Inspiring Quote of The Day

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Inspiring Quote of the Day

Here's today's quote, by Oscar Wilde:

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."
The truths of life are simple. The reasons why are frequently complex, a combination of many factors and logic, that can easily become misdirected, conflicting and and confusing, even within our own minds. And yet despite this, truth can often be intuitively discerned. This is universal truth that we can all access if we are in touch with our inner nature. Here's today's quote, by James Baldwin:

"Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced."
At some time we each have to face up to the fact that our mortal body will eventually die; nothing we can do about that. But we may not choose to face up to the fact that our relationship is in a mess, that we are in the wrong job, or that we have not been doing a good job bringing up our kids. In this state of denial, things just carry on the same, whereas if we faced up to the truth, it's likely a lot could be done to improve the situation. Here's today's quote, by Martin Luther King:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Love illuminates prejudice, bigotry and partisanship because they are seen to cause separation; this is in stark contrast to the communication, empathy, understanding and resulting compassion brought about by love. Here's today's quote, by Shakti Gawain:

"When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves."
For many people work is drudgery, but when you're doing something worthwhile, according to your own values, the situation is transformed. Then production = morale. The more you get done, the better you feel. Here's today's quote, by Anthony de Mello:

"There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them."
I'm not good enough; you can't change the way you are; I don't need anyone; I can't trust anyone; if I am not in control, something bad will happen; I am a victim; I am superior to others; if I am vulnerable, I will get hurt; I am bad; I am stupid; I must be perfect; I'm a loser; I am my flaws; whatever I do won't be enough; I don't deserve to be happy; when bad things happen, it is my fault; others can but I cant; I deserve to feel bad; my needs are not important; if I give in to others, I will lose my point of view; there's something wrong with me; you're stuck with your beliefs; I'm not worthy of love; I have to do everything perfectly; I shouldn't show my true feelings; I am responsible for how others feel; I must be in control; having problems means I don't have it together; success is for better people than me; I won't succeed so why bother trying; I have to do as I am told -

and a thousand others likewise, and that's just those relevant to personal development. We learn these things in childhood and they are contagious from person to person. And false. Here's today's quote, by Rabbi Harold Kushner:

"The happiest people I know are people who don't even think about being happy. They just think about being good neighbors, good people. And then happiness sort of sneaks in the back window while they are busy doing good."
Loving service brings fulfillment like nothing else. And that doesn't need to be a big deal, in the news or on a huge scale. It's also simply looking for opportunities to be helpful, to cheer with a smile, to do the right thing with no thought of reward. People like that warm the hearts of everyone they meet. And a surprising number of people - from every conceivable background - are like that. Here's today's quote, by Tabitha Du Toit:

"You can see in the dark if you are not afraid to look."
Tabitha's mother, Margaretha Du Toit from South Africa, provides the commentary today: Before you can conquer your fears you first have to open your eyes and look at the monster objectively to realize its size and its impact before we can decide how best to face and diminish it. Sometimes we are not even willing to look because we cannot handle what we see. Looking in the dark entails seeing that there is always a way out, there is always a door or a window open somewhere, we just need to close our spiritual eyes for a few moments and evaluate the situation, then when we open our eyes again... everything will be brighter and easier to see. It is about realizing that we CAN see I in the dark! Even in the midst of the greatest storm of our lives, we can still see if we would only look because it is only our fears and inhibitions that blind us. We are not really blinded in the dark, it is just a perception. Here's today's quote, by John D. MacDonald:

"Integrity is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will."
Only you know whether you are living a life that is true to your values. Less is hypocrisy and self-deceit. But if you are you will naturally be confident and fearless. Here's today's quote, by Jiddu Krishnamurti:

"Where there is love, do what you will, it will be right action. It will never bring conflict to one's life. In the flame of love, all fear is consumed."
This is the simple truth - universal knowledge through opening the heart - that I feel is the basis of the current rise in human vibration and evolution of consciousness.

Here's today's quote, by Carl Rogers:

"What I am is good enough if I would only be it openly."

Through self-acceptance without judgment - instead of feeling that we aren't good enough - then we can start to respect ourselves. Through self-respect - instead of trying to please another's expectation - then our true potential can start to shine.

Here's today's quote, by Belva Davis:

"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so."
Dreams are powerful. Robert Fritz describes this power as structural tension, pulling you like a stretched rubber band between your perception of current reality toward your inspired vision. Like an artist is inspired and energized to create the envisioned picture. This is the basis of intention that works, almost irrespective of the state of mind of the creator... Van Gogh's schizophrenia didn't prevent him repeatedly manifesting his vision in reality. Here's today's quote, by Guy Finley:

"Make it your moment-to-moment aim to recognize the difference between being aware of your thoughts, and being carried along by them."
Mindfulness isn't about being self-conscious. Instead, you have practiced implementing a principle into your life, such as being mindful when behavior becomes reactive. Like a deliberately programmed habit that then becomes unconscious. So then alarm bells ring when you're being carried along - feeling, thinking and acting reactively - and immediately you get back to being yourself. But that self is then in the moment, in the flow, enjoying life and not self-conscious. This demonstrates the importance of acting upon insights, repeated practice in order to build them into your mind and way of being - see Guy's article below. Here's today's quote, by Nisargadatta Maharaj:

"When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life turns."
Nothing and everything at the same time, two sides of a golden coin... the big Zen paradox that has fooled thinkers for millennia, because it can only be experienced. It is the insight of enlightenment, beyond duality. We are spirit, not a material thing, and simultaneously we are not separate from any physical thing, nor from each other. Both spirit and the universe are simply expressions of Love. And nonetheless, we live in a wonderful world of duality - see the new article below.

Here's today's quote, by Ammachi:

"Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity--and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature--is the true goal of human life."
Says it all, don't you think? Love is the source of universal truth, therefore the perfect guide in our lives, and we each have an unlimited supply within us because it is who we are. Here's today's quote, by Black Elk:

"A vision without a task is a dream. A task without a dream is drudgery, but a vision with a task can change the world."

When you're feeling inspired and enthusiastic, and know what to do next, there's no limit to what you can create. Here's today's quote, by Joseph Campbell:

"When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else."
Following your bliss means being true to yourself, the incarnated soul who has plans for this life, and who has connections ready and waiting to support those plans and provide opportunities. The true self is fundamentally loving, so be guided by that to recognize your life purpose. Here's today's quote, by John O'Donohue:

"If you send out goodness from yourself, or if you share that which is happy or good within you, it will all come back to you multiplied ten thousand times. In the kingdom of love there is no competition; there is no possessiveness or control. The more love you give away, the more love you will have."
Law of attraction at work - see the current free download PDF, "Effortless Abundance". Positive vibes attract the same back, but of course there are many other loving people so it comes multiplied.

Here's today's quote, by Ravi Shankar:

"Know the wholeness, perfection and beauty that you are. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home. Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself."
It helps when you can play the sitar like he does. But we can all find our beauty and love... just think of the compassionate things you do, the empathy you feel for people, the understanding you have, the way you listen openly, your heart reaching out.

Here's today's quote, by Albert Schweitzer:

"Where there is love, do what you will, it will be right action. It will never bring conflict to one's life. In the flame of love, all fear is consumed."
Love, and loving service to our fellows, connects us so we do not live isolated lives and life becomes meaningful. Jesus once said that the care we offer to even the smallest child or the weakest old man is received as if it were offered to God. When societies and governments are no longer at the loving service of all people, then arrogance and exploitation risk snuffing out true human development and fulfillment. Only by loving and serving others, even with the simplest of gestures, will humanity regain a sense of happiness and hope. As humanity evolves, we have to earn the raising of our vibrations in our etheric spirit soul through good works and selfless service. Maslow said that self-actualizing individuals are motivated to continual growth. They are also aware of their primary goals in life and are devoted to fulfilling them, both for their own benefit and as service to others. Loving service is also the primary value of Trans4mind, see article below...

Here's today's quote, by Lois Wyse:

"Don't worry about whether or not I am now happy. Today is only chapter one. We have yet to write the book."
It's still all to play for. Life is an adventure, a grand game. If we're writing the book of our lives, best make it a good one with plenty of reversals, ups and downs, triumph and tragedy sometimes, and preferably, a brilliant ending that makes sense of all that comes before. Here's today's quote, by Frank Lloyd Wright:

"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature."

That's what Oneness is about. And to quote John Muir: "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." And Albert Einstein: "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Here's today's quote, by Paul Tillich:

"The first duty of love is to listen."

Too often we think of listening as waiting for the other person to stop talking so we can get our opinion, feelings, or thoughts expressed. Of course, this isn't listening at all. To listen properly, generously, keep an empty mind, focus solely on understanding what the other says, without judgment. Be one with the other; they will thank you for it. Here's today's quote, by John Ruskin:

"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall at last unveil."
Our vision pulls us toward its fulfillment. It gives us the energy to do whatever's necessary... so anything is possible if we believe in our dream and refuse to let it go.

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