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Wave After Wave As we know, in any ocean, there are tides.

The tide comes in, it maxes or peaks and then goes out again. That oscillating motion is at the heart of all creation making life more like an ocean, energetically, than a material place. We look around and see a solid place, but actually, if we sped up our perception of reality many many times, we would realise it is fluid. As has been said, all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. Walking, cycling, running, flying, sleeping, wanking, these are all things which have that oscillatory motion. There are lots of examples of oscillation, think of as many as you can. These things and in fact all life are extensions of the abstract oscillation concept which begs the question, if the whole universe is one oscillation, a wave crashing on a beach and then going back again, or like walking, we don't just take one step and leave it at that, we take many steps and this leads to the idea that a given universe is one step in an infinity of steps, a single creative oscillation, step, on an infinity of steps. Oscillation is the engine of creation. More locally, on the planet, if the buildings we make are like sandcastles on a beach, then, we can see all destruction of them as like a wave coming in from the spirit sea. It's quite naturally. A child might see it as bad the first time they see the ocean destroy the sand castle they built on the beach, and it is, their castle is destroyed. As the tide goes out again, they build more castles, but then the ocean starts to come in again. It's a perpetual cycle it would seem and actually we kids on the beach have a constant battle to get ready in time for the encroaching ocean, which is a natural consequence of life itself. There is sand, particles, material matter our castles are made from and then there is the ocean. The strange thing is that the ocean made the particles in the first place. When we use the ocean analogy, we can see that the ocean is everywhere, life is full of peaks and troughs. The Olympics for example, was like a peak of a wave, a build up and payback for the great depression British people have felt for so long, but we know that we have to guard against the trough, because we know in life that what is up must come down. The higher we get, the further we fall, over and over again. But they say, it is better to have been high and fall then never to have been high at all. So, when we consider things globally, we can all see that every nation is peaking and troughing in different things. England might have been a financial peak at one point, the pound is still the strongest currency, but as we know, an ocean ebbs and flows and where the peak was at one time won't be where it is at some other point in time. I was brought up to see The West as well off, peaking if you like, and the third world was poor. There was a time when we thought we in the West were the great aid givers. But that was just our arrogance. What are those African bananas in the British shops if they are not aid? OK, we give them limited amounts of what we have to give in the West, money, and they give us bananas. I fail to see why we would think that aid is a one directional thing. When you give you receive, this is a law, it can't be any other way. We have to remember that over in the West, we had and have very very constrained energy and it was worse some time ago. Forget how repressed these isles were. There is a new found mental and emotional freedom being brought, largely from abroad. Yes, we may have lost some of what we have, but we gain in equal measure as we go along. All nations are in receipt of aid from all other nations, it's part of the deal. So, the thing is though the tide is turning. In the same way that a wave rolls up a beach and reaches its peak and then rolls out again, finances are like that. The basic idea is that the planet, not people, is seeking to balance its systems, from what I can see anyway. When you have people on the planet who earn a dollar a week and you have other people who earn many hundreds or even thousands a week, then that creates, an inevitable pressure differential. Engineers will tell you that when you have a pressure differential like that, it will create an inevitable stress on the system. Every person who comes from a place where money, as in cash, is less prevalent, creates a pressure on the areas where it is. Likewise, perhaps, a person who comes from a place that has been mentally,

emotionally and sexually repressed, and goes to a place where people know those freedoms, those freedoms, then that creates a similar pressure. As the systems seek balance, then, we can see why these tremendous pressures, on a macro scale, have been brought to bear on the financial system of the developed lands as a whole. The world is not balanced and so it is a natural effect that life would want to balance these things. Life seeks balance. This is why volunteering has become so important. It is a natural reaction to the financial pressures brought about by global integration and balancing. The pressure on the financial systems of the developed world is not going to go away. It is the 1$ vs millions of $s differential. Any engineer knows that when you have a pressure differential like that it creates incredible stresses and strains in the system. That's not to say either is wrong, it's not wrong to have money, it's not wrong not to have it, but it does have an effect. I don't know if that makes any sense, all I am trying to say is that there has to be a time when there is a natural flow of finance out of the developed world and into the developing. In the developed world, we have the infrastructure, although as this effect goes on, more and more of it is being shut down because of finance, but, there is no reason why the developed world can't do more and more stuff in the voluntary sector and allow the finance that was being closeted here to flow to the developing world to fill the vacuum there. If there was less money about, we wouldn't all just stop, we would say, life goes on and more and more stuff would be done by volunteers. Volunteering is a natural effect of the global pressure of equalisation. When people with money rub along with those without, then they can't expect it not to rub off on them. When people with no money rub along with people who do, they can't expect it not to rub off on them. The question becomes about doing the right thing. We can learn from history. Not long ago every town and village had a blacksmith. Now, none of them do. Might we see it happen in the not too distant future that people will be saying, you know what, every town used to have a bank, even several. Dunno, but that seems to be the way it is going. It beggars the question. Why should all decisions be made based on financial viability. Shutting things cos they don't make money is wrecking everything. It seems it doesn't matter what it is, if it doesn't make money, it gets closed. Forget that it makes people happy or is making some positive contribution to society. It's not financially viable, close it. It's a sickness of the money minded. Surely, there are other criteria that we want to use, like, well, having a world left to inhabit that we can make decisions on, just not on how much coinage goes along with it. Between our nations, a constant exchange is going on. If you have someone (nations) that has something and someone (nations) that don't, it is natural that the distribution imbalance will create an osmotic pressure and desire to equalise itself. This is the machine. We might then see a bit of a change in the years to come. The third world has seemed like plantations for the west producing produce to be consumed. In the future then, if money is either going to take a back seat, good thing too, which it looks like it is headed that way, then, perhaps the west will be technological plantations trying out technologies so that the 3rd world can take the best of breed off them and build their new infrastructures. Does finance dominate people or do people dominate finance? How much of our lives are they way we would choose them to be and how much of them are the way they are because we 'need the money'. So, the whole point of this article, is, is what is happening in the west going to become an arrested development. Is the 3rd world literally influencing through the vibe network, the West so that they actually arrest the development which is going on. Is that why 'growth' is failing in the West, it is actually because in some way, the West is 'under arrest?'

Here is just something to meditate on, the dollar sign and how it applies to the world as a whole. Financial peaks and financial troughs, that is all I am saying. The wave itself. If you take a skipping rope and pass a sine waves along it, then any given section of the rope will be either on its way to becoming a peak or a trough at any one instant. If we assume that the developed world has been like a section of the rope which has been peaking financially, then it is safe to assume that actually, some point in the not to distant future it will be troughing financially and some other part of the wave will be at the financial peak, Africa for example. As the developed world becomes a technological plantation for the developing so that they get the absolute best technologies, then there has to be some sort of strategy to cope with that and that change in circumstances in the developed world and that is why volunteering is being pushed as a big part of the solution. It isn't any different really, you just go about life, but with the money removed from the equation as much as possible rather like you bleed dry an animal. If, in financial terms, the money was in the developed world in during the first world, it has been moving to China and places which are considered, in financial terms the second world, then it is safe to assume that, in financial terms, third world nations are going to become the third wave of financial overlords. British people have been able to ride high off the back of the pound, travelling the world and making the most of the strength of their currency. For a lot of other nations, that simply isn't possible. It's been a privilege of being on a financial high. I am not sure if that will last into the indefinite. As they say, fewer Brits can afford to travel abroad now, but the net effect is that more people in other lands can. This is what is going on. Finance is a fluid, wavelike thing. It will ebb and flow there will be times when the money flows in and the money flows out. To be healthy at all times is to remember that money isn't the real wealth. It is a wealth, yes, but so are lots of other things. When people don't have money, they have to find a whole lot of other ways of making their lives wholesome. Money is not the only yardstick of wealth, that is all I am saying. I've had money. In some ways I was rich when I had it and in some ways I was poor. I've been without money. In some ways I was rich and in some ways I was poor. Couldn't put a hair between them in terms of at which time I was richer or poorer. I might have liked one experience more than another, but that doesn't mean I was actually richer just because I liked it more. Objectively speaking though, when I had money, there were things I likes about it and things I didn't like and when I did have money, there were things I liked about it and things I didn't. As a nation, we can look at it the same way. There were good things about being financially rich and there were things which were not so good about it, everyone being so driven by money, that they knew the cost of everything but never could see its worth, for example. If the national coffers dwindle, there will be a new phase and there will be freedoms and limitations which come with that also. It's not like we have money, great everything is rosy and like, Oh, no, we don't have money everything is bleak. It isn't as clear cut or as monotone as that. There's different benefits you can find in each scenario if you put the effort in to look for them. Just to be clear, you don't get nowt for nowt. If you have money, you will be having to pay for it in some way. There is no such thing as a free bank account. I think that in Western minds that money has been given the mantle of a God and this is a mental condition. It seems to many people like money affords safety, security, and all these things. It may do, but actually, a person with money is just as susceptible to getting hit by a bus as someone who hasn't. Remember the definition of an addiction, an addiction is anything you find it difficult to go without. I don't care what it is, The Bible, a person, a drug, there are many forms of addiction. To be free of addiction means simply you can use or do things without becoming dependant upon them. To be free of addiction is to be free, in my understanding of the definition of the word free. Having your addictions ripped out of you is not a pleasant process. But to be able to have relationships without forming codependent bonds is what all healthy relationship counsellors admonish.

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