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To: From: Date:

Dr. Tom Smyth Ericka Middleton August 27, 2012

Subject A modified proposal to develop a procedure on access control and badging at URS Corp. Purpose
I am writing to propose a solution to a problem in the security services department at URS Corp. The problem is that there are limited procedures that are available that are not outdated and obsolete. The department has a high turnover ratio and with that there was not adequate information on how the department should operate. Without a standard procedure there is no consistency in how the badging is coordinated and how access controls are maintained.

The Problem
Currently, I had the task of badging new hires, when I accepted a new role with the department the task was given to our receptionist. In the time she has created badges there have been inconsistencies with the access levels that given, which can lead to a security violation if the wrong individual gets into an area without a need for the information in that environment. There are no policies and procedures to date which makes it very easy to allude to the mentality of how come? Where did you get that information from? And the list goes on and on. Another problem with the access controls is that there are many people that have access to the database and can make revisions to the current levels of access. That is something that security will need to reanalyze to ensure that we are all consistent with how we will grant access. The software that we use is outdated and this procedure may help us with determine the strengths and weaknesses so that we can purchase an updated version of the software.

A Solution to the Problem

The procedure will help everyone be consistent with issuing badges and access controls. In the absence of one of the administrators anyone should be able to follow the procedure to ensure that the task is accomplished. Once the task is accomplished I propose that I train and implement those individuals that will be providing backup for badging and access controls. Creating a procedure should make the whole process easier for everyone involved.

Integration of Tools and Technology

The plan is to integrate technology when I train the employees through an online media source, Vimeo. It will be stored on the companys website for easy accessibility for anyone that is tasked with creating and or granting access to an employees badge. The theory relates to this proposal would be the constructivist learning theory because my role will be that of the facilitator because I need to provide guidance and ensure that the employees that I train will be able to successfully execute this procedure.

In conclusion, I think it would be a great benefit to our security organization if we had specific procedures in place that would serve as a reference for any issues that would arise. The day to day operations would

be smoother and everyone would be on one accord. There would be no question in our tasks and no one would look unprepared. I really hope that you will think about approving this proposal for my internship. URS really needs to have a complete organizational overhaul and these procedures will make for a more polished security structure.

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