September 2012 Newsletter

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Splash Child Care Inc.

Back to School Newsletter

A Message from our Director, Lesley Massey
We have had a lovely summer with great weather. The childrens gardens are growing well and the children got out on outings and the field trips that have been interesting and fun. It is nice that the older children at Enrichment again this year joined the school age centre for most of the trips. All the staff did a fantastic job and everyone had a great summer. Thanks for the amazing curriculum and activities all summer. We really had a great group of summer staff again this year and it will be hard to be without them. Ashley, Geraldine, Paul and Randy you have all made positive contributions to the centres. Thanks again for being here. Hope to see you next summer. Our fall program will resume in September and you can count on more changes occurring. Ernestine was at the school age centre for the summer and will be returning to the Enrichment Centre in September. We have hired a new Team Leader, Cindy at Enrichment Centre. She drives in each day from Portage La Prairie and comes to us with lots of management experience. We said good bye to Michelle for her maternity leave and congratulations as she has had a baby boy prematurely on holidays in Florida!. Mom and baby are fine. Sophie is the ECE we hired to be in the Eagles Group. Sophie was a student from St. Boniface College. Lindsay will be leaving to stay at home with her kids and be a Nanny. She was only with us for a short time but we will sure miss her. Jennifer, an ECE will be joining us on September 10! Please take the time to meet and speak with all the new staff. Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix. Christina Baldwin Unfortunately we had to cancel some field trips because of lack of funds. We cannot provide the service that we do without your help. I am sad that not all parents agreed to pitch in and help out by selling tickets in our last fundraiser. We have a lot of money to raise by September 30th. This will impact our program for next year. This affects the quality here at Splash when you dont pitch in and fundraise. Please make the time and effort this coming fiscal year to do your part. Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford
Robin Corine

September Issue

Special points of interest:

Directors Message Administrators Message Goodbye to summer staff Manitoba Nature Summit Thank you Summer in a nutshell

Staff Holidays
Tara Aug 30th Sept 4th 4th - 5th, 17th 12th 13th, 18th

A Note from our Office Administrator, Robin Potter

Now that the summer is over, we are coming closer and closer to our year end. With that we need to make sure that we have all of our family fees in on time. The date for the year end is September 30th, 2012. Please make sure you have all of your fees paid on time and in full. Hope everyone had a wonderful summer!

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Back to School Newsletter

Goodbye and good luck!

Now that our summer program is over, we will be saying goodbye to some of our staff that have helped us over the summer. Ashley and Ernestine have been a great help to us over the summer and we will all be sad to see them leave. Ashley has a job working in a school as a teacher but may be returning next summer to volunteer here at Splash. We hope to see her again. Ernestine will be heading back to our other site, Splash Child Enrichment centre. We hope she had a lot of fun being with us and we also hope she learnt a lot of new and exciting things with her time here. The staff and children at Splash will miss both Ashley and Ernestine. Good luck with your future endeavors!

Good luck with your future endeavors!

Now that fall is here

Its that time again. Time to mark our calendars for school and also to mark the calendars for our fall program here at Splash. Some of the changes are as follows: up again on September 5th, 2012.

2 pairs of runners. One for inside and one for outside. A extra change of clothes. New toothbrush. Warm-ups will be starting

Our chore chart will be starting again in the beginning of September (We will have a day to make our chore chart books) Smiles Plus will being coming by to visit on September 13th, 2012 at 10:30 for the nursery children and 1:15 for the preschoolers.

To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.

Summer in a nutshell
Our summer turned out to be one of the best summers here at Splash. The children really enjoyed all the field trips we went on and enjoyed the awesome things we planned out this year. We also had our share of excitement and a bit of sadness with not being able to use our garden due to a fire that was next door, but even with loss comes great joy with the news of a staff from the other centre having a baby. Our bake and craft sale was a great success, we had a lot of people coming to buy things and it was a great experience for the children to be a part of.

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Pictures of Summer

Manitoba Nature Summit

Every year the staff at Splash Child Care Inc. and Splash Child Enrichment Centre have one day to take time to have workshops and professional development to ensure that we have new and exciting ways to be with the children. This year we will all be attending the Manitoba Nature Summit. This summit is a chance for all of the staff to learn about new ways to help and work with children by utilizing nature to its full extent. The Nature Summit will be starting on September 14th, 2012 and we will be closed that day. Please mark your calendars and look on our door for a reminder soon.
September 14th, 2012 and we will be closed on that day.

We would like to thank...

Every month we get a chance to be surprised by the people in our community. This month we would like to thank Eileen and Wanda, two of our parents who have done some good things for our centre. Eileen provided the materials to help make cupcakes for our birthday day. Wanda provided some bracelets that were made for our bake and craft sale. We would like to thank you very much for your contribution to our centre and for the generosity you have modeled for our children. We would also like to thank the children and staff of our own centre for coming together and making all of our items for the bake and craft sale. It was a big task and we did an amazing job to get it all together. Splash Rocks!

Splash Child Care Inc.

233 McKenzie St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 4Z2 Phone: 204-528-3959 Fax: 204-586-1818 E-mail:

5th: First Day of School (Strathcona, Faraday, Lansdowne) 12th: Food Bank 14th: (Centre Closed) Professional Development Day for Splash 18th: Board Meeting 21st: Fees Due 24th: Inservice (Strathcona) 26th: Food Bank

11th: Samantha & Annabella 14th: Charmaine & Ramsen 16th: Serena 19th: Alexis 20th: James C.

Were on the web:

ng Potential,

Growing Together, Realizing Potential, Making a Difference!

September Curriculum
Every year the staff take the time to plan out a fun and exciting curriculum for the children. In September we help the children with transition into the school year by providing a simple, yet fun introduction to the daycare. New children and children who have been here for a while learn about the centre and how it is run. Here are some of the things they are taught at Splash in September:

The Childrens PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) Rights and Responsibilities of the Wolf Den (For our Wolves) Introduction to all of our centers (Drama, Block, Art, Music & Discovery, Manipulative, Library) Group names for both groups based on the Seven Sacred Teachings.

The Rights and Responsibilities of Splash Introduction to our Chore Chart and Chore Books Our Creative Curriculum and Creative Movement programs

Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope

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