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Western Spaghetti


Sept 13 2012 | Daisy M.

1. Overview

Post your movie!

Post your movie to your blog.

Overview: Information What is it? Who made it? When? Why do I love it?

Answer the questions in your own words

A stop motion short depicting the process of making spaghetti.

Adam Pesapane aka PES (director, animator, writer) Javan Ivey (animator) Sam Welsch (editor)

2008, 2009 Sundance Film Festival Honorable Mention

Its a fresh and different take on cooking videos. I love the variety and animation of objects used to represent foods. Also the sound is so well done it makes it feel real.

2. Form

Form: Board

Explode the piece into a series of key frames, at least one per scene

Form: Execution What does it look like?

Style, Palette, Imagery, Analogy

Decode the style of your piece

The imagery and objects used are not those used for cooking. The object are more likely found in that drawer in which you throw all your random stuff in, and so because of this the project feels experimental and new. The lighting as well has a light yellow hue of incandescent light bulbs often found in homes. While the objects used are diverse in color (rubiks cube, pick up sticks, rubber bands, red cloth, candy corn, etc) In addition, the objects used all have different textures and sizes.

What does it move like?

Animation, Camera, Edit, Analogy

The animation is stop motion. Its very fluid and at times feels more like a video than pictures. The camera is on a tripod because the only thing that moves is what is being animated in the shot. There is always enough of a pause for one to notice what new object is being introduced. The transition between scenes are simple cuts with various shots in one scene.

What does it sound like?

Music, Sound Design, Mood, Tone

This piece has no music and in its place there are sounds representing the actions. The sounds reflect the ambiance of cooking in the kitchen. Gas stove top sounds, grilling and boiling sounds, grating, strong chopping. There are also plenty of knife sounds as it slices, chops and minces the food. The sound unlike the imagery is very realistic and not as imaginative.

Form: Single Shot

One specific shot or technique broken out in frames

Form: References + Inspiration

Build a mood board of reference that could have inspired the designer

Form: Edit

Illustrate the structure of the edit

3. Content

Content: Concept

Decode the thinking behind your piece


Ideas, tone, motifs, techniques, moods, imagery etc.

Fresh Fun Texture Pictures Home Games Food Cooking

Warm Different Rainbow Stop Motion Custom Fabric Playful Detail

Melting Mixing Process

Theme Thesis

Pick one single idea that you think encapsulates the piece.

A graphic and imaginative way to express a cooking process without actual food.

This is a one-liner that sums up the entire piece

4. Form + Content

Form + Content
Could be typography, camera work, imagery, edit, animation, color palette, sound, anything!

Give 3 examples of how form and content are related


All textures in this piece are different. This helps to reinforce the playfulness of the piece. The textures make the pieces seem limitless, keeping the viewer on its toes for what is to come next.


The sound brings real life kitchen sounds to what normally would be silent objects. The sounds much like the imagery feels homemade and experimental.


This piece is animated in stop motion which allows it to be experimental. Each scene feels thought of in a different way. Objects interact differently with each other. They all are cooked various ways. (chopping, melting, squashing)

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