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1. Services available 2. Open source software what is it? 3. Introduction to the Koha software 4. Comparison between Koha and other Library Management Softwares 5. System configuration 6. Required additional softwares to install Koha 7. Software Installation methods and sequence 7.1 Apache 7.2 Mysql 7.3 Perl 7.4 Koha 7.5 Mozilla firefox 7.6 Sqlyog 7.7 Wrar 8. Koha database settings on Windows 9. Copy additional files / folders to specified path (location) 9.1 Add folders from add_intranet 9.2 Add folders from add_en 9.3 Add files from Opac_User 9.4 Add file from duedate_cardno_accno_title_author 10. Open Koha interfaces to start working 10.1 Librarian Interface (http://Intranet) 10.2 User Interface (http://opac) 10.3 Important Instructions to use Koha interfaces 11. Librarian Interface (http://intranet) : Modules in Koha 11.1 Parameters 11.2 Acquisition 11.3 Catalogue 11.4 Members 11.5 Circulation 11.6 Authorities 11.7 Reports 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 14 17 23 29 32 37 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 43 44 47 47 59 62 63 63

Prepared by T.Venkata Narayana

3 11.1 Parameters 11.1.1 Library branches 11.1.2 Book fund 11.1.3 Currencies 11.1.4 Item type 11.1.5 Borrower categories 11.1.6 Issuing rules 11.1.7 Authorized values 11.1.8 Thesaurus structure 11.1.9 Biblio framework 11.1.10 Links Koha 11.1.11 MARC check 11.1.12 Printers 11.1.13 Stop words 11.1.14 Z39.50 servers 11.1.15 System preferences 11.1.16 MARC biblio export 11.1.17 Upload MARC records in reservoir 11.1.18 General barcodes 11.2 Acquisitions 11.3 Catalogue 11.3.1 Record 11.3.2 Item 11.3.3 Item type 11.3.4 Item count 11.3.5 Location Home branch Holding branch 11.3.6 Data Entry elements / data fields / MARC tags 11.3.7 Data entry without marc 11.3.8 Data entry with marc 11.3.9 Add items 11.3.10 Edit delete records or items (with instructions) 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 49 51 52 55

Prepared by T.Venkata Narayana

4 11.3.11 Edit delete items 11.3.12 Delete record 11.3.13 Complete 11.3.14 Normal 11.3.15 ISBD 11.3.16 Add to shelf 11.3.17 Print 11.3.18 Request 11.4 Members entry 11.4.1 Add members 11.4.2 Important instructions to add member 11.4.3 Edit delete patron / members 11.4.4 User login passwords 11.4.5 Patron images 11.4.6 Reading record 11.4.7 Fines 11.5 Circulation 11.5.1 Issues 11.5.2 Returns 11.6 Authorities 11.7. Reports 11.7.1 Borrowers 11.7.2 Catalogue 11.7.3 Circulation 11.7.4 Overdue report and total issues 12. User interface (http://opac) 12.1 Simple view 12.2 Complete view 12.3 ISBD 12.4 Add to shelf 12.5 Print 12.6 Request 12.7 Login (User Login) 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 66 66 67 67 67 67 67

Prepared by T.Venkata Narayana

5 13. Data backup and restoration 13.1 Simple method 13.2 Simple restoration 13.3 Backup wit SQLyog 13.4 Restoration with SQLyog 14. Important questions with answers 14.1 How to check and remove NULL? 14.2 How to check missing accession numbers / barcodes? 14.3 How to take print out of patrons / members 68 68 68 68 72 74 74 78 79

Prepared by T.Venkata Narayana

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