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LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, DELHI Two Year Full Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management Trimester-VI

Course Code: 126212 Academic Session: 2012-13 Course Title: International Marketing Instructor: Prof Praveen Gupta

COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course offers an in-depth study of the international marketing issues. The basic purpose is to acquaint the students with concepts and major dimensions related to international marketing, its behaviour and environment, and practices along with emerging issues in the field of global marketing operations. COURSE CONTENTS: Module Session Topic & Reading/s No. No./s I 1-2 Introduction to International Marketing, Nature and Concept, Domestic v/s International Marketing, Genesis & Advantages of Going Global, Management Orientations in International Marketing, Dynamic Environment in International Trade , SRC, Ethnocentricism Readings: 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases : 1)Starbucks-Going Global Fast---Cateora etc ( Supported by Video) 2) Disneyland Cateora etc 3) IKEA- Invades USA---Harvard Business School Publishing Sep 2004 II 3-4 Trade Theories, Why Nations Trade , Balance of Payments, Trade Barriers, International Marketing Environment : Economic, Social, Cultural, Political & Legal , Economic Groupings: GATT, WTO, European Union, NAFTA Readings : 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition

Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases : 4) Foreign Exchange Rates : Terpestra & Sarathy 5) Airbus Vs Boeing : Case : Cavusgil etc III 5-8 Distribution of Group Assignment by the end of Session 3 Risks involved in international marketing , political risk analysis , mitigation, the cultural environment, language, aesthetics , management style and business systems, politicolegal environment, legal systems prevailing in the world, international law and marketing Readings : 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases: 6) The caselets : Supreme Canning : Source :Albaum, Strandskov etc 7) The Political-Legal Environment of Cigarette Marketing Source :Terpestra etc 8) Mcdonalds and obesity Source: Cateora etc 9) Coping with corruption in China source : Cateora etc 10) Trade in Russia: Corruption issue: source- Cavusgil etc. IV 9-10 Group Presentations: Group 1, 2, 3 Developing global vision through marketing research, the research process, problems of availability of primary and secondary data, reliability of data, and research on internet. Emerging markets, multinational market and regional marketing groups Readings : 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 2

4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases : 11) International Marketing Research at Mayo Clinic : Source : Cateora etc 12) Indian Automobile Industry : Source: Terpestra etc 13) Whirpool : The European Market : Source : Terpestra etc Test : 1 : MCQ type test Article Review : Submission 1 V 11-12 Global Marketing Strategies, Market Entry and Expansion Strategies, Export and NonExport entry methods, Global Competition and Competitive Advantages Readings: 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases : 14) BMW : Marketing subsidiaries in foreign markets : Source: Terpestra etc 15) Metro Corporation: technology licensing negotiation : Source Terpestra etc. 16) Coke Vs Pepsi :Learn to compete in India :Source : Cateora etc 1) Group Presentation : Gr 4 , 5 2)Article Review : Submission 2 VI 13-15 International Product Policy, Standardization versus Adaptation, Brands and Trademarks, Country of origin effect, franchising, new product development Distribution, global channel and logistics, exporting, cargo handling ,SEZ, export documents ,INCOTERMS, Readings: 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition 3

Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Field Visit : Compulsory field visit to SEZ ,Noida Group Presentations : Gr 6, 7 VII 16-18 Global promotion, advertisement, message and media selection, government controls, cooperative advertisement Pricing in international marketing, price and competitive strategies, price bundling, export pricing and terms, export price quotations, exchange rates, coping with currency risk, transfer pricing , gray markets , countertrade Readings : 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases: 17) P& G versus HLL in India : Price wars 18) Enron : Supplying Electric Power in India : Source : Terpestra & Sarathy VIII 19-20 Gr Presentations : Gr 8 , 9 Negotiations in international marketing, negotiations with international partners , customers and regulators, cross cultural issues in trade IT and its role in international trade, future of international business, global competition, technology in global marketplace, role of women in international marketing, new product development , Ethics in International Marketing Readings 1)Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management 2)Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition 4

Tata Mcgraw Hill 3)Albaum G, Duerr E and Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4))Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thomson-SouthWestern 5)Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson Cases : 19) IKEA : Global Sourcing Challenge : Harvard Business School Publishing : Nov 2006 Test 2 : MCQ PEDAGOGY: The teaching methodology used in this course will be a judicious mix of lectures, case analysis & discussions, as well as presentations by the students. Field visit is planned to acquaint the students about SEZ, Export procedures. However, more emphasis will be laid on case analysis, assignments and project study. Cases are expected to be prepared within groups prior to the class. EVALUATION PARAMETERS: END TERM EXAMINATION Internal Assessment Live Project / Group Presentation Unannounced Test/quiz Article reviews On spot cases, participation GROUP PROJECT GUIDELENES Group projects will be allocated to the students by 2nd or 3rd lecture. Each group will comprise of 4-5 students. 1) Each student will be evaluated on the basis of individual contribution and team work. 2) Team performance will be judged on the basis of presentations, content, new ideas, time management, impact of the subject presentation, queries handled. TEXT & READINGS: Readings: 1) Keegen, W.J, Sanders (2009) Global Marketing Management. 2) Cateora, P.R. ,Graham J. L, Salwan (2009) International Marketing 13th Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill 10 10 10 10 - 60% 40%

3) Albaum G, Duerr Eand Strandskov J-(2008) International Marketing and Export Management ( 5th Edition ) Pearson 4) Terrpestra V and Sarathy R-International Marketing (8th Edition) Thoomson-Soth-Western 5) Cavusgil, Knight and Reisenberger (2009) - International Business: Strategies and the New Realities (2/E) -Pearson 6) Newspaper articles especially The Times of India, Economic Times, Mint, The Hindu, Business line.

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