Drink Tank 198

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The Drink Tank Issue 198

A frantic, hyper and crowded I’ve seen so far have been
cover from Genevieve. This was one wonderful.
of the pieces I scanned that made
me go Wow and was certain to be Drink Tank #196: On
a cover from the moment I saw it. trying to figure out whom to
I love the mixing of half-finished send paperzines to. Takes
thoughts with complete ideas and me back. My first zine was
the layering of imagery. ENTROPY BLUES in 1986.
Made 18-25 copies as I recall.
Letter-Graded Mail Gave away most to fellow
sent to garcia@computerhistory.org BCSFA members because I
by my gentle readers didn’t know what else to do, as
I had no contact with zinedom.
Let’s start off in Canada with...R. Very muted reaction, apart
Graeme Cameron! from “So what drug were you
on when you did this?” (Every
Hi Chris! article a different style). So I
Drink Tank #190: I really like gave up.
Starkey’s cover depicting a frantic alien I gave out 10 of the issues at
fleeing a pack of wolves, though with BASFA on Monday. I usually
those chompers I’m sure it could put Drink Tank #191: Wonderful don’t get much back from folks on
up a good fight when they catch up. tribute to the Akermonster. He was issues whether I do them on-line or
Big teeth, little fight. That de- going to be our fan GoH at VCON 15 on paper, so I don’t really mind. I’d
scribes many varieties of fish, don- back in 1987, and he’d even agreed to like to see one of those issues. Every
chaknow. accept an Elron (bronzed lemon) award article a different style sounds like
for creating the term ‘sci-fi’, but he had fun.
Re Taral’s article: To sum up, to cancel for health reasons. So I never
just when America is pulling its act got to meet him. Double sigh. But when I unleashed SPACE
together and likely to wind up acting CADET #1 in 1994, it contained 6 locs
like the best of Canada, my country is PS: Have my own tribute to the already from such as Lloyd Penney &
falling apart and liable to end up acting Ackermonster in Space Cadet #12. Joseph T. Major! This because I had
like the worst of America. Sigh. Seems he was a formative influence on been editor of BCSFAzine for some
Well, I like to think we’re acting me, right down to moustache style! years & had pushed my upcoming SC
more ike Iceland. I don’t under- And really, one’s choice of facial in its pages. Because of the zine trades
stand Canadian government at all. hair is the most important choice BCSFAzine received, I had more than
The whole process you go through one can make. I can’t wait to read enough zine & fan addresses for SC
confuses me. your tribute to him. All the ones mailings. At its peak I was sending off
more than 100 copies per issue. Them we three were talking in the hallway against the walls, yet the floor is bare
were the days. Couldn’t afford it now. and he invited us both to dinner, of furniture, cept for himself sitting in
whereupon I shamefacedly admitted the corner. Why is he wearing a jacket?
I can barely afford to send the 15 I couldn’t afford to, so he insisted I Why is he wearing a toque? Is it that
issues I sent out. Of course, more come anyway and paid my bill. Seemed cold in his apartment? Why does he
than 1/2 of them were to places like a very nice guy to me! Then, one look so stiff & glum?”
other than the US, which ain’t time I introduced my wife Alyxandra
cheap! to him & they promptly plunged
Best advice for a zinepubber into an increasingly confused and
wannabe? Steer them in the direction incomprehensible conversation. Turned
of efanzanzines. The perfect source out he thought he was talking to the
for learning all about zinedom & for author Alexandra Dellimonica (not
acquiring zine trades. sure of sp) who had recently sold him
a story. He found this quite amusing
And I’ve been doing that for years! once all was explained. I observed no
There are still some hold-outs, but signs of curmudgeon-like tendencies.
soon, we’ll all be up there! I repeat, a nice guy. Never could get
into his writing though. Found THE
Drink Tank #197: Bob Wilkins AMSIRS AND THE IRON THORN a bit
of Creature Features sounds like dry. Kinda liked ROGUE MOON.
another Forry Ackerman, in that
they both celebrated B movies, you I bought a copy of Rogue Moon
knew they shared your passion, and recently, about a month and a half
if they made fun of B movies, they ago, it would seem, and it was
did so affectionately and with great signed. It hadn’t been noted as
familiarity. We need more like that in such, and I figured it’ll be a nice
media today. So rare. auction for TAFF if nothing else.

At Psychotronics last month, there Seems we are in competition for

was the great segment done with articles by Taral! Hoping to publish one
both Forry and Bob. It’s sad to on that photo-montage room display
think that they’re both gone. Two for worldcon. He sent me several
great ambassadors. sample photos of the mock-up without
telling me what they were, and when
I knew Algis Budrys slightly. I examined the first one I thought it
He was a good friend of local author was a photo of him in his apartment.
Donna McMahon and on her invite I thought: “How does he keep the
frequently showed up at VCON. Once room so neat? Everything crammed
I was blown away once I realized I was decision is definitely subjective as to ballot. I’d say Taral has the best
looking at a small mockup & the ‘Taral’ who I believe is most likely to write or chance of getting on an winning it.
was a painted model figure. Downright draw something for me. After I talk Onward to issue #197.
creepy revelation in fact. In all fairness to someone for awhile, that helps to It is always sad to hear of the
I should mention the rez was low, narrow this process down a bit. Even death of a childhood icon. Bob Wilkins
my eyes are poor, and the angle was so, the vast unwashed masses who obviously was one of yours, and I know
perfect to reflect correct perspective. I read my zine do so online. At least the you’ve spent time with John Stanley,
used to pride myself in distinguishing response to the 11th issue was much too, so those two certainly made a big
between stock footage and scale model better. Now to see how the response to impression on you. When I was a wee
shots in old B&W war movies. Losing #12 goes. lad growing up in Minneapolis, WTCN-
the ability to spot the artificial it Of late, I’ve been averaging .7 TV Channel 11 had this midnight
seems. responses an issue, but that’s not Saturday horror series called Horror,
really fair since I put them out so Incorporated which I always stayed
I used to be the best at spotting often. As one fo the few who seem up for. I know I’ve written about this
stuntmen over the real guys. It’s uneffected by the lack of response before, but it was a lot of fun; always
amazing that in recent years, I’ve to many issues, I always try to get a double feature, so there were old
been wrong more than normal. them out to people who wouldn’t horror and science fiction flicks on
Taral’s mock-up is yet another normally read zines. I think that’s until 4 AM. It was great training for
reason I’m psyched for Montreal. how we get folks. Hook them by my eventual career as an SF fan and
Keep up your proliferate pace! Cheers! forcing ourselves on them! attending conventions. It didn’t have a
The Graeme (Faned of Space Cadet & I agree with the general host like your Creature Feature show,
WCSFAzine) sentiment that Taral Wayne is going but opened with a foggy cemetery shot
to get a nomination for Best Fan where a cement coffin lid was slowly
Thanks much! Writer FAAn; he has been extremely opening, bony hands prising it up
productive in the last year, and you from inside! Then there was a scream:
and I have benefited mightily from his AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! At show’s end - four
output. He would be a good choice, hours later - there was a quick shot
that’s for sure. Curt Phillips is another (with attendant screaming and baying
gent who has written some mighty fine of wolves) of a shrouded figure settling
work, mostly in Time & Again, but he’s back into that coffin. Fun stuff.
appearing elsewhere now. So is Warren The opening for Horror Incorporated
And now...John Purcell!!!
Buff. Good choices coming up. is featured prominently in a
Like you, I enjoy handing I’d love to see Taral on the list, and documentary about Horror Hosts.
zines out at cons or meetings (if there Warren and Curt have been doing It was actually a syndicated show,
were any club meetings in this neck of great stuff. I expect one of them I think, as a lot of different areas
the woods, I would do so, and I don’t to replace me (let’s be honest, my seemed to have used it. Of course,
mean the TAMU club, either), but I’m star has fallen considerably) on the there were many different Creature
a bit selective on who gets one. The
Features too. As for Mongol, I really, And what LetterCol would be
Lloyd Penney comments in his really, REALLY want to see it. My complete without Lloyd Penney!
loc thish about how many of those undergraduate minor in college was
suckers he wrote to you in 2008. I Russian History (studied the Russian Dear Chris:
don’t know how many I wrote to your language for three years), and when See, I can do this at work, too! Just
assorted zines, but it was probably I heard about this movie coming out, gotta be careful and type casual, but
close to a couple dozen. My output the drool started dripping from the I can get the job done. And what I’m
last year dropped off significantly as corners of my mouth. Disgusting, I doing right now is a quickie loc for The
my workload increased, but the zine know, but everything I saw and heard Drink Tank 196.
kept coming out. Some things are more about Mongol looked really good.
important, of course... I haven’t tallied Steven Silver’s review here whetted my The key is to have many windows
up the 2008 locs, but I think it was appetite again; good to see I can get it open at once.
less than 80. Yeah, right; an off year. on DVD. Thank you, Steven, for this.
Numbers may be going down I’m totally into reading about the Ah, Mo Starkey cares to send the hairy
because of the slowing of VFW and Hunt of Ghengis’ tomb. It’s an beast. I still think you should get a
the fact that there were slightly amazing story and the folks doing shave and a brush cut, just to see if
fewer zines that I came across this the searchign have some weird anyone recognizes you. Yvonne loves
year than last. Even I was down to methods! her copy of the Mamma Mia! DVD.
40 zines in 2008. And that’s a wrap. Take it easy, I don’t think we’ve got The Golden
Steve Green talked about Dick roomie, and I hope to make it to Corflu Compass on DVD, but I did spend
Tracy and The Spirit, and I’ve only seen Zed. some dollars to get the rest of the
Dick Tracy, which was okay, but not a series of books, and that was a good
huge hit. It was suitably cartoonish in All the best, investment. One DVD was tough to
production, and Madonna did a good John Purcell find...an original version (black and
turn as Breathless Mahoney; as for Hope to see ya there, bro! white) of A Christmas Carol. Sorry,
Scarlet Johansson in a Nazi outfit... you couldn’t pay me to watch The Love
Yeah, she’s hot in any outfit. Dominate Guru, don’t care if it’s Mike Myers.
me, bitch! (Where did that come from? Vern Troyer played the coach of the
Down, my other self; down!) And I still Toronto Maple Leafs, a miniature
want to see The Golden Compass just version of Punch Imlach, who coached
because I do. Haven’t read the book the Leafs in the 60s. I hope Mike gets
yet, so that might help me enjoy the back to making good movies real
movie. We shall see. soon...
GC is better than I gave it credit
Was he the coach of the famous Bill
for being. I almost walked out on
Barilko? If he was, that’s awesome!
it when I was flying acorss the
The movie’s so bad!
I’ll getcha a loc on the newest Claims Never say that aloud. It gives Tom gafiation but there’s this huge backlog
Department soon. What’s my role in Wolfe power. of Drink Tanks, which I have read
this experiment? Hoep you’re right on but been too listless to comment
the Hugo buzz. Let’s hope that those Short loc, short issue, so it on. I always think I ought to at least
who are doin’ the buzzin’ are also doin’ goes. Off it flies into the ether, and try to say something intelligent, or
the votin’. eventually onto my LifeJournal, if it entertaining, or insightful....well, that’s
still exists! LJ’s new Russian owners certain death isn’t it?
Your’s is a name that’s come up laid off half the US work force. Hope we I feel like I have a very
more than once, so I wouldn’t be won’t have to get a Cyrillic keyboard in uncomfortable relationship at this
surprised. the future... Take it easy, have a great point with fandom. There are some
weekend! fans whose work I enjoy and so I read
Hi, Steve...we just about got our
niece Nicole into fandom...almost, but Yours, Lloyd Penney. their zines and comment on them. But
not quite. For a while, she was a big it isn’t so much that I am participating
Thanks, Lloyd! LJ’s gonna make in fandom, which I don’t feel a part
Ben Bova fan. Now, we’ve gone back it, it seems. They’;re just shoring
to our traditional status of being the of, but rather that I am reading Chris
up for the future toughness. Rus- Garcia’s zine and writing to him, and
weird aunt and uncle. Most of the sian Engineers work cheaperr than
second- or even third-generation fans reading John Purcell’s and writing to
American. Luckily, I’ve never had him, not as part of a hobby but each
we’ve run into over the years were much trouble with my LJ, so it
snotty brats. I hope they grew out just separate relationships. In fact, to
doesn’t bother me much. the extent that reading and responding
of that. Or, seeing they’re fans, they
probably are still that way. to zines brings me into contact with
fandom-at-large I am often simply
Second Generation fans can be annoyed or just at a loss for words.
tough, though the Third Generation Maybe fanzines should, in
fans I’ve met, the few of them are addition to a loccol, have a “Letters
the kind that don’t understand the From Mundanes” section! Hey, I hate
real world. the winter and this one has been
dreadful so far. You’ve lived in the
1977 saw the premiere of Star northeast. I don’t know how you found
Wars, and my own emergence into the cold and snow.
fandom, and I was one of the many At any rate, I wanted to let you
And now, with a kinda LoC, as he
late-teenagers who saw Star Wars an know I am still enjoying your efforts
called it, is Mr. Eric Mayer!
obscene number of times. But as we even if I have not been making an
got to Episodes, V, VI, I and Ii and III, effort to acknowledge them. And if I
that number quickly spiralled to one. I should vanish you will know that my
have seen Episodes I, II and III exactly mundane entelechy has won out.
So I’ve decided I’d better write
once. And, I guess, once was enough. Oh, yeah...I’ve been trying to
some locs before I sink further into
Tom Wolfe was so right.
read some philosophy too...
School of Hard Knocks he was working in a store framing
prints. One suspects that this would
Eric FurAffinity Journal for October 2007 have been true whatever he drew in
You’ve pointed out a minor problem: his spare time. Few artists of any sort
what’s the transistion? Do you Taral Wayne make a living from it.
go straight from being a fan to
The only real benefit of an art
a mundane, is there a medium I never went to an art school
education, I suspect, might have
setting. I mean, one does not lose myself -- it was more expensive than
been to come away from it with
their fannishness all in one sitting, regular college and I couldn’t afford
an earlier familiarity with media -
do they? Or is it by the time gafia *that*. My wallet felt smaller just
- phototypesetters, cameras, print
is announced, there has been a looking at the Ontario College of Art
making, stuff like that. It might have
thorough and complete break with prospectus, whose first year fees
been beneficial, and then again maybe
teh parent organism? But isn’t it were more than the list price of a VW
not. Old mechanical technologies
also these friendships that form beetle in 1970. Instead, I just drew. I
would all be pretty much obsolete in
fandom and even if you only remain submitted art to fanzines first, then
the computer era anyway.
in touch with a couple of zines that magazines, sold my comics directly to
you are, in fact, still a fan, but publishers. I graduated from the school Another possible benefit would
operating on a lower orbit? of hard knocks. On the whole I’ve no have been a less tangible one. The old
Either way, it’s always good to hear regrets. Nevertheless, sometimes I school tie, in other words. I would have
from you. Letters from Mundanes wonder “what if”. made connections that might have
would make a good subtitle for a led to job opportunities, could have
Claims Department issue. Whether art school would have
started me on the road to exhibiting
done me any good is hard to say.
in galleries, and finally being awarded
A friend of mine from high school
government grants to the arts. But like
named Scott attended the OCA, and
Scott, most likely the price I’d have to
he improved as an artist no doubt. I
pay for “success” would have been to
saw the evidence with my own eyes.
give up drawing the “unsophisticated”
But the main effect of his education
things I liked, and draw the things
seemed to be to turn him from drawing
approved of by the arts community.
Conanesque comics about barbarian
warriors, to drawing marketable little
quill-pen sketches of old Victorian
downtown buildings. Was this good?
Was this bad? In other words, did
what he learned at OCA represent a
real qualitative change? Or merely a
spurious gentrification? I don’t know,
but the last time I talked with Scott
Odds are pretty good I would I know a small number of people Ok, that’s it for this issue.
have ended up framing pictures for a who’ve graduated from two or three I’m happy to say that we’re right
living too. At best I might have found years at Sheridan, and afterward on schedule for the FOurth Annual
work in a studio designing those worked briefly in local animation Giant Sized Annual, though I’ve got
annoying “bugs” at the bottom of your studios. The work they did was mainly very little in the way of content yet,
TV screen. for TV commercials and tutorials for there are still a couple of weeks. Ex-
kids. None found jobs with a major pect 199 to be a shorter issue than
studio or ever worked on a cartoon or usual.
Yet without art college I am a feature film. After a couple of years had And I got asked to be teh Fan
professional artist. gone by, none were employed in the Guest of Honor at Windycon this
animation industry in any way. year. I’m as shocked as you are. I’ve
Were I younger, the never spent any time with Chicago
contemporary choice would have been Today one has a decent job with fandom, so I hope I get a chance to
whether to attend Sheridan College’s computers, another works in a home chat with everyone. I’m really look-
famous animation course. As with the furnishings retail warehouse. ing forward to it and I’ve got a few
OCA, the tuition would be prohibitive. Maybe I’m just as well off plans for things for the con that’ll
As well, I’m told that the entire three- without an art education, whether then be a lot of fun.
year program is extremely competitive. or now. Until next Wednesday!

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