Audio Converter - ClickWave Manual

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Software for digital audio file conversion

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While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher and or its authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. If you have questions or need support, go to:

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- Application Overview...(page 3 - 4) - Step1: Select your audio files...(page 5 - 9) - Step2: Select an audio format...(page 10 - 11) - Step3: Specify conversion settings...(page 12 - 13)
- Step4: Convert your audio files...(page 14 - 16)

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Application Overview
ClickWave is a Windows application (computer program) that will allow you to easily convert your digital audio
files to other, various and specific, audio formats; that you can choose from! For instance; depending on what your audio conversion needs are you can select, as input, Mp3 audio files and convert them, as output, to Wav audio files or compressed FLAC files. Or you can select FLAC files, as input, and convert them, as output, to OggVorbis audio files. ClickWave gives you easy to use controls and options you can utilize in respect to the audio formats you can convert from and too. ClickWave's user-interface is divided into three main parts called "panels"; which include the "Left side-panel", "Bottom-panel" and "Main-panel". (see: shot-1)



Left side-panel



<< Back button takes you back to the prior step (screen)

Next >> button moves you to the next step (screen)

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Left side-panel
The "Left side-panel" contains the "Step Legend". This Legend will give you an indicative status as to what step of the conversion process your currently in. (see: shot-1)

The "Main-panel" consists of four interchanging screens that are called steps. Each screen (step) contains the various controls and input fields that you will interact with in order to convert your audio files to a desired audio format. The first screen of the "Main-panel" is "Step1". The "Step1" screen contains a "list-box" control that will list all of the audio files you select from your computer. Also note that each screen (step) of the "Main-panel" provides assistance, if needed, through a help link in its upper-right corner. (see: shot-1)

The "Bottom-panel" contains three control buttons labeled as "<< Back", "Next >>" and "Close". The "<< Back" and "Next >>" buttons will allow you to move back and forth between each screen (step) of the "Main-panel" respectively, thus allowing any screen (step) to become the active screen (step) that you are with in. The "Close" button will stop all conversions, if there are any, that are currently being performed and then shut down the ClickWave application.
(NOTE: The Bottom-panel - "<< Back" and "Next >>" - buttons will be disabled until the list-box contains audio files as well as the "--Clear List " button in the Main-panel) (see: shot-1)

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Step 1: Select your audio files

ClickWave provides three methods through which you can select and add audio files to the Step1 screen; which
include: "Dragging and dropping" files from your computer, the "Windows shortcut-menu" and selecting files with the "+ Add Files" button from the Step1 screen itself. We'll discuss all three selection methods plus additional actions you can perform on selected audio files from with in the list-box. (see: shot-2)

Dragging and dropping files

To drag and drop audio files on to the audio file list-box enact the following instructions on your computer: 1. First, select the file or group of files on your computer (Desktop or through Windows Explorer) that you want to convert.
(NOTE: It does not matter if the files you are selecting are supported audio files or regular non-audio files ; ClickWave will intelligently sift through any group of files you drag and drop on to the list-box and extract the files it only knows how to process.)

2. Second, place your mouse over any one of the selected files, then press and hold the left mouse button. 3. While holding down the left mouse button and dragging your mouse; drag the files over the audio file list-box and release the mouse button that your holding. While your performing a drag and drop action with your selected files you should see something similar in effect happening on your computer screen as in shot-2. (see: shot-2)

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Example of files being dragged and dropped on to the list-box


Windows shortcut-menu
(NOTE: For "ClickWave version 1.0" the Windows shortcut-menu functionality will only work for computers loaded with 32bit versions of Windows operating systems (Windows XP to Windows 7). Not the 64bit versions of Windows operating systems)

The windows shortcut-menu provides a way for you to select the files that you want to convert directly from your computer using just your mouse (either from your Desktop or Windows Explorer). With in the Windows shortcut-menu you will select the ClickWave menu item. (see: shot-3) To utilize the ClickWave shortcut-menu enact the following instructions on your computer: (see: shot-3) 1. First, select the file or group of files on your computer (either from your Desktop or through Windows Explorer) that you want to convert by dragging your mouse over the file or group of files.
(NOTE: It does not matter if the files you are selecting are supported audio files or regular non-audio files. ClickWave will intelligently sift through any group of files you select and extract the files it only knows how to process.)

2. Second, place your mouse over any one of the selected files, then press the right mouse button 3. Next, select the "Convert my audio file(s) with ClickWave" - menu item. (see: shot-3)

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When you select audio files through the ClickWave shortcut-menu-item an instance of the ClickWave application will automatically start for you and all the files that you selected (that ClickWave knows how to process) will be added and displayed with in the list-box. Similarly, if an instance of the ClickWave application is already running on your computer, ClickWave will automatically become activated and displayed on your Desktop. The Step1 screen will also, automatically, become the current screen and the files that you selected will be placed and displayed with in the list-box.

ClickWave shortcut-menu item

Windows shortcut-menu


Selecting files with the "+ Add Files" button

The "+ Add Files" button, located below the list-box, allows you to select and add audio files to the list-box. To utilize the "+ Add Files" button enact the following instructions on your computer: (see: shot-4) 1. First, Click the "+ Add File" button located below the list-box. A file selection dialog-box will appear. 2. With in the file selection dialog-box, select the files that you want to convert then click the "Open" button. Your selected audio files are now displayed with in the list-box.

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Select your audio files with in the file selection dialog-box

+ Add Files button


Additional actions
ClickWave allows you to perform specific actions on your audio files with in the list-box. You can perform these actions by simply selecting a file with in the list-box then pressing the right mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear with four menu-items (aka: commands) to choose from: (see: shot-5) Play - Plays a selected file with in a media player (a program) that's registered on your computer to play files of the selected audio file's format and type - for instance: if you select a "Windows Media Audio" - file, Windows will use "Windows Media Player" to play the file. Remove - Select this menu-item (command) to remove files from the list-box you no longer need. Rename Source File - Allows you to rename the file you want to convert. This feature is helpful to you in cases where you may want to convert a file to a different format but under a different name. Show in Windows Explorer - When you select this menu-item (command), Windows Explorer will open the folder that the selected audio file is contained with in.

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Pop-up Menu Contains four actions you can perform on a selected file or group of files with in the list-box


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Step 2: Select an audio format

From the Step 2 screen you can specify a format that you want to convert audio files, selected in Step 1, too. As
you select a format, you'll notice the description, of that selected format, changes. This information will help you decide what format to select in respect to your audio file conversion needs. (see: shot-6) Generally speaking there are two types of audio formats that you will choose from; "Lossy" and "Loss-less". The "Lossy" and "Loss-less" categorizations denote the two types of compression schemes ClickWave will utilize during the conversion process. We'll discuss both the "Lossy" and "Loss-less" audio formats respectively as well as the Wav format.

Audio Formats that you can convert files too


Description of the selected format

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Lossy Audio Formats

Lossy audio formats work by throwing away audio frequencies that are imperceptible (inaudible) by the human ear; thus, significantly reducing the size of an audio file. The remainder audio frequencies and information contained with in the audio file is then compressed. Keep in mind that Lossy audio formats do not retain the sound quality of the original audio file, but still provides a close approximation to the original audio files sound definition and fidelity. Lossy audio formats are normally used as a means of distributing audio files on the internet or placing large audio files on portable media players - (IE: Apple Ipods). ClickWave provides you with three "Lossy" audio formats that you can convert your selected audio files too: (see: shot-6) Mp3 Windows Media Audio - (WMA) OggVorbis

Loss-less Audio Formats

Loss-less audio formats work by reducing (compressing) the size of the file in a way that allows the original sound definition and fidelity to be retained from the original audio file. Loss-less audio formats allow the original audio file's exact waveform (sound-wave) to be reconstructed from the compressed file when played back. Said another way; with Loss-less audio formats, the same audio that goes in is the same audio that comes out - no quality is lost. Loss-less audio formats are an excellent choice for archiving your audio collections - (IE: CDs and Albums). ClickWave provides you with three "Loss-less" audio formats you can convert your selected audio files too: (see: shot-6) FLAC Monkey's Audio - (Ape) WavePack

Wav Audio Format

The WAV format (aka: the Waveform audio format) is one of the most ubiquitous formats in the digital audio and music industry. This is an audio file format generally used for conversions that require the retention of high-quality sound and waveform fidelity. Because WAV files are uncompressed (raw) audio files; they produce better, more subtle and more detailed sounds.

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Step 3: Specify conversion settings

The Step 3 screen contains two sets of controls called "group-boxes". The first group-box allows you to specify
both sound-quality or compression levels. The second group-box allows you to specify a folder on a storage device (hard drive, USB stick, etc.) ClickWave will use to place your newly converted audio files with in. (see: shot-7)

Track-Bar numbered from one to ten This Pointer can be moved from left to right in order to specify a level of sound-quality or compression

The string of text above the Track-Bar indicates the current level of sound-quality or compression youve selected


This input field will allow you to specify a folder ClickWave can use to place your newly converted audio files with in

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Specify a level of sound-quality or compression for your files

The first group-box contains a track-bar numbered from one to ten, with one being the lowest setting and ten being the highest setting. On top of the track-bar lies a pointer that can be moved from left to right either by mouse or the arrows on your key board. (see: shot-7) As you move the mouse from left to right you'll notice that the string of text above the track bar changes. This string of text above the track-bar will display a different type of level indication that is dependent on whether you've selected a Lossy audio format (like Mp3) or a Loss-less audio format (like FLAC). For "Lossy" audio formats: The string of text above the track-bar indicates the specified output "Sound-quality Level - (Sq) and Bitrate - (Kbps)" that ClickWave will use to convert your audio files. For "Loss-less" audio formats: The string of text above the track-bar indicates the specified output "Compression Level" that ClickWave will use to convert your audio files.

Where do you want your converted audio file(s) placed?

Th second group-box contains three check-boxes and a input field. The first check-box labeled "Same folder as my original audio files(s)" - will specify to ClickWave that you want your newly converted audio files placed with in the same folder of (along side) the files you selected in Step 1. (see: shot-7) The second check-box labeled - "I want to specify a folder" - will enable the "input field" below it (if it has not already been enabled). The input field will allow you to specify a folder on a storage device (hard drive, USB stick, etc.) that ClickWave will use to place your newly converted audio files with in. Simply click the button next to the folder input field labeled "Browse..." in order to specify the folder or type the folder in to this field. You can also use the "cut-copypaste" pop-up menu commands to specify your folder as well. The third check-box labeled - "Delete the original file after its converter ?" - will, if its checked, specify to ClickWave that you want the files you selected in Step 1 to be deleted after they are converted. If needed; This feature can help you save space on your storage device (hard drive, USB stick, etc) during the conversion process.

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Step 4: Convert your audio files

Up to this point you've selected your audio files in Step1, chosen your format in Step 2 and specified the settings
ClickWave will use to output your audio files in Step 3. Your now ready to convert your files! The Step 4 screen contains a group-box, labeled as - "Review your selections", that summarizes the selections you've made in the previous steps (screens). If your satisfied with the selections you've made; you may proceed with the conversion of your audio files by clicking the - "Convert My Audio Files" - button now. (see: shot-8)
The Review your selections groupbox summarizes all the selections you've made in the previous steps


Convert My Audio Files button

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Upon clicking the - "Convert My Audio Files" - button a dialog-box will become displayed. This dialog-box will give you periodic status information in respect to the overall conversion progress of your audio files. (see: shot-9)


The View Files button will become enabled after ClickWave has converted all of your selected audio files

After ClickWave has successfully converted all of your audio files, the - "View Files" - button will become enabled as well as the - "View Converted Files" - button on the Step 4 screen. If you click either button, a dialog-box labeled as "View Converted Audio Files" - will become displayed. This dialog-box contains the list of all your newly converted audio files. To access any of the newly converted audio files on your storage device; select the file of interest with in the "View Converted Audio Files" - dialog-box then click the - "> Go to File" - button. Windows Explorer will then open the folder that the selected audio file is contained with in. (see: shot-10)

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If you clear the list of files the View Converted Files button on the Step 4 screen will become disabled if it is already enabled

The > Go to File button will open the folder on your storage device the selected audio file is with in

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