SM - 4700 Series - 912791RJ

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4700 Series Weigher

4700 Series Weigher

This documentation contains patent pending items. Nothing must be copied or published without the written
permission from Scanvaegt International A/S. 2008 Scanvaegt International A/S.

Scanvaegt International A/S

P. O. Pedersens Vej 18
DK-8200 Aarhus N

4700 Series Weigher Service Manual Rev. J

SN 912791


Section 1
Section 2

Technical Handbooks 4700 Series

Section 3

Technical Reference Manuals

Section 4

Service and Maintenance

Section 5
Section 6

4700 Feature Overview

Section 7
Section 8

LIBRA-1 Instrumentation Module

Section 9

4700 Series Weigher - electrical

Section 10
Section 11

4700 Series Weigher - mechanical

Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16

Recommended Spare Parts

Section 17


Section 18

Service information

Section 19


Section 20

Table of contents
Table of contents
Section 1: Introduction
Machinery ....................................................................................................... 3
Personnel ........................................................................................................ 3

Section 3: Technical Handbooks 4700 Series

Technical Handbook 4700 CompactSizer, item No. 912748
Technical Handbook 4700 ProcessWeigher, item No 912745
Technical Handbook 4700 ScanGrader, item No. 912751

Section 4: Technical Reference Manuals

Technical Reference Manual Gate System LIBRA-1,
Item No. 912793
Technical Reference Manual Weighing System LIBRA-1,
Item No. 912715
Technical Reference Manual Interface LIBRA-1,
Item No. 912714
Technical Reference Manual Separator System LIBRA-1,
Item No. 912713
Technical Reference Manual TakeAway System,
Item No. 912835
Technical Reference Manual Decision System,
Item No. 912947
Technical Reference Manual Configuration Set-up,
Item No. 912943

Section 5: Service and Maintenance

Replacing the Keyboard ................................................................................. 3
Check drain plug............................................................................................. 3
Adjustment of overload spring (7146, 7147, 7156, 7157) ............................. 4
Corner adjustment .......................................................................................... 4
Adjustment of weighing table (7146, 7147, 7156, 7157) ............................... 5
Adjustment of UPT sensor (7146, 7147, 7156, 7157) .................................... 6
Calibration of photocells (7156, 7157) ........................................................... 7
Introduction .................................................................................................... 7
Adjustment and calibration of photocell - arrangement type A or B ............. 7
Mechanical adjustment - arrangement type A ................................................ 7

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4700 Series Service Manual

Table of contents
Calibration, background value and set value - arrangement type A............... 8
Mechanical adjustment - arrangement type B ................................................ 9
Calibration, background value and set value - arrangement type B ............. 10
Other functions ............................................................................................. 12
Replacement of load cell (7146, 7147, 7156, 7157)..................................... 12
Replacement of drum motor (7146, 7147, 7156, 7157) ............................... 14

Section 7: 4700 Feature Overview

4700 Feature Overview, item No. 912976

Section 9: Instrumentation Module

Instrumentation Module MK III, LIBRA-1, item No. 960250
Instrumentation Module MK II, LIBRA-1, item No. 912788
Instrumentation Module MK I, LIBRA-1, item No. 912716

Section 10: 4700 Series - electrical

Scangrader 47XX (910930) ............................................................................ 3
ProcessWeigher 47XX (910948) ................................................................. 55
ScanSizer Compact 3x400V+N+PE (910947) ........................................... 105
ScanSizer Compact 2x460V+PE (910944) ................................................ 155
Scangrader 47XX Master (910954)............................................................ 205
Scangrader 47XX Slave (910955) .............................................................. 265
Instrumentation MKII (910934) .................................................................301
Instrumentation MKI (910938) .................................................................. 321
Instrumentation MKIII (910958)................................................................ 339

Section 12: 4700 Series - mechanical

12 Weighing machine - mechanical - drawings / part lists ........................... 3
Dwg. No. 950801 weighing machine mechanical/part list....................... 4
Blue belt.......................................................................................................... 5
Belt Intralox .................................................................................................... 5
Dwg. No. 950797 weighing machine mechanical/part list....................... 6
Dwg. No. 950804 Photocell assy diffuse mechanical/part list ............... 17
Dwg. No. 950798 weighing machine mechanical/part list..................... 18
Dwg. No. 950799 weighing machine mechanical/part list..................... 19
Dwg. No. 950796 weighing machine mechanical/part list..................... 21
Dwg. No. 950800 weighing machine mechanical/part list..................... 22

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4700 Series Service Manual

Table of contents
Dwg. No. 950841 - Layout Weighing Machine ........................................... 23
Dwg. No. 793061 - Cabinet Assy ................................................................. 24
Dwg. No. 940463 - Cabinet Assy ................................................................. 25
Dwg. No. 793601 - Cabinet Assy Twin ....................................................... 26
Dwg. No. 793144 - Keyboard/Display Assy ................................................ 27
Dwg. No. 792843 - Photocell Brige 2 x BB ................................................. 28
Dwg. No. 792846 - Photocell Brige 2 x INT ............................................... 29
Dwg. No. 792754 Photo Cell Bridge 2 x INT ........................................... 30
Dwg. No. 792760 Photocell Assy- send/receive ....................................... 31
Dwg. No. 792762 Photocell Assy diffuse .............................................. 32
Dwg. No. 791913 Slide Support Right ...................................................... 33
Dwg. No. 791914 Slide Support Left ........................................................ 34
Dwg. No. 793576 Water Spray System Single ......................................... 35
Dwg. No. 793577 Water Spray System Double ........................................ 36
Dwg. No. 793579 Water Distribution System........................................... 37
Dwg. No. 914454 Top Cover Assy ........................................................... 38
Dwg. No. 532401 Bracket f/w Bridge 1.9m .............................................. 39
Dwg. No. 532402 Bracket f/w bridge 2m ................................................. 40
Dwg. No. 532873 Bracket f/weighing Bridge ........................................... 41

Section 17: Recommended Spare Parts

Recommended Spare parts 4700 Series

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4700 Series Service Manual

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