You May Be Thinking: How Can This Tool Help With My Classroom? How Can I Sign Up? Find Answers With This Guide!

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard

You may be thinking: How can this tool help with my classroom? How can I sign up?
Find answers with this guide!

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard

1. First Step
This document gives the whole how to instructions to create, customize and control your own online teaching environment.

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This section deals with the first step how to create your own teacher account.

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1.1 How to Sign Up

If it is your first time registration is required. Press the Sign Up button to continue.

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Options to sign up: Below Teachers Login and Teacher Environment description banner!

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1.2 How to Sign Up

1. Fill in your personal info.

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2. Fill in your school info.

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3. Fill in the image and number and approve the Terms & Conditions.

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Username must be a unique value which was never used by another teacher.

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1.3 How to Sign Up

Upon sign up finalization, a confirmation e-mail with an authentication link will be sent to your address in order to complete your registration.

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If the confirmation e-mail isnt received, please check your junk mail. In case you cannot find it - please contact us to get an activation link.

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1.4 How to Login

After sign up completion, enter your user name and password and press the Login button to continue.

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If you cant remember your password press the Forgot your password? link and the parameter will be sent to your e-mail.

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1.5 Main Menu

The Main Menu on the left side of the screen provides access to different elements of the teachers platform: Dashboard My classes Students Assignments Lessons Reporting First Class How to use Products Personal Info Log Out Contact Us

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1.6 Edit profile

In this section you can view and change your personal settings including: name, e-mail address, password, and more

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard

2. My Dashboard
Your dashboard is a hub. From here you can access different areas including: your classes, lessons, students reports and more...

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Create Class | Class Settings | Delete Class | Upgrade Class

Introduction My Account My Dashboard

3. My Classes
On this page, classes can be managed, viewed, upgraded and created. Access is available for each class content: lessons, assignments, tests and students.

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You can have up to 8 classes.

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3.1.1 How to create a class

In order to create a class, choose a class code (class name) and press the Submit button. As a result, a new class row is created in the table below.

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* Class Code must be a unique value which was never used by another teacher. * A white confirmation message will appear after the class is created.

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard Class Settings

Click the Edit button to access a specific class settings.

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard Class Settings

(a) Define the class welcome message and press the Update button. (b) Allow test access for confirmed students only (V=enable, X=disable)

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Click here to see the welcome message location in the class environment.

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3.1.3 How to delete a class

By clicking the Delete Class button, you will remove the specific class.

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Bare in mind!!! Class deletion operation cannot be undone.

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard Upgrade class

By clicking the Upgrade button, a black window will pop-up with registration steps for the class products.

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Private Class: Advertisement-free class environment with school logo First Class: School environment with Sense-langs Premium Course elements built-in + detailed statistics integrated into teachers dashboard

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Introduction My Account My Dashboard Upgrade class

1) 2) Press the Select button to choose the product type. Press Continue

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On the next step, the order will be verified and placed. Once it is placed, the upgraded account will be prepared within 48 hours.

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Create Lesson | Import Lessons | Update Lesson | Delete Lesson | Try Lessons

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3.2 My Lessons
To create \ remove \ edit lessons for a specific class, press the Edit button.

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Students can be also accessed through the left menu.

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3.2.1 How to create a Lesson

There are few options to create a lesson: (a) Customized text for your students to practice: I. From our list of essays II. Paste your own essay (b) Use our default lesson. (c) Insert letters (will be displayed randomly) for your students to practice. Finally, press the Save button.

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3.2.2 How to import Lessons

In order to import all Lessons from one class to another: (a) Choose the class to import the Lessons from. (b) Press Import Lesson button.

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Import function applies over the entire class list of Lessons.

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3.2.3 How to update a Lesson

Lesson is edited by modifying the textbox and pressing the Update button.

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The number of characters must be between 20 and 1000!

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3.2.4 How to delete a Lesson

Lesson is deleted by pressing the Update button related to the Lesson.

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Pop-up will ask you to confirm the request before deletion.

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3.2.5 Try the Lessons

Click on the Try your Lessons button allows to view your defined lesson in the student environment.

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Step 1

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Step 2 display is presented on a separate tab

Step 2

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Create Assign. | Import Assign. | Update\Delete Assign. | Try Assign. | Results & Reports

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3.3 My Assignments
Build your own (in-class or homework) assignments for the students using the games and tutorials available on the site. Press the Edit button under the Assignments column to access the Assignments of the chosen class.

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Assignment can be also accessed through the left menu.

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3.3.1 How to create an Assignment

(a) Select Class Code

(b) Select an Assignment type.

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* Assignments allow to customize text or use our default. * Each class is limited to 15 assignments.

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3.3.2 How to import Assignments

(a) Select a Class Code

(b) Select class to import from and press the Import Assignments button.

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Import function applies over the entire class list of Assignments.

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3.3.3 How to update\delete an Assignment

* Edit Assignments by modifying the textbox and clicking the Update button. * Delete Assignments by pressing the equivalent Delete button.

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Pop-up will ask you to confirm the request before deletion.

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3.3.4 How to try your Assignments

Click on the Try your Assignments button allows to view your defined assignments in the student environment.

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The student environment will be opened in a new tab. After students login detail submission, press the Assignments option on the left menu and view the available assignments.

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3.3.5 Assignments results and reports

Click on the View Results button offers to view all the students results for the specific assignment.

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Different result parameters for different assignments.

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3.3.5 Assignments results and reports

Results can be exported to Excel file by pressing the Send to Mail button: (a) For all Assignments.

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Students Management Student Environment (b) Per Assignment.

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If you cannot find the report on your e-mail, check your junk mail.

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Add Real Tests | Add Practice Test | Edit Tests | Delete Tests | Results | Reports

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3.4 My Tests
Build your Tests by clicking the Edit Tests button of the chosen class.

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3.4.1 How to add a real Test

In order to add a real test: (a) Set a test code and put the typing text inside the Test Text box. (b) Set the time period for the test. (c) Click the Update button.

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Each class is limited to 10 real Tests.

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3.4.2 How to add a practice Test

In order to add a practice test: (a) Put the typing text inside the Test Text box. (b) Set the time period for the test. (c) Click the Update button.

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3.4.3 How to edit Tests

Put the typing text in the Test Text box, set the time period and press the Update button: (a) Real Tests

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(b) Practice Test

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3.4.4 How to delete Tests

Tests deletion is performed by pressing the Delete button of the chosen test.

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3.4.5 View Tests results

Set the following parameters and press the Submit button to get a Test report of your students grades:

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Test results are also available at the Students section.

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3.4.6 Tests mail report

Results can be exported to Excel file by pressing the Send to Mail button:

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If you cannot find the report on your e-mail, check your junk mail.

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Add Students | Move Students | Import Students | Manage Students | Assignment Report | Test Report

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4. My Students
This section allows you to view, control and manage your students. Click the Manage button of the chosen class to access the Students section.

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Students can be also accessed through the left menu.

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4.1 How to add a Student

In order to add a student, the mandatory parameters must be filled. Then, press the Add Student button.

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Username must be a unique value which was never used by another student.

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4.2 How to move Students

(a) Select Class Code

(b) Select class to import from and press the Move Students button.

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(c) Check the relevant students and press the Submit button.

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4.3 How to import Students

Upload file to register bulk students in a single action:

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Important! The following steps must be taken: a) Open an excel file b) Fill all the mandatory fields per student (example can be found here) * User name must be a unique value which wasn't used by another teacher. * Password must include at least 5 characters. * E-mail address is optional. * Class may contain up to 100 students. * File must be under 25 KB. c) Save the file as "Text (tab delimited)": d) File -> Save As -> Save As Type = Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) e) Upload the file (if necessary, correct the detected errors) f) Verify that the students are displayed in the students list below.

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4.4 How to manage Students

(1) Activate a Student Press the ? button. Necessary when a student submits Join request to class from the student environment. (2) Remove a Student Press the Remove button. (3) View Student logins Press the View button. Allows to update password. (4) Export Students details Press the Send to Mail button. (Excel format)

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Each class contains its own student list. However, students can join more than one class.

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4.5 Get Student assignment report

By clicking the View button, a report for all assignments per student is received. Press the Send to Mail button to export an Excel report for the results per student or class level.

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The bottom Send to Mail button submits a class level report.

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4.6 Get Student test report

By clicking the View button, a report for all tests per student is received. Press the Send to Mail button to export an Excel report for the results per student.

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The bottom Class test report link refers to the Tests Report page.

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5. Student Environment
Students portal to insert their Class Code.

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5.1 How do Students Sign Up / Login

On class dashboard, the student can either sign up or login (in case that he had already registered).

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Forgot your password? option submits an e-mail to the student with a new password. If the student didnt specify an e-mail address during registration, provide the parameter from the teachers side.

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5.2 How do Students join a class

After filling the Class Code and login details submission, the students needs to fill the teachers first name and Class Code to send Join a Class request.

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5.3 How do Students edit personal info

View Profile link opens the Personal Info page where the student can view and change personal settings by changing values and press the Update button.

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5.4 How do Students access Assignments

The student clicks the Assignments link and then chooses a specific Assignment.

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The student must be logged-in and confirmed in class to access Assignments.

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5.5 How do Students access Lessons

The student clicks the Lessons link and then chooses a specific lesson.

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5.6 How do Students access Tests

The student clicks the Typing Test link and then inserts full name and Test Code and then presses Start the Test to access Real Test. For Practice Test, the student presses the Just Practice button.

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6. Reporting
This section allows you to view the results of each activity (test / assignment) per student.

6.1 Tests Report

Enter the specific test code and specify the date range. Students records will be displayed below.

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6.2 Assignments Report

Enter the assignment number and the students records will be displayed below.

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7. Contact us
We will be happy to answer any question you may have. The student may press the Contact Us link and feedback us.

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