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----- Forwarded Message ----From: anny <lazar.anamaria@gmail.

com> Subject: [ciberstud] [Oportunitate Angajare] Virtual Assistant Virtual Assistant for International based company needed PART-TIME... Your role involves being a helping hand to the manager: answering calls, replying to emails, scheduling appointments, and daily tasks upon the manager request. We are looking for a person who wishes to progress. Requirements: - Advanced English Speaking and Writing - Office, Word, Excel - Experience with searching on Google for various things in order to solve complex tasks - "can do" attitude - Good Communication skills are required as you will be interacting directly with clients. - We are in search of individuals who pay close attention to detail, are responsible in finalising tasks in a timely manner. - Positive attitude focused on problem-solving instead of on the problem itself. Multitasking, organized, open-minded, emphatic,responsible If you do not have experience, it is recommended to write a cover letter. That way you can can prove us that you have the necessary skills that we require. To apply please sent your CV at ----- Forwarded Message ----From: Eugenia Dabu <> Subject: [stud_ase] Oportunitate de cariera - Specialist Raportare

Pentru clientul nostru, un jucator de top din domeniul Comunicatiilor, cautam un Specialist Raportare, in cadrul departamentului IT. Sunt necesare cunostinte la nivel avansat de Excel si PowerPoint, precum si cunostinte de SQL. Contractul este pentru o perioada determinata, de sase luni. Asteptam cu interes recomandarile voastre la adresa! Multumim!
---- Forwarded Message ----From: Anca Davidoiu <> Subject: [snspadriie2010] Autumn Internships Aspen Institute Romania

Autumn Internships at Aspen Institute Romania

Aspen Institute Romania is currently accepting applications for internships in the fields of Research, Public Relations and Policy Events Management. The duration of each internship period is 3 months, with a flexible schedule of 4 hours a day, starting on August 15. The internship is not paid, yet benefits could be included.

Work during the internship would involve designing, editing and publishing communication material, active involvement in the Institute's development of promotional materials and methods, participation in the organization of several Aspen events and searching and preparing relevant information dedicated to the development of policy programs, conference packets and preparatory stages of policy events. Also, among tasks: liaising with the Aspen Institute network as well as policy partners: think tanks, government, academia, public and private corporations. Requirements: - university degree, preferably in economics, communication and PR, politics, or social sciences. - very good Internet skills and proficiency in computer based activities - strong organizational skills - good time management - excellent knowledge of English. To apply, please write in English to the Ms. Sorina Campean, Program Coordinator with the Leadership Programs Department, at outlining your suitability in a 500 words letter. Please attach a copy of your CV. The closing date for applications is August 13, 2012.


Una dintre cele mai importante companii din domeniul asigurarilor din Romania trece in prezent printr-un proces de uniformizare a sistemelor IT. Pentru aceasta, vor implementa un nou sistem de tip ERP ce va gestiona vanzarea de polite de asigurari.

Fiind un proiect complex de importanta vitala pentru organizatie vor extinde echipa actuala de IT cu oameni cheie. Daca ai 2 ani experienta in implementarea de proiecte software complexe intr-un rol precum: - Programator Software - Oracle Database Administrator - Specialist Administrare Aplicatii - Specialist BPM - Business Process Management - IT Project Manager te invitam sa aplici online la unul din job-urile disponibile. Pe langa un pachet salarial atractiv, vei beneficia si de: - Bonus-uri de performanta - Prime de sarbatori si de vacanta - Abonament medical familial - Acces in regim preferential la produsele de asigurari ale companiei

De ce merita sa aplici? - Vei lucra la un sistem vital folosit de sute de utilizatori pentru a gestiona milioane de clienti - Vei face parte din cel mai pretios departament (IT) al organizatiei, in care se investeste mult in integrarea si dezvoltarea oamenilor noi - Vei lucra intr-un mediu profesionist alaturi de colegi tineri - Vei participa la training-uri si cursuri de specializare pt obtinerea de certificari Esti interesat? Click aici pentru a aplica online Deoarece procesul de recrutare va fi incheiat pana la finalul lunii august 2012, va recomandam sa aplicati imediat.

Ai prieteni sau colegi interesati? Te invitam sa le recomanzi aceasta oportunitate folosind acest formular.

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