial are satisfactory. As with other connections to the pipe,
t h e connect i ons should be coat ed and pi pe coat i ng damaged i n t h e
pr ocess should be r epai r ed.
Test St at i ons
Each anode i n s t a l l a t i o n , cons i s t i ng of an anode o r group of
anodes connected t o t h e pi pe a t a s i ngl e poi nt , must be provided
wi t h a means of checking t h e anode cur r ent , t h e pi pe- t o- s oi l
pot e nt i a l , and t he anode- t o- soi l pot e nt i a l .
A si mpl e way of doing t h i s i s t o br i ng t h e wi r e from t h e anodes
and t he wi r e from t h e pi pe bot h i n t o a common j unct i on box above
ground a t an acces s i bl e l ocat i on near t h e pi pe. Thi s arrangement
i s i l l u s t r a t e d i n Fi gur e 4. I n oper at i on, t he two wi r es a r e
j oi ned wi t h a s p l i t - b o l t connect or and t aped. For t e s t i n g , t he
t ape i s removed and t he wl r es a r e di sconnect ed. The wi r es shoul d
be cl eaned and f ast ened t oget her s ecur el y each t une t hey a r e
reconnect ed and t he whole s p l l c e should be t horoughl y seal ed wi t h
rubber o r p l a s t i c t ape. Ot hemi s e, a hi gh r e s i s t a nc e can devel op
i n t he connect i on as a r e s u l t of cor r os i on of t h e wi r es.
f Post
- Weatherproof
j unct i on box
Wire from pi pe
connect i on
wat er t i ght
Connector -
t o be t aped
Anode wire
Wire i n conduf t
above ground
Fig. 4 - Test St at i on Det ai l
the connections should be coated and pipe coating damaged in the
process should be repaired.
Test Stations
Each anode installation, consisting of an anode or group of
anodes connected to the pipe at a single point, must be provided
with a means of checking the anode current, the pipe-to-soil
potential, and the anode-to-soil potential.
A simple way of doing this is to bring the wire from the anodes
and the wire from the pipe both into a common junction box above
ground at an accessible location near the pipe. This arrangement
is illustrated in Figure 4. In operation, the two wires are
joined with a split-bolt connector and taped. For testing, the
tape is removed and the wires are disconnected. The wires should
be cleaned and fastened together securely each time they are
recoIULected and the whole s p l ~ c e should be thoroughly sealed with
rubber or plastic tape. Otherwise, a high resistance can develop
in the connection as a result of corrosion of the wires.
junction box
Connector - connection
to be taped watertight
Anode wire
Wire in conduit
above ground
Fig. 4 - Test Station Detail

The cat hodi c pr ot ect i on cur r ent i s measured by connect i ng a

m i l l i m e t e r between t he wi r e from t he anodes and t he wi r e from
t h e pi pe. Pi pe- t o- s oi l pot e nt i a l , wi t h and wi t hout t he anodes
connected, i s measured by at t achi ng t h e t e s t l ead from t h e
copper-copper s u l f a t e el ect r ode t o t he wi r e from t he pi pe, wi t h
and wi t hout t he anode wi r e connected. Anode pot e nt i a l i s measured
by at t achi ng t he t e s t l ead t o t he wi r e from t h e anodes.
Fi gure 2 i n t he Appendix shows a s l i g h t l y more el abor at e t e s t
s t a t i o n usi ng a swi t ch and pl ug- i n receptacle. The anode-t o-pi pe
c i r c u i t can be t urned on o r of f by t he swi t ch, and t he t e s t
equipment i s desi gned so t h a t i t can be simply plugged i n t o t h e
r ecept acl e f o r t e s t i ng.
Adjustment of Current
I f t he anodes changet hepi pe- t o- soi l p o t e n t i a l more t han necessar y
f o r adequat e pr ot ect i on, t he anode cur r ent can be l i mi t ed by
i n s t a l l i n g a r e s i s t o r i n t he c i r c u i t . It may be connected between
t he two wi r es i n t h e t e s t box descr i bed above. The obj ect i s t o
extend t he l i f e of t h e anodes. I f t h e anodes do not change t he
pi pe- t o- s oi l pot e nt i a l enough, i t may be necessary t o add more
Cathodic pr ot ect i on i n s t a l l a t i o n s should be i nspect ed and t e s t e d
a t l e a s t on:e a year . Soi l moi st ur e and r e s i s t i v i t y change,
es peci al l y where na t ur a l condi t i ons a r e a l t e r e d by a dam o r ot he r
s t r uc t ur e ; pi pe coat i ngs de t e r i or a t e ; anode and cat hode s ur f aces
change chemi cal l y; and ot he r changes t ake pl ace which can
i nf l uence t he behavi or of t h e cat hodi c pr ot ect i on c i r c u i t . The
pi pe should be i nspect ed f o r s i gns of cor r osi on, al s o. Anodes
should be repl aced when t hey s t op pr ovi di ng t he necessar y
pr ot ect i on.
Some of t he i nst rument s t h a t a r e a va i l a bl e a r e descr i bed below
wi t h t h e i r approximate pr i ces .
For s o i l r e s i s t i v i t y
Soi l cup - Beckman Model CEL-M. Avai l abl e from Beckman,
American Inst rument , So i l t e s t and ot her s . @ $65+_
(Used wi t h conduct i vi t y br i dge. )

The cathodic protection current is measured by connecting a

milliammeter between the wire from the anodes and the wire from
the pipe. Pipe-to-soil potential, with and without the anodes
connected, is measured by attaching the test lead from the
copper-copper sulfate electrode to the wire from the pipe, with
and without the anode wire connected. Anode potential is measured
by attaching the test lead to the wire from the anodes.
Figure 2 in the Appendix shows a slightly more
station using a switch and plug-in recEptacle.
circuit can be turned on or off by the switch,
equipment is designed so that it can be simply
receptacle for testing.
Adjustment of Current
elaborate test
The anode-to-pipe
and the test
plugged into the

If the anodes change the pipe-to-soil potential more than necessary

for adequate protection, the anode current can be limited by
installing a resistor in the circuit. It may be connected between
the two wires in the test box described above. The object is to
~ ~ t e n d the life of the anodes. If the anodes do not change the
pipe-to-soil potential enough, it may be necessary to add more
Cathodic protection installations should be inspected and tested
at least on2e a year. Soil moisture and resistivity change,
especially where natural conditions are altered by a dam or other
structure; pipe coatings deteriorate; anode and cathode surfaces
change chemically; and other changes take place which can
influence the behavior of the cathodic protection circuit. The
pipe should be inspected for signs of corrosion, also. Anodes
should be replaced wh.-m they stop providing the necessary
Some of the instruments that are available are described below
with their approximate prices.
For soil resistivity
Soil cup - Beckman Model CEL-M. Available from Beckman,
American Instrument, Soiltest and others. @$6S .
(Used with conductivity bridge.)
Soil box - I?$' x 2%" x 9" plexiglass soil box available
from M. C. Miller Co., 288 East Saddle River Road, Upper
Saddle River, 8. J. @ $17t . (Used with Vibroground or
similar combin;ition instrument, or with milliammeter and
high resistance millivoltmeter or potentiometer.)
Conductivity bridge - Beckman Model RC-7. Portable,
battery operated. Available from Beckman Instrument CO.,
Cedargrove, N. J.; American Instrument Co., 17 Pollock
Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. @ $3555 .
Conductivity bridge - Beckman Model RC-19.
New light-weight,
battery or line operated. Available from Beckman Instrument
Co. @ $5955
Single-probe instrument - Available from Associated Research,
Inc., 3758 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago; Agra Engineering Co.
551 South Quaker Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and others. @ $125-
(Used with Vibroground or other bridge.)
Four-pin resistivity instrument - Vibroground Model 293.
Battery operated, with steel case, 4 T-shaped ground probes,
and test leads. Available from Associated Research, Inc.,
3758 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago. @ $375$- .
For soil pH.
Pocket ?H meter - Beckman. Portable, battery operated, sturdy
con'bination electrode. Available from Beclcman or any of their
dealers: Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 North Ashland Avenue,
Chicago. @ $952
For pi pe - t o- s oi l potentiai, cathodic protection tests, etc.
Combination current and voltage meter. Available from M. C. Miller,
Agra Engineering, and others. @ $225? .
High resistance voltmeter or potentiometer. Available from M. C.
Miller, Agra Engineering, and others. @ $80-2105 .
Portable volt-ohm-milliammeter for pipe continuity checks.
Available from Simpson Electric Co. or Triplett Electrical
Instrument Co. @ $70? .
Current interrupter. Available from M. C. Miller, Agra
Engineering, and others. @ $165?
Copper-copper sulfate electrode. Available from M. C. Miller,
Agra Engineering, and others. @ $15? .
Soil box - x x 9" plexiglass soil box available
from M. C. Miller Co., 288 East Saddle River Road, Upper
Saddle River, N: J. @$l7. (Used with Vibroground or
similar combination instrument, or with milliammeter and
high resistance millivoltmeter or potentiometer.)
Conductivity bridge - Beckman Model RC-7. Portable,
battery operated. Available from Beckman Instrument Co.,
Cedargrove, N. J.; American Instrument Co., 17 Pollock
Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. @ $355
Conductivity bridge - Beckman Model RC-19. New light-weight,
battery or line operated. Available from Beckman Instrument
Co. @ $595 .
Single-probe instrument - Available from Associated Research,
Inc., 3758 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago; Agra Engineering Co.+
551 South Quaker Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and others. @ $125-
(Used with Vibroground or other bridge.)
Four-pin resistivity instrument - Vibroground Model 293.
Battery operated, with steel case, 4 T-shaped ground probes,
and test leads. Available from Associated Research, Inc.,
3758 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago. @ .
For soil pH.
Pocket meter - Beckman. Portable, battery operated, sturdy
combination electrode. Available from Beckman or any of their
dealers: Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 North Ashland Avenue,
Chicago. @ $95
For pipe-to-soil potential, cathodic protection tests, etc.
Combination current and voltage meter. Available from M. C. Miller,
Agra Engineering, and others. @ $225 .
High resistance voltmeter or potentiometer. Available from M. C.
Miller, Agra Engine2ring, and others. @ $80-210
Portable volt-ohm-milliammeter for pipe continuity checks.
Available from Simpson Electric Co. or Triplett Electrical
Instrument Co. @$70
Current interrupter. Available from M. C. Miller, Agra
Engineering, and others. @$165
Copper-copper sulfate electrode. Available from M. C. Miller,
Agra Engineering, and others. @$lS

Peabody, A. W. "Control of Pipeline Corro sf-on, I' National Association
of Corrosion Engineers, 192 pp., 1967.
Romanof f , M. "Underground Corrosion, I' National Bureau of Standards,
227 pp., 1957.
Engineering Standard 432-F. Irrigation Pipeline, Steel, SCS National
Engineering Handbook, Section 2, 1969.
Engineering Memorandum-27, Earth Dams, Section E, Principal Spillways,

Peabody, A. W. "Control of Pipeline C o r r o s ~ ~ o n , " National Association
of Corrosion Engineers, 192 pp., 1967.
Romanoff, M. "Underground Corrosion," National Bureau of Standards,
227 pp., 1957.
Engineering Standard 432-F. Irrigation Pipeline, Steel, SCS National
Engineering Handbook, Section 2, 1969.
Engineering Memorandum-27, Earth Dams, Section E, Principal Spillways,

The pr opcr i n s t a l l a t i o n of anodes i s t he key t o t he cont i nui ng pr ot ec-
t i o n fcom cor r os i on of R bur i ed s t e e l pi pe l i ne . An i mpr oper l y i n s t a l l e d
and mai nt ai ned anode can j nc r e a s e t h e r e s i s t i v i t y of t he s o i l sur r ound-
i n g i t and r e s u l t i n an under pr ot ect ed pi pc l i ne t l ~ o s decr eas i ng t he
ma b l e l i f e of t he l i n e .
Anodes may ht? pl aced e i t h e r hor i z ont a l l y o r ve r t i c a l . l y i n r e l a t i o n t o
thc ~ i o t ' n d surface m d i n r e l a t i o n t o t he pi pc l i ne e i t h e r p a r a l l e l o r
pcrpenrl i cul . i r, s e e FCgure 1. When pl nccd hor i z ont a l l y, 1-hey s h a l l be
r l t or bcl ou t.i:e bottoru e l e va t i on of the pi pe l i ne . ITever pl nc? anodes
I i l l n t r i l Ve r t i c a l l y pl aced anod~-+s s l ~ i l l hl ve a r ni ni ~~ur r . Ji s-
~ 1 1 1 2 ~ of 3 i ~ c t bet xcen the gzound s u r h c e and the t op of thc 'inode.
L o c ~ t i o n of t he anodes i n r e l a t i o n t o t he pi pe l i ne i s not c r i t i c a l
c:,r:cp': i n the case of rna&ncsium 1d:ich nus t be pl aced a mi ni mm d i s -
t,:occ: of 10 f o c t f x c m t he pi pe l i ne .
1. I.:xcavatc itole o r t r e nc h for m o d s
: 3 . Pl.;,~ce ,I:-.c:.k pr;clc,?ge i n t he prep.,:rtd bed rca!ting s u r e that t h c imodc
i s cr.nti?r:?d i n tlkc pz c kgc . Use e xt r c n? c a ut i on not t o get the
a.nor!c p.:c!c:?za :;cC beEor-2 i t i s pl aced and ' oackLi l l ed. :&?v?-r Li f t
t:i:: : : ~ t i i : t by t he Lead wi r e.

l;l'-JS -r:r.G 301
The proper of is the key to the continuing protec-
tion from corrosion of a buried steel pipeline. An improperly installed
and maintained anode can increa3e the resistivity of the soil surround-
ing and result in' an underprotected pipeline thus decreasing the
usable life of the line.
Anode Installation
Anodes may he placed either horizontally or vertically in l"elation to
the Gi"ound surf.Jce .:'.ud in relation to the parallel or
pe rpendicular, Gce Figure 1. \-lhen placed horizontally, they shall be
at or beloY tile bottom elevation of the pipeline. Never plac.:! aaodes
in fill material. Vertitally placed anoden have a minimum Jis-
lan.,::c of 3 betNccn the ground surface and the top of the anode.
Location of the anodes in relation to the pipeline is not critical
the cC\se of magncshllu mus t be placed a minimum dis-
tance of 10 feet frem the pipeline.
1. Excavate hole or trench for anodz packa.ljc.
2. for the anode p,J.ckage in the bottom of the hole or
Hell tamped moL:-,t clayey silt.
:3. ;::-.oJc pc.ckaze in thp. bed sure that the anode
is ccntcr:2d in the U'3e extrem3 cautlon not ':0 get the
before it is placed and backfilled. NaV2r lift
th2 '.;y the lead wire. -----
. b'.. mwdc pith t;ell taC!;.ed clayey silt to
a puiut 6 above tho anode, see Figure 1.
5. t.tI:i\,;h le;:J ('lire to ::h.3 by o't" l,::ddllg
S'l.'e th,t i.:.k; pipe coating i:3 r .:pail.'cd. the is
t:o be ilU::.c.d1"ld to a t2:,J;i'.l3 :,taf:;.ou, at:t<lCil 111 Figul'C 2.
6. [;:..i;y,te tl.-n anode by rOU::.:1.dg bl.l.Tels of ill the hole
or :; ...:::lc11 ;md soak in i:() mol:; tcnl ..g of tbe F.\ek-

1. Cociplct'J h.:.(:k.fill T:U.:.h native .100::; Ii 6 inch sm:faGe
;";,J shm'l1 '\.11 1.
When anodes a r c pl aced i n t i g h t n a t i v e c l a y s , some pr ovi s i on must be
made t o i ns ur e continued i r r i g a t i o n of t he anode. Thi s can be accorn-
pl i s he d wi t h a sandy gr a ve l "French dr ai n". If t he anode i s i n a
v e r t i c n l hol e , t he nat i ve backKi l l call be r cpl accd wi t h a sandy gr dve l
b a c k f i l l . Glherc t h c enode i s pl aced i n a hor i z ont a l p o s i t i o u , t h i s
pr ocedur e cannot be uscd as a gr a ve l backfi.11 above t he anode would
r educe t h e c ur r e nt out put 30 t o 50 pe r c e nt . In t h i s c a s e , a t one end
of t he anode b a c k f i l l n t r e nc h wi t h s s xi y gr a ve l from anode dept h t o
the s ur c a c e of t h? ground. The t r ench l e ngt h should ext end away froin
t h e anoze 2 t o 3 tirccs t he &pt h of ~ h c anodc.
Af t er anode i s ~ ~ e l l soaked
backfill to ground surfoce.
node - place at or
Af t er anode is well soaked
backfill to ground surface.
When anodes arc in tight native clays, some ptovision must be
made to insure continued irri8&tion of the anode. This can be aCCOln-
plished with a sandy gravel "French drain
'. If the anode is in a
vertical hole, the native backfill can be replaced with a sandy gravel
backfill. Where the enode is placed in a horizontal position, this
procedure cannot be uSEd as a gravel backfill above the anode would
reduce the current output 30 to 50 percent. In this case, at one end
of the anode backfill 8 trench with sandy grQvel from anode depth to
the su.rface of th::! ground. The trench length should extend awJ.y from
the anode 2 to 3 times the depth of the anode.

After anode is well soa!(ed
backfill to ground surface.
Insulated anode wire
below pipe level - can be
either paralell or perpendicular
3 min. to pipeline.
Backfil: of well
moist clayey
10'-0" minimum for magnesium
1__ 0 I
" ,
After anode is well soaked
backfill to ground surface
10' - 0" minimum for magnesium
6" depression forl I .. not critical for zinc -----t
C '
=0 =
j __in_SU_la_t_ed_a_n_o_d_e_w_ir_e_--,
Packuged anodo








































































Wire connec tions
to be silver
steel conduit
To anode
W'eather proof
box with plate
and snap covers.
After welding U-bor
to riser, wectt'ler
ploof \f/ith Topecoat
C T O( equal.
Anode wire
== _ =// /=''='" 90" connector
for "2 knockout
" ..
'" ..




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