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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North WORKSHOP, 2 THE PARKWAY Tuesday, Feb.

24, 7-9 pm, Earl of March Secondary School

Although many residents have sent in comments on the proposal to change the zoning at 2 The Parkway to permit an apartment building, only a few made suggestions as to what should be done with the property. City staff are reviewing the official plan to come up with a recommended zoning for the site, taking into consideration all submissions made, particularly by members of the public. Since these submissions vary widely, without a composite community plan it will be difficult for me to lobby other Councillors to support what the community wants. The most effective way to get the development that best fits into the community is to come up with a plan of what you would like to see on that corner. The community association has sent in a submission which gives their reasons for keeping the zoning the same as at present, but makes no suggestion about what they would like to see built there; on its own this is insufficient to get support for the community associations position. Since the post office is gone and the building is vacant, zoning for something will be approved; it is not enough to simply oppose the proposed change. Residents who are interested in what will be built there can contribute by taking part in a workshop to develop a community plan for the site. Information about what can be built there under the present zoning and scenarios being considered by City staff will be provided. Workshops like this have been widely used in Beaverbrook in the past to develop plans in our community. Without this, it is highly likely that the Planning Committee will accept the staff recommendation. A community-designed plan would provide me with the tool I need to approach the members of the Planning Committee to gain support for the community plan. This will be the best opportunity for the community since when Council approves zoning that fits the official plan and is recommended by planning staff an appeal to the OMB and/or courts is rarely successful.

I am concerned that stump removal is taking place north of the Beaver Pond despite a report that shows that the calculations done on drainage into the Kizell from Kanata Estates was wrong, with more water draining there than the developer had indicated. This requires a more detailed environmental study which will take some time so there is no need to remove stumps now, particularly in the hibernation time. I have been told that rescinding the approval to cut the

trees given last year would require a change to the subdivision condition and that could be appealed by the developer. I am still pursuing this option.

The staff report giving the reasons for opening Statewood at Terry Fox is scheduled to be at the Planning Committee on Feb. 14th. Since traffic calming measures have been put in place, this will now be an information report but it will also document the measures undertaken and the reasons for the recommendation to open the road. The report will be available for viewing at one week before the meeting, and members of the public can speak to the report at the Committee meeting. Each individual has 5 minutes to make a presentation. Contact the planning committee coordinator to make arrangements at or 613-580-2424 x28136.

There were problems last week in implementing changes to bus routes to service the Innovation Drive part of the Kanata North Business Park. These have now been corrected, and what is an interim solution is now in place. Further changes will be implemented in April, primarily affecting route 93. I will be meeting with representatives from the business community on the impact in the business park and will also discuss this at the Jan. 30th Ward Council meeting with residents. A new park and ride has been opened in a section of the parking lot at ScotiaBank Place (next to the bus area). This is an alternative to the Eagleson Park and Ride which normally is full by 8 am on week days. Visit for full details.

Waste Management is holding a Property Value Technical Session on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the West Carleton Meeting Center located at 2075 Richardson Side Road. This session will look at the impact of a new land fill site on property values. Confirm your attendance with Cathy Smithe at 613) 836-8612, email Radon Gas occurs in many areas in Canada, including Ottawa. I am arranging an information meeting to have federal experts explain radon gas, where it is found, and what to do if levels are high. Details will be on my website once the meeting time and place is confirmed. Contact me at 613-580-2474, email, or visit to keep up to date on community matters.

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