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Fact sheet


Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet


Our aluminium business Building on more than a century ofexperience and expertise, RioTinto Alcan isa global leader inthe aluminium industry. We supply high quality bauxite, alumina and aluminium worldwide and our APTMsmelting technology is the industry benchmark. Our enviable hydroelectric power position delivers significant competitive advantages intodays carbonconstrained world. Rio Tinto Alcan is the aluminium product group of Rio Tinto, a leading international mining company involved in each stage of metal and mineral production. The Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange and Australian Securities Exchange under the symbol RIO. Rio Tintos major products are aluminium, copper, diamonds, coal, iron ore, uranium, gold and industrial minerals.
Cover Storage of aluminium T-ingots Left Shipping of aluminium T-bar ingots atAlma Works, Quebec, Canada.

Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet


From bauxite to aluminium

Delivering value since 1902 Over 100 years of operation translates into broad experience and a deep understanding of our industry. We have spent decades innovating and continue to do so, perfecting our mining and smelting processes and how to best look after theenvironments inwhich we work. We are committed to advancing theeconomic, environmental and social sustainability of our operating communities around the globe, while creating value for Rio Tinto.

Aluminium: a modern metal While metals such as copper, lead andtin have been usedforthousands of years, aluminium is a comparatively young metal. Its commercial use dates back only about 150years, yet more aluminium is produced than any other nonferrous metal. Today, a world without aluminium is difficult to imagine. This unique and versatile metal isused in a broad range ofapplications for transportation, packaging, electrical materials, medicine, construction andother sectors. Aluminium is light, strong, flexible, noncorrosive and infinitely recyclable. When compared to most other metals, less energy is required to manufacture and transport products made from aluminium. Recycling aluminium uses only five per cent of the energy needed toproduce primary metal, reducing total greenhouse gas emissions.

Right Aerial view of bauxite mining operations, Gove, Australia.

Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet

Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet


Our products
We are a worldwide supplier of bauxite, smeltergrade alumina, specialty aluminas and hydrate for domestic andexport markets. Our aluminium products include rolling slab (sheet ingot), extrusion billet, forging stock, rod, foundry and remeltingot,as well as specialty products such as busbar electrical conductors, Duralcan and other metalmatrix composites. We also sell smelter anodes, cathodesand aluminium fluoride. Weprovide leading technology solutions for aluminium smelting andtechnical services for processing our aluminium products.

How aluminium is made Bauxite, the natural ore used to make aluminium, is the mostabundant mineral in the earths crust. Mined bauxite isrefined into alumina, which is then smelted into aluminium. Approximately four tonnes of bauxite are required to produce two tonnes ofalumina, which in turn makes one tonne ofaluminium metal. Smelting occurs in large carbonlined steel furnaces called reduction cells. A continuous electric current flows from the anode (carbon blocks), through the alumina/cryolite mixture to the carbon cathode cell lining. The alumina reacts with the anode to form aluminium. The molten aluminium sinks to the bottom of the cell. It is then siphoned out of the celland transported to a holding furnace to be cast into various products. Primary metal can be rolled, extrudedor cast as pure aluminium oraluminium alloys. Alloys are formed by combining pure aluminium with magnesium, silicon, manganese or other elements to produce properties such asextra strength oradditional corrosion resistance.

We produce primary aluminium at some of the lowest cost, most technologically advanced smelters in theindustry.

Top Ship unloading alumina at Kitimat Works harbour facilities, Kitimat, British Columbia. Left AP60 cell, at Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France.

Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet

Our operations
Rio Tinto Alcans high quality bauxite, alumina andaluminium businesses havebroad global reach. Everywhere we operate, our passion for excellence drives oursuccess. We generate value by sharing best practices and supply chain benefits across our facilities. Our demonstrated commitment toexcellence inhealth, safetyand environmental performance also contributes to oursuccess. Our operations are divided into four business units: Bauxiteand Alumina, Primary Metal Europe, Middle East and Africa, Primary Metal North America and PrimaryMetal Pacific. Bauxite and Alumina Our wholly owned and joint venture bauxite mines are located in Australia, Brazil, and Guinea. RioTinto Alcan is the largest bauxite producer in the industry. Our wholly owned and joint venture alumina refineries arelocated in Australia, Brazil, Canada and France. Future expansions at our Yarwun refinery in Australia position us to become the worlds largest producer of alumina. Primary Metal Rio Tinto Alcan has the worlds largest share of first quartile aluminium production capacity. Our largest concentration ofsmelting assets is located in Canada (eight smelters), along with smelters inAustralia, NewZealand, France, the UK, the US, Cameroon, Iceland, Oman and Norway. Primary Metal includes aluminium smelting, technology sales and service, engineering services, smelting equipment sales andsmelting consumables production. Energy A secure, longlife and competitively priced supply of electricity is vital tomaintaining a competitive edge inthealuminium industry. Rio Tinto Alcan owns 13 power stations with an annual capacity of over 6,100 megawatts. This meets about half of ourelectricity needs, aproportion well above the industry average. Our longterm power purchase contracts account for a further 46per cent of our electricity supply.

In addition, 63per cent of our power supply comes from hydroelectricity, a clean and renewable source of energy.

Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet


Stepping forward
At Rio Tinto Alcan, we care about people and the world inwhich welive. This is why sustainable development isatthe heart of all wedo and its principles guide our actions and decisions. We optimise our use of resources, manage materials responsibly, and build active partnerships with our communities and other stakeholders based on mutual respect and sustainable benefit across generations.

Health, safety and environmentalexcellence Excellence in managing HSE responsibilities is essential to our longterm success. We are committed toprotecting the environment, preventing pollution and safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of thosewho work at or visit our sites. We respect local laws, customs and cultures. Our ultimate goal is zero harm. Our vision is supported by our core values of accountability, respect, teamwork and integrity.

Climate change Helping address climate change is one of the ways we seek toreinforce our industry leadership and strengthen our competitive advantage. Joining forces with our employees, customers and other key stakeholders, we promote greater energy efficiency, along with the increased use of aluminium applications, as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We also continue to invest in advancing our AP Technology solutions, widely recognised as being the industry benchmark. For customers around the world, wedemonstrate how using our APTechnology solutions brings excellent results for reliability, energyefficiency, sustainability and productivity while being the cleanest smelting technology with the lowest emission levels.

Top View of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter inNew Zealand. Left Rio Tinto Alcans Isle Maligne hydro power facility in Canada.

Note: AP Technology is a trademark ofAluminiumPechiney.

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Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet

Rio Tinto Alcan installations 1 Bell Bay Gladstone (Boyne Smelters Limited 59.4%) Tomago (51.6%) Cameroon Eda (Alucam 46.7%) Canada Bcancour, Quebec (ABI 25.1%) Kitimat, British Columbia SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Alma) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Arvida) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (GrandeBaie) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Laterrire) Septles, Quebec (Alouette 40%) Shawinigan, Quebec France Dunkerque SaintJeandeMaurienne Iceland Reykjavik (ISAL) New Zealand Tiwai Point (New Zealand Aluminium Smelters 79.4%) Norway Husnes (Sral 50%) Oman Sohar (Sohar Aluminium 20%) United Kingdom Lochaber Lynemouth United States Sebree, Kentucky Smelter Australia Alumina refinery 2 Australia Gladstone (Queensland Alumina 80%) Gladstone (Yarwun) Gove Brazil So Lus (Alumar 10%) Canada SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Vaudreuil) Mine Australia Brazil Guinea
Locations on the map are indicative. Operations and projects are wholly owned unless otherwise shown. * RTA Alesa, ECL and Carbone Savoie are subsidiaries of Rio Tinto Alcan.

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3 Gove Weipa Porto Trombetas (Minerao Rio do Norte 12%) KamsarSangaredi (Compagnie des Bauxites de Guine 22.95%)

4 Gladstone (Gladstone power stations) Gladstone (Yarwun cogeneration facility) Canada Kemano, British Columbia SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (ChuteCaron) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (ChutelaSavane) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (ChutedesPasses) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (ChuteduDiable) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (IsleMaligne) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Shipshaw) Norway Nr Kristiansand (Vigelands) United Kingdom Kinlochleven Lochaber (Highlands power station) Lynemouth Power facility Australia Research and development centre 5 Australia Brisbane (Pacific Technology Centre) Canada SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Arvida Research and Development Centre) France SaintJeandeMaurienne (Laboratoire de Recherche en Fabrication)

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Rio Tinto Alcan fact sheet


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Production support facility 6 Australia Gove Cameroon Douala (Alubassa) Eda (Socatral) Canada Beauharnois, Quebec SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Dubuc) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (nergie lectrique, Centrale de conduite du rseau) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Port Alfred) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (RobervalSaguenay) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (Spent potlining plant) Strathcona, Alberta France Castelsarrasin Guinea KamsarSangaredi (Compagnie des Bauxites de Guine) Netherlands Rotterdam Sweden Helsingborg United Kingdom Anglesey (Anglesey Aluminium Metals Limited 51%) Ancillary business* 7 Australia Dandenong (RTA Alesa) Eagle Farm (ECL) Bahrain Manama (ECL) Canada Montreal, Quebec (RTA Alesa) Quebec City, Quebec (ECL) SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec (ECL) Septles, Quebec (ECL) China Shanghai (ECL) France Gardanne (RTA Alesa) Lannemezan (Carbone Savoie) NotreDamedeBrianon (Carbone Savoie) Ronchin (ECL) Vnissieux (Carbone Savoie) India Bhubaneswar (ECL) Mozambique Matola (ECL) Netherlands Ritthem (ECL)

South Africa Switzerland United Arab Emirates Head office Canada Regional office Australia Brazil Canada

Richards Bay (ECL) Zurich (RTA Alesa) Dubai (ECL) 8 Montreal, Quebec 9 Brisbane Sydney So Paulo Burns Lake, British Columbia Quebec City, Quebec SaguenayLacSaintJean, Quebec Vancouver, British Columbia Vanderhoof, British Columbia Beijing Hong Kong Gennevilliers Paris Voreppe Conakry Tokyo Singapore Neuhausen Cleveland, Ohio Fullerton, California Neshanic Station, New Jersey 10

China France

Guinea Japan Singapore Switzerland United States

Specialty aluminas France Beyrde Gardanne La Bthie Germany Teutschenthal

Fact sheets

Corporate profile Aluminium Copper Diamonds Energy Industrial minerals Iron ore Technology and innovation Exploration

Rio Tinto Alcan head office 1188 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 3G2 Canada T +1 514 848 8000 F +1 514 848 8115

Mailing address PO Box 6090 Montreal, Quebec H3C 3A7 Canada

Rio Tinto plc 2 Eastbourne Terrace London W2 6LG United Kingdom T +44 (0)20 7781 2000

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