George Christensen MP: Federal Member For Dawson

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George Christensen MP

Federal Member for Dawson


Burkes law can ban any fishing anywhere, anytime

FISHING could be banned altogether from any area of Commonwealth waters under draft laws proposed by the Gillard Labor Government. The Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Declared Fishing Activities) Bill 2012 pretends to deal with the super trawler Margiris but in reality gives an Environment Minister in a dog of a government wagged by the Green tail the unfettered power to ban any fishing activities in any Commonwealth waters for up to two years. I do not support the super trawler operating in Australian waters but the Gillard Labor governments legislation is dangerous and far-reaching. The bill would give the minister power to stop any fishing activity both recreational and commercial fishing in Australian waters, including the Great Barrier Reef, for up to two years. The government introduced the legislation to the parliament overnight in response to an online campaign conducted by Get Up!, and extreme green lobby group. As a result of this knee-jerk reaction, we have legislation that provides a cure worse than the disease. Giving a minister the power to close down all recreational, commercial, and charter fishing in Australian waters just to ban one trawler is like using a nuclear bomb to kill an ant. Any fishermen would be horrified that the minister is trying to give himself this power and the government is willing to support it. I am against the super trawler. I do not support it fishing in Australian waters. But this legislation allows the banning of fishing as a business and a pastime at the stroke of a pen. It would mean a Get Up! e-mail campaign can target inner-city Melburnians who vote for the likes of Greens MP Adam Bandt to stop all fishing throughout the Great Barrier Reef and suddenly we could have a blanket ban altogether. The legislation really is marine parks by stealth, allowing the minister to lock out any fishing from any area at any time. I call on the government to immediately negotiate with Shadow Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries, Richard Colbeck, about a revised law that deals exclusively with the super trawler. If the government was dealing exclusively with the super trawler, I believe the Coalition might have a different point of view. ENDS Wednesday, 12 September 2012
PO Box 1697, Mackay Qld 4740 | 07 4944 0662 |

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