Work Center Scheduling Calculation

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Short Questions Answers on SAP PS

Project Calculations When we confirm activities and see it in cns41 report we can see that the POC is aggregated at the Network,WBS and project level. How does the system calculate this.. i.e on what factors and criteria? PS, like, other Projects Programs used the Pondered advance has a project and structural (WBS) phisical advance. IF you have a Project with only 1 activitie. The 100% phisical advance of the activitie is passed to the Project. If you have a Prj. with 2 activities and both had 100% phisical advance. The project has 200%? NO!, PS calculated this Percent complete Activity A = 100 = A-POC Percent complete Activity B =100 B-POC Weigth or contribution of A = 30% A-Wgt Weigth or Contribution of B =70% B-Wgt (The sum of the weigth need to be 100%) The Project Advance will be A-POC*A-wgt + B-POC*B-Wgt This implies = 100*30% + 100*70% = 30 + 70 =100 The weigth is a function of Men-Hours, Cost or Special-Weigth. *-- NelsonHM User Status Report In the business scenario used here a status profile containing different User statuses with authorisation controls has been set up in the Project Definition for controlling the process of Project creation & approval. The process flow is as follows - The project is created by the design team, after which it is sent to pre-audit team for approval, the pre-audit team approves it, on approval the project is released and the rest of the process flows on. Each of the above phases is marked by an user status and on completion of a phase the user sets the next user status for the object. Requirement : An ABAP report is required to be developed which shows the date and time at which each of the user staus was set and released. Go to transaction SE38, and enter RBSVCDOC in the field "Program". Select the Execute button. Insert your WBS's object number, and select the tick box "SHOW_ALL" Execute the program. If the results is what you are looking for, then follow these steps to have your required report on User Status Change Log: 1. Ask your ABAP program to copy function RBSVCDOC to a Z-Program, and 2. assign a Z-transaction code this copied Z-program. 3. You can also ask the programmer if he is able to design a user defined input screen to this program.


Short Questions Answers on SAP PS

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*-- Pieter LP van Sittert Creating an Internal Activity at the Network Level Trying to create an internal activity at the network level and whenever I go to the menu to add an internal activity, the level moves up to the project level instead of remaining at the nework level. This of course prevents me from creating the internal activity. Why this is happening? Work out the following path : 1) Go to "Structure Tree" (Top-left pane of Project Builder), click on Network Header. 2) In "Work Area" (Right pane) click on "Activities Overview" icon. Go to "Int. Processing Tab" and define activity with relevant field details and Confirm. This will create Int activity in the selected Network only. *-- Nabada More Time calculation in work Center My requirement is to calculate the time taken for a component which contains 4 Operations. Using Work Centers in PS Module. Details of the Operations: 1. Chain cutting 2. Soldering 3. Lock fitting 4. Assembly Time taken for soldering operation = 15 sec/soldering operation One component contains = 20 soldering operation Total time taken to finish one component = 300 sec In one day we can make = 8 hr(28800sec)/300sec=96 nos. How we can calculate this in the system Using Work Center. You need to do folowing.... 1) Define 4 activity type with these names and give the unit of operation as second - and assign it to a cost center in kp26 with cost 2) Define a work center in CNR1...using usage project management 0006 3) Assign formulae SAP004 in the other formulae in scheduling tab and SAP008 in capacity Tab. 4) Assign working hours for your WC in capacity tab header data as 8 hours and put number of available capacity (no.of people in Work center) 5) Assign all the activity types in the Work center costing tab 6) Give duration for all these activity in your project 7) Schedule the project and do costing.... *-- Ritesh Bhushan
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