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GCE Media Studies MEST3: Advice Given at Teacher Support Meetings- 2010

Copyright 2010 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.

Teacher Resource Bank / GCE Media Studies / MEST3 Advice given at Teacher Support Meetings/ Version 1.0


SECTION A 1. Examples from other texts Question 2 - the may is intended to encourage candidates to move beyond the two unseen exam products, they will get more marks if they do, but they can still get a pass level if they dont. Question 3 - the should is intended to tell candidates they will be expected to move beyond the two unseen products and include other examples. Candidates can include examples from either of their individual case studies, class work they have done and from their own media use. 2. Use the marks awarded to questions as a guide to how long to spend on each answer - Q1 8 marks, Q2 12 marks and Q3 12 marks. 3. Answer the particular question. For example, some candidates lost marks for detailed media language analysis of the texts that did not answer the questions. 4. Make different points in each of the three questions.

SECTION B 1. The best case studies included: a range of different media products from the three platforms, detailed examples from particular media products evidence of research into media debates and issues and relevant wider contexts theory used to explain and support a real interest in the case study they had chosen to do , evidenced by engagement with the products and issues and their own opinions. 2. An individual case study. Candidates from one centre shouldnt all have the same case study, it doesnt allow candidates to show evidence of independent study, which excludes them from the higher levels. In addition candidates who had their own case study were more engaged and more willing to focus on the question, rather than repeat a pre learned answer of descriptive points. .

3. Answer the particular question, not writing everything I know about my case study. This was a real shame for candidates that had obviously worked hard to produce a good case study, but then just described it with little or no focus on the question. 4. Include detailed examples to support the points made, with detailed references to particular media products, rather than just general examples. 5. Show range in their answers genres, platforms, institutions

Copyright 2010 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

Teacher Resource Bank / GCE Media Studies / MEST3 Advice given at Teacher Support Meetings/ Version 1.0

6. Have a clear focus. Some candidates answered Representation questions using several different case studies a place, an age group, a gender group or a very wide ranging new/digital media topic that including the music industry, TV industry and film industry. This meant their answers lacked focus and tended to become a list of descriptive points. 7. Applying media issues and debates, what does their case study suggest are the current issues in the media? 8. Applying relevant media theories to their case study and media products, using the theory to answer the question and support the point they are making, not just describing a theory. Weaker answers tended to list pre learned theories that although relevant were not clearly applied to media products or used to answer the question. 9. Including relevant wider contexts and again applying them to their own case study.

Copyright 2010 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

MEST 3 Critical Perspectives Overview

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A-level Media Studies

MEST 3 is 50% of the A2 ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES A01 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates. AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes to show how meanings and responses are created.

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A-level Media Studies

MEST 3 is based around the study of two pre set topics, at the moment-

Representations in the media The impact of new/digital media

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A-level Media Studies

MEST 3 The Exam

Section A (40%) 32 marks 1 hour (including 15 minutes reading/viewing time and planning time) 3 compulsory questions based on 2 unseen texts. The questions will be based on 3 areas 1. media co cepts forms, representations, institutions, ed a concepts- o s, ep ese tat o s, st tut o s, audiences. 2. media issues and debates 3. wider contexts

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A-level Media Studies

MEST 3 The Exam

Section B (60%) 48 marks 1 hour

Answer 1 question from a choice of 4 questions, 2 on each pre set topic.

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A-level Media Studies

MEST 3 Questions and Focus

SECTION A (32 marks)

1. MEDIA CONCEPTS form, narrative, genre, representation, audience, institution, values. (8 marks) 2. MEDIA DEBATES AND ISSUES (12 marks) Based on a media concept form, narrative, genre, representation, audience, institution, values, institution values but used to explore a media issue/critical debate Candidates encouraged to move beyond the texts, but can still pass if they dont.

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A-level Media Studies

3. WIDER CONTEXTS Based on wider contexts. Candidates should move beyond the texts.

( (12 marks) )

The unseen products and the 3 questions will be based on the two pre set topics, so candidates need to study both pre set t i t topics, i l di th i own research on b th pre including their h both set topics.

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A-level Media Studies

SECTION B (48 marks) Candidates choose 1 question from a choice of questions, there will be 2 questions on Representation and 2 questions on New/digital media. The emphasis will be on questions that are relevant to up to date media issues and debates. Candidates will be rewarded in particular for using detailed examples from their own individual case studies.

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A-level Media Studies

MEST 3 Teaching and Learning

In MEST 3 teaching and learning will be made up of Teacher led classroom activities, including an overview of media concepts, media issues and debates, theory and wider contexts and maybe a mini class case study. Candidates own individual case study for each preset topic on a particular area of the topic that will include secondary research and analysis of media products. This could be presented as an essay, portfolio of research, illustrated talk or presentation to class or group.
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A-level Media Studies

Centres can allow their students the freedom to complete whatever case study they want to or they can narrow down the area of choice down to a broad area and allow students to choose within that. Whichever you decide to do each student should complete an individual case study with different texts.

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A-level Media Studies

New/digital media Teacher overview and mini class case study - the impact of new and di it l media on a particular i d t e.g. TV music, d digital di ti l industry TV, i film, including - concepts, media issues and debates, relevant theory, wider contexts Individual case study - each student chooses a different institution/s from that industry and completes an individual case study with research and detailed analysis including - concepts concepts, media issues and debates, relevant theory, wider contexts

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A-level Media Studies

Representation Teacher overview and mini class case study - the representation of gender, including concepts, media issues and debates, relevant theory, wider contexts Individual case study - each student chooses a different group where gender contributes to the way they are represented e.g. teenage girls, Afro Caribbean young men, Muslim women, women in the vampire genre and completes an individual case study with research and detailed analysis including - concepts, media issues and debates, relevant theory, wider contexts

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A-level Media Studies

What should my students study for each topic?

Page 14 and 15 in the specification suggest areas candidate might study Representation - how and why a social group or place is represented across a range of media and the relevant wider contexts and media issues dominant representations, possible alternative representations, stereotyping, representation and audience, representation and genre, cross cultural factors, effect of globalisation, values and ideology.
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A-level Media Studies

The impact of new/digital media what is the impact of new and digital media media institutions, media and democracy, the changing role of the producer and consumer, user generated content, the effect of globalisation, the attempts of traditional media to survive/compete, cross cultural factors, values and ideology

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