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TCS Spotlight

TCS wins three awards at the Best CIO Awards 2012

July 25, 2012 TCS mKRISHI, ECView and iON won the Best CIO Awards 2012 in the Use of IT for Social Cause, Best Implementation of Green IT, and Cloud Company of the Year categories respectively. The Best CIO Awards (Thought Leaders for Leadership & Innovation) aims to distinguish the project and initiatives using information and communications technologies have contributed to creating value for business organizations. mKRISHI is a mobile based Integrated Rural Service Delivery Platform addressing rural development issues in the areas of Agriculture, Governance, Primary Health care, Rural Banks & Finance, Fisheries, Disease prediction, Farmers social network and Livestock. Energy Carbon View (ECView) is a software tool for automatically managing the carbon footprint of buildings, benchmark them across peers and evaluate options to improve the same. iON is a next generation 'IT-as-a-Service' business model that uses emerging technologies like cloud computing and virtualisation to create a holistic, fit-for-purpose solution stack for Small and Medium Businesses (SMB) integrating hardware, network, software and services.
iON from TCS was declared the "Cloud Company of the Year" at the recently concluded Best CIO Award (For Leadership & Innovation) 2012 partnered by the CMO Council at Singapore.

TCS in News
TCS surges ahead of Infosys, thanks to new markets
(Mr. S Mahalingam, CFO, TCS is quoted)
Hindustan Times / 15 July 2012 Industry leader Tata Consultancy Services seems to have increased its lead over number two rival Infosys, which is struggling to stay ahead of the industry growth average after more than a decade as a bellwether. Analysts say this could be because has done better in emerging markets such as China. Besides heavy dependence on recession-hit US and Europe, the recent leadership transformation in an already shaky business environment and the companys inability to keep prices up for clients is at the heart of Infosys below-than-expected performance.

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While TCS is poised to beat industry body Nasscoms estimate of 10-12% growth for the fullyear, Infosys revised its forecast downwards to 5%, much lower than the industry average. For the last seven quarters the gap between TCS and Infosys has been widening. One reason could be the difference in geographic spread of business, said Ajay Parmar, head, institutional equities, Emkay Global Financial Services. TCS has a better presence in emerging markets and that might have helped it weather the downturn more effectively, said Ankita Somany, IT analyst with Angel Broking. The US and Europe account for 80% of TCS revenue and 86% of Infosys. Advanced economies are reeling under slowdown while major corporations invest in China, Latin America and India. Hence IT services are growing faster in these, although advanced markets still account for bulk of business, said Somany. TCS, for instance, is already building its business in China. The opportunity for software companies in China is so huge, S Mahalingam, CFO, TCS had told Hindustan Times earlier. On a long-term basis, it could be even beyond $10 billion. We have identified 2-3 verticals with great potential in Chinam Mahalingam added.

India Inc reaches for staffers' pulse

(Mr. N Chandrasekaran, managing director and CEO is mentioned.)
Business Standard / 16 July 2012 Firms are increasingly launching health initiatives for their employees to reduce stress, revitalise body - it also helps keep people occupied American Express employees in Gurgaon were in for a surprise when a health flash mob of about 80 employees performed an impromptu dance at the office complex, propagating the Fit Hi Hit Hai concept. The dance was part of a carefully planned launch of the banks fitness initiative. Cut to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), which has begun a programme called Fit for Life. This is about running, though the chief executive officer says it's actually about team building. Those who join need to form groups, each of which has to commit to a target of a certain lot of kms. For the first year, TCS has set a target of running for 1.5 million km, of which 330,000 km have been covered. In various cities, TCS also has a concept termed Run with leaders, wherein employees form groups and run five km each day. We are a young company and our work makes us travel across the globe, so wellness is critical, says N Chandrasekaran, managing director and CEO. The MD himself runs the talk he runs every morning at 5 am, whichever part of the globe he is in.
Copyright 2011 Tata Consultancy Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Tata Consultancy Services Completes Student Technology Awareness Program in Columbus

Wireless News / 02 July 2012 Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), an IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization, has announced the completion of its inaugural goIT summer camp in Columbus, Ohio an expansion of the company's annual goIT program for students in the greater Cincinnati region. TCS reported that the Columbus camp, run out of The Ohio Union at The Ohio State University, is designed to foster high school students' interest in pursuing a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Since its inception, the goIT program has reached over 2,000 students across 20 Ohio school districts through in-school workshops. According to the Company, the TCS goIT program, which is free for all students, provides inschool IT career and awareness workshops, and hands-on technology education. Throughout the school year over 40 TCS volunteers conducted workshops and other training targeted toward introducing students to new technologies and providing IT career awareness. The technology workshop topics have included basic programming lessons and technology hottopics such as Web 2.0, social media and mobile technology. Recent statistics show that over the past decade, university enrollment in STEM-related fields has decreased by over 60 percent in the U.S., while TCS reported that in 2012 alone over 150,000 tech jobs are projected to be available with roughly 2.5 jobs available for every IT graduate in the U.S. The goIT program began in the Cincinnati area four years ago to help combat this negative trend and has expanded to include 2 additional cities reaching over 25 individual schools. In addition to the Cincinnati and Columbus, OH areas, the goIT summer camp will also take place in Midland, MI. In the coming years, TCS plans to expand the goIT program's reach to more high school students throughout the U.S.

Bharathiar University ties up with TCS to offer value-added Commerce course

The Hindu, July 18, 2012 In another attempt to involve the industry in redesigning the undergraduate curriculum to include the latest technologies, Bharathiar University and Tata Consultancy Services have come up with a paper called Finance and Accounting for Business Process to be offered to commerce students studying in affiliated colleges of the university. TCS would train teachers of the selected colleges in delivering the content. The trained teachers would take classes for the interested students after college hours. A separate examination for
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these students would be held. The 10-module paper was the first in a series of papers that the university and the corporate plan to include as value-additions to the existing commerce curriculum at the UG level.

Awards and Recognition

TCS BPO wins multiple honours at Asias Best Employer Brand Awards 2012
July 25, 2012 For TCS BPO, it was a clean sweep victory having bagged several awards at the Asias Best Employer Brand Awards 2012, held at Singapore on July 19, 2012. This coveted awards forum, which is in its third year since inception, aims to recognise and reward Business/HR Practices and Employee Contributions across leading companies in the Asia Pacific region. The winners were chosen by a jury panel consisting of eminent industry leaders and academicians. TCS BPO won a total of eight awards in the Organisational Category and two awards in the Individual Category in recognition of its leading-edge practices in areas of Operations, Quality and HR. The organisational category awards conferred on TCS BPO include BPO Organisation of the Year, Award for Operational Excellence & Quality in the BPO Industry, Award for Continuous Innovation in HR Strategy at Work, Award for Best HR Strategy in Line With Business, Award for Excellence in HR Through Technology, Award for Talent Management, Award for Excellence in Training and Award for Innovation in Recruitment. There was more to the evening as Rustom Siganporia, Head Talent Acquisition Group (BPO Services) received the prestigious HR Leadership Award in the individual category awards and Devika Banodkar (Specialist - Process and Policy Integration, Change Management Team, BPO HR) was conferred with the Young HR Professional Award.

Copyright 2011 Tata Consultancy Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.

New Business Developments

Indian IT Firms Having Another Go At Japan Market
(Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), India's largest IT firm, partnered with the trading house Mitsubishi Corp. in February and is aiming for annual sales of 40 billion yen despite the language barrier)
Onesource - Nikkei English News / 20 July 2012 TOKYO (Nikkei)-IT companies from India are renewing their push into the Japanese market, where they have struggled to gain a foothold over the last 20 years. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), India's largest IT firm, partnered with the trading house Mitsubishi Corp. in February and is aiming for annual sales of 40 billion yen despite the language barrier. TCS spent 350 million yen to set up Nippon TCS Solution Center Ltd. in Minato Ward, Tokyo. It is hiring more Japanese software developers and tapping expertise at its Indian headquarters as necessary. Infosys Ltd., the second-largest Indian IT firm, will begin offering cloud computing services from India to Japanese companies by the end of this year. Its services will cover 11 business categories, including warehouse management and local office administration. On-screen instructions will be in English and the company has no plans to offer a Japaneselanguage version of the software. Although this is a potential problem for users in Japan, it should allow Japanese firms to create an IT environment that will allow them to do business in emerging markets in the shortest possible time. The No. 4 IT firm in India, Wipro Ltd., has shifted its focus to providing services to Japanese companies that are expanding overseas. It has narrowed its client list from 100 to 65 to concentrate on global companies that understand the Indian way of doing things.

TCS Helps Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Implement Successful Mobility Solution

(IT solution provider, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), implemented this sales force mobility project using their rigorous and validated processes.)
ARC Advisory Group / 12 July 2012 Most companies today understand that mobility solutions offer the potential to enable workers to do their jobs better. Pharmaceutical and other manufacturers are being pressured by customers, suppliers, and competitors to do more with lessand to do it better. ARC recently spoke with the Director of Mobility at a major global pharmaceutical manufacturer to discuss the company's implementation of a new mobility solution intended to increase the

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increase the productivity of its sales force by providing instant access to specific medical information and sales literature for their physician customers from iPad tablets. Significantly, the manufacturer and its strategic IT solution provider, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), implemented this sales force mobility project using their rigorous and validated processes

TCS to spearhead Nasscoms BPO reboot

(Tata Consultancy Services will do the study with the help of a third party on behalf of Nasscom.)
Factiva - The Times of India/11 July 2012 BANGALORE: IT-BPO industry body Nasscom will conduct a comprehensive study to capture perceptions about the BPO business among various stakeholdersacademia, students, parents, employees, companies (voice, non-voice, integrated, pure-play and captive) and the general public. The move follows complaints from the BPO industrywhich TOI recently reported aboutthat little has been done to build awareness about the industry and its potential, and the fact that it is no longer the low end call centre business it started out as. Some believe this is the reason why the industry has lost some of its steam and why the Philippines has become such a powerful force in this space. Tata Consultancy Services will do the study with the help of a third party on behalf of Nasscom. The study will focus on identifying key elements that attract people to the industry and those that put them off. It will be the first such industry wide survey, and will help the industry determine the messaging required to change perceptions among stakeholders and around the world

Survey for creating GIS database begins in all zones

(Tata Consultancy Services has been entrusted with the task of developing the GIS.)
Factiva - The Hindu/11 July 2012 TIRUCHI, TAMIL NADU Will have applications in urban planning and civic services A survey to collect and collate data on the citys infrastructure and property for creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) database has commenced in all the four zones of the corporation. The survey, completed in ward 44 in Golden Rock zone after being taken up on a pilot basis, has now been extended to the other 64 wards in the city. The GIS database will have applications in urban planning and civic services, including monitoring property tax assessment and collection, the drinking water supply and drainage networks. Tata Consultancy Services has been entrusted with the task of developing the GIS

Copyright 2011 Tata Consultancy Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.

CodeVita The TCS Coding Contest

In our pursuit to bring out the best from students and institutes across India, TCS Corporate Talent Acquisition Team (C-TAG) in association with Performance Engineering Research Centre (PERC) launched CodeVita the TCS Coding Contest in TCS accredited institutes in India on 9-July-2012. The contest has received overwhelming response from students and institutes across India. The contest had approximately 27,000 individual registrations followed by close to 11,000 teams. 5000 teams confirmed their nomination and thus participation for the contest. To help candidates gear up for the challenge, we had conducted a practice test which saw participation from over 2000 teams. Approximately 3000 teams took part in the first round of the contest held on 13-Aug-2012. Top 269 teams from colleges across India have been shortlisted for Round 2 held on 21-August2012. Top 10 teams will visit TCS Sahyadri Park, Pune on 3-September 2012 for the Grand Finale. Exciting prizes await the winners of the contest! We wish all the contestants the very best! Poster

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