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Literacy (Including Homework) Homework will be given out Monday and will need to be handed in by the following Friday.

(Every two weeks) US! - Asking questions, describing ourselves, and listening. Writing notes and sentences. Instructions- Children to recognise the structure and language features. Write instructions e.g. brushing their teeth, instructions for how to get to other places within the school. Stories with familiar settings- Describing place, time, weather, characters, planning a story, writing a story with beginning, middle and end. Authors and Letters- Look at and understand the language and layout features. Writing a letter to the library for New Visions 'exhibition. P.E. & Forest School 3E Tuesday and Thursday (Tuesday Forest School) 3C Wednesday and Thursday (Friday Forest School) 3M Monday, Wednesday (swimming) and Forest School Thursday

Topic Autumn Term 1- New Beginnings. - Activities based around encouraging and developing good group work skills. - By identifying positive things about themselves, their achievements and setting personal goals. (SEAL) - Understand the different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school and in the community, - Teeth and Eating (Science)
Autumn Term 2- New Visions. - Visit a local landmark to take a range of digital pictures. - Develop skills and techniques using digital art. - Create a whole class exhibition showcasing their work. - Make frames for their artwork.

Numeracy (Including Homework) Homework will be given out each Friday and will need to be handed in by Wednesday. Read, write and order numbers to 1000- Counting forwards and back, starting at different numbers and up in different steps. Order, partition and round 2 and 3 digit numbers. Know number facts to 20. Mentally add or subtract 1/2 digit numbers. Know x tables and division facts including x 10 and 100. Read time to nearest 5 minutes. Name and describe shapes. Find fractions of shapes and numbers Solve 1 and 2 step problems using numbers, money or measures

Year Three
Staff Miss Edwards 3E Miss Clarke 3C Miss Milnthorpe 3M Mrs Lewis Teaching Assistant Mrs Phillips Teaching Assistant Miss Howard Integration Assistant- 3E

Important Autumn Dates 17.9.12 21.9.12 Life Education Caravan 2.10.12 3E ICT Inspire workshop 3.10.12 3M ICT Inspire workshop 4.10.12 3C ICT Inspire workshop 3.10.12 Language Alive (pm) Class 3E 4.10.12 Language Alive (am) Class 3C 4.10.12 Language Alive (pm) Class 3M 19.10.12 Sponsored walk 22.10.12 26.10.12 HALF TERM 29.10.12-2.11.12 Classes to visit the local library that week. 6.11.12 / 8.11.12 Parents evening 9.11.12 Remembrance assembly 20.12.12 Christmas service and parties 21.12.12 Break up for Christmas

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