Project Report ON Managing Groups and Teams: Submitted By: Submitted To

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Submitted To:
Ms Pragya Sonawane

Submitted by :
Ashima Chaudhary Anubhav Choudhary Harsha Dalmia Ravinder Kumar Sriprakash


Uninor is a mobile and network operator in India. A subsidiary of Norwegian telecom company TELENOR (6th largest communications company in the world) and UNITECH group (Indias second largest real estate company), Uninor started mobile services operation in India in 2009 end, with primary focus on GSM technology. Unitech Wireless, as it was earlier called, was a subsidiary of Unitech Group, until 2009.It was in early 2009,after a mutual discussion between the Unitech group and Telenor,it was agreed that Telenor will take over majority stake in Unitechs mobile service business.In September ,Unitech Wireless became Uninor. Although, in the presence of top players like Airtel,Vodafone,Reliance and many more,Uninor initially had the going tough.But with introduction of innovated plans, customer friendly services, it began to make its presence felt in the mobile services market. The Telenor group has over 150 years of telecom experience, with presence in over 13 countries worldwide. It employs nearly 40,000 employees across the globe, which is huge. It enjoys over 168million mobile subscriptions, as of 2009. The Unitech group brings with itself over 30 years of experience in the real estate sector. It is the only company, among the new operators, to be listed on the stock exchange. With the merger of companies of such calibre, and experience in the corporate hub, Uninor truly poses a serious threat to the existing telephone and mobile operators in the days to come ahead.


QUESTION 1: What were the different types of teams in which the employees worked ?

ANSWER 1: The different teams in which the employees worked in are : Project teams Functional teams Project teams compose of members of different groups, functions who are assigned specific tasks and activities for a particular project. Project teams are generally for a defined period of time. This team is dismantled once the objectives of project are achieved. Functional teams comprises of teams within specific functions or departments. Under this, the total workload of a specific department is divided among sub-divided teams within the function, so as to ensure better productivity, faster completion of activities. QUESTION 2: Who is the leader? ANSWER 2: The leader of the organization is Stein Erik Vellan, who is the global managing director of Uninor. Since it is the leader who picks the right players, responsible to carry off the organizational functions, every company recruits a person who will be able to manage different teams, and maintain harmony among the team members. The different functions within Uninor are Sales, Customer Service, and Accounts. The sales function was divided into sub-functional teams. Each team was headed and looked after by the SALES MANAGER.Therefore, there was one leader for every functional team, within a department. As for the project teams, PROJECT MANAGER was the leader, who played the role of guiding, supporting and motivating the project teams, to complete the project given on time.

QUESTION 3: What was his leadership style? Was it functional or dysfunctional ? ANSWER 3: According to Ohio studies, there are 2 kinds of leadership style: Task-oriented People oriented The leadership style in the company was PEOPLE ORIENTED. This style implies that the leader helps the employees to solve their problems; approachable.He is the one who treats all employees equally, and appreciates them for their participation and contribution in decision making. According to a survey, that asked the employees, what factors contributed to motivation at work.66% of the sample surveyed said appreciation as the prime factor. The leadership style was functional, as this approach is beneficial for the employees as well as organization as whole.It is going to have a positive impact,prove a valuable source of motivation for employees and thereby improve organizational performance.


QUESTION 1: What led you to choose the particular organization for the project work? What method of decision making did you choose?

ANSWER 1: The factors we looked into consideration for choosing the organization are : Availabilty of information Admirable organizational work culture Growing company Global connect. The decision making method we used is called DEEP DELIBERATION METHOD. In this style, a lot of time is spent on evaluating various options, before the best one is chosen. Such a method is appropriate when a topic/situation of utmost importance is dealt with. QUESTION 2: Were there any free riders in the group? How did you involve them in the project? ANSWER 2: A free rider is someone who reaps in the benefits from a collective group effort, but contributes little or nothing.No, there were no free riders in our group. All members knew the purpose for which we were divided into groups. Each and every member actively participated in the tasks and responsibilities which we were assigned. The leader of the group set the ground rules, guidelines which we need to follow while accomplishing the task given. He motivated us by making us understand the advantages and disadvantages of fulfilling the task. Every member was treated equally, irrespective of his/her strengths and weaknesses. QUESTION 3: What group processes did you observe within your group members? ANSWER 3: Every group goes through certain sequence of processes. Although this sequence varies with respect to situations, generally there are 6 kinds of group processes that a group goes through: Social facilitation

Social loafing Conformity Group think Group decision making

Our group went through the following processes: Social facilitation: when members of a group perform those activities with utmost devotion in which they are good at, especially when being watched by others. In other words, people tend to concentrate more on those tasks in which they are fluent, more so in the presence of their peers, audience.etc. Social loafing: when some members put in less effort within the group, than they would have put in, while working alone. Group decision making : each member put forward his/her ideas and suggestions, and after groups consensus, the feasible decisions were taken. This is called group decision making.

QUESTION 4: What roles were allotted to group members and how? ANSWER 4: Every member was treated equally, irrespective of their strengths or weaknesses. Though no specific roles were allocated, each member was assigned tasks based on his strengths. Ravinder Kumar and Anubhav Choudhary, who were good at searching for information via internet, were given the task of generating data about the company.They gathered meaningful information about the company UNINOR, which was truly helpful in compiling the project. Harsha Dalmia and Sriprakash took care of summarizing, formatting and presentation aspects of the project report.This was done keeping in mind their potency in communication,typing and presentation skills. QUESTION 5: What was the leadership style of the group leader? ANSWER 5: In our group, SRIPRAKASH was the leader. He was chosen as the leader because of his ability to organise and manage people, things and situations. The leadership style of Sriprakash was DEMOCRATIC (participative).The traits that describe his participative style of leadership are: Involved all members in decision making. Encouraged feedback as an opportunity to improve performance Understanding each members strengths, and hence allocating tasks on that basis. Maintained a conflict-free atmosphere, as participation of members was given greater significance.

Ambitious and willing to take responsibility.

QUESTION 6: Did you work in a group or team? ANSWER 6: We worked in a group. A group is defined as when 2 or more individuals interact and come together to achieve particular objectives. The individuals vary with respect to their skills; knowledge and learnings.Members of the group collect and share information for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives. A team is defined as when 2 or more individuals, with similar traits and learnings come together and try to achieve certain pre-defined objectives with a common approach. Members in a team have complementary skills who create synergy through coordinated efforts. QUESTION 7: Did you experience any kind of conflict among your team members? How did you tackle it ? ANSWER 7: No, there was no conflict among the group members. As the leader of the group maintained a friendly atmosphere, every member was looked upon with utmost importance. All activities were assigned, tasks were allocated on the basis of each individuals strengths.Therefore, and this reduced the feeling of biasness in the minds of group members. There was freedom of speech, to invite feedback, grievances or suggestions from members. Every member was heard and his/her view points were taken into consideration, before arriving at the right decision.

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