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Chapter Title No 1 PART A 1. Industrial Profile. 2 Company Profile. a Background & Inspection of the company. b Nature Of The Business Carried c Vision, Mission & Quality Policy. d Product/ Service Profile. e Area Of Operation- Global-National-Regional. f Ownership Pattern/ Competitors Information g Infrastructure Facilities/ Environment Policy h Achievements & Awards i Work flow Model j Future Growth & prospectus 2 Page No

MC Kinseys 7s Frame Work a Strategy b Structure c Systems d Style e Staff f Skills g Shared values

3 4 5

a a a SWOT Analysis of the company. Summery of latest annual report of the company. Learning experience gained by the candidate during In plant training.



Sugar is most important agro based industry of India and it has marked place in the countrys economy the reforms the liberalization policies of government of India are fast taking place and changing the industry scene in the country in the country. However it appears that the winds of liberalization and deregulation with are blowing presently through other industrial sectors has bypassed the sugar industry. More over Indian sugar industry have spread over mainly in rural areas, as such major share of benefits should flow towards rural population. Besides present position of the industries shake less the policy of supporting farming economy by increasing sugar cane prices will ultimately raise the sugar crop. So emphasis has to be towards cane development both by Yield and quality. So at this junction it would be appropriate to consider, if no full liberalization at least partial by eliminating some of the undesirable constraints which would help industry in the changing environment when India needs to increase its foreign earnings, in the world market. India has been known as the original of sugar and sugarcane. Indian mythology support the above fact as it contains some legends showing the origin of sugarcane, the growth of the sugar industry is full of tales of adventure and conquest.

Coromandel Sugars limited is established in the year of 1999 in the interest of local farmers and pre planned to provide job for the soil sons under the register no . The plant was erected by buck Wolf Company from Chenni, it is having capacity of 3500 TCD per day. The first estimated cost of the factory increased up to 150 crore. After this cost it is not enough for establishment of factory. So the third estimated cost of this project is 50 crore. Todays establishment of factory cost approximately more than 200 crore. 2

The site was selected for the location of the factory near the village Makavalli 2Km from K R Pet taluk head quarter which is situated at Makavalli, K R pet Taluk Mandya Dist. The govt of Karnataka granted 150 acres of land near Makavalli village. The river Hmavathy is flowing at about 2.5 km from the site. Water is constantly fed from the river water by factory jack well pump. The starting moment of the factory, some important technicians were called from the other factories only for trial season. After some employees were selected on their experience and remaining employees were selected on contract basis. Ultimately the contract employees were appointed in the year of 1999 -2000 according to the rules these posts are approved by the director of sugar, Karnataka govt Bangalore (as per staffing pattern). At present the total strength of the employees working in this factory is 750.


Coromandel Sugars limited is established in the year of 1999 in the interest of local farmers and pre planned to provide job. The plant was erected by buck wolf company from Chennai it is having capacity of 3500 TCD per day. The first estimated cost of the factory increased up to 150 crore. After this cost it is not enough for establishment of factory. So the third estimated cost of this project is 50 crore. Todays establishment of factory cost approximately more than 200 crore. The starting moment of the factory, some important technicians were called from the other factories only for trial season. After some employees were selected on their experience and remaining employees were selected on contract basis. Ultimately the contract employees were appointed in the year of 1999-2000 according to the rules these posts are approved by the director of sugar, Karnataka govt Bangalore (as per staffing pattern). At present the total strength of the employees working in this factory is 567. 3


There are 504 sugar mills in the country, of which of which 436 mills are in operation. There are 281 sugar mills in co-operative sector, of which 259 mills are in operation and 156 mills are working with losses and having negative net worth. Sugar industry in India is seasonal in its nature with the crushing of sugar cane undertaken during the period from midOctober to mid- April. Average period of cane crushing during the last decade is 146 days, while the average rate pf sugar recovery being 9.94% of the cane crushed. Sugar production normally undergoes a 5 year cycle with the production being maximum


VISION: Coromandel Sugars Limited to achieve organizational profitability by attaining the high level of productivity, to earning the trust of customer, and providing better value for sugar cane to attract the customer.

MISSION: To increase their sales. To achieve the recovery level of 11.% at the end of 2007. During 2006-2007, company has a target to crush a sugar cane of 7.44 Lacks MT. To increase quality of the product & fulfill the needs of the customer.


The sugar union was started 1999 and it has started from crushing from 1999. They want to develop their product union like Company. To increase quality of sugar. To increase their sales. Increase the sales by conducting many programs like consumer information programs. increase the members of the union. To regularly supply there product all the customers according to customer needs.

D. PRODUCT SERVICE PROFILE: CANE: Sugarcane is a plant is mixing more CO2 by efficient process of photosynthesis and translucent. The sugar synthesized in the leaves or translated to the steam in the form of sucrose and is converted into glucose and other sugars. The glucose molecules are used for the developments of the plant at the growth phase. Sugarcane contains about 14% fiber and 86% juice, sugarcane juice consists of 13% of sucrose and 73% moisture and non-sugar solids. The transport of sugarcane from farmers to the factory will be engaged through Lorries which will be taken through bidding at the time of harvesting and also farmers themselves supply by their own bullock carts or by tractors. For the purchase of other raw materials Manager will receive the material requisition slips from the usage department, which should be signed by all the department heads and by the Vice President. Then the purchase department will evaluate the list of vendors and the tabulated comparative statement will be sent to the usage department. Then on the basis of the opinion of the usage department the purchase department will send a file to the management, and then on the basis of this file the purchase department will place the purchase order.

Cane varieties in Coromandel Sugars Limited,

1) CO 419. 2) CO 7804. 5

3) COC- 671. 4) CO 8371. 5) CO 62175. 6) CO 8014. 7) CO 32175.

PRODUCT DETAILS: Cane Handling: The transport system of cane should be established for efficient supply of cane. At present 100% of the cane crushed per day is through tractors and Lorries. The transport is entirely arranged by the growers. The cane is unloaded on the feeding table after the weighment. Cane Supply: The indent for crushing cane is given by the Manager (Cane) to the agricultural dept daily. The agricultural dept allots the cane quota to each circle in three days in advance. The laboratory section takes the samples of the cane from the cane yard randomly and make the analysis for the expected recovery and external material percent cane. If both are beyond the normal level, instruction will be sent to agricultural dept to staff the harvesting of the particular cultivator field or farm.

QUALITY POLICY: Cane quality: The cane should be free from traps, tops, dirt, soil etc. After unloading the cane from the trucks the company has arranged contract labors to remove the remaining dry cane, water shoot trash, binding materials etc from the cane supply to the factory. This practice improves not only the quality of cane but also the efficiency of the factory performance.

E. AREA OF OPERATION: Sugarcane grown area: 6

Sugarcane is grown in 300-330 villages under different circle names mentioned as belows: SI NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of the circle K R Pet. Nagamagala. Kikkeri. T Gatta. Akkhebbalu. Bookanakere. Makavalli Area of operation means, the place where the company carries business operation companies is always used to carry business, where the required resources are easily available. Area of operation plays a vital role while fixing price, there by development of the company. Because if the area has suitable environment , raw material, labors for less wages , then it will reduces the cost of production.

F. OWNERSHIP PATTERN: It is a Private based company and major contribution for this company is from the owner, and remaining contribution is from the share holders of the company. And owner mainly controls the company. Now the president of Coromandel Sugars Ltd is Sri C Pavankumar.The entire union is controlled by Vice president of the company. If the company earns profit, profit will be distributed to the formers based on their contribution.

Coromandel Sugars Ltd has many competitors in different places around there area, and the main competitors are from MANDYA sugar factory. They attract customers by providing some benefits in terms of traveling expenses. There is a more competition mainly through supply of

sugar cane. Company set a proper equivalent price to the sugar cane to attract more customers, and make good relation with the customers through cash settlements for sugar cane purchase.



The factory premises have an area by 150 acres of land. In the premises has there is a factory building, management office, accounting section, cane department, cane yard, quarters, weight bridge, etc.

Present sugarcane plantation in the year of 2009-10 as given below, SI NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of the circle K R Pet. Nagamagala. Kikkeri. T Gatta. Akkhebbalu. Bookanakere Makavalli. 2009-10

Nearly 85% of cane area is under wet land condition and 15% of cane area is under dry lands.



1. It has been awarded as the good infrastructure In the SISMA. 2. It holds more number of customers and it has many share holders with good relation, they are the strength of the company.


Weighed cane-hauled to crushing year Cane Unloaded on to the carrier Cane cut into pieces Crushed in successive mills

Juice treated with lime & sulphur and heated Subsider

Dry chaff fed into boilers as fuel


Clear Juice Evaporates

Filter cake used as manure

Clear Juice

Concentrated syrup Sulphured syrup to vacuum pans Boiler to main site Centrifugal

Sugar Bagging

Molasses Power Alcohol Portable Alcohol

Dispatching 9

By products of sugar Manufacture: The chief by-products of sugar manufacturing are, 1. Bagasse 2. Molasses 3. Press mud.

1. Bagasse:
Bagasse is the by-product left behind after crushing of sugarcane. It is used as a fuel in the sugar factory boilers. Excess Bagasse finds use as a raw material in paper manufacture.

2. Molasses:
Molasses is a by-product of sugar refining chiefly used for alcohol production. The entire molasses output is routed to the distillery unit and acetic acid plant.

3. Press mud:
Press mud is the by-product generated by cane juice filtration during sugar manufacture, currently, press mud as a fertilizer in sugarcane cultivation.

K. FUTURE GROWTH AND PROSPECTUS. Present developments in Coromandel Sugars Ltd.,

1. The factory finances 15 crore rupee annually for the developmental activities by way of subsidies etc., in addition to the prompt payment of sugar cane price.


2. The state government department, departments of agriculture, PWD electricity, irrigation etc., and developmental activities in their respective fields at the request of the factory and farmers. 3. The cane developmental councils also aid development from its resources in respect of item not covered by the factory of the government. 4. The input manufactures and suppliers co-operation is unlisted for the timely supply of inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides of standard quality at competitive rates. 5. The nationalized and other scheduled banks are approached for grant of short medium and long term loans for crop production and other developmental activities by the growers with the recommendation of the society.

PART B 7 S Model:-






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Organizational Structure: -PERSONAL MANAGEMENT: -


UNCTIONS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT:A. ORGANISATIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT:Organizational planning is concerned with the division of all tasks to be performed into manageable and efficient units and with providing for their integration. Both differentiation and integration are vital for the achievements of the pre- determined goals. B. STAFFING AND EMPLOYMENT:The staffing process is a flow of events which results in a continuous managing of organizational positions at all levels from the top management to the operative level. This process includes man power planning, authorization for planning, and developing sources of applicants.

C. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: It is a complex process and is concerned with increasing the capabilities of the individuals and groups so that they may contribute effectively to the attainment of the organizational goals. This process includes as follows 1) The determination of training needs of personnel at all levels, skill training, employee counseling, and programs for managerial professional and employee development. 2) Self-initiated developmental activities, during off- hours. D. COMPENSATION WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION:It is concerned with the process of compensation directed towards remunerating employees for services rendered and motivating them to attain the desired levels of performance. E. EMPLOYEE SERVICES AND BENEFITS: -

These are concerned with the process of sustaining and maintaining the work force in an organization. They include, (1) Safety provision inside the factory. 13

(2) Employee counseling. (3) The medical services and facilities. (4) The recreational and other welfare facilities. F. EMPLOYEES RECORDS: Employee records include information relating to qualifications, special interests, aptitudes results of tests and interviews, job performance, leave, promotions, rewards and punishments.


VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS ARE: Personnel Production Marketing Finance Security and Vigilance Research and Development Material and Stores Internal Audit


This department direct towards products improvement, diversification and improve substitutes and maintaining the quality of the product.



Vice President

Sr. Manager (Process)

Sr Chemist


Research Assistant


Lab. Assistant

Lab Attender

OBJECTIVES: Technical advice to managers. To improve the existing products. Slow moving or non-moving inventory reduction. Cost reduction.


Personnel department deals with human relations. They are the people who make an organization success. It is evidently shown how important the human resources are to the life and health of an organization. 15

Considering the importance of human resources in production function and development of organization, it has a personnel department it takes care of training and development of the employees as well as organizational effectiveness.

A. Procurement:
It means providing the required number of suitable persons to fill various positions in the organization. It involves manpower planning, requirement, selection, placement etc.

B. Development:
It involves improving the knowledge and skills of personnel for efficient performance of their jobs. It includes training executive development, promotion, appraisal etc. C. Welfare: This function is concerned with protecting the physical and mental health of employees. D. Records, Research And Audit: Personnel record maintained regarding the attendance, seniority, performance, cost Salary Work, Leave Details , Pf Works, P Tax Works, etc. OBJECTIVES OF PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT: To maintain good relationship between employer and the employee. To assist employee in achieving their individual goals so as to enhance individual contribution to the organization. To maintain good industrial relation. To select right type and number of employees. To help individual development.

FINANCE DEPARTMENT: Finance is the lifeblood of any business it is concerned with the activation of funds and wide application on the funds. The success of a business lies with the effective management of 16

finance in the company. Finance management is that managerial activity, which is consumed with the planning and controlling of the firms financial resources. It is the most important department in which most of the functions are carried out these accounting, planning, mobilization and effective utilization of funds.

SOURCES OF FINANCE: ICICI. IDBI. IFCI. Corporation Bank. Canara Bank. Vijaya Bank. Syndicate Bank.


Managing Director

Director (Marketing)

Reg. Mgr.

Sales Mgr.

Branch Acct.


Product Mgr.

Accts. Officer


Supr. (Sales)

Asst. Officer

Sr. Asst.

Jr. Asst The distribution is the key link between the production and marketing function, the distribution system helps the manufacture to reach the customers in earliest possible time, and this system begins with manufacturing of the product and ends in the hands of customer, giving him satisfaction. Effective distribution helps every organization to achieve maximum efficiency with achievable targets, it enhances profit maximization goals.

Marketing: 1. Product: 2. Price: 3. Promotion: 4. Place (Distribution): PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT.

The production department is the nerve centre of the entire organization. It plays and important role in converting raw-materials into finished goods. It is the process of effective planning and resulting the operations of an enterprise, which is responsible for actual transformation of materials into finished products. MATERIALS AND STORES DEPARTMENT: -


Each and every department maintains the stock through the collection of batch wise production documents from each part and the products are stored and dept ready for dispatches in an orderly manner by the contractors who are appointed on weight and form age basis. The inventory norms are met by each and every stores department depending upon various parameters like demand, production level and availability of raw-materials. materials are maintained at FIFO method.. The

AREAS OF MAINTENANCE ARE: 1. Mechanical 2. Electrical

OBJECTIVES OR SAFETY MEASURE:a. Good house keeping b. Provision of dust collecting system c. Frequent testing for leakages d. Enforcement of no smoking regulation and use of respirators e. Instruction or guidelines chart at work of safety handling procedure f. Good capacity of water reservoir is available for fire emergencies g. Conducts suitable training programmes in collaboration with HRD department h. Advises on matters of reporting and investing of industrial accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrence. i. Managers are asked to avoid unsafe condition and unsafe act by the employer but still if not possible asked to provide personnel protection ( safe working environment)

TRAINING: Training is the creation of an environment where employees may acquire and learn specific job related behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Training is directly related at 19

helping employees perform better on their current jobs where as development represents a future-oriented investment in employees. The process of learning is never ending process and it is a sequence of programmed behavior. It is application of knowledge. It attempts to improve their performance on the current jobs and prepare them for an intended job. The personnel department identifies the training and prepares for training established and evaluates instructional programmer. The training programs are both the employee initiated and management initiated.

TRAINING RESPONSIBILITY: Top Management Personnel Department Supervisors Employees Frames policy of training. Plants, Establishes and evaluate programme Implement and apply training programme Provides feedback, revision and suggestions

TRAINING METHODS : The followed training programme from one day to one month or even more than one month. 1. ON THE JOB METHOD: The most important type of training is the training on the job. The experience of actually doing something makes a lasting impression and has reality that other type of training cannot provide. The worker and under these methods learn to master the operations involved on the actual job situation under the supervision and his immediate boss. Some of the methods followed under this method are as followsJob Rotation: It involves the employees being set through different jobs, there by providing him a wider exposure.


Training By Experienced Workman: -Training is imparted to the new workmen by his supervisor or experienced work. It is useful to department in which workmen advance through successive jobs to perform a series of operations. Inter-ship training / summer in plant training.


OFF THE JOB TRAINING: Training is not a part of every job activity. The actual location may be in the company classroom / in places, which are owned by the company or in universities / associations, which have no connections with the company. Some of the methods under this method are as follows. Workers Education Scheme: Guest Lectures: Lectures are regarded as one of the simplest way of imparting knowledge to the trainees especially when facts, concepts theories and problem solving ability are to be taught. Demonstrations: The trainer describes and displays some materials / information as when he teaches an employee how to do by performing the activity himself and by going through step by step explanations of why what etc. Demo is very effective teaching because it is much easier to show a person how to do job than to tell him and ask him to gather information from the reading materials. Technical Training: Training is imparted to the technical staff by sending them to different technical training institutes. Other Training Methods: Security and civil defense training. The Training will be conducted for a period of 1-2 weeks, it includes: Emergency situation training. First aid training. Fire fighting training.


STYLE OF MANAGEMENT: Top-level Management1. Directors. 2. General Managers. 3. Deputy General Managers. 4. Assistant General Managers. Middle-level Management1. Managers. 2. Assistant Managers. Junior / Low-level Management1. Officers. 2. Junior Officers. Decision-making is centralized with the head office. Authority is given to unit in-charge to take decision in day-to-day minor matters and other urgent matters. Decision-making depends on the authority and responsibility conferred on each individual and thus its distributed based on designation and position held. In important matters, meetings are held to seek opinions of top management and various department managers and the decisions are taken and implemented. Decision-making is coordinated one and done with wide consultations of top management of department managers consultation which gives best possible gains.


Strategy of the company


The strategy of company is to satisfy its customers by providing better service to its customers by them.. To impart the co-operation of the employees by satisfying their social, economical, psychological, needs through suitable welfare programs and benefits. In order to increase the, quality, efficiency and also to increase moral of the employees.

To impart training and development its employees skills and knowledge to the changing technology to improve its quality. To adopt advance technologies to compete its competitors and to the Powers of expected targets.

Pricing Objective: 1. Maximizing the profits. 2. Achieve market leadership 3. To increase the market share. 4. Being competitive. 5. Minimizing the risk. 6. Providing the products at prices that will stimulate economic development. 7. Entering new market

The staff of cane section: Cane development officer Cane assistant development officer Field assistants The agriculture dept has mainly four fold functions 1) Cane development. 2) Cane procurement. 3) Administration 23

4) Public relation.

OFFICE MANAGEMENT IN COROMANDEL SUGARS LTD:The C S ltd is having huge beautiful office building. The administrative building cost is more than rupees 55 lakhs. Here nearly 25 employees working in administrative office. They are working as for the direction of Vice President of this factory. The administrative office working hours starts at 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.

ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE: The office administrative flow chart is given below


THE DUTIES OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR SHALL BE AS UNDER:FINANCIAL POWERS:a) He shall sanction the expenditure of establishments, and other regular contingent expenditure. b) He shall draw, accept, endorse and negotiate bills of exchange and endorse, sell, transfer or otherwise deal with shares and govt securities, for or on behalf of the society. c) To sanction advances to members against to produce up to a limit prescribed by the board.



CLASSIFICATION OF STAFF: The total factory employees strength is 750. Factory appointed permanent, seasonal, contract basis and daily wages employees inside the karkhane for production of sugar and maintenance. A point from factory appointed field staff for development purpose and office staff for administration. 1. Totally permanent employees are [Inside of the factory + office] 2. The seasonal employees are 3. The contract basis of employees 4. Daily wages employees are -75 -400 -50 - 225

THE EMPLOYEES GRADES ARE MENTIONED BELOW: 1. unskilled 2. semi skilled 3. skilled B 4. clerical 4 5. skilled A 6. clerical 3 7. highly skilled 8. clerical 2 9. clerical 1 10. supervisory C 11. supervisory B 12. supervisory A


STRENGTHS: Good quality control. On time delivery. Skilled employees. Standardized products. Adaptability to changing technology. Well-established since long time. Strong aspects from all aspects location, transport and infrastructure. Good financial support when ever needed is provided both from state and central govt. New power plant construction, which s need for future growth.

WEAKNESS: Inside of the factory premises there are no rest rooms for resting employees. Factory s yet to appoint experience staff to improve efficiency at process level. Some of the employees working on a dock arrangement at several posts inside the karkhane. There is a problem to promote them departmentally, as management has to observe reservation formalities at promotion level.

OPPORTUNITIES: The brand, image of the firm helps it to enter New areas quickly Can implement changes in technology. Frame proper procedures and policies. Restructuring Re-engineering. 26

THREATS: Competition. From other neighboring units. Decrease in sugar growth. Diversified resources such as raw materials due to many sub unit sub unit initialization.

Balance sheet as on 2008-2009



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