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Blanca Maldonado gorman

CUSD School Board 2012 Fiscally Responsible Receptive Reasonable

As a working parent with 2 children in the CUSD schools, and as a volunteer with hundreds of hours in the classroom and on campus, I understand the challenges you and your family experience. I will be your voice at the school district to ensure that all of our children receive a rigorous and relevant education. As a bilingual speaker, I am able to represent All students and families. My accounting background and common sense approach to problemsolving prepares me to work collaboratively with CUSD Board members, administration, teachers and parents to make CUSD schools the best they can be. I am particularly interested in:

Ensuring a 21st Century Education I believe that we should focus on research and evidence-based learning strategies such as project based learning and Common Core standards that will engage and empower students and prepare them for college, the workforce and a twenty first century globally competitive society. Building Community We must come together as parents to address the common educational goals/challenges of our children as a whole. Regular parent education nights with guest educational speakers and topic specific w orking groups are ways to educate ourselves and brainstorm solutions that can be presented to the CUSD Administration and Board for consideration. Expediting Information Sharing Busy parents need easily accessible and current financial information and business of the school district posted on the website in order to actively participate in events and decisions affecting their children. Additionally, I would like to see a weekly district w ide e-newsletter hi-lighting the events/news of each school and the district. Encouraging Parent Involvement - I envision a district adopted volunteer program whereby parents are encouraged to volunteer time or talent. I believe that the PTO and COPLA/ELAC parent meetings should collaborate for the benefit of the entire school community to allow all parents to engage in and support their childs educational experience. Greening Up- I would like to continue to support CUSD in assessing chemical and other potentially harmful materials affecting our childrens health while on CUSD campuses and work to develop a plan to eliminate harmful substances while still staying within budget. Identifying Funding We need to identify available external as well as internal funding in order to fund and sustain critical programs such as science, PE, arts, and music in the lower grades and partnership academies in the upper grades.

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