September 6, 2012

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Blast from the Past From the archives of the Pioneer Review

84 Years Ago September 6, 1928 The Philip public school opened for work Monday morning with approximately 300 students. *** Miss Viola Holverson and Herman Becker both of Philip were married at Preston, Minn., on August 15th. Local News The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burns of Milesville narrowly escaped serious injury at the fair grounds Friday when he was struck by a car. The little fellow broke away from his mother and ran in front of a car driven by Harold Morgan. The accident was unavoidable and luckily the child was not seriously hurt. Elbon Locals W.K. Wilson had the misfortune of breaking his leg in a runaway a few days ago. He lost control of his team which was hitched to the hayrack coming down the steep hill into the ranch. His two oldest children were with him and fortunately escaped without a scratch. When the team was brought to a stop the bed pieces were all that were left of the rack. 75 Years Ago September 2, 1937 Fire that started from the radio, apparently from a short circuit, caused considerable damage at the George Owens home, in the west end of town last Thursday at 6:32 p.m. There was no one at the Owens place when the fire broke out. Mrs. R.T. Hedden, nearest neighbor, gave the alarm when she saw smoke pouring out of the house. *** While in Minneapolis last week, George Owens, local blacksmith, contracted with the Joseph Brown manufacturing company to produce and sell his mower invention on a guaranteed royalty basis. The Manila Times Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hand are the proud parents of a baby girl, Kathleen. Billie Phillips killed a large rattlesnake in their melon patch Monday morning. Old Trail News James Heltzel ran a nail into his hand last week and blood poison started. School started today. Mrs. Lester Robbins is the teacher this year. Local Briefs Alice and Lillian Knutson went to Pierre Monday to enroll in high school for the winter term. A marriage performed Monday, August 23, in the offices of the County Judge H.L. Brown, was that of Gene Williams to Miss Saxon Guptill, both of Quinn. The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, also of Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. George Owens returned Saturday morning from Hinkley, Minn., where they spent a week visiting in the home of her sister whom she had not seen for 22 years. F.A. Hart, Sr., suffered a light stroke last Thursday evening at his home in Philip. His grandson, Robin Hart, came from Rapid City that night and returned Monday. North Plum Creek News Jane Fitch is working for Shunks at Cherry Creek and Dorothy is working for Mrs. Levy. Butte View News Miss Alice Eide left for Rapid City where she will go to school this year. Margaret Farrell spent Thursday afternoon with Ilo Smith. Billy Reynick left for Chillicothe, Mo., where he will attend school this year. We understand that Jud Fennell also plans to attend school there. Margaret Farrell is working at the Ransom Anderson home; Bernice Kellogg is staying at the dormitory and Frances Slovek is working at the Wayne Nelson home. Nowlin News Nowlin school started Monday with Mildred Fairchild as high school teacher and Marie Kodet as grade teacher. Eleanor Holden is again teaching the school north of Nowlin. Rose and Buddie Williams will attend Pierre high school. The Manila Times The Manila school opens Monday, September 6, with Miss Goldie Whistler as teacher. 50 Years Ago September 6, 1962 Open house was held at the Legion Hall here Sunday, August 26th for Roger and Rena Peterson who were married August 28, 1917, at Lead. Mrs. George Owens led the procession with a silver cowbell decorated with orchid and white streamers while the group sang and march to Coming Around the Mountain. Mrs. Archie McKay and daughter Susan sang Smiling Through, and Merry Oldsmobile accompanied by Mary Lou McKay at the piano. Miss Gloria Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herman F. Becker of Philip, became the bride of Thomas L. Grosland, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Huber Grosland of Wheaton, Minn., August 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church in Philip. *** First day enrollment at the Philip school was at 471 with more expected. First, 42, second, 40, third, 42, fourth, 35, fifth, 36, and 31 students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades. In high school there are 50 freshman, 52 sophomores, 42 juniors and 39 seniors. Grindstone News We extend our sympathy to the friends and relatives of Mrs. Nels Carstensen who passed away early Sunday morning at the Philip hospital. Ethel was an early pioneer in our community and will be missed. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Knutson at St. Johns Hospital in Rapid City on August 26. He weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces and has been named Barry Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thorson became proud grandparents to a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Loren OReilly in Kadoka, August 28. She weighed 7 pounds and one ounce and has been named Susan Marie. Laurie Ann, oldest daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Thorson, broke her arm when she fell from a bunk bed while playing. Rose Kiels grandmother passed away after being bedridden for seven years. She was 92 years old and lived near Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. John Harty of Milesville announced the engagement of her daughter, Phyllis Ann, to Robert K. Grubl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Grubl of Sturgis. 25 Years Ago September 3, 1987 Paulette Roseth, Philip, claimed the World Title in the National Little Britches Rodeo Finals held August 1522 in Colorado Springs, Colo. *** Born to Jeff and Dana Dykstra a daughter, Jamie Lee, on Wednesday, August 26, 1987. She weighed five pounds and 12 ounces. Ottumwa News Debbie Riggins, Quentin, Cody and Erin moved from her mothers into her own mobile home in Philip the past week. She had the home moved from Wanblee this past week. Moenville News Teachers at the Deep Creek School will be Jayne Gaikowski,(now Gottsleben) teaching the lower grades and is returning to the school. The new teacher, Steve White, will teach the upper grades. Teachers aides will be Mary Briggs and Nancy Neville.

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