2012/13 Prospectus - Ardmore Flying School

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About Ardmore Flying School

Mission Statement To train pilots to the very highest standard of excellence in aviation safety, education, competency, command and to achieve their individual, personal and professional aviation goals.


Whether you are choosing aviation as a career, or simply for the sheer thrill of flying, selecting the right school is vital to your success. Learning to fly is one of the most exhilarating, challenging and satisfying pursuits around. The idea of slipping the surly bonds of earth and topping windswept heights with ease and grace has captivated human kind for centuries. In terms of personal challenges, becoming a pilot has few equals because it develops and tests many aspects of human nature and the human spirit: your patience and

persistence will be tested many times over as you come to grips with aerodynamics and principles of flight; your attention to detail will be challenged every time you preflight an aircraft and fulfill the flightplanning requirements. Your coordination, judgment and confidence will be challenged and extended on every flight. Your instructor will nurture these skills and qualities as your training progresses. When youve finished, youll be a better person for it. The Diploma in Aviation is not the only thing youll take with you when your training is complete. Apart from

a profound sense of achievement there are milestones in your training which youll take with you as memories for years to come your first landing, your first solo flight, first adventure in the training area or a challenging navigation exercise. Lifelong friendships are often formed as students are drawn together by the thrill and challenges of an exhilarating training program and career. Please read on to find information that will give you sound advice on what is required to become a commercial pilot and how you too can start your aviation adventure.


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Welcome to Ardmore Flying School

About Ardmore Flying School Benefits of Learning to Fly in New Zealand Training Facilities Our Aircraft

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Starting your Aviation Adventure

Domestic Students International Students What You Need to Know

More Information
Employment Opportunities FAQ Glossary

Becoming a Commercial Pilot

Overview of the Diploma in Aviation The Private Pilots Licence (PPL) Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) Instrument Rating (IR) Instructor Rating (C-Cat) Airline Transport Pilots L icence (ATPL) Other training available - Basic Gas Turbine Rating

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Ardmore Flying School

About Ardmore Flying School

Ardmore Flying School has been training pilots since 1961 at Ardmore Airport in Auckland, New Zealand. It is recognised internationally as a quality facility, providing consistently high standards in all aspects of flight training. Ardmore Flying School is New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) approved and holds the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (NZ CAA) Part 141 approval for flight training. This allows them to provide a Diploma of Aviation as well as licensing at all levels. Our fully integrated flight training programs transform students into strong, decisive and skilled pilots capable of operating at the highest levels in the commercial and corporate sector. Ardmore Flying School provides international and domestic students with a solid foundation in all the critical areas of aviation theory and flight skills, but also teaches you how to work effectively in the constantly changing environment of the skies.

Benefits of Learning to Fly in New Zealand

Pilots who have trained in New Zealand are highly sort after by airlines worldwide for a number of reasons. The New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (NZ CAA) has a reputation around the world for its high standards in safety and training which produces pilots who are better prepared. This means pilots have more experience to handle the most adverse situations safely. New Zealand also has a diverse environment featuring majestic mountain ranges, sweeping plains, breathtaking fjords, imposing native forests, crystal clear inland lakes and many miles of golden sand beaches. Because we train in these environments, it adds dimensions of adventure to your aviation training.


Training Facilities
Ardmore Flying School specializes in tailoring flight training programs to suit the students individual requirements. The school is open from 7am seven days a week, 364 days a year except Christmas Day. New students their will ground generally course complete achieve the best training outcomes by devising a schedule for flight training is through a face-to-face discussion. Being the biggest flying school in Auckland, our fleet currently contains 17 single engine Cessna 172Rs and 3 multi engine Beechcraft Duchess Be76 giving students plenty of opportunity to further their training. Towards the end of the students training, they will engage on both single and multi engine simulators. Ardmore Flying School utilizes two simulators to enhance the training a experience. It creates for controlled environment

theory first in one of our four lecture rooms that are air-conditioned to provide a comfortable learning environment at any time of the year. Different instructors are assigned to each subject with an assistant. This provides an environment and tuition whereby students can get much needed mentoring both in and out of class. The largest class size you can expect to encounter will be 23 students; most averaging no more than 18. Once students complete their ground course theory, they start their practical training. Students and Instructors work together to

instructors to teach in all weather conditions. They also have the advantage of being able to freeze the simulator to allow students to assess the situation and prepare for the next part of the lesson.


Our Aircraft
CeSSnA 172R
Measured by its longevity and popularity, the Cessna 172 is the most successful massproduced light aircraft in history. At Ardmore Flying School we have 17 Cessna aircraft in our fleet. Our 172R are equipped with analog fixtures or with the latest Garman 1000 avionics giving students the opportunity to build their knowledge and skill flying various aircraft.


160 HP engine with fixed pitch propellter 115 knot (195 km/h) 5 hours with 40 minutes reserve

Cruise Speed Fight Time

BeeChCRAFT DuCheSS MoDel 76

One of the most outstanding twin trainers ever built, this model has excellent handling characteristics, economy. instruments, With good top performance class standard GPS and and


2x 160


Cruise Speed
Range Service ceiling Fight Time


(291 km/h)
(1726 km)



Beechcraft quality make this high performance twin the preferred IFR training platform.

19,400 (4877 m) 5


a Pilot

Overview of the Diploma in Aviation

Ardmore Flying School is approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority to offer its own diploma course. Please note the Private Pilot Licence theory is a prerequisite to entry into the Diploma in Aviation.

CommerCial Pilot liCenCe Theory Law Human Factors Navigation and Flight Planning Meteorology Aircraft Technical Knowledge Principals of Flight and Performance Practical Minimum 200 hours of flying including: 100 Hours dual instruction 100 Hours solo instruction Core Units Practical

Theory Aircraft Law Navigation and Flight Planning General Flight Planning Meteorology Aircraft Aerodynamics and Systems Human Factors Instruments and Navigation Aids


Minimum 25 Dual Flight Instructor Training

diPloma in aviation (FligHt instruction)

diPloma in aviation (Airline PrePArAtion)


Elective Stream

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instrument rating Theory Law Navigation and Flight Planning Instruments and Navigational Aids

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Minimum 20 Hours Simulator Training Minimum 20 Hours Instrument Flight Training

C-Cat instruCtor rating Theory Meteorology Flight Navigation Air Law Principles of Flight Briefing Techniques Instructional Techniques

BasiC gas turBine Knowledge CoCKPit resourCe management

airline transPort Pilots liCenCe

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Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

The Private Pilot Licence (PPL) is the first step to learning to fly. This is available to students completing their Diploma in Aviation or students wishing to fly recreationally. Ardmore Flying Schools Private Pilot Licence training programs are of the very highest standard available. We are dedicated to providing first class training and tuition, personally tailored to meet the individual needs of students. Our training programs are designed to go well beyond the

minimum standards required for a Private Pilots Licence. A full time student can achieve an unrestricted Private Pilots Licence within thirteen to sixteen weeks subject to weather and ability of the student. This ensures you are well equipped to handle all situations with confidence while those students continuing on to a professional level will discover they have achieved a standard that makes future training much easier.

Ardmore Flying School will teach you all the practical and theoretical skills required to achieve your Private Pilot Licence. Once the Private Pilot Licence is achieved, students will be able to take passengers and fly anywhere in New Zealand, but are unable to be employed on a PPL. In 50 hours minimum of flight time, well take you from no flight experience to being a proficient pilot.



17 years old or older (16 to fly solo) Class Two Medical - minimum NCEA Level 2 (English) or has 3 years work experience or has a minimum score of 6 IELTS or equivalent

All exams must be passed to obtain Private Pilot Licence. Air Law CAA rules and regulations Navigation Aircraft Technical Knowledge Flight Radiotelephony Human Factors Meteorology

Preparation for flight Starting and run-up procedures Taxiing Take-off, circuit and landing Straight and level flight Aircraft manoeuvres Cross-country flying Emergency procedures First Solo

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CouRSe lengTh
Full Time - 16 weeks minimum Part Time Time frame determined by individual

50 hours minimum. Recommended 65 70 hours to meet CAAs syllabus



Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

Once you obtain your Private Pilot Licence, you can learn the skills and knowledge required to obtain your Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) and help you take another step towards a lucrative career in commercial flying. The theoretical training for the Commercial Pilot Licence covers many of the same subject areas as the Private Pilot Licence but in greater depth. This is to provide the student with situational awareness that enables them to anticipate problems and know how best to handle any scenario in flight.

Learning to fly, at a professional level, requires careful planning and coordination. The emphasis today is very much on seamless training. In other words, airlines want prospective employees to have been through a training program that shows continuity and a depth and breadth of experience that is required for an airline position. The PiC (pilot in command) requirement for a Commercial Pilot Licence is 100 hours. This means 100 hours of solo flying.

The remainder of the 200 hours will be dual flying with an instructor to cover components such as: 10 hours of night flying 30 hours of cross country flying 10 hours of instrument flight time CPL Exercises

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18 years or older Class One Medical NCEA Level 2 (English) or has 3 years of work experience or has a minimum score of 6 IELTS or equivalent

All exams must be passed to obtain Commercial Pilot Licence. Air Law Navigation Aircraft Technical Knowledge Human Factors Meteorology Principles of Flights

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CouRSe lengTh
46 weeks minimum

200 hours minimum (this includes flying time built during Private Pilot Licence level)

Practical ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Starting and run up procedures Taxiing Straight and level flight Take-off, circuit and landing Aircraft manoeuvres Cross-Country flying Emergency procedures
www.ardmore.co.nz 15

Instrument Rating (IR)

During the Private Pilot Licence and Commercial Pilot Licence training, you will learn to fly using visual references but the ability to fly by instruments alone is mandatory for all airline, charter, and corporate pilots throughout the world. An instrument rating (IR) is required if you wish to be able to fly the aircraft by instruments only (IFR). The Instrument Rating can be completed on a PPL or CPL licence. Our program is designed to give students a maximum number of multi engine hours (approx 32 hours) during their training with options for single engine and multi engine Instrument Ratings available. Some organisations suggest students complete a single engine instrument rating first and then carry out a multi endorsement removal. This reduces the overall cost only slightly but leaves students with minimal multi hours hours that will be needed when applying for an airline position. All flight time is on air switch, meaning you only pay for time you are airborne.
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Private Pilot Licence - minimum Class 2 Medical 50 hours Cross Country Pilot in Command 10 hours Instrument Time NCEA Level 2 (English) or has 3 years work experience or has a minimum score of 6 IELTS or equivalent

All exams must be passed to obtain a Single or Multi Instrument Rating. Navigation Law Instruments and Navigation Aids

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We will train you in simulated and actual instrument flight rule (IFR) conditions with training aids designed to help you concentrate only on the instrument panel. Instrument flight training will teach you how to fly in any adverse weather conditions, in low visibility and at night.

CouRSe lengTh
12 weeks minimum

Approx 17 hours Dual training and 15 hours Simulator training

Instructor Rating (C-Cat)

The most popular way to a career as an airline pilot is by gaining your C-Category C-Cat Instructor Rating. It is the best way to build hours and gain pilot experience and bridges the gap between students achieving their Commercial Pilot Licence and becoming an airline pilot. This course is designed to develop in each candidate a desire to train and impart upcoming pilots instruction, using training methods that fully integrate safety awareness, critical thinking, sound judgment and threat and error management. Hold a Commercial Pilot Licence Completed 150 hours Pilot in Command Students will be required to attend a test and panel interview to assess their suitability in this role prior to acceptance onto this course. All exams must be passed to obtain a C Cat Instructor Rating Meteorology Flight navigation Air Law Principles of flight Briefing techniques Instructional techniques

elIgIBIlITy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


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CouRSe lengTh
12 weeks minimum

Practical and theory of flight instruction Principles of flight and performance Meteorology Cross-country navigation techniques Emergency flight manoeuvres
www.ardmore.co.nz 17

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25 Dual flight instructor training 1 Dual spinning training

Airline Transport Pilots Licence (ATPL)

An Airline Transport Pilots Licence is the highest licence you can obtain. With this licence you can be the captain of a multi-crew aircraft,(provided you hold a type rating for that particular aircraft). Because of the high experience requirement (1500 hours) graduates usually gain the additional hours for this licence as part of their normal duties as an instructor or a co-pilot for an airline. In the meantime, students will be awarded a frozen Airline Transport Pilot Licence when they have complete the seven subjects. The theory component can be completed at anytime, however the exam credits will expire after a certain time period if the practical flight test has not been completed. Talk to Ardmore Flying School about the best timing for sitting these exams. Holding passes in these subjects will enhance your employment

elIgIBIlITy ^ ^ ^
Class 1 Medical NCEA Level 2 (English) or has 3 years work experience or has a minimum score of 6 IELTS or equivalent

Aircraft law Flight navigation General flight planning Meteorology Aircraft aerodynamics and systems Human factors Instruments and navigation aids

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CouRSe lengTh
14 weeks minimum

Students are required to build their flying hours until they reach a minimum 1500 hours logged flight experience.

FlIghT TIMe ^
1500 hours minimum flight experience




Basic Gas Turbine Rating

All pilots who fly jet and turbo prop aircraft need to pass an exam in basic gas turbine knowledge. This exam credit is required before you can operate a turbine powered (jet or turboprop) aircraft. The Basic Gas Turbine rating (BGT) requires the following:

elIgIBIlITy ^ ^
Class 1 Medical NCEA Level 2 (English) or has 3 years

Students who undertake this rating will learn:

work experience or has a minimum score of 6 IELTS or equivalent

The workings of a basic gas turbine engine The History and development of the basic gas turbine engine The applications in jet and turbo prop aircraft

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One-week-long theory course An external examination

CouRSe lengTh
1 week minimum

your Aviation Adventure

Domestic Students
enTRy RequIReMenTS
Self Funded Placement

enRolMenT InFoRMATIon
Domestic Students Self funded placements
Contact enrolments@ardmore.co.nz to obtain an enrolment pack. Step 1. Enquiry Step 3. Confirmation of 21 Step 2. Apply www.ardmore.co.nz

Complete NCEA Level 2 English (Physics and Mathematics are preferred but not essential)

If you want to apply for a self funded placement, please contact our enrolments team at enrolments@ardmore.co.nz for an application form.

Collect the supporting documentation as listed below: Recent school results CV or Resume Copy of your passport

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As part of confirming your placement on the course, you will be required to pay a deposit to open your account

Once payment is received, an offer of placement letter including a list of course materials required to commence the course

Domestic Students
enTRy RequIReMenTS
Student Loan Placement Complete NCEA Level 2 English (Physics and Mathematics are preferred but not essential) Prospective students must bring to this interview: A copy of your ADAPT test results Passport Last School Results CV/Resume
Prospective students bring to the formal interview: Recent school results ADAPT Pre-Screening Tool results CV or Resume Passport

enRolMenT InFoRMATIon
Domestic Students Student Loan Placements
Contact us at enrolments@ardmore.co.nz to arrange a formal interview Complete the ADAPT Pre-Screening Tool on the NZ Skills Connect website

Complete the ADAPT Pre-screening Tool (all prospective students applying for a Diploma in Aviation must undertake the ADAPT Pre-Screening tool found on the NZ Skills Connect website).

application will be presented to Ardmore Then all prospective students who are applying for a student loan placement must sit a formal interview. To book, please contact our enrolments team at enrolments@ardmore.co.nz. Flying Schools selection panel for review.

STuDenT FunDIng
Studylink processes student loans and allowances on behalf of the Ministry of Social Development. If you have been offered a student loan placement by Ardmore Flying School, please contact Studylink for information and how to apply at www.studylink.govt.nz
22 www.ardmore.co.nz

As part of confirming your placement on the course, you are required to apply online to Studylink.

Step 3. Confirmation of

Once you have been offered a student loan placement, a letter of offer will be sent to you outlining how to confirm your placement on the course and the course materials required.

Step 2. Apply

At the conclusion of the interview your

Step 1. Enquiry

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International Students
enTRy RequIReMenTS
International students need to meet certain requirements to be able to complete their pilot training at Ardmore Flying School.

Contact us at enrolments@ardmore.co.nz to receive an international enrolment package. Step 1. Enquiry Step 3. Confirmation of Step 2. Apply

age - Must be 18 years old. english - English is the international language for aviation and all classes are taught in English. Students need to meet IELTS score of 6 or TOEFL score of 550 to sit this course. immigration - All international students must hold a Student Visa to study in New Zealand. Please refer to our website www.ardmore.co.nz for more information.

Complete the International Enrolment Application form and attach the following supporting documentation: Evidence of English Language Level 6 through IELTS www.ielts.org Evidence of your high school results A copy of your passport

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Email your application and supporting documentation to our Enrolments team.

Pay the deposit as outlined on Page 2 of the International Enrolment Application form

Medicals - Students must obtain a NZCAA Class 1 Medical prior to commencement of the course. Please refer to our website for more information. school requirements Students must meet the equivalent of a New Zealand NCEA Level 2. Please refer to our International School Achievements NZ NCEA Level 2 equivalent document on our website www.ardmore.co.nz International Students > Enrolment Criteria.

Once Ardmore Flying School has received both the paperwork and payment, the school will send you the letter of placement. This letter is to be used to apply for your student visa at your nearest New Zealand embassy www.nzembassy.com

When you have arranged your travel to New Zealand, please inform the Enrolments team for accommodation and airport transfers to be arranged.

It is also advised for students to obtain their NZ CAA Class 1 Medical before the commencement of this course. For more information, visit the CAA website.





What You Need to Know

All international students require a student visa from Immigration New Zealand to enable them to study in New Zealand. Our enrolments team are well versed in the student visa and immigration requirements application. All applications need to be made through your local New Zealand embassy www.nzembassy.com. The visa process usually takes between 6 8 weeks, please allow enough time to for this to be processed.
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It is compulsory for all international students to have medical and travel insurance under the code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students. International students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly-funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website at: www. moh.govt.nz

The Accident compensation accident Corporation provides

WoRk WhIle you STuDy

At the time of publication, full-time international students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and up to 40 hours per week during the Christmas and New Year holiday period at the end of each academic year.

insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at: www.acc.co.nz



students and can assist with their

Moving to Auckland Accommodation

Relocating to New Zealand can be a daunting experience, especially when where to live. As an international student of Ardmore Flying School, we offer services to arrange accommodation for you before your arrival. Our picturesque accommodation will become your home away from home providing everything you need to succeed. We have a large range of accommodation styles with extras to suit all kinds of budgets and needs. Just notify us of your travel arrangements and what you are looking for in accommodation during the enrolment process. figuring out



More Information

Employment Opportunities
Aviation industry leader Boeing is predicting that airlines around the world will need an additional 466,650 trained pilots over the next 20 years to meet demand. This is thanks to fewer new pilot entrants, large numbers of retirements and increasing fleet sizes of airlines around the world.

Private Pilot licence (PPl)

Aeroplane or Helicopter
With PPL you can Fly for recreation Take non fare-paying passengers Learn to fly different types of aircraft

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Commercial Pilot licence (CPl)

Aeroplane or Helicopter
With a CPL you can fly under Visual Flight Rules and became a: Agricultural Pilot Flying Instructor Scenic or Charter Pilot

geT A TASTe FoR FlyIng

When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long to return. Da Vinci, Leonardo For only $99, take control of a Cessna 172 and fly the skies around Ardmore! In the safe hands of a qualified instructor, they will get you up in the air and teach you how to handle the plane before bringing you down to Earth. Its also great to see Auckland from a different perspective too! Call 0800 Ardmore to book your next flight.

Ratings for Instrument Flying and Turbine Powered Aircraft

Aeroplane or Helicopter
With these you can become a: Rescue or Air Ambulance Pilot Instrument Rating Instructor Charter, Scheduled or Freight Pilot


Airline First Officer

Airline Transport Pilot licence (ATPl) Airline Captain

www.ardmore.co.nz 27

Frequently Asked Questions

how long will it take to obtain a Commercial Pilot licence?
To obtain a Commercial Pilot Licence, you must first complete your Private a 3 Pilot week Licence. ground on the This may take up to 16 weeks (including course) dependent

how old can I be to start flying?

Students must be 16 years old to fly solo and 17 years old to obtain a Private Pilot Licence. We recommend that students be no younger than 14 years old before they start their flight training with an instructor once a month or during school holidays until old enough to complete the remainder of the licencing full time.

how do I get some information about the courses?

Send us an email through our Contact Us page on our website to receive a New Zealand Student or International Student Information Pack.

I wear glasses, will this be a problem?

You will have to meet minimum medical standards, but in most cases this will not be a problem. Many airline pilots wear glasses. You can wear glasses or contact lenses so long as your vision is corrected to 20/30 or better; and you must be able to see red and green. To obtain a NZCAA Class 1 or 2 medical is Pilot time. students must visit an approved aviation medical examiner. They are listed on the CAA website http:// www.caa.govt.nz. For any health issues, we recommend you consult an Aviation Medical Examiner.

weather and your ability. Once you complete this licence, you can then work towards completing your Commercial Pilot Licence. This may take up to 46 weeks (including a 12 week ground course) dependent on the weather and your ability. In total it should take you approximately 65 weeks to complete. If you are wishing to move into the airlines, they require further training before prospective pilots are eligible for employment with them.

Are there any part time courses?

Ardmore currently Licence Flying running courses School Private part

how much will it cost?

Cost is highly dependent on the number of flying hours completed by the student. Most students will spend between $80,000 and $120,000 according to industry standards. Contact our enrolments team to find out the cost structure outlined for each licencing.

These courses run over a 10 week period every Saturday. Contact the enrolments team to find out when the next course is running.



once I have my licence how often do I have to fly to keep it current?

To keep your licence active, pilots must perform three take offs/ landings every 90 days. Then they will need to undergo a Biennial Flight Review every two years on their highest licence to renew it.

Is the new Zealand CPl licence recognised overseas?

The New Zealand CPL is well recognised worldwide as pilots from New Zealand are in popular demand by many airlines. The licence meets the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) standards. In many cases a licence conversion passing the will simply flight require rules

Does your school do licence conversions for overseas licences?

Yes we do. Licencing in different countries have different requirements for conversion to a NZ CAA licence. Check the CAA website www.caa.govt.nz for the conversion requirements. If you need a hand understanding how to go about the conversion, please contact us through our website www.ardmore.co.nz and send us your query and well step you through it.

Does your school do licence renewals?

Contact Ardmore Flying School and talk to who your an will licence experienced step you renewal instructor through


examination, completing a flight test and obtaining a local medical for the type of licence you hold.

and how to best prepare for your Biennial Flight Review.



PPl CPl atPl ir Private Pilots Licence (Entitles the holder to fly, with passengers, but not for hire or reward Commercial Pilots Licence (Entitles the holder to fly, with passengers, for hire or reward if employed by a suitably certificated air operator) Airline Transport Pilots Licence (Entitles the holder to act as captain on an aircraft that requires two pilots) Instrument Rating (Entitles the holder to fly without visual references, navigating solely by reference to radio navigation aids iFr asl type rating Caa VFr nZQa meir FAA gu Hours solo Hsi This is the manner in which airline pilots fly) Instrument Flight Rules (Rules governing flights undertaken on instruments) Aviation Services Limited. The body that administers all external examinations and flight tests for the CAA An authorisation associated with a pilots licence allowing operations on individual types of aircraft New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority. The aviation industrys regulatory body Visual Flight Rules (Rules governing flights undertaken visually) New Zealand Qualifications Authority Multi-Engine Instrument Rating Federal Aviation Authority (USA equivalent of CAA) Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia In this context, aircraft flight time (hours flown in an aircraft) Solo flight - you will be the only person in the aircraft Horizontal Situation Indicator (an instrument used to fly IFR)



Want to f We know ho

Ask us >

P.o. Box 72 744, Papakura 2244 Auckland new Zealand Telephone: +649 298 5055 Freephone: 0800 273 6673 (ARDMORE) Facsimile: +649 298 3007 Internet address www.ardmore.co.nz Email: enrolments@ardmore.co.nz

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